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Date:- 19/10/19 (Monday)

1. Glass cleaning:-

Material & equipment required:-

 Protective gloves, Apron Soft-bristle brush or dust cloth. Sponge or lint-free

cloth. Squeegee. Bucket or spray bottle. R-3, water.

1. Watch the weather

Schedule your window cleaning project for an overcast day. The heat of the sun can
cause liquid cleaner to dry too quickly, causing streaking.

2. Dry-cleaning your windows

Clean the dry window surface with a soft-bristle brush or dust cloth. Tackle
cobwebs, dust and dirt before getting the windows wet.

3. Mix the solution

Prepare a gentle liquid window cleaning solution to use on the window panes only:
mix 20 ml R-3 in 1 ltr water

4. Tackling the dirt

Using a sponge or lint-free cloth, wet the window glass and rub away the dirt. Avoid
drenching (soak) the windows and try to keep the water solution from coming in
contact with the window frame.

5. Squeegee hints

Squeegee the window glass by first wetting the blade so it doesn’t skip. Starting at
an upper corner:

● Draw the squeegee down in a straight stroke.

● Wipe the blade with a lint-free cloth.

● Repeat until you wipe the entire window.

6. The final step

Clean the window frames by wiping them down with a damp cloth and immediately
rinsing with a clean, dry cloth. Use only non-ammoniated all-purpose cleaner or
water for the window frames.
Precautions to be taken:-

1. Do not wet the article with too much of water.

2. If marks are seen on the glass, use thinner to remove before the application of water solution.
3. Vinegar can be added for extra shining.
4. If the article has got a wooden frame, do not apply too much of water on it.

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