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VersionCode: 6707

VersionName: 6.7.3
ColorOS Version: UNKNOW
Mobile MODEL: RMX2001
Android Version: 10
Android API: 29
getNetworkTypeName: UNKNOW
WindowWidth And WindowHeight: 1080*2285
System's currenTimeMillis: 1584359392631

2020-03-16 17_34_43 538 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false

2020-03-16 17_34_43 539 / PlatformUtil : getPlatformManufacturer: mtk
2020-03-16 17_34_43 543 / TaskProcessor : sTaskThread start
2020-03-16 17_34_43 547 / NetworkUtil : networkInfo is null
2020-03-16 17_34_43 548 / RemoteConsole : getLocaleFromCache: IN
2020-03-16 17_34_43 549 / TelephonyUtil : isMultiSimEnabled Q: true
2020-03-16 17_34_43 551 / Global : The country code is IN
2020-03-16 17_34_43 552 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-03-16 17_34_43 555 / Global : lastVersionCode:6707, currentVersionCode:6707
2020-03-16 17_34_43 556 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : loadXmlValues:
2020-03-16 17_34_43 556 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : getDataFromProvider
2020-03-16 17_34_43 559 / NetworkUtil : networkInfo is null
2020-03-16 17_34_43 559 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : cursor is null
2020-03-16 17_34_43 559 / NetworkChangedReceiver : mCurNetworkState: 0
2020-03-16 17_34_43 560 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : get from local assets
2020-03-16 17_34_43 560 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : beginDocument Q
2020-03-16 17_34_43 560 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-03-16 17_34_43 560 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : PilotDisableMccList:[424, 620, 734,
748, 655, 740, 716, 730, 724, 722, 404, 405, 406, 414, 429, 452, 456, 413, 427,
432, 334, 732, 712, 706, 704, 710, 714, 602]
2020-03-16 17_34_43 560 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-03-16 17_34_43 560 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : DisableDialogTypeList:[]
2020-03-16 17_34_43 560 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-03-16 17_34_43 560 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : sAutoOpenPackageSupport=true
2020-03-16 17_34_43 560 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-03-16 17_34_43 560 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : sAutoOpenPackage=true
2020-03-16 17_34_43 560 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-03-16 17_34_43 560 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : sAutoOpenDisableList:[]
2020-03-16 17_34_43 560 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-03-16 17_34_43 560 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : sAutoClosePackageSupport=true
2020-03-16 17_34_43 560 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-03-16 17_34_43 560 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : sSystemSupportApp=true
2020-03-16 17_34_43 561 / RoamingJobService : onStartJob 1
2020-03-16 17_34_43 561 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-03-16 17_34_43 561 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : sPayPalEnabled:true
2020-03-16 17_34_43 561 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-03-16 17_34_43 561 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-03-16 17_34_43 570 / SoftSimConsole : doAfterInitialize: add runnable before
initialize: d.h.a.g.p@ae173cf
2020-03-16 17_34_43 580 / SoftSimConsole : Bind softSimService result: true
2020-03-16 17_34_43 925 / SoftSimConsole : onServiceConnected
2020-03-16 17_34_43 925 / SoftSimConsole : registerServiceCallback()
2020-03-16 17_34_44 269 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-03-16 17_34_44 269 / OrderController : usefulOrder: false
2020-03-16 17_34_44 269 / SlotMonitor : checkHasOrderEnabledWhenServiceConnected:
2020-03-16 17_34_44 271 / SoftSimConsole : lookupCard slot 0 not found any iccid
2020-03-16 17_34_44 271 / SlotMonitor : checkHasOrderEnabledWhenServiceConnected:
2020-03-16 17_34_44 273 / SoftSimConsole : lookupCard slot 1 not found any iccid
2020-03-16 17_34_44 274 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429
2020-03-16 17_34_44 274 / DcsUtils : pushMccChangeDcsAction
2020-03-16 17_34_44 278 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-03-16 17_34_44 289 / LocationController : getCachedLocations() load form
2020-03-16 17_34_44 413 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change mcc = 429
country = Nepal
2020-03-16 17_34_44 413 / SoftSimController : resetPilotRemainTimes()
2020-03-16 17_34_44 416 / SoftSimConsole : resetPilotRemainTimes: 0
2020-03-16 17_34_44 416 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-03-16 17_34_44 417 / OrderController : getOrdersFromCache : null
2020-03-16 17_34_44 417 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change
showTipsOnRecommend 2
2020-03-16 17_34_44 417 / Settings : getShowRecommend: recommended
2020-03-16 17_34_44 417 / VersionUtil : isSystemSupport = true
2020-03-16 17_34_44 474 / ActivityCacheManager : add:
com.redteamobile.roaming.activites.dialog.RecommendDialogActivity@fbee79e, activity
size: 1
2020-03-16 17_34_44 474 / BaseDialogActivity : onCreate
2020-03-16 17_34_44 475 / RecommendDialogActivity : initParams: 66
2020-03-16 17_34_44 487 / DialogUtils : ignoreHomeMenuKey:
2020-03-16 17_34_44 541 / Global : setInForeground: true
2020-03-16 17_34_44 641 / OrderController : getEnabledOrderId : 0
2020-03-16 17_34_44 641 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-03-16 17_34_44 641 / Utils : dismissNotice: 258
2020-03-16 17_34_52 634 / Global : setInForeground: false
2020-03-16 17_34_52 634 / OrderController : getEnabledOrderId : 0
2020-03-16 17_34_52 635 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-03-16 17_34_52 635 / Utils : dismissNotice: 258
2020-03-16 17_34_52 635 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-03-16 17_35_43 782 / Global : setInForeground: true
2020-03-16 17_35_43 835 / OrderController : getEnabledOrderId : 0
2020-03-16 17_35_43 835 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-03-16 17_35_43 835 / Utils : dismissNotice: 258
2020-03-19 14_31_08 531 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-03-19 14_31_08 533 / PlatformUtil : getPlatformManufacturer: mtk
2020-03-19 14_31_08 539 / TaskProcessor : sTaskThread start
2020-03-19 14_31_08 544 / NetworkUtil : networkInfo is null
2020-03-19 14_31_08 548 / RemoteConsole : getLocaleFromCache: IN
2020-03-19 14_31_08 552 / TelephonyUtil : isMultiSimEnabled Q: true
2020-03-19 14_31_08 554 / Global : The country code is IN
2020-03-19 14_31_08 556 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-03-19 14_31_08 561 / Global : lastVersionCode:6707, currentVersionCode:6707
2020-03-19 14_31_08 562 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : loadXmlValues:
2020-03-19 14_31_08 563 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : getDataFromProvider
2020-03-19 14_31_08 566 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-03-19 14_31_08 566 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-03-19 14_31_08 566 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-03-19 14_31_08 566 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-03-19 14_31_08 567 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-03-19 14_31_08 567 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 429
2020-03-19 14_31_08 567 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
429,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-03-19 14_31_08 567 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-03-19 14_31_08 567 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : cursor is null
2020-03-19 14_31_08 567 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : get from local assets
2020-03-19 14_31_08 568 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-03-19 14_31_08 568 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-03-19 14_31_08 569 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : beginDocument Q
2020-03-19 14_31_08 569 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-03-19 14_31_08 569 / NetworkUtil : networkInfo is null
2020-03-19 14_31_08 569 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : PilotDisableMccList:[424, 620, 734,
748, 655, 740, 716, 730, 724, 722, 404, 405, 406, 414, 429, 452, 456, 413, 427,
432, 334, 732, 712, 706, 704, 710, 714, 602]
2020-03-19 14_31_08 569 / NetworkChangedReceiver : mCurNetworkState: 0
2020-03-19 14_31_08 569 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-03-19 14_31_08 569 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : DisableDialogTypeList:[]
2020-03-19 14_31_08 569 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-03-19 14_31_08 569 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : sAutoOpenPackageSupport=true
2020-03-19 14_31_08 569 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-03-19 14_31_08 570 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : sAutoOpenPackage=true
2020-03-19 14_31_08 570 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-03-19 14_31_08 570 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : sAutoOpenDisableList:[]
2020-03-19 14_31_08 570 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-03-19 14_31_08 570 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : sAutoClosePackageSupport=true
2020-03-19 14_31_08 570 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-03-19 14_31_08 570 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : sSystemSupportApp=true
2020-03-19 14_31_08 570 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-03-19 14_31_08 570 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : sPayPalEnabled:true
2020-03-19 14_31_08 571 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-03-19 14_31_08 571 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-03-19 14_31_08 586 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-03-19 14_31_11 059 / UIUtils : uiModeManager.getNightMode(): 1
2020-03-19 14_31_11 065 / RedteaRoamingUserActionStatistics :
from=LAUNCHER;intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN
cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000
cmp=com.redteamobile.roaming/.MainActivity bnds=[390,1438][690,1739]
mCallingUid=10074 }
2020-03-19 14_31_11 073 / ActivityCacheManager : add:
com.redteamobile.roaming.MainActivity@686e8d5, activity size: 1
2020-03-19 14_31_11 073 / VersionUtil : isSystemSupport = true
2020-03-19 14_31_11 074 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-03-19 14_31_11 074 / OrderController : getOrdersFromCache : null
2020-03-19 14_31_11 074 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-03-19 14_31_11 074 / MainActivity : refresh()
2020-03-19 14_31_11 075 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-03-19 14_31_11 075 / OrderController : getOrdersFromCache : null
2020-03-19 14_31_11 079 / SoftSimConsole : Bind softSimService result: true
2020-03-19 14_31_11 117 / UIUtils : uiModeManager.getNightMode(): 1
2020-03-19 14_31_11 123 / MainActivity : from=LAUNCHER;intent=Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.redteamobile.roaming/.MainActivity bnds=[390,1438][690,1739]
mCallingUid=10074 }
2020-03-19 14_31_11 130 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-03-19 14_31_11 130 / OrderController : getOrdersFromCache : null
2020-03-19 14_31_11 130 / MainActivity : >>>>> uploadUsage
2020-03-19 14_31_11 132 / SoftSimConsole : doAfterInitialize: add runnable before
initialize: d.h.a.i.a.b@8c9723e
2020-03-19 14_31_11 132 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 5, return
2020-03-19 14_31_11 133 / SoftSimConsole : Bind softSimService result: true
2020-03-19 14_31_11 135 / Global : setInForeground: true
2020-03-19 14_31_11 137 / MainActivity : onResume()
2020-03-19 14_31_11 152 / SoftSimConsole : onServiceConnected
2020-03-19 14_31_11 152 / SoftSimConsole : registerServiceCallback()
2020-03-19 14_31_11 154 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-03-19 14_31_11 154 / OrderController : usefulOrder: false
2020-03-19 14_31_11 154 / SlotMonitor : checkHasOrderEnabledWhenServiceConnected:
2020-03-19 14_31_11 155 / OrderController : getEnabledOrderId : 0
2020-03-19 14_31_11 155 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-03-19 14_31_11 155 / Utils : dismissNotice: 258
2020-03-19 14_31_11 158 / SoftSimConsole : lookupCard slot 0 not found any iccid
2020-03-19 14_31_11 158 / SlotMonitor : checkHasOrderEnabledWhenServiceConnected:
2020-03-19 14_31_11 159 / SoftSimConsole : lookupCard slot 1 not found any iccid
2020-03-19 14_31_11 169 / AllLocationsFragment : start registerDevice
2020-03-19 14_31_11 169 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-03-19 14_31_11 172 / CommonUtil : getSafeImei return null
2020-03-19 14_31_11 172 / CommonUtil : getSafeImei return null
2020-03-19 14_31_11 172 / OPPOLiteController : getImei() returned:
2020-03-19 14_31_11 176 / LocationController : responce is null, json=null
2020-03-19 14_31_11 176 / AllLocationsFragment : getNeighborCountriesFromCache fail
2020-03-19 14_31_11 178 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-03-19 14_31_11 189 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-03-19 14_31_11 190 / OrderController : getOrdersFromCache : null
2020-03-19 14_31_11 190 / LocationController : getCachedLocations() load form
2020-03-19 14_31_11 192 / Global : isActivatingFreeOrder: false
2020-03-19 14_31_11 193 / IdentifierManager : APID support: true
2020-03-19 14_31_11 267 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-03-19 14_31_11 267 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 429
2020-03-19 14_31_11 267 / Global : getCurrentMcc:429
2020-03-19 14_31_11 267 / AllLocationsFragment : showNeighborCountries null
2020-03-19 14_31_11 270 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-03-19 14_31_11 272 / AllLocationsFragment : start registerDevice
2020-03-19 14_31_11 280 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-03-19 14_31_11 280 / OrderController : getOrdersFromCache : null
2020-03-19 14_31_11 280 / AnalyticsController : >>>>> uploadUsage
2020-03-19 14_31_11 281 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-03-19 14_31_11 282 / AnalyticsController : >>>>> analyticsOrderList = null,
lastAnalyticsOrderModels = null
2020-03-19 14_31_11 289 / LiteEngine : isPilotEnabled:false, isPilotEnabling:false
2020-03-19 14_31_11 289 / HttpUtil : Start post:
2020-03-19 14_31_11 301 / HttpUtil : post:
2020-03-19 14_31_11 301 / HttpUtil : request post
post data:
total spends:12 ms
response size:0
2020-03-19 14_31_11 389 / LiteEngine : isPilotEnabled:false, isPilotEnabling:false
2020-03-19 14_31_11 389 / HttpUtil : Start post:
2020-03-19 14_31_11 390 / HttpUtil : post:
2020-03-19 14_31_11 392 / HttpUtil : request post
post data:{"initToken":"U9sTWKf2s1Qj2EG5uC68CN8DlJppoN8n","device":
total spends:3 ms
response size:0
2020-03-19 14_31_11 395 / CommonUtil : getSafeImei return null
2020-03-19 14_31_11 395 / CommonUtil : getSafeImei return null
2020-03-19 14_31_11 395 / OPPOLiteController : getImei() returned:
2020-03-19 14_31_11 396 / IdentifierManager : APID support: true
2020-03-19 14_31_11 403 / LiteEngine : isPilotEnabled:false, isPilotEnabling:false
2020-03-19 14_31_11 403 / HttpUtil : Start post:
2020-03-19 14_31_11 405 / HttpUtil : post:
2020-03-19 14_31_11 406 / HttpUtil : request post
post data:{"initToken":"U9sTWKf2s1Qj2EG5uC68CN8DlJppoN8n","device":
total spends:3 ms
response size:0
2020-03-19 14_31_11 561 / BaseActivity : currentTask:529
2020-03-19 14_31_11 563 / BaseActivity : task:529
2020-03-19 14_31_11 563 / BaseActivity : current is app task, return
2020-03-19 14_31_13 548 / CommonUtil : getSafeImei return null
2020-03-19 14_31_13 549 / CommonUtil : getSafeImei return null
2020-03-19 14_31_13 549 / OPPOLiteController : getImei() returned:
2020-03-19 14_31_13 549 / IdentifierManager : APID support: true
2020-03-19 14_31_13 560 / LiteEngine : isPilotEnabled:false, isPilotEnabling:false
2020-03-19 14_31_13 560 / HttpUtil : Start post:
2020-03-19 14_31_13 567 / HttpUtil : post:
2020-03-19 14_31_13 569 / HttpUtil : request post
post data:{"initToken":"U9sTWKf2s1Qj2EG5uC68CN8DlJppoN8n","device":
total spends:8 ms
response size:0
2020-03-19 14_31_13 572 / CommonUtil : getSafeImei return null
2020-03-19 14_31_13 572 / CommonUtil : getSafeImei return null
2020-03-19 14_31_13 572 / OPPOLiteController : getImei() returned:
2020-03-19 14_31_13 572 / IdentifierManager : APID support: true
2020-03-19 14_31_13 581 / LiteEngine : isPilotEnabled:false, isPilotEnabling:false
2020-03-19 14_31_13 581 / HttpUtil : Start post:
2020-03-19 14_31_13 585 / HttpUtil : post:
2020-03-19 14_31_13 586 / HttpUtil : request post
post data:{"initToken":"U9sTWKf2s1Qj2EG5uC68CN8DlJppoN8n","device":
total spends:5 ms
response size:0
2020-03-19 14_31_13 778 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-03-19 14_31_13 778 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is foreground
2020-03-19 14_31_13 778 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-03-19 14_31_13 778 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-03-19 14_31_13 778 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-03-19 14_31_13 778 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 429
2020-03-19 14_31_13 778 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
429,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-03-19 14_31_13 778 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-03-19 14_31_13 779 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-03-19 14_31_13 779 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-03-19 14_31_13 779 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-03-19 14_31_16 289 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-03-19 14_31_16 290 / OrderController : getOrdersFromCache : null
2020-03-19 14_31_16 290 / AnalyticsController : >>>>> uploadUsage
2020-03-19 14_31_16 291 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-03-19 14_31_16 291 / AnalyticsController : >>>>> analyticsOrderList = null,
lastAnalyticsOrderModels = null
2020-03-19 14_31_16 395 / CommonUtil : getSafeImei return null
2020-03-19 14_31_16 396 / CommonUtil : getSafeImei return null
2020-03-19 14_31_16 396 / OPPOLiteController : getImei() returned:
2020-03-19 14_31_16 396 / IdentifierManager : APID support: true
2020-03-19 14_31_16 405 / LiteEngine : isPilotEnabled:false, isPilotEnabling:false
2020-03-19 14_31_16 406 / HttpUtil : Start post:
2020-03-19 14_31_16 413 / HttpUtil : post:
2020-03-19 14_31_16 414 / HttpUtil : request post
post data:{"initToken":"U9sTWKf2s1Qj2EG5uC68CN8DlJppoN8n","device":
total spends:8 ms
response size:0
2020-03-19 14_31_18 576 / CommonUtil : getSafeImei return null
2020-03-19 14_31_18 576 / CommonUtil : getSafeImei return null
2020-03-19 14_31_18 576 / OPPOLiteController : getImei() returned:
2020-03-19 14_31_18 576 / IdentifierManager : APID support: true
2020-03-19 14_31_18 586 / LiteEngine : isPilotEnabled:false, isPilotEnabling:false
2020-03-19 14_31_18 586 / HttpUtil : Start post:
2020-03-19 14_31_18 593 / HttpUtil : post:
2020-03-19 14_31_18 594 / HttpUtil : request post
post data:{"initToken":"U9sTWKf2s1Qj2EG5uC68CN8DlJppoN8n","device":
total spends:7 ms
response size:0
2020-03-19 14_31_18 595 / CommonUtil : getSafeImei return null
2020-03-19 14_31_18 595 / CommonUtil : getSafeImei return null
2020-03-19 14_31_18 595 / OPPOLiteController : getImei() returned:
2020-03-19 14_31_18 595 / IdentifierManager : APID support: true
2020-03-19 14_31_18 605 / LiteEngine : isPilotEnabled:false, isPilotEnabling:false
2020-03-19 14_31_18 605 / HttpUtil : Start post:
2020-03-19 14_31_18 608 / HttpUtil : post:
2020-03-19 14_31_18 610 / HttpUtil : request post
post data:{"initToken":"U9sTWKf2s1Qj2EG5uC68CN8DlJppoN8n","device":
total spends:5 ms
response size:0
2020-03-19 14_31_21 159 / OrderController : getEnabledOrderId : 0
2020-03-19 14_31_21 159 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-03-19 14_31_21 159 / Utils : dismissNotice: 258
2020-03-19 14_31_21 161 / OrderListFragment : OrderListFragment onReceive:
2020-03-19 14_31_21 299 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-03-19 14_31_21 299 / OrderController : getOrdersFromCache : null
2020-03-19 14_31_21 300 / AnalyticsController : >>>>> uploadUsage
2020-03-19 14_31_21 301 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-03-19 14_31_21 301 / AnalyticsController : >>>>> analyticsOrderList = null,
lastAnalyticsOrderModels = null
2020-03-19 14_31_29 062 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-03-19 14_31_29 062 / OrderController : getOrdersFromCache : null
2020-03-19 14_31_31 162 / OrderController : getEnabledOrderId : 0
2020-03-19 14_31_31 162 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-03-19 14_31_31 163 / Utils : dismissNotice: 258
2020-03-19 14_31_31 164 / OrderListFragment : OrderListFragment onReceive:
2020-03-19 14_31_38 484 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-03-19 14_31_38 484 / OrderController : getOrdersFromCache : null
2020-03-19 14_31_41 169 / OrderController : getEnabledOrderId : 0
2020-03-19 14_31_41 169 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-03-19 14_31_41 169 / Utils : dismissNotice: 258
2020-03-19 14_31_41 180 / OrderListFragment : OrderListFragment onReceive:
2020-03-19 14_31_46 185 / UIUtils : uiModeManager.getNightMode(): 1
2020-03-19 14_31_46 191 / ActivityCacheManager : add:
com.redteamobile.roaming.activites.AllLocationActivity@7bec79f, activity size: 2
2020-03-19 14_31_46 191 / VersionUtil : isSystemSupport = true
2020-03-19 14_31_46 193 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-03-19 14_31_46 193 / OrderController : getOrdersFromCache : null
2020-03-19 14_31_46 199 / UIUtils : uiModeManager.getNightMode(): 1
2020-03-19 14_31_46 202 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-03-19 14_31_46 207 / LocationController : getCachedLocations() load form
2020-03-19 14_31_46 431 / BaseActivity : currentTask:529
2020-03-19 14_31_46 431 / BaseActivity : task:529
2020-03-19 14_31_46 431 / BaseActivity : current is app task, return
2020-03-19 14_31_51 170 / OrderController : getEnabledOrderId : 0
2020-03-19 14_31_51 171 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-03-19 14_31_51 171 / Utils : dismissNotice: 258
2020-03-19 14_31_51 172 / OrderListFragment : OrderListFragment onReceive:
2020-03-19 14_32_01 172 / OrderController : getEnabledOrderId : 0
2020-03-19 14_32_01 172 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-03-19 14_32_01 172 / Utils : dismissNotice: 258
2020-03-19 14_32_01 174 / OrderListFragment : OrderListFragment onReceive:
2020-03-19 14_32_03 603 / MainActivity : onResume()
2020-03-19 14_32_03 607 / AllLocationsFragment : start registerDevice
2020-03-19 14_32_03 607 / Global : isActivatingFreeOrder: false
2020-03-19 14_32_03 608 / CommonUtil : getSafeImei return null
2020-03-19 14_32_03 608 / CommonUtil : getSafeImei return null
2020-03-19 14_32_03 608 / OPPOLiteController : getImei() returned:
2020-03-19 14_32_03 609 / IdentifierManager : APID support: true
2020-03-19 14_32_03 610 / LiteEngine : isPilotEnabled:false, isPilotEnabling:false
2020-03-19 14_32_03 610 / HttpUtil : Start post:
2020-03-19 14_32_03 613 / HttpUtil : post:
2020-03-19 14_32_03 613 / LiteEngine : isPilotEnabled:false, isPilotEnabling:false
2020-03-19 14_32_03 613 / HttpUtil : Start post:
2020-03-19 14_32_03 614 / HttpUtil : request post
post data:
total spends:3 ms
response size:0
2020-03-19 14_32_03 614 / HttpUtil : post:
2020-03-19 14_32_03 615 / HttpUtil : request post
post data:{"initToken":"U9sTWKf2s1Qj2EG5uC68CN8DlJppoN8n","device":
total spends:1 ms
response size:0
2020-03-19 14_32_03 804 / BaseActivity : currentTask:529
2020-03-19 14_32_03 805 / BaseActivity : task:529
2020-03-19 14_32_03 805 / BaseActivity : current is app task, return
2020-03-19 14_32_03 862 / ActivityCacheManager : remove:
com.redteamobile.roaming.activites.AllLocationActivity@7bec79f, activity size: 1
2020-03-19 14_32_11 180 / OrderController : getEnabledOrderId : 0
2020-03-19 14_32_11 180 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-03-19 14_32_11 180 / Utils : dismissNotice: 258
2020-03-19 14_32_11 182 / OrderListFragment : OrderListFragment onReceive:
2020-04-01 18_48_12 427 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_48_12 435 / PlatformUtil : getPlatformManufacturer: mtk
2020-04-01 18_48_12 441 / TaskProcessor : sTaskThread start
2020-04-01 18_48_12 448 / NetworkUtil : networkInfo is null
2020-04-01 18_48_12 450 / RemoteConsole : getLocaleFromCache: IN
2020-04-01 18_48_12 452 / TelephonyUtil : isMultiSimEnabled Q: true
2020-04-01 18_48_12 455 / Global : The country code is IN
2020-04-01 18_48_12 455 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_48_12 462 / Global : lastVersionCode:6707, currentVersionCode:6707
2020-04-01 18_48_12 463 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : loadXmlValues:
2020-04-01 18_48_12 463 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : getDataFromProvider
2020-04-01 18_48_12 465 / StartUpService : onBind...
2020-04-01 18_48_12 467 / NetworkUtil : networkInfo is null
2020-04-01 18_48_12 468 / NetworkChangedReceiver : mCurNetworkState: 0
2020-04-01 18_48_12 468 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : cursor is null
2020-04-01 18_48_12 468 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : get from local assets
2020-04-01 18_48_12 469 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : beginDocument Q
2020-04-01 18_48_12 469 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-04-01 18_48_12 469 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : PilotDisableMccList:[424, 620, 734,
748, 655, 740, 716, 730, 724, 722, 404, 405, 406, 414, 429, 452, 456, 413, 427,
432, 334, 732, 712, 706, 704, 710, 714, 602]
2020-04-01 18_48_12 469 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-04-01 18_48_12 469 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : DisableDialogTypeList:[]
2020-04-01 18_48_12 469 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-04-01 18_48_12 469 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : sAutoOpenPackageSupport=true
2020-04-01 18_48_12 469 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-04-01 18_48_12 469 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : sAutoOpenPackage=true
2020-04-01 18_48_12 469 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-04-01 18_48_12 470 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : sAutoOpenDisableList:[]
2020-04-01 18_48_12 470 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-04-01 18_48_12 470 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : sAutoClosePackageSupport=true
2020-04-01 18_48_12 470 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-04-01 18_48_12 470 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : sSystemSupportApp=true
2020-04-01 18_48_12 471 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-04-01 18_48_12 471 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : sPayPalEnabled:true
2020-04-01 18_48_12 471 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-04-01 18_48_12 471 / OppoRomUpdateUtils : nextElement Q
2020-04-01 18_48_32 412 / UIUtils : uiModeManager.getNightMode(): 1
2020-04-01 18_48_32 421 / RedteaRoamingUserActionStatistics :
from=SIM_SETTINGS;intent=Intent { act=com.redteamobile.roaming.MAIN
cmp=com.redteamobile.roaming/.MainActivity (has extras) mCallingUid=1001 }
2020-04-01 18_48_32 433 / ActivityCacheManager : add:
com.redteamobile.roaming.MainActivity@60d8bbd, activity size: 1
2020-04-01 18_48_32 433 / VersionUtil : isSystemSupport = true
2020-04-01 18_48_32 433 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-04-01 18_48_32 433 / OrderController : getOrdersFromCache : null
2020-04-01 18_48_32 433 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_48_32 434 / MainActivity : refresh()
2020-04-01 18_48_32 434 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-04-01 18_48_32 434 / OrderController : getOrdersFromCache : null
2020-04-01 18_48_32 436 / SoftSimConsole : Bind softSimService result: true
2020-04-01 18_48_32 466 / UIUtils : uiModeManager.getNightMode(): 1
2020-04-01 18_48_32 471 / MainActivity : from=SIM_SETTINGS;intent=Intent
{ act=com.redteamobile.roaming.MAIN cmp=com.redteamobile.roaming/.MainActivity (has
extras) mCallingUid=1001 }
2020-04-01 18_48_32 481 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-04-01 18_48_32 481 / OrderController : getOrdersFromCache : null
2020-04-01 18_48_32 481 / MainActivity : >>>>> uploadUsage
2020-04-01 18_48_32 482 / SoftSimConsole : doAfterInitialize: add runnable before
initialize: d.h.a.i.a.b@ab48686
2020-04-01 18_48_32 483 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 5, return
2020-04-01 18_48_32 483 / SoftSimConsole : Bind softSimService result: true
2020-04-01 18_48_32 484 / Global : setInForeground: true
2020-04-01 18_48_32 486 / MainActivity : onResume()
2020-04-01 18_48_32 505 / StartUpService : onUnBind...
2020-04-01 18_48_32 505 / StartUpService : onDestroy...
2020-04-01 18_48_32 511 / OrderController : getEnabledOrderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_48_32 511 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_48_32 512 / Utils : dismissNotice: 258
2020-04-01 18_48_32 524 / AllLocationsFragment : start registerDevice
2020-04-01 18_48_32 524 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-04-01 18_48_32 529 / LocationController : responce is null, json=null
2020-04-01 18_48_32 529 / AllLocationsFragment : getNeighborCountriesFromCache fail
2020-04-01 18_48_32 529 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-04-01 18_48_32 537 / LocationController : getCachedLocations() load form
2020-04-01 18_48_32 539 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-04-01 18_48_32 540 / OrderController : getOrdersFromCache : null
2020-04-01 18_48_32 541 / Global : isActivatingFreeOrder: false
2020-04-01 18_48_32 607 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_48_32 613 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_48_32 614 / Global : getCurrentMcc:429
2020-04-01 18_48_32 614 / AllLocationsFragment : showNeighborCountries null
2020-04-01 18_48_32 614 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-04-01 18_48_32 614 / AllLocationsFragment : start loadLocations
2020-04-01 18_48_32 620 / LiteEngine : isPilotEnabled:false, isPilotEnabling:false
2020-04-01 18_48_32 620 / HttpUtil : Start post:
2020-04-01 18_48_32 621 / LiteEngine : isPilotEnabled:false, isPilotEnabling:false
2020-04-01 18_48_32 621 / HttpUtil : Start post:
2020-04-01 18_48_32 621 / LiteEngine : isPilotEnabled:false, isPilotEnabling:false
2020-04-01 18_48_32 621 / HttpUtil : Start post:
2020-04-01 18_48_32 642 / HttpUtil : post:
2020-04-01 18_48_32 642 / HttpUtil : post:
2020-04-01 18_48_32 643 / HttpUtil : request post
post data:
total spends:21 ms
response size:0
2020-04-01 18_48_32 643 / HttpUtil : request post
post data:
total spends:22 ms
response size:0
2020-04-01 18_48_32 644 / HttpUtil : post:
2020-04-01 18_48_32 644 / HttpUtil : request post
post data:
total spends:23 ms
response size:0
2020-04-01 18_48_32 846 / BaseActivity : tasks is empty
2020-04-01 18_48_32 847 / SoftSimConsole : onServiceConnected
2020-04-01 18_48_32 847 / SoftSimConsole : registerServiceCallback()
2020-04-01 18_48_33 175 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_48_33 176 / OrderController : usefulOrder: false
2020-04-01 18_48_33 176 / SlotMonitor : checkHasOrderEnabledWhenServiceConnected:
2020-04-01 18_48_33 178 / SoftSimConsole : lookupCard slot 0 not found any iccid
2020-04-01 18_48_33 178 / SlotMonitor : checkHasOrderEnabledWhenServiceConnected:
2020-04-01 18_48_33 180 / SoftSimConsole : lookupCard slot 1 not found any iccid
2020-04-01 18_48_33 287 / Global : setInForeground: false
2020-04-01 18_48_33 287 / OrderController : getEnabledOrderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_48_33 287 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_48_33 287 / Utils : dismissNotice: 258
2020-04-01 18_48_33 287 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-04-01 18_48_33 288 / OrderController : getOrdersFromCache : null
2020-04-01 18_48_33 288 / AnalyticsController : >>>>> uploadUsage
2020-04-01 18_48_33 288 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-04-01 18_48_33 288 / AnalyticsController : >>>>> analyticsOrderList = null,
lastAnalyticsOrderModels = null
2020-04-01 18_48_33 288 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_48_33 288 / OrderListFragment : OrderListFragment onReceive:
2020-04-01 18_48_33 857 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_48_33 857 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_48_33 857 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_48_33 857 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_48_33 857 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_48_33 857 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_48_33 858 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_48_33 858 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_48_33 858 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_48_33 858 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_48_33 859 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_48_36 864 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_48_36 864 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_48_36 864 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_48_36 864 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_48_38 205 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-04-01 18_48_38 206 / OrderController : getOrdersFromCache : null
2020-04-01 18_48_38 206 / AnalyticsController : >>>>> uploadUsage
2020-04-01 18_48_38 207 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-04-01 18_48_38 207 / AnalyticsController : >>>>> analyticsOrderList = null,
lastAnalyticsOrderModels = null
2020-04-01 18_48_43 213 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-04-01 18_48_43 213 / OrderController : getOrdersFromCache : null
2020-04-01 18_48_43 213 / AnalyticsController : >>>>> uploadUsage
2020-04-01 18_48_43 215 / CommonUtil : readStream error
2020-04-01 18_48_43 215 / AnalyticsController : >>>>> analyticsOrderList = null,
lastAnalyticsOrderModels = null
2020-04-01 18_48_47 856 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_48_47 856 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_48_47 856 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_48_47 856 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_48_47 856 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_48_47 856 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_48_47 856 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_48_47 856 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_48_47 857 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_48_47 857 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_48_47 857 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_48_50 864 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_48_50 864 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_48_50 864 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_48_50 865 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_48_55 510 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_48_55 510 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_48_55 510 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_48_55 510 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_48_55 510 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_48_55 510 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_48_55 510 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_48_55 511 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_48_55 511 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_48_55 511 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_48_55 512 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_48_58 519 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_48_58 519 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_48_58 519 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_48_58 519 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_49_09 605 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_49_09 605 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_49_09 605 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_49_09 605 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_49_09 606 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_49_09 606 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_49_09 606 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_49_09 606 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_49_09 606 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_49_09 606 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_49_09 607 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_49_09 708 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_49_09 708 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_49_09 709 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_49_09 709 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_49_09 709 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_49_09 709 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_49_09 709 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_49_09 709 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_49_09 715 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_49_09 716 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_49_09 717 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_49_09 798 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_49_09 798 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_49_09 799 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_49_09 799 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_49_09 799 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_49_09 799 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_49_09 799 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_49_09 799 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_49_09 799 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_49_09 800 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_49_09 801 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_49_12 612 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_49_12 612 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_49_12 612 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_49_12 612 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_49_12 720 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_49_12 720 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_49_12 720 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_49_12 720 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_49_12 805 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_49_12 807 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_49_12 808 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_49_12 808 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_50_02 775 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_50_02 775 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_50_02 775 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_50_02 775 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_50_02 775 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_50_02 775 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_50_02 775 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_50_02 775 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_50_02 776 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_50_02 776 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_50_02 776 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_50_04 520 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_50_04 520 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_50_04 520 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_50_04 520 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_50_04 520 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_50_04 520 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_50_04 521 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_50_04 521 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_50_04 521 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_50_04 521 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_50_04 522 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_50_05 782 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_50_05 783 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_50_05 783 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_50_05 783 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_50_07 528 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_50_07 528 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_50_07 528 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_50_07 528 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_50_23 149 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_50_23 149 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_50_23 149 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_50_23 149 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_50_23 149 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_50_23 149 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_50_23 150 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_50_23 150 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_50_23 151 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_50_23 151 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_50_23 151 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_50_26 158 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_50_26 158 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_50_26 158 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_50_26 158 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_50_29 544 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_50_29 545 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_50_29 545 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_50_29 545 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_50_29 545 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_50_29 545 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_50_29 545 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_50_29 545 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_50_29 545 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_50_29 545 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_50_29 546 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_50_32 548 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_50_32 548 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_50_32 548 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_50_32 548 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_50_44 128 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_50_44 128 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_50_44 128 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_50_44 128 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_50_44 128 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_50_44 128 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_50_44 129 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_50_44 129 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_50_44 129 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_50_44 129 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_50_44 129 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_50_47 136 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_50_47 137 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_50_47 137 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_50_47 137 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_50_47 644 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_50_47 644 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_50_47 644 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_50_47 644 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_50_47 644 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_50_47 644 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_50_47 644 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_50_47 644 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_50_47 645 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_50_47 645 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_50_47 646 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_50_49 470 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_50_49 470 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_50_49 470 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_50_49 470 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_50_49 470 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_50_49 470 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_50_49 470 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_50_49 470 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_50_49 471 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_50_49 471 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_50_49 471 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_50_50 584 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_50_50 584 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_50_50 584 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_50_50 584 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_50_50 584 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_50_50 584 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_50_50 585 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_50_50 585 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_50_50 585 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_50_50 586 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_50_50 586 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_50_50 650 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_50_50 650 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_50_50 650 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_50_50 650 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_50_52 477 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_50_52 477 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_50_52 477 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_50_52 477 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_50_53 594 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_50_53 594 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_50_53 594 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_50_53 594 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_51_03 439 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_51_03 439 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_51_03 439 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_51_03 439 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_51_03 439 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_51_03 439 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_51_03 439 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_51_03 439 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_51_03 440 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_51_03 440 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_51_03 440 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_51_06 446 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_51_06 446 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_51_06 446 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_51_06 446 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_51_17 543 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_51_17 543 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_51_17 543 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_51_17 543 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_51_17 543 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_51_17 543 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_51_17 543 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_51_17 544 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_51_17 544 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_51_17 544 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_51_17 544 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_51_20 548 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_51_20 548 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_51_20 548 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_51_20 548 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_51_29 072 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_51_29 072 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_51_29 073 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_51_29 073 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_51_29 073 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_51_29 073 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_51_29 073 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_51_29 073 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_51_29 078 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_51_29 078 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_51_29 078 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_51_32 080 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_51_32 080 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_51_32 080 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_51_32 080 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_51_49 434 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_51_49 434 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_51_49 434 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_51_49 434 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_51_49 434 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_51_49 434 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_51_49 435 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_51_49 435 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_51_49 435 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_51_49 435 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_51_49 436 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_51_52 443 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_51_52 443 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_51_52 443 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_51_52 443 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_51_58 779 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_51_58 779 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_51_58 779 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_51_58 779 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_51_58 781 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_51_58 781 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_51_58 781 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_51_58 781 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_51_58 781 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_51_58 781 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_51_58 782 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_52_01 789 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_52_01 789 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_52_01 789 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_52_01 789 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_52_04 727 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_52_04 727 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_52_04 727 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_52_04 727 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_52_04 727 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_52_04 727 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_52_04 727 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_52_04 727 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_52_04 728 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_52_04 728 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_52_04 728 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_52_07 736 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_52_07 736 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_52_07 736 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_52_07 736 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_52_19 808 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_52_19 808 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_52_19 808 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_52_19 808 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_52_19 808 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_52_19 808 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_52_19 808 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_52_19 808 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_52_19 809 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_52_19 809 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_52_19 810 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_52_22 816 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_52_22 816 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_52_22 816 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_52_22 816 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_52_46 866 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_52_46 867 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_52_46 867 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_52_46 867 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_52_46 867 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_52_46 867 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_52_46 867 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_52_46 867 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_52_46 868 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_52_46 868 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_52_46 868 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_52_46 891 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_52_46 891 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_52_46 891 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_52_46 891 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_52_46 891 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_52_46 891 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_52_46 891 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_52_46 891 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_52_46 893 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_52_46 893 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_52_46 894 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_52_49 874 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_52_49 875 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_52_49 875 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_52_49 875 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_52_49 901 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_52_49 902 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_52_49 902 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_52_49 902 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_53_30 672 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_53_30 672 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_53_30 672 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_53_30 672 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_53_30 672 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_53_30 672 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_53_30 673 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_53_30 673 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_53_30 674 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_53_30 674 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_53_30 676 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_53_33 681 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_53_33 681 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_53_33 681 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_53_33 681 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_54_01 332 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_54_01 332 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_54_01 332 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_54_01 332 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_54_01 332 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_54_01 332 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_54_01 332 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_54_01 332 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_54_01 333 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_54_01 334 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_54_01 334 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_54_04 341 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_54_04 341 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_54_04 341 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_54_04 341 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_54_22 859 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_54_22 860 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_54_22 860 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_54_22 860 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_54_22 860 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_54_22 860 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_54_22 860 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_54_22 860 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_54_22 862 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_54_22 862 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_54_22 866 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_54_25 869 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_54_25 869 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_54_25 869 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_54_25 869 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_56_15 690 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_56_15 690 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_56_15 690 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_56_15 690 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_56_15 690 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_56_15 691 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_56_15 691 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_56_15 691 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_56_15 692 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_56_15 692 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_56_15 692 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_56_44 083 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_56_44 083 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_56_44 083 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_56_44 083 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_56_50 544 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_56_50 544 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_56_50 544 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_56_50 544 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_56_50 544 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_56_50 544 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_56_50 544 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_56_50 544 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_56_50 546 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_56_50 546 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_56_50 546 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_56_56 536 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_56_56 536 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_56_56 536 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_56_56 536 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_57_10 781 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_57_10 781 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_57_10 781 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_57_10 781 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_57_10 781 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_57_10 781 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_57_10 781 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_57_10 781 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_57_10 782 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_57_10 782 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_57_10 782 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_57_13 856 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_57_13 856 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_57_13 856 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_57_13 856 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_57_13 857 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_57_13 857 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_57_13 857 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_57_13 857 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_57_13 857 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_57_13 858 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_57_13 859 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_57_13 882 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_57_13 882 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_57_13 882 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_57_13 882 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_57_19 968 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_57_19 975 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_57_19 975 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_57_19 976 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_57_19 976 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_57_19 976 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_57_19 976 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_57_19 976 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_57_19 976 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_57_19 977 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_57_19 978 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_57_19 978 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_57_19 978 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_57_19 978 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_57_19 978 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_57_20 640 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_57_20 640 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_57_20 640 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_57_20 641 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_57_20 641 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_57_20 641 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_57_20 641 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_57_20 641 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_57_20 642 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_57_20 642 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_57_20 643 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_57_24 863 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_57_24 863 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_57_24 863 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_57_24 863 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_57_25 501 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_57_25 501 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_57_25 501 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_57_25 501 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_57_25 501 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_57_25 502 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_57_25 502 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_57_25 502 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_57_25 503 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_57_25 503 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_57_25 504 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_57_25 514 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_57_25 514 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_57_25 514 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_57_25 514 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_57_32 781 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_57_32 781 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_57_32 781 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_57_32 781 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_58_12 178 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_58_12 178 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_58_12 178 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_58_12 178 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_58_12 179 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_58_12 179 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_58_12 179 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_58_12 179 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_58_12 180 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_58_12 180 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_58_12 180 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_58_40 951 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_58_40 951 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_58_40 951 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_58_40 951 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_59_35 441 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_59_35 441 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_59_35 441 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_59_35 442 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_59_35 442 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_59_35 442 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_59_35 442 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
429,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_59_35 442 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_59_35 443 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_59_35 443 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_59_35 443 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_59_37 326 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_59_37 327 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_59_37 327 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_59_37 327 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_59_37 327 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_59_37 327 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_59_37 327 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_59_37 327 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_59_37 328 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_59_37 329 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_59_37 329 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_59_37 438 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 18_59_37 438 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 18_59_37 438 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 18_59_37 438 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 18_59_37 438 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 18_59_37 438 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 18_59_37 439 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 18_59_37 439 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 18_59_37 439 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 18_59_37 443 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 18_59_37 443 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 18_59_52 585 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_59_52 586 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_59_52 586 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_59_52 586 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_59_54 013 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_59_54 013 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_59_54 014 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_59_54 014 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 18_59_54 120 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_59_54 121 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 18_59_54 121 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 18_59_54 121 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_01_36 396 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_01_36 396 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_01_36 396 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_01_36 396 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_01_36 396 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_01_36 396 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_01_36 400 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
429,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_01_36 400 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_01_36 400 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_01_36 400 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_01_36 401 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_01_44 970 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_01_44 970 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_01_44 970 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_01_44 970 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_01_59 385 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_01_59 385 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_01_59 385 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_01_59 385 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_01_59 385 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_01_59 385 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 19_01_59 385 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_01_59 385 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_01_59 390 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_01_59 390 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_01_59 390 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_01_59 509 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_01_59 509 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_01_59 509 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_01_59 509 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_01_59 509 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_01_59 509 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 19_01_59 509 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_01_59 509 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_01_59 510 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_01_59 511 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_01_59 511 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_04_48 360 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_04_48 360 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_04_48 361 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_04_48 361 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_04_48 361 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_04_48 361 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_04_48 361 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_04_48 361 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_11_54 189 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_11_54 190 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_11_54 190 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_11_54 190 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_11_54 190 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_11_54 190 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 19_11_54 190 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_11_54 190 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_11_54 191 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_11_54 191 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_11_54 193 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_11_57 225 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_11_57 225 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_11_57 225 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_11_57 226 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_12_15 741 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_12_15 741 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_12_15 742 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_12_15 742 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_12_15 742 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_12_15 742 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_12_15 742 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
429,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_12_15 742 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_12_15 742 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_12_15 743 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_12_15 743 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_12_36 270 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_12_36 270 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_12_36 270 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_12_36 270 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_12_36 270 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_12_36 270 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_12_36 270 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
429,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_12_36 270 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_12_36 272 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_12_36 276 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_12_36 277 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_12_37 755 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_12_37 755 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_12_37 755 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_12_37 755 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_12_39 278 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_12_39 278 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_12_39 279 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_12_39 279 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_12_46 642 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_12_46 642 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_12_46 642 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_12_46 642 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_12_46 643 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_12_46 643 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 19_12_46 643 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_12_46 643 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_12_46 644 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_12_46 644 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_12_46 646 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_13_09 790 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_13_09 790 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_13_09 790 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_13_09 790 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_13_09 888 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_13_09 889 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_13_09 889 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_13_09 889 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_13_09 889 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_13_09 889 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_13_09 889 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
429,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_13_09 889 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_13_09 889 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_13_09 889 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_13_09 889 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_13_36 185 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_13_36 186 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_13_36 186 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_13_36 186 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_13_36 255 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_13_36 255 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_13_36 255 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_13_36 255 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_13_36 255 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_13_36 255 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_13_36 256 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
429,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_13_36 256 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_13_36 256 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_13_36 256 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_13_36 257 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_13_39 264 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_13_39 264 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_13_39 264 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_13_39 264 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_13_57 119 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_13_57 119 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_13_57 119 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_13_57 119 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_13_57 119 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_13_57 119 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_13_57 119 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
429,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_13_57 119 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_13_57 120 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_13_57 121 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_13_57 122 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_14_15 612 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_14_15 612 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_14_15 612 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_14_15 612 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_14_26 837 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_14_26 837 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_14_26 837 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_14_26 837 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_14_26 837 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_14_26 837 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_14_26 837 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
429,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_14_26 837 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_14_26 838 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_14_26 838 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_14_26 838 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_14_34 080 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_14_34 080 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_14_34 080 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_14_34 080 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_15_33 758 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_15_33 758 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_15_33 758 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_15_33 758 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_15_33 758 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_15_33 758 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_15_33 758 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
429,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_15_33 758 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_15_33 758 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_15_33 758 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_15_33 758 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_15_33 988 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_15_33 988 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_15_33 988 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_15_33 988 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_15_33 988 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_15_33 988 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_15_33 988 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
429,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_15_33 988 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_15_33 989 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_15_33 989 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_15_33 989 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_15_34 167 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_15_34 167 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_15_34 167 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_15_34 168 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_15_34 168 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_15_34 168 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_15_34 168 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
429,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_15_34 168 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_15_34 168 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_15_34 169 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_15_34 169 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_15_36 765 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_15_36 765 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_15_36 765 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_15_36 765 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_15_36 995 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_15_36 996 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_15_36 996 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_15_36 996 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_15_37 173 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_15_37 173 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_15_37 173 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_15_37 173 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_15_41 125 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_15_41 125 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_15_41 125 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_15_41 125 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_15_41 125 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_15_41 125 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_15_41 125 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
429,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_15_41 125 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_15_41 125 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_15_41 126 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_15_41 126 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_15_44 132 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_15_44 133 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_15_44 133 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_15_44 133 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_16_35 708 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_16_35 708 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_16_35 708 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_16_35 708 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_16_35 708 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_16_35 708 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_16_35 708 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
429,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_16_35 708 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_16_35 709 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_16_35 709 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_16_35 709 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_16_35 760 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_16_35 760 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_16_35 760 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_16_35 760 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_16_35 760 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_16_35 760 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_16_35 760 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
429,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_16_35 760 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_16_35 761 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_16_35 762 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_16_35 762 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_16_38 712 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_16_38 712 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_16_38 712 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_16_38 712 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_16_38 764 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_16_38 764 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_16_38 764 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_16_38 764 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_16_49 120 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_16_49 120 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_16_49 120 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_16_49 120 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_16_49 120 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_16_49 120 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_16_49 120 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
429,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_16_49 120 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_16_49 121 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_16_49 121 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_16_49 121 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_16_49 135 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_16_49 136 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_16_49 136 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_16_49 136 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_16_49 136 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_16_49 144 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_16_49 144 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
429,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_16_49 144 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_16_49 144 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_16_49 144 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_16_49 144 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_16_50 341 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_16_50 341 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_16_50 341 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_16_50 341 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_16_50 341 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_16_50 341 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 19_16_50 341 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_16_50 341 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_16_50 342 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_16_50 342 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_16_50 355 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_16_50 426 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_16_50 426 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_16_50 426 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_16_50 426 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_16_50 427 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_16_50 427 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 19_16_50 427 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_16_50 427 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_16_50 436 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_16_50 436 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_16_50 436 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_16_50 708 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_16_50 708 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_16_50 708 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_16_50 708 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_16_50 708 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_16_50 708 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 19_16_50 708 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_16_50 708 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_16_50 709 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_16_50 709 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_16_50 710 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_16_52 078 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_16_52 078 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_16_52 078 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_16_52 078 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_16_52 079 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_16_52 080 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 19_16_52 080 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_16_52 080 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_16_52 080 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_16_52 080 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_16_52 080 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_16_52 124 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_16_52 124 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_16_52 124 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_16_52 124 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_16_52 140 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_16_52 140 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_16_52 140 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_16_52 140 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_16_53 345 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_16_53 345 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_16_53 345 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_16_53 345 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_16_53 432 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_16_53 432 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_16_53 432 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_16_53 432 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_16_53 712 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_16_53 712 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_16_53 712 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_16_53 712 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_16_55 084 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_16_55 084 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_16_55 084 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_16_55 084 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_16_56 926 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_16_56 927 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_16_56 927 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_16_56 927 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_16_56 927 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_16_56 927 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 19_16_56 927 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_16_56 927 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_16_56 927 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_16_56 927 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_16_56 932 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_16_59 934 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_16_59 934 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_16_59 935 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_16_59 935 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_17_05 011 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_17_05 011 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_17_05 011 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_17_05 011 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_17_05 011 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_17_05 011 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 19_17_05 011 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_17_05 011 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_17_05 011 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_17_05 011 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_17_05 011 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_17_06 833 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_17_06 833 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_17_06 833 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_17_06 833 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_17_06 834 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_17_06 834 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 19_17_06 834 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_17_06 834 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_17_06 834 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_17_06 834 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_17_06 835 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_17_08 012 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_17_08 012 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_17_08 012 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_17_08 012 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_17_09 839 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_17_09 840 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_17_09 840 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_17_09 840 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_17_12 878 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_17_12 878 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_17_12 878 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_17_12 878 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_17_12 885 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_17_12 885 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 19_17_12 885 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_17_12 885 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_17_12 885 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_17_12 886 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_17_12 886 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_17_12 911 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_17_12 911 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_17_12 911 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_17_12 911 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_17_12 911 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_17_12 911 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 19_17_12 912 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_17_12 912 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_17_12 912 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_17_12 912 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_17_12 914 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_17_15 887 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_17_15 887 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_17_15 887 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_17_15 887 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_17_15 915 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_17_15 916 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_17_15 916 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_17_15 916 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_17_30 006 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_17_30 006 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_17_30 006 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_17_30 006 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_17_30 006 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_17_30 006 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_17_30 006 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
429,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_17_30 007 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_17_30 008 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_17_30 008 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_17_30 009 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_17_33 013 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_17_33 013 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_17_33 013 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_17_33 013 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_17_50 170 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_17_50 170 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_17_50 170 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_17_50 170 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_17_50 170 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_17_50 171 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 19_17_50 171 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_17_50 171 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_17_50 172 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_17_50 172 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_17_50 172 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_17_50 317 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_17_50 317 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_17_50 317 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_17_50 317 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_17_50 317 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_17_50 317 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 19_17_50 317 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_17_50 317 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_17_50 318 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_17_50 318 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_17_50 321 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_17_53 176 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_17_53 176 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_17_53 176 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_17_53 176 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_17_53 325 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_17_53 325 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_17_53 325 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_17_53 325 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_17_53 754 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_17_53 754 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_17_53 754 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_17_53 754 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_17_53 755 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_17_53 755 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 19_17_53 755 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_17_53 755 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_17_53 756 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_17_53 756 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_17_53 757 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_17_53 806 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_17_53 806 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_17_53 806 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_17_53 806 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_17_53 806 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_17_53 806 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 19_17_53 806 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 405,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_17_53 806 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_17_53 807 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_17_53 807 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_17_53 807 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_17_56 760 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_17_56 760 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_17_56 760 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_17_56 760 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_17_56 813 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_17_56 814 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_17_56 814 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_17_56 814 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_18_06 845 / NetworkUtil : networkInfo state is CONNECTED
2020-04-01 19_18_06 848 / NetworkChangedReceiver : mCurNetworkState: 2
2020-04-01 19_18_06 898 / AllLocationsFragment : start loadLocations
2020-04-01 19_18_06 938 / LiteEngine : isPilotEnabled:false, isPilotEnabling:false
2020-04-01 19_18_06 938 / HttpUtil : Start post:
2020-04-01 19_18_06 960 / LiteEngine : isPilotEnabled:false, isPilotEnabling:false
2020-04-01 19_18_06 960 / HttpUtil : Start post:
2020-04-01 19_18_06 963 / LiteEngine : isPilotEnabled:false, isPilotEnabling:false
2020-04-01 19_18_06 963 / HttpUtil : Start post:
2020-04-01 19_18_11 535 / HttpUtil : get success
2020-04-01 19_18_11 575 / HttpUtil : request post
post data:
total spends:4637 ms
response size:36
2020-04-01 19_18_13 313 / Utils : isSystemUser: true
2020-04-01 19_18_13 314 / MccChangeReceiver : onReceive() activity is background
2020-04-01 19_18_13 314 / CommonUtil : getSafeIccId return null
2020-04-01 19_18_13 314 / SoftSimController : getEnablingPilot:
2020-04-01 19_18_13 314 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(0) Q returned: 429
2020-04-01 19_18_13 314 / OPPOLiteController : getMcc(1) Q returned: 405
2020-04-01 19_18_13 314 / MccChangeReceiver : mcc = 429,mcc0 = 429,mcc1 =
405,lastNotifyMcc = 429
2020-04-01 19_18_13 314 / MccChangeReceiver : parseMcc: mcc change same as before
2020-04-01 19_18_13 316 / RoamingJobService : hasPendingJob, jobId = 1, return
2020-04-01 19_18_13 322 / VersionUtil : isMaster = false
2020-04-01 19_18_13 323 / MccChangeReceiver : checkLocation: disabled in stable
2020-04-01 19_18_15 190 / HttpUtil : get success
2020-04-01 19_18_15 191 / HttpUtil : request post
post data:
total spends:8227 ms
response size:108
2020-04-01 19_18_16 328 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_18_16 328 / OrderController : getEnablingOrderId 0
2020-04-01 19_18_16 328 / ValidationUtil : Invalid orderId : 0
2020-04-01 19_18_16 329 / MccChangeReceiver : isUseful(): hasActivity[true]
hasDisablingOrder[false] hasEnablingOrder[false]
2020-04-01 19_18_16 659 / HttpUtil : get success
2020-04-01 19_18_16 736 / HttpUtil : request post
post data:
total spends:9698 ms
response size:387060
m/images/area/covers/China.jpg","locationCode":[],"locationTariff":"From US$20.00
","name":"China","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded,
expired automatic
":"","shortName":"OPPO(外销)-中国 8 天 6GB 套餐
(AIS)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"China 6 GB 8
Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"China","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
f":"10 天 1GB","shortName":"OPPO 外销-中国大陆 CUHK-10 天
1GB","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"China Data 1GB
10Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"China","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G;\n4.This package is not applicable to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
images/area/covers/Macau.jpg","locationCode":[],"locationTariff":"From US$1.60
","name":"Macau","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded,
expired automatic
天","shortName":"OPPO(外销)-澳门(CSL)1 天
100MB","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Macau 100 MB 1
Days","description":"• This service does not require a SIM card. Please activate it
within 30 days after purchase; <br>\n• No network connection is required for
activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> \n•
Due to poor network coverage in some areas or environments, the network speeds may
be reduced to 3G/4G levels; <br>\n• If the phone is restarted or disconnects
unexpectedly after activation, the physical SIM card will be used and the service
must be restarted manually;<br>\n• Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The
speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches
300 MB;<br> \n• Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is
used up in its validity period.","locationName":"Macau","shortDescription":"Full
range of high-speed data","mcc":["455"],"tags":[],"descriptionTags":
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
O(外销)-澳门(cuhk)3 天
1GB","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Macau 1 GB 3
Days","description":"• This service does not require a SIM card. Please activate it
within 30 days after purchase; <br>\n• No network connection is required for
activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> \n•
Due to poor network coverage in some areas or environments, the network speeds may
be reduced to 3G/4G levels; <br>\n• If the phone is restarted or disconnects
unexpectedly after activation, the physical SIM card will be used and the service
must be restarted manually;<br>\n• Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The
speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches
300 MB;<br> \n• Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is
used up in its validity period.","locationName":"Macau","shortDescription":"Full
range of high-speed data","mcc":["455"],"tags":[],"descriptionTags":
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
IVE","tariff":"12 元/天","shortName":"OPPO(外销)-澳门按天
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches
300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is
used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Macau","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
IVE","tariff":"12 元/天","shortName":"OPPO(外销)-澳门包天
Plus","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Macau Data
Plus","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 500
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Macau","shortDescription":"Daily 500 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 500 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$1.40 ","name":"Hong Kong","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
天","shortName":"OPPO(外销)-香港(cuhk)1 天
100MB","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Hong Kong 100
MB 1 Days","description":"• This service does not require a SIM card. Please
activate it within 30 days after purchase; <br>\n• No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;<br> \n• Due to poor network coverage in some areas or environments, the
network speeds may be reduced to 3G/4G levels; <br>\n• If the phone is restarted or
disconnects unexpectedly after activation, the physical SIM card will be used and
the service must be restarted manually;<br>\n• Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> \n• Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period.","locationName":"Hong
Kong","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed data","mcc":["454"],"tags":
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
天","shortName":"OPPO(外销)-香港(cuhk)3 天
1GB","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Hong Kong 1 GB 3
Days","description":"• This service does not require a SIM card. Please activate it
within 30 days after purchase; <br>\n• No network connection is required for
activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> \n•
Due to poor network coverage in some areas or environments, the network speeds may
be reduced to 3G/4G levels; <br>\n• If the phone is restarted or disconnects
unexpectedly after activation, the physical SIM card will be used and the service
must be restarted manually;<br>\n• Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The
speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches
300 MB;<br> \n• Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is
used up in its validity period.","locationName":"Hong
Kong","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed data","mcc":["454"],"tags":
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
IVE","tariff":"9.9 元/天","shortName":"OPPO(外销)-香港 4 天不限
量","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Hong Kong 4 days
unlimited Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat;<br> • Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may
be less than 3/4G.","locationName":"Hong Kong","shortDescription":"Daily 5 GB high
speed data","mcc":["454"],"tags":[],"descriptionTags":[],"bulkDiscount":
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 5 GB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
":3,"needVolumeControl":true,"purchasedCount":0,"status":"ACTIVE","tariff":"9.9 元/
通)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Hong Kong
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like WeChat;<br> •
Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be less than
3/4G.","locationName":"Hong Kong","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
IVE","tariff":"9.9 元/天","shortName":"OPPO(外销)-香港包天
Plus","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Hong Kong Data
Plus","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 500
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like WeChat;<br> •
Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be less than
3/4G.","locationName":"Hong Kong","shortDescription":"Daily 500 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 500 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$3.50 ","name":"Taiwan","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
天","shortName":"OPPO-台湾 3 天 1GB 流量套餐(远
传)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Taiwan 1 GB 3
Days","description":"• This service offers 10GB high speed data traffic within 3
days, and used up till the validity expires.<br>\n• Service available at taiwan
only<br>\n• Order becomes obsolete and non-refundable 30 days after
purchase.<br>\n• Once activated, timer goes even when you are not using this
service.<br>\n• Physical SIM card is not required for using this service.<br>\n• By
default, your SIM is used on restart of the cellphone. Roaming fee may be charged
by your operator if roaming mode is enabled. You can continue to use our service
with activate button.","locationName":"Taiwan","shortDescription":"Full range of
high-speed data","mcc":["466"],"tags":["Hot"],"descriptionTags":[],"bulkDiscount":
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
天","shortName":"oppo-台湾 7 天 5GB 套餐(远
传)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Taiwan 5 GB 7
Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> \n• No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> \n • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped
when the package is used up in its validity
period;<br>","locationName":"Taiwan","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
10 天","shortName":"oppo-台湾 10 天 10GB 套餐(远
传)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Taiwan 10 GB 10
Days","description":"• This service offers 10GB high speed data traffic within 10
days, and used up till the validity expires.<br>• Service available at taiwan
only<br>• Order becomes obsolete and non-refundable 30 days after purchase.<br>•
Once activated, timer goes even when you are not using this service.<br>• Physical
SIM card is not required for using this service.<br>• By default, your SIM is used
on restart of the cellphone. Roaming fee may be charged by your operator if roaming
mode is enabled. You can continue to use our service with activate
button.","locationName":"Taiwan","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
IVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-台湾(远
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like WeChat,The
speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches
100 MB ;<br> • Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed
may be less than 3/4G.","locationName":"Taiwan","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB
high speed data","mcc":["466"],"tags":[],"descriptionTags":[],"bulkDiscount":
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
IVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo(外销)-台湾
Plus","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Taiwan Data
Plus","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 500
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Taiwan","shortDescription":"Daily 500 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 500 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$1.90 ","name":"Japan","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
天","shortName":"OPPO-日本(MB52505)1 天
100MB","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Japan 100 MB 1
Days","description":"• This service does not require a SIM card. Please activate it
within 30 days after purchase; <br>\n• No network connection is required for
activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> \n•
Due to poor network coverage in some areas or environments, the network speeds may
be reduced to 3G/4G levels; <br>\n• If the phone is restarted or disconnects
unexpectedly after activation, the physical SIM card will be used and the service
must be restarted manually;<br>\n• Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The
speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches
300 MB;<br> \n• Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is
used up in its validity period.","locationName":"Japan","shortDescription":"Full
range of high-speed data","mcc":["440","441"],"tags":[],"descriptionTags":
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
餐","shortName":"OPPO-日本 7 天 1GB 流量包
(IIJ)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Japan 1 GB 7
Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Japan","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
餐","shortName":"OPPO-日本 8 天 6GB 套
餐","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Japan 6 GB 8
Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Japan","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
it's not activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;\n2.No network connection is required for activation; upon activation every
subsequent 24 hours will form one day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor
network coverage, the speed may be less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":
"ACTIVE","tariff":"9.9 元/天","shortName":"OPPO-日本(中华电
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like WeChat,The
speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches
100 MB ;<br> • Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed
may be less than 3/4G.","locationName":"Japan","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB
high speed data","mcc":["440","441"],"tags":[],"descriptionTags":[],"bulkDiscount":
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
IVE","tariff":"9.9 元/天","shortName":"OPPO-日本包天
Plus","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Japan Data
Plus","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 500
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Japan","shortDescription":"Daily 500 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 500 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
/images/area/covers/Korea.jpg","locationCode":[],"locationTariff":"From US$1.90
","name":"South Korea","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
":"100MB/1 天","shortName":"OPPO-韩国(MB52505)1 天
100MB","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"South Korea
100 MB 1 Days","description":"• This service does not require a SIM card. Please
activate it within 30 days after purchase; <br>\n• No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;<br> \n• Due to poor network coverage in some areas or environments, the
network speeds may be reduced to 3G/4G levels; <br>\n• If the phone is restarted or
disconnects unexpectedly after activation, the physical SIM card will be used and
the service must be restarted manually;<br>\n• Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> \n• Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period.","locationName":"South
Korea","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed data","mcc":["450"],"tags":
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
f":"1.5GB/5 天","shortName":"OPPO-韩国 7 天 1GB 流量套餐
(mb45403)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Korea 1
GB 7 Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"South Korea","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
f":"韩国流量包套餐","shortName":"OPPO-韩国 8 天 6GB 套
餐","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Korea 6 GB 8
Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily
data usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data
usage reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"South Korea","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
Plus","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"South Korea
Data Plus","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat,The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data
usage reaches 100 MB ;<br> • Some areas or environments have poor network
coverage, the speed may be less than 3/4G.","locationName":"South
Korea","shortDescription":"Daily 500 MB high speed data","mcc":["450"],"tags":
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 500 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
"ACTIVE","tariff":"9.9 元/天","shortName":"OPPO-韩国
Korea Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat,The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data
usage reaches 100 MB ;<br> • Some areas or environments have poor network
coverage, the speed may be less than 3/4G.","locationName":"South
Korea","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed data","mcc":["450"],"tags":
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$1.20 ","name":"Thailand","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
":"100MB/day","shortName":"OPPO-泰国(joy&redtea)1 天
100M","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Thailand 100 MB
1 Day","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Thailand","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
1GB/7days","shortName":"OPPO-泰国 7 天 1GB 流量套餐
(CUHK)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Thailand 1
GB 7 Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Thailand","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
-泰国 8 天 15GB 流量套餐
(DTAC)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Thailand 15
GB 8 Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Thailand","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
"ACTIVE","tariff":"9.9 元/天","shortName":"OPPO-泰国(香港联
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like WeChat,The
speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches
100 MB ;<br> • Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed
may be less than 3/4G.","locationName":"Thailand","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB
high speed data","mcc":["520"],"tags":[],"descriptionTags":[],"bulkDiscount":
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
IVE","tariff":"9.9 元/天","shortName":"OPPO-泰国包天
Plus","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Thailand Data
Plus","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like WeChat,The
speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches
100 MB ;<br> • Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed
may be less than 3/4G.","locationName":"Thailand","shortDescription":"Daily 500 MB
high speed data","mcc":["520"],"tags":[],"descriptionTags":[],"bulkDiscount":
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 500 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
[],"locationTariff":"From US$2.30
","name":"Singapore","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded,
expired automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use
of unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of
less than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic,
the day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
天","shortName":"OPPO-新加坡(CUHK)1 天
100MB","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Singapore 100
MB 1 Day","description":"• This service does not require a SIM card. Please
activate it within 30 days after purchase; <br>\n• No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;<br> \n• Due to poor network coverage in some areas or environments, the
network speeds may be reduced to 3G/4G levels; <br>\n• If the phone is restarted or
disconnects unexpectedly after activation, the physical SIM card will be used and
the service must be restarted manually;<br>\n• Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> \n• Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity
period.","locationName":"Singapore","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
-新加坡 7 天 1GB 套餐
(CUHK)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Singapore 1
GB 7 Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Singapore","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
it's not activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;\n2.No network connection is required for activation; upon activation every
subsequent 24 hours will form one day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor
network coverage, the speed may be less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":
餐","shortName":"OPPO-新加坡 8 天 6GB 套
餐","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Singapore 6 GB 8
Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Singapore","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
"ACTIVE","tariff":"9.9 元/天","shortName":"OPPO-新加坡(香港联
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period.","locationName":"Singapore","shortDescription":"Daily
300 MB high speed data","mcc":["525"],"tags":[],"descriptionTags":
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
IVE","tariff":"9.9 元/天","shortName":"OPPO-新加坡包天
Plus","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Singapore Data
Plus","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 500
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Singapore","shortDescription":"Daily 500 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 500 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$2.30 ","name":"Malaysia","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
天","shortName":"OPPO-马来西亚(MB52505)1 天
100MB","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Malaysia 100
MB 1 Days","description":"• This service does not require a SIM card. Please
activate it within 30 days after purchase; <br>\n• No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;<br> \n• Due to poor network coverage in some areas or environments, the
network speeds may be reduced to 3G/4G levels; <br>\n• If the phone is restarted or
disconnects unexpectedly after activation, the physical SIM card will be used and
the service must be restarted manually;<br>\n• Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> \n• Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity
period.","locationName":"Malaysia","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
:"OPPO-马来西亚(joy&redtea/MB52505)7 天
1GB","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Malaysia 1 GB 7
Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br>
• Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Malaysia","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
餐","shortName":"OPPO-马来西亚 8 天 6GB 套
餐","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Malaysia 6 GB 8
Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Malaysia","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G.\n4. This package does not support the Sabah area of
TIVE","tariff":"9.9 元/天","shortName":"OPPO-马来西亚按天套餐
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Malaysia","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
[],"locationTariff":"From US$4.70 ","name":"United
States","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded, expired
automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of
unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less
than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the
day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
餐","shortName":"OPPO-美国 7 天 1GB 流量包
State (1 GB 7 Days)","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's
not activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br>","locationName":"United
States","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed data","mcc":
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G.\n4.This package is for use in the United States only, excluding
Saipan and Guam."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
餐","shortName":"OPPO-美国 8 天 4GB 流量包
(Dtac)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"United State
(4 GB 8 Days)","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br>","locationName":"United
States","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed data","mcc":
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G.\n4.This package is for use in the United States only, excluding
Saipan and Guam."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
State Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily
data usage reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped
when the package is used up in its validity period;","locationName":"United
States","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed data","mcc":
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
Plus","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"United State
Data Plus","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 500 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;","locationName":"United
States","shortDescription":"Daily 500 MB high speed data","mcc":
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 500 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$5.80 ","name":"Canada","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
餐","shortName":"OPPO-加拿大 7 天 1GB 流量包
GB 7 Days)","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Canada","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
TIVE","tariff":"20 元/天","shortName":"OPPO-加拿大按天套餐
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Canada","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
[],"locationTariff":"From US$1.90
","name":"Australia","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded,
expired automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use
of unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of
less than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic,
the day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
天","shortName":"OPPO-澳大利亚(cuhk)1 天
100MB","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Australia 100
MB 1 Days","description":"• This service does not require a SIM card. Please
activate it within 30 days after purchase; <br>\n• No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;<br> \n• Due to poor network coverage in some areas or environments, the
network speeds may be reduced to 3G/4G levels; <br>\n• If the phone is restarted or
disconnects unexpectedly after activation, the physical SIM card will be used and
the service must be restarted manually;<br>\n• Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> \n• Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity
period.","locationName":"Australia","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
澳大利亚 7 天 1GB 套餐
(CUHK)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Australia 1
GB 7 Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Australia","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
meControl":true,"purchasedCount":0,"status":"ACTIVE","tariff":"澳大利亚 4G 流
量","shortName":"OPPO - 澳大利亚(AISSim2Fly)-8 天 6GB 高
速","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Australia 6 GB 8
Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Australia","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
"ACTIVE","tariff":"9.9 元/天","shortName":"OPPO-澳大利亚(香港联
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Australia","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
[],"locationTariff":"From US$2.30 ","name":"New
Zealand","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded, expired
automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of
unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less
than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the
day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
天","shortName":"OPPO-新西兰(cuhk)1 天
100MB","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"New Zealand
100 MB 1 Days","description":"• This service does not require a SIM card. Please
activate it within 30 days after purchase; <br>\n• No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;<br> \n• Due to poor network coverage in some areas or environments, the
network speeds may be reduced to 3G/4G levels; <br>\n• If the phone is restarted or
disconnects unexpectedly after activation, the physical SIM card will be used and
the service must be restarted manually;<br>\n• Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> \n• Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period.","locationName":"New
Zealand","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed data","mcc":["530"],"tags":
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
PPO-新西兰 7 天 1GB 流量包
(RA)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"New Zealand 1
GB 7 Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"New Zealand","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
(CUHK)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"New Zealand
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like WeChat;<br> •
Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be less than
3/4G.","locationName":"New Zealand","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
Plus","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"New Zealand
Data Plus","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 500 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat;<br> • Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may
be less than 3/4G.","locationName":"New Zealand","shortDescription":"Daily 500 MB
high speed data","mcc":["530"],"tags":[],"descriptionTags":[],"bulkDiscount":
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 500 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
[],"locationTariff":"From US$4.70
","name":"Indonesia","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded,
expired automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use
of unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of
less than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic,
the day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
ontrol":true,"purchasedCount":106,"status":"ACTIVE","tariff":"69.00 元
500MB","shortName":"Oppo-印度尼西亚(MB)-7 天
500M","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Indonesia 500
MB 7 days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Indonesia","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.No SIM is required for This package. If
it's not activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;\n2.No network connection is required for activation; upon activation every
subsequent 24 hours will form one day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor
network coverage, the speed may be less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":
4GB","shortName":"OPPO-印度尼西亚 8 天
nesia 6 GB 8 Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's
not activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Indonesia","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Indonesia","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
s/area/covers/UK.jpg","locationCode":[],"locationTariff":"From US$4.20
","name":"United Kingdom","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
ol":true,"purchasedCount":19,"status":"ACTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/
天","shortName":"OPPO - 英国 10 天
1GB(RA)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"UK (1 GB
10 Days)","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"United Kingdom","shortDescription":"Full range of high-
speed data","mcc":["234"],"tags":["Hot"],"descriptionTags":[],"bulkDiscount":
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
ACTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-英
国","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"United Kingdom
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"United Kingdom","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high
speed data","mcc":["234"],"tags":[],"descriptionTags":[],"bulkDiscount":
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$4.20 ","name":"Germany","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
PPO - 德国 1 天
100MB","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Germany 100 MB
1 Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Germany","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
10GB","shortName":"OPPO-德国 10 天 1G 套餐
(RA)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Germany 1 GB
10 Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br>
• Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Germany","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-德
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Germany","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$4.20 ","name":"France","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
-法国(RA)-1 天
100MB","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"France 100 MB
1 Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"France","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
umeControl":true,"purchasedCount":0,"status":"ACTIVE","tariff":"10 天
1GB","shortName":"OPPO -法国(RA)-10 天
1GB","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"France 1 GB 10
Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"France","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-法
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"France","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
.com/images/area/covers/Italy.jpg","locationCode":[],"locationTariff":"From US$4.20
","name":"Italy","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded,
expired automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use
of unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of
less than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic,
the day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
iff":"意大利 10GB","shortName":"OPPO-意大利 10 天 1G 套餐
(RA)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Italy 1 GB 10
Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Italy","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
ACTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-意大
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Italy","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$4.70 ","name":"EU 36 Bundle","description":"For Euro 36
Countries","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded, expired automatic
":30,"promoBannerUrl":null,"minDays":1,"maxDays":10,"logoUrl":"https://images.redte","operator":"H3G UK,
VE","tariff":"99.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-欧洲 36 国 7 天
1GKR","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"EU 36 Bundle 1
GB 7 Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat;<br> • This package can only be used on data networks in these 36 European
countries or regions: Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Jersey, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom.","locationName":"EU 36
Bundle","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed data","mcc":
g","type":3,"shortTitle":"Applicable Countries/Regions","description":"This package
can only be used on data networks in these 36 European countries or regions:
\nArmenia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Jersey, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands,
Norway, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey,
Ukraine, United Kingdom."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
30,"promoBannerUrl":null,"minDays":1,"maxDays":10,"logoUrl":"https://images.redteam","operator":"H3G UK,
IVE","tariff":"27.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-欧洲 36 国
KR","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Europe 36 Bundle
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like WeChat;<br> •
This package can only be used on data networks in these 36 European countries or
regions: Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,
Ireland, Italy, Jersey, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom.","locationName":"EU 36
Bundle","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed data","mcc":
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
","type":3,"shortTitle":"Applicable Countries/Regions","description":"This package
can only be used on data networks in these 36 European countries or regions:
\nArmenia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Jersey, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands,
Norway, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey,
Ukraine, United Kingdom."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$4.20 ","name":"Sweden","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
10GB","shortName":"OPPO-瑞典 10 天 1G 套餐
(RA)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Sweden 1 GB
10 Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Sweden","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-瑞
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Sweden","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$4.20 ","name":"Greece","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-希
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Greece","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
com/images/area/covers/Spain.jpg","locationCode":[],"locationTariff":"From US$4.20
","name":"Spain","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded,
expired automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use
of unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of
less than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic,
the day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16

hortName":"OPPO-西班牙 1 天 100MB 套餐
(RA)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Spain 100 MB
1 Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Spain","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
"西班牙 10GB","shortName":"OPPO-西班牙 10 天 1G 套餐
(RA)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Spain 1 GB 10
Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Spain","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
ACTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-西班
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Spain","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
[],"locationTariff":"From US$4.20
","name":"Switzerland","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
ACTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-瑞
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Switzerland","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
[],"locationTariff":"From US$4.20 ","name":"Czech
Republic","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded, expired
automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of
unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less
than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the
day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
.com/images/locations/logos/CzechRepublicFlag.png","operator":"O2 Czech
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-捷
克","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Czech Republic
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required
for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> •
Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of
16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The
service will be stopped when the package is used up in its validity period;<br> •
Exclusive data: Only for apps like WeChat.","locationName":"Czech
Republic","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed data","mcc":["230"],"tags":
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$4.20 ","name":"Romania","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
TIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-罗马尼
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Romania","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
[],"locationTariff":"From US$4.20
","name":"Portugal","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded,
expired automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use
of unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of
less than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic,
the day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
.com/images/locations/logos/PortugalFlag.png","operator":"NOS (ex-
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-葡萄
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Portugal","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$4.20 ","name":"Austria","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
.com/images/locations/logos/AustriaFlag.png","operator":"A1 Telekom Austria
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-奥地
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Austria","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase
and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is required for activation;
upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;\n3.Some areas or
environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be less than
US$4.20 ","name":"Denmark","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-丹
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Denmark","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$4.20 ","name":"Ireland","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-爱尔
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Ireland","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$4.20 ","name":"Turkey","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
10GB","shortName":"OPPO-土耳其 10 天 1G 套餐
(RA)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Turkey 1 GB
10 Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Turkey","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
ACTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-土耳
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service
will be stopped when the package is used up in its validity period;<br> •
Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Turkey","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$4.20 ","name":"Estonia","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-爱沙尼
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Estonia","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$4.20 ","name":"Croatia","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-克罗地
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Croatia","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$4.20 ","name":"Cyprus","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-塞浦路
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Cyprus","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
ocationCode":[],"locationTariff":"From US$4.20
","name":"Latvia","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded,
expired automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use
of unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of
less than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic,
the day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-拉脱维
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Latvia","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
[],"locationTariff":"From US$4.20
","name":"Lithuania","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded,
expired automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use
of unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of
less than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic,
the day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-立陶
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Lithuania","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
om/images/area/covers/Malta.jpg","locationCode":[],"locationTariff":"From US$4.20
","name":"Malta","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded,
expired automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use
of unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of
less than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic,
the day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-马耳
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Malta","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
[],"locationTariff":"From US$4.20
","name":"Luxembourg","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded,
expired automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use
of unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of
less than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic,
the day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-卢森
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Luxembourg","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$4.20 ","name":"Norway","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-挪
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Norway","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$4.20 ","name":"Poland","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-波
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Poland","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
[],"locationTariff":"From US$4.20
","name":"Slovenia","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded,
expired automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use
of unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of
less than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic,
the day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-斯洛文尼
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Slovenia","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ata.png","type":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data,
the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
[],"locationTariff":"From US$4.20
","name":"Montenegro","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded,
expired automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use
of unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of
less than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic,
the day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
lumeControl":true,"purchasedCount":0,"status":"ACTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/
天","shortName":"OPPO - 黑山 7 天
(1 GB 7 Days)","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Montenegro","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-黑
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Montenegro","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$4.20 ","name":"Belgium","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-比利
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Belgium","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
[],"locationTariff":"From US$4.20
","name":"Bulgaria","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded,
expired automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use
of unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of
less than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic,
the day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-保加利
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this
service. If it's not activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a
refund will be issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon
activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited
daily data usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily
data usage reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped
when the package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for
apps like WeChat.","locationName":"Bulgaria","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high
speed data","mcc":["284"],"tags":[],"descriptionTags":[],"bulkDiscount":
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$4.20 ","name":"Finland","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-芬
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Finland","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$4.20 ","name":"Hungary","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
.com/images/locations/logos/HungaryFlag.png","operator":"T-Mobile (Magyar
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-匈牙
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Hungary","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$4.20 ","name":"Ukraine","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
lumeControl":true,"purchasedCount":1,"status":"ACTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/
天","shortName":"OPPO - 乌克兰 7 天
1GB(RA)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Ukraine (1
GB 7 Days)","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Ukraine","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;\n3.Some areas or environments have
poor network coverage, the speed may be less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-乌克兰
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Ukraine","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
[],"locationTariff":"From US$4.20
","name":"Slovakia","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded,
expired automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use
of unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of
less than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic,
the day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-斯洛伐
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Slovakia","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$4.20 ","name":"Netherlands","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
兰 1 天 100MB 套
餐","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Netherlands 100
MB 1 Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Netherlands","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
10GB","shortName":"OPPO-荷兰 10 天 1G 套餐
(RA)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Netherlands 1
GB 10 Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Netherlands","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
ACTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-荷兰","isVi
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Netherlands","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
/images/area/covers/Nepal.jpg","locationCode":[],"locationTariff":"From US$24.00
","name":"Nepal","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded,
expired automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use
of unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of
less than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic,
the day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
餐","shortName":"OPPO-尼泊尔 8 天 6GB 套
餐","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Nepal 6 GB 8
Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No network
connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours
will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed will be
limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300 MB;<br> •
Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used up in its
validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Nepal","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$24.00 ","name":"Myanmar","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
餐","shortName":"OPPO-缅甸 8 天 6GB 套
餐","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Myanmar 6 GB 8
Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Myanmar","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
[],"locationTariff":"From US$2.30
","name":"Philippines","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
天","shortName":"OPPO-菲律宾(MB52505)1 天
100 MB 1 Days","description":"• This service does not require a SIM card. Please
activate it within 30 days after purchase; <br>\n• No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;<br> \n• Due to poor network coverage in some areas or environments, the
network speeds may be reduced to 3G/4G levels; <br>\n• If the phone is restarted or
disconnects unexpectedly after activation, the physical SIM card will be used and
the service must be restarted manually;<br>\n• Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> \n• Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity
period.","locationName":"Philippines","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed
may be less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
lumeControl":true,"purchasedCount":818,"status":"ACTIVE","tariff":"菲律宾 500MB 流量包
套餐","shortName":"OPPO-菲律宾 7 天 500MB 流量套餐
nes 500 MB 7 Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's
not activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Philippines","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
餐","shortName":"OPPO-菲律宾 8 天 6GB 套
餐","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Philippines 6 GB
8 Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Philippines","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like WeChat;<br> •
Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be less than
3/4G.","locationName":"Philippines","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
Data Plus","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 500 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat;<br> • Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may
be less than 3/4G.","locationName":"Philippines","shortDescription":"Daily 500 MB
high speed data","mcc":["515"],"tags":[],"descriptionTags":[],"bulkDiscount":
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 500 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$4.70 ","name":"SG&MY&TH Bundle","description":"For Singapore Malaysia and
Thailand","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
tName":"oppo-新马泰 7 天 1GB 流量包
H 1 GB 7 Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat;<br> • This service is only available for mobile data in
Singapore、Malaysia、Thailand;<br> • Some areas
or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be less than
3/4G.","locationName":"SG&MY&TH Bundle","shortDescription":"Full range of high-
speed data","mcc":["525","502","520"],"tags":[],"descriptionTags":
g","type":3,"shortTitle":"Applicable Countries/Regions","description":"This package
is only available for mobile data in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
tName":"oppo-新马泰 8 天 4GB 流量包
(dtac)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"SG&MY&TH 4 GB
8 Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat;<br> • This service is only available for mobile data in
Singapore、Malaysia、Thailand;<br> • Some areas or environments have poor network
coverage, the speed may be less than 3/4G.","locationName":"SG&MY&TH
Bundle","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed data","mcc":
g","type":3,"shortTitle":"Applicable Countries/Regions","description":"This package
is only available for mobile data in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
"ACTIVE","tariff":"9.9 元/天","shortName":"OPPO-新马泰
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like WeChat,The
speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches
100 MB ;<br> • Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed
may be less than 3/4G.","locationName":"SG&MY&TH Bundle","shortDescription":"Daily
300 MB high speed data","mcc":["525","502","520"],"tags":[],"descriptionTags":
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
","type":3,"shortTitle":"Applicable Countries/Regions","description":"This package
is only available for mobile data in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
[],"locationTariff":"From US$4.70 ","name":"Europe 41 Bundle","description":"For
Euro 41 Countries","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
VE","tariff":"","shortName":"OPPO - 欧洲 41 国 7 天
41 Bundle 500 MB 7 Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If
it's not activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> \n• No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> \n• Pay by day: Unlimited daily
data usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data
usage reaches 300 MB;<br> \n• This service is only available for mobile data in
Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,
Georgia, Italy, Jersey, Ireland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxemburg,
Malta, Macedonia,Holland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, and other 42 countries
or regions.","locationName":"Europe 41 Bundle","shortDescription":"Full range of
high-speed data","mcc":
g","type":3,"shortTitle":"Applicable Countries/Regions","description":"This package
can only be used on cellular networks in these 41 European countries or regions:
\nAlbania, Armenia, Austria, azerbaijan, belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Cyprus, Czech republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany,
Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, jersey, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK"},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
tName":"OPPO - 欧洲 41 国 7 天
1GB(RA)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Europe 41
Bundle 1 GB 7 Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's
not activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> \n• No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> \n• Pay by day: Unlimited daily
data usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data
usage reaches 300 MB;<br> \n• This service is only available for mobile data in
Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,
Georgia, Italy, Jersey, Ireland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxemburg,
Malta, Macedonia,Holland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, and other 42 countries
or regions.","locationName":"Europe 41 Bundle","shortDescription":"Full range of
high-speed data","mcc":
g","type":3,"shortTitle":"Applicable Countries/Regions","description":"This package
can only be used on cellular networks in these 41 European countries or regions:
\nAlbania, Armenia, Austria, azerbaijan, belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Cyprus, Czech republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany,
Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, jersey, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK"},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
TIVE","tariff":"9.90 元/天","shortName":"oppo-欧洲 41 国
(MTX)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Europe 41
Bundle Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> \n• No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> \n• Pay by day: Unlimited daily
data usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data
usage reaches 300 MB;<br> \n• This service is only available for mobile data in
Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,
Georgia, Italy, Jersey, Ireland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxemburg,
Malta, Macedonia,Holland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, and other 42 countries
or regions.","locationName":"Europe 41 Bundle","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB
high speed data","mcc":
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
","type":3,"shortTitle":"Applicable Countries/Regions","description":"This package
can only be used on cellular networks in these 41 European countries or regions:
\nAlbania, Armenia, Austria, azerbaijan, belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Cyprus, Czech republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany,
Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, jersey, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK"},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
er.jpg","locationCode":[],"locationTariff":"From US$4.20 ","name":"Saudi
Arabia","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded, expired
IVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-沙特阿拉伯(中华电
信)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Saudi Arabia
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Saudi Arabia","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
mages/area/covers/Laos.jpg","locationCode":[],"locationTariff":"From US$2.80
","name":"Laos","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded,
expired automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use
of unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of
less than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic,
the day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
asedCount":0,"status":"ACTIVE","tariff":"老挝流量包套餐","shortName":"OPPO-老挝 8 天 6GB
套餐","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Laos 6 GB 8
Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Laos","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
ACTIVE","tariff":"9.9 元/天","shortName":"OPPO-老挝(香港联
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Laos","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$2.30 ","name":"Cambodia","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
天","shortName":"OPPO-柬埔寨(MB52505)1 天
100MB","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Cambodia 100
MB 1 Days","description":"• This service does not require a SIM card. Please
activate it within 30 days after purchase; <br>\n• No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;<br> \n• Due to poor network coverage in some areas or environments, the
network speeds may be reduced to 3G/4G levels; <br>\n• If the phone is restarted or
disconnects unexpectedly after activation, the physical SIM card will be used and
the service must be restarted manually;<br>\n• Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> \n• Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity
period.","locationName":"Cambodia","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
umeControl":true,"purchasedCount":0,"status":"ACTIVE","tariff":"柬埔寨 500MB 流量包套
餐","shortName":"OPPO-柬埔寨 7 天 1GB 流量套餐
(CUHK)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Cambodia 1
GB 7 Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Cambodia","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
餐","shortName":"OPPO-柬埔寨 8 天 6GB 套
餐","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Cambodia 6 GB 8
Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Cambodia","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"OPPO-柬埔寨按天套餐
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Cambodia","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
IVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"OPPO-柬埔寨包天
Plus","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Cambodia Data
Plus","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 500
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Cambodia","shortDescription":"Daily 500 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 500 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$40.00 ","name":"Latin America 12 Bundle","description":"14 countries such as
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Colombia","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
":30,"promoBannerUrl":null,"minDays":7,"maxDays":7,"logoUrl":"https://images.redtea","operator":"Vivo S.A. /
Telefónica Móvil de Chile
S.A. / ...","netstandard":"2G,3G,4G","duration":7,"type":2,"dataVolume":1024,"promo
riff":"","shortName":"oppo-拉美 12 国 7 天
1GB(KR)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"12 Latin
America 1 GB 7 Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's
not activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> \n• No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> \n• Pay by day: Unlimited daily
data usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data
usage reaches 300 MB;<br> \n• Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when
the package is used up in its validity period;<br> \n• This service is only
available for mobile data in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El
Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru,
Uruguay.","locationName":"Latin America 12 Bundle","shortDescription":"Full range
of high-speed data","mcc":
g","type":3,"shortTitle":"Applicable Countries/Regions","description":"This package
is only available for mobile data inUsed in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia,
Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Uruguay and other
12 countries or regions."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
","locationCode":[],"locationTariff":"From US$24.00 ","name":"Asia Pacific 19
Bundle","description":"For Asia Pacific 19 Areas","miniDescription":"Inactive can
be refunded, expired automatic
tariff":"","shortName":"OPPO(外销)-亚太 19 国 8 天 6GB 套
餐","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"APAC 19 Bundle 6
GB 8 Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat;<br> • This service is only available for mobile data in 19 countries or
regions such asHong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore,
Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Indonesia, Qatar, India, Nepal, Australia,
Sri Lanka, Vietnam.","locationName":"Asia Pacific 19
Bundle","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed data","mcc":
g","type":3,"shortTitle":"Applicable Countries/Regions","description":"This package
can only be used on cellular data networks in these 19 Asia-Pacific countries or
regions:\nHong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Japan,
Korea, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar,
Indonesia, Qatar, India, Nepal, Australia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
"locationCode":[],"locationTariff":"From US$5.90 ","name":"Sri
Lanka","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded, expired
automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of
unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less
than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the
day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
餐","shortName":"OPPO-斯里兰卡 8 天 6GB 套
餐","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Sri Lanka 6 GB 8
Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Sri Lanka","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
Lanka Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Sri Lanka","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
:[],"locationTariff":"From US$5.80 ","name":"Bosnia and
Herzegovina","description":"Bosnia and Herzegovina","miniDescription":"Inactive can
be refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
IVE","tariff":"9.9 元/天","shortName":"OPPO-波黑按天套餐
(MTX)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Bosnia and
Herzegovina Data","description":"·Activate within 30 days after payment. Otherwise
the package will be expired and nonrefundable.<br> ·Day pass provides 3G network.
Due to Fair Usage Policy, speed would be capped if abusively used.<br> ·No physical
SIM card required.<br> ·Service could be interrputed due to phone reboots. Please
resume the service manually.","locationName":"Bosnia and
Herzegovina","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed data","mcc":
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 128 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
ode":[],"locationTariff":"From US$7.00
","name":"Moldova","description":"Moldova","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
IVE","tariff":"9.9 元/天","shortName":"OPPO-摩尔多瓦按天套餐
Data","description":"·Activate within 30 days after payment. Otherwise the package
will be expired and nonrefundable.<br> ·Day pass provides 3G network. Due to Fair
Usage Policy, speed would be capped if abusively used.<br> ·No physical SIM card
required.<br> ·Service
could be interrputed due to phone reboots. Please resume the service
manually.","locationName":"Moldova","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 128 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$2.30 ","name":"Vietnam","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
天","shortName":"OPPO-越南(CUHK)1 天
100MB","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Vietnam 100 MB
1 Days","description":"• This service does not require a SIM card. Please activate
it within 30 days after purchase; <br>\n• No network connection is required for
activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> \n•
Due to poor network coverage in some areas or environments, the network speeds may
be reduced to 3G/4G levels; <br>\n• If the phone is restarted or disconnects
unexpectedly after activation, the physical SIM card will be used and the service
must be restarted manually;<br>\n• Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The
speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches
300 MB;<br> \n• Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is
used up in its validity period.","locationName":"Vietnam","shortDescription":"Full
range of high-speed data","mcc":["452"],"tags":[],"descriptionTags":
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
PO-越南 7 天 1GB 流量包
(CITIC)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Vietnam 1 GB
7 Days","description":"• This service does not require a SIM card. Please activate
it within 30 days after purchase; <br>\n• No network connection is required for
activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> \n•
Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used up in its
validity period;<br>","locationName":"Vietnam","shortDescription":"Full range of
high-speed data","mcc":["452"],"tags":["Hot"],"descriptionTags":[],"bulkDiscount":
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
OPPO-越南 7 天 15GB 流量包(香港联
通)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Vietnam 15 GB 8
Days","description":"• This service does not require a SIM card. Please activate it
within 30 days after purchase; <br>\n• No network connection is required for
activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> \n•
Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used up in its
validity period;<br>","locationName":"Vietnam","shortDescription":"Full range of
high-speed data","mcc":["452"],"tags":[],"descriptionTags":[],"bulkDiscount":
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
TIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-越南
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Vietnam","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
IVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-越南包天
Plus","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Vietnam Data
Plus","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 500
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Vietnam","shortDescription":"Daily 500 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 500 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
[],"locationTariff":"From US$24.00
","name":"Qatar","description":"Qatar","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded,
expired automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use
of unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of
less than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic,
the day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
lumeControl":true,"purchasedCount":0,"status":"ACTIVE","tariff":"卡塔尔 4G 流
量","shortName":"OPPO - 卡塔尔(AISSim2Fly)-8 天 6GB 高
速","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Qatar 6 GB 8
Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Qatar","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
/area/covers/UAE.jpg","locationCode":[],"locationTariff":"From US$6.50
","name":"United Arab Emirates","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
ontrol":true,"purchasedCount":5,"status":"ACTIVE","tariff":"","shortName":"OPPO -阿
联酋-7 天
d Arab Emirates 500 MB 7 Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this
service. If it's not activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a
refund will be issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon
activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited
daily data usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily
data usage reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped
when the package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for
apps like WeChat.","locationName":"United Arab Emirates","shortDescription":"Full
range of high-speed data","mcc":["424"],"tags":[],"descriptionTags":
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
(Know)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"United Arab
Emirates Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"United Arab Emirates","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB
high speed data","mcc":["424"],"tags":[],"descriptionTags":[],"bulkDiscount":
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
[],"locationTariff":"From US$5.90
","name":"Uzbekistan","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded,
expired automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use
of unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of
less than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic,
the day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Uzbekistan","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$5.90 ","name":"Georgia","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Georgia","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$6.50 ","name":"Pakistan","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
":30,"promoBannerUrl":null,"minDays":8,"maxDays":8,"logoUrl":"https://images.redtea","operator":"Pakistan Mobile
f":"","shortName":"OPPO - 巴基斯坦 8 天
4 GB 8 Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Pakistan","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
30,"promoBannerUrl":null,"minDays":1,"maxDays":10,"logoUrl":"https://images.redteam","operator":"Pakistan Mobile
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like WeChat;<br> •
Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be less than
3/4G.","locationName":"Pakistan","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
com/images/area/covers/Serbia.jpg","locationCode":[],"locationTariff":"From US$5.90
","name":"Serbia","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded,
expired automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use
of unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of
less than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily
use of unlimited traffic, the day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed
of less than 16 KB/s.","multiregionalDescription":"","dataPlans":
f":"10 天 1GB","shortName":"OPPO -塞尔维亚(RA)-10 天
1GB","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Serbia 1 GB 10
Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Serbia","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Serbia","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
om/images/area/covers/Egypt.jpg","locationCode":[],"locationTariff":"From US$5.90
","name":"Egypt","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded,
expired automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use
of unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of
less than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic,
the day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Egypt","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
[],"locationTariff":"From US$5.20
","name":"Bangladesh","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded,
expired automatic
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like WeChat;<br> •
Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be less than
3/4G.","locationName":"Bangladesh","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
ionCode":[],"locationTariff":"From US$4.20
","name":"Iceland","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded,
expired automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use
of unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of
less than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic,
the day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
CTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-冰
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Iceland","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$1.80 ","name":"Russia","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
100MB","shortName":"OPPO-俄罗斯 100MB 流量
MTT","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Russia 100 MB 1
Day","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Russia","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
10GB","shortName":"OPPO-俄罗斯 7 天 1G 套餐
MTT","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Russia 1 GB 7
Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Russia","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
2GB","shortName":"OPPO-俄罗斯 10 天 2GB 流量
MTT","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Russia 2 GB 10
Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Russia","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""},
CTIVE","tariff":"18 元/天","shortName":"OPPO-俄罗斯按天套餐
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Russia","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
iption":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit
the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
.jpg","locationCode":[],"locationTariff":"From US$15.00 ","name":"South
Africa","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded, expired
automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of
unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less
than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the
day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
餐","shortName":"OPPO-南非 15 天 1GB 流量包
(RA)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"South Africa (1
GB 15 Days)","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not
activated, it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be
issued;<br> • No network connection is required for activation; upon activation
every subsequent 24 hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data
usage. The speed will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage
reaches 300 MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the
package is used up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"South Africa","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
[],"locationTariff":"From US$15.00
","name":"Ghana","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded,
expired automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use
of unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of
less than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic,
the day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
PO-加纳 15 天 1GB 流量包
(RA)","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Ghana (1 GB 15
Days)","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Ghana","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
[],"locationTariff":"From US$4.20
","name":"Kazakhstan","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be refunded,
expired automatic refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use
of unlimited traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of
less than 16 KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic,
the day when more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
.com/images/locations/logos/KazakhstanFlag.png","operator":"Tele2 - Mobile Telecom-
ACTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-哈萨克斯
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Kazakhstan","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$4.20 ","name":"Israel","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive
can be refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
ACTIVE","tariff":"25.00 元/天","shortName":"oppo-以色
Data","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Israel","shortDescription":"Daily 300 MB high speed
ype":1,"shortTitle":"Speed","description":"Daily use of unlimited data, the day
when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16 KB/s."},
pe":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire 30
days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]},
US$21.00 ","name":"Belarus","description":"","miniDescription":"Inactive can be
refunded, expired automatic
refund.","promoSlogan":"","daypassDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited
traffic, the day when more than 300 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
KB/s.","directedDataplanDescription":"Daily use of unlimited traffic, the day when
more than 100 MB, it will limit the speed of less than 16
f":"10 天 1GB","shortName":"OPPO -白俄罗斯(RA)-10 天
1GB","isVisible":1,"isShippingActivate":0,"hasPromo":false,"name":"Belarus 1 GB 10
Days","description":"• No SIM is required for this service. If it's not activated,
it will expire 30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;<br> • No
network connection is required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24
hours will form one day;<br> • Pay by day: Unlimited daily data usage. The speed
will be limited to a maximum of 16 KB/s once your daily data usage reaches 300
MB;<br> • Pay by data usage: The service will be stopped when the package is used
up in its validity period;<br> • Exclusive data: Only for apps like
WeChat.","locationName":"Belarus","shortDescription":"Full range of high-speed
ype":4,"shortTitle":"Tips","description":"1.If it's not activated, it will expire
30 days after the purchase and a refund will be issued;\n2.No network connection is
required for activation; upon activation every subsequent 24 hours will form one
day;\n3.Some areas or environments have poor network coverage, the speed may be
less than 3/4G."}],"directedApps":[],"dataPlanDisplayInfo":""}]}]}

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