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Vehicle Dynamics II – Possible Subjects

1. Define the peripheral force at the driving wheels. Represent the characteristic of the peripheral force
at the driving wheels for a car with five-ratio gearbox. Using the characteristic, determine the
maximal climbing speed on a 3% slope asphalt-road when the aerodynamic resistance represents
4% of the vehicle weight.
2. Define the dynamic factor. Represent the dynamic characteristic for a car with five-ratio gearbox.
Using the characteristic, determine the maximal speed reached when vehicle climb a 4 deg. grade
3. Explain and schematize the temporal evolution of a braking process (brake pedal force, deceleration,
speed and distance versus time).
4. Explain the computation procedure of vehicle’s braking time and distance.
5. A truck is rolling at 72 km/h at the moment when the driver hits the brake pedal to stop the vehicle.
With a braking system’s delay time of 0.25 s (during this period considers that the truck speed
remains constant) and a regime deceleration of 5 m/s2, determine the travelling space to stop.
6. Ideal and real repartition of the braking forces for cars.
7. Cornering modalities to steer the terrestrial vehicles.
8. For a car with the wheelbase L = 2500 mm and the tread (axle’s track width) B = 1600 mm, calculate
the turning radius R and the off-tracking ΔR when the steering angle of the inner front wheel is δi
= 30°. It considers horizontal even road and low velocities.
9. With a single track model, calculate the off-tracking ΔR of a tractor-semitrailer roadtrain as function
of steering angle δ. Consider a two-axle semitrailer.
10. Vehicle directional behaviour: definitions and influences.
11. Schematise the three ways a tractor-semitrailer road train can slide laterally.
12. Using the force–slip characteristic of the tyre, explain the idea and the working principle of ABS.
13. Explain the idea and the working principle of ESP. Schematise the braking system intervention in
the two basic cases of skidding (lateral slip).
14. Define and schematise the critical- speed and characteristic-speed of the vehicles.
15. It considers an articulated-frame agricultural tractor with the centre of gravity in the articulation
point of the semi-frames. The tractor pulls a dolly-type trailer with three axles (1+2). An equal
track-width B will be considered for all the road-train axles. Also the trailer drawbar is attached
on the middle point of the tractor rear axle.
 Draw the schematic of the vehicle turning on circle … 2 p
 Calculate the steering radius R and the necessary curb-to-curb road-width W as functions of the
angle α between the tractor semi-frames. … 2 p
16. A car travelling at 90 km/h will be braked up to stop. Considering the minimal braking
performances imposed by the standard R13 CEE:
 Compute the stopping distance on dry asphalt (μ = 0.8) disconsidering the driver’s reaction
 Compute the stopping distance on dry asphalt (μ = 0.8) considering the driver’s reaction time.
 Compute the stopping distance on cold snow (μ = 0.2) considering the driver’s reaction time.
17. Explain the principle of the “road-hook” suspension control. 2 p.
17. Explain the principle of the “sky-hook” suspension control. 2 p.
18. Neglecting the suspension and tyres deflections, calculate the maximal road slope a car can descend
at a constant speed v. Make a scheme and demonstrate the needed equation.
19. Neglecting the suspension and tyres deflections, calculate the maximal constant speed a car can
negotiate moving on a turning circle with the radius R. Make a scheme and demonstrate the
needed equation.
20. A solid axle supports a load G = 10000 N. The bodywork is rigidly connected to the axle (no
suspension exists). Traction or braking forces are not applied. The body and axle roll are
neglected. It considers the tread (axle’s track width) B = 1500 mm, the dynamic radius r = 350
mm, the height of the centre of gravity h = 1000 mm. Two friction coefficients are considered:
μa = 0.8 for dry asphalt and μs = 0.2 for snow. Calculate the axle’s maximal lateral acceleration
that can be realised without rollover in the next four cases:
 both wheels on asphalt;
 both wheels on snow;
 inner wheel on snow, outer wheel on asphalt;
 outer wheel on asphalt, inner wheel on snow.
21. A car wheel has the dynamic radius rd = 300 mm and the tyre width B = 195 mm. The reaction
force normal to the road surface is Z = 3 kN and the road grip coefficient is μ = 0.5. Determine
the maximal applicable braking torque that will not determine the wheel lock.
21. A front drive car is at rest on an asphalt and even road. The parking brake, acting on the rear
wheels, is tightly applied. Find the minimum value of the torque to be applied on the front wheels
so that the car can start in the given case. It knows: total mass m=1000 kg; mass on the front
wheels m1=600 kg; dynamic radius of the wheels rd=0.3 m; acceleration of gravity g=10 m/s2,
grip coefficient μ=0.8.
22. At a considered moment, a car engine generates 100 Nm torque and 30 kW power. The overall
transmission ratio and efficiency are respectively 4 and 0.9. It considers also the driving torque is
divided equally between two drive wheels.
• For one of these wheels, loaded by a 3 kN force, calculate the maximum guiding force the
wheel can produce on a road with the grip coefficient μ = 0.5.
• Calculate the vehicle velocity if the wheel dynamic radius is 300 mm (it neglects the wheel
23. A car wheel, loaded statically with 3 kN, has the dynamic radius rd = 300 mm and the mass mw =
30 kg. It considers that only the suspension spring connects the wheel with the suspension body
(no damper exists).
• Passing over a road pothole, the wheel loses instantly the contact with the ground.
Calculate the downwards acceleration of the wheel.
• It considers the same magnitude of the wheel vertical acceleration when the wheel hops
over a road bump. Calculate the needed road’s vertical reaction force in this case.
24. Ideal and real braking forces repartition for cars
25. Effects of suspension vibrations over the human body.
26. A motor vehicle has the next critical dimensions: 5 m wheelbase, 2 m wheels track, 1 m height for
the centre of gravity. It considers also a flat and horizontal road with the grip coefficient equal
wit 0.8. Considering a 72 km/h constant speed, calculate the minimum radius the vehicle can turn
on circle (without skidding or rolling over).
21. Define the vehicle stability. Enumerate and explain (in order of their importance) the levels of
engineering actions needed to ensure the vehicle stability

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