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This chapter aims to obtain the objective of the study by critically analysing the qualitative data

thoroughly by examining the interviewer’s responses and beliefs. This has been achieved through by

evaluating the most relevant responses by the participants. The data has been analysed and discussed

by preparing the comments made by the respondents with the literature review keeping in mind the

research objective of the study. Thus the rational of this analysis is based on the personal answers

provided by the respondents. An appropriately designed Questionnaire was used as Primary data for the

study. The data for 101 respondents was organized systematically in a table and graphs and then was

subjected to analysis using statistical tools. The results of the analysis are presented in the following

section in order to access customer perception about their preferences regarding branch/online banking

in Delhi-NCR.

Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive statistics are brief descriptive coefficients that summarize a given data set, which can be

either a representation of the entire or a sample of a population. Descriptive statistics are broken down

into measures of central tendency and measures of variability (spread). Measures of central tendency

include the mean, median, and mode, while measures of variability include the standard deviation,

variance, the minimum and maximum variables, and the kurtosis and skewness.

A t-test is a type of inferential statistic used to determine if there is a significant difference between the

means of two groups, which may be related in certain features.

The t-test is one of many tests used for the purpose of hypothesis testingin statistics.

Calculating a t-test requires three key data values. They include the difference between the mean values

from each data set (called the mean difference), the standard deviation of each group, and the number

of data values of each group.

There are several different type soft-test that can be performed depending on the data and type of

analysis isrequired.

Here for analysing we are considering two factors:-

1) Demographic Factors

2) BehavioralFactors

Demographic Factors
Demographics is the collection and analysis of broad characteristics about groups of people and

populations. Demographic data is very useful for businesses to understand how to market to consumers

and plan strategically for future trends in consumer demand.

The combination of the internet, big data, and artificial intelligence is greatly amplifying the usefulness

and application of demographics as a tool for marketing and business strategy.

3.1.1 Gender

Gender Respondents Percentage

Male 67 66.3
Female 34 33.7
Total 101 100%

Table No. – 3.1.1

Pie-chart wise respondents:-

Figure No. – 3.1.1

Interpretation:-Out of total 101 respondents, 66.3% are male respondents i.e. 67 and 33.7%
respondents are female i.e. 33. Thus the data is collected from 67 male and 33 female.

3.1.2 Occupation

Occupation Respondents Percentage

Student 51 50.5
Job 38 37.6
Business 12 11.9
Other 0 0
Total 101 100%

Table No. – 3.1.2

Pie-chart wise respondents:-

Figure No. – 3.1.2

Interpretation: Out of 101 respondents, 50.5% are students i.e. 51, 37.6% belong to job i.e. 38, 11.9%
belong to business i.e. 12 and 0% are in others category i.e. 0. Thus in the study of youth, the
respondents are taken from different fields.

3.1.3 Education

Education Respondents Percentage

Under Graduation 18 17.8
Graduation 49 48.5
Post Graduation 33 32.7
Any Other 1 1
Total 101 100%
Table No. – 3.1.3

Pie-chart wise respondents:--

Interpretation: Out of 101 respondents, 17.8% are under graduate i.e. 18, 48.5% are graduate i.e. 49,
32.7% belong to post graduate i.e. 33 and 1% are in other category i.e. 1. Thus in the study of youth,
the respondents are taken from different fields.

3.1.4 What do you prefer in banking services?

What do you prefer in banking Respondents Percentage

Online Banking 88 87.1
Branch Banking 13 12.9
Total 101 100

Table No. – 3.1.4

Pie-chart wise respondents:-

Figure No. – 3.1.4

Interpretation: The above figure shows the no. of respondents prefer online/branch banking. The data
shows 87.1% respondents prefers online banking i.e. 88, and 12.9% respondents prefers branch banking
i.e. 13. Thus maximum no. of respondents prefers online banking by 87.1%.

3.1.5 How often do you visit bank branches?

How often do you visit bank branches? Respondents Percentage

2-3 times a week 5 5
Once a week 46 45.5
Once a month 34 33.7
Others(specify) 16 15.8
Total 101 100

Table No. – 3.1.5

Pie-chart wise respondents:--

Figure No. – 3.1.5

Interpretation: The above figure shows the no. of respondents how often they visit bank branches. The
data shows 5% respondents prefer 2-3 times a week i.e. 5, 45.5% respondents prefer going once a
week i.e. 46 whereas 33.7% respondents prefer once a month i.e., 34 and 15.8% respondents prefers
others reasons i.e., 16. Thus maximum no. of respondents prefer listening radio while traveling by

3.1.6 How often do you use online banking services?

How often do you use online banking Respondents Percentage

Hourly 4 4
Daily 47 46.5
Weekly 50 49.5
Total 101 100%

Figure No. – 3.1.6

Pie-chart wise respondents:-

Figure No. – 3.1.6

Interpretation: The above figure shows the no. of respondents often uses online banking. The data
shows 4% respondents prefer using hourly i.e. 4, 46.5% respondents prefer using on daily basis i.e. 47,
49.5% respondents prefer using weekly. Thus maximum no. of respondents prefers using online banking
is on weekly basis by 49.5%.

3.1.7 Which attribute of the bank do you value the most?

Which attribute of the bank do you Respondents Percentage

value the most?

Quality of Service 24 23.8
Technology used 53 52.5
Trust 22 21.8
Type of the bank 2 2
Total 101 100%

Figure No. – 3.1.7

Pie-chart wise respondents:--

Figure No. – 3.1.7

Interpretation: The above figure shows the no. of respondent according to their choice of attribute. The
data shows 23.8% respondents choose quality of service i.e. 24, 52.5% respondents choose technology
i.e. 53, 21.8% respondents choose trust i.e. 22 whereas 2% respondents choose type of the bank i.e. 2.
Thus maximum no. of respondents choose technology by 52.5%.

3.1.8 What do you think which age group of peoples do prefer online banking?

What do you think which age group of Respondents Percentage

peoples do prefer online banking?

18-24 12 11.9
24-30 71 70.3
30-40 14 13.9
40-50 3 3
Above 50 1 1
Total 101 100

Table No. –3.1.8

Pie-chart wise respondents:-

Figure No. – 3.1.8

Interpretation: The above figure shows the no. respondent shares their views towards which age group
prefers online banking. 11.9% were voted to the age group of 18-24. 70.3% were voted to the age goup
of 24-30. 13.9% were choosen for the age group of 30-40. 3% were voted to the age group for 40-50.
and the least votes goes to the age group of above 50. i.e. , 1%. Thus the maximum number of votes
goes to the age group of 24-30 by 70.3%.

3.1.9 What do you think which age group of peoples do prefer branch banking?

What do you think which age Respondents Percentage

group of peoples do prefer

branch banking?
18-24 2 2
24-30 25 24.8
30-40 8 7.9
40-50 30 29.7
Above 50 36 35.6
Total 101 100%

Table No. – 3.1.9

Pie-chart wise respondents:--

Figure No. – 3.1.9

Interpretation: The above figure shows the no. of respondents discuss over which age group prefers
branch banking . The data shows 2% respondents voted for the age group of 18-24 i.e. 2, 24.8%
respondents voted for 24-30 age group i.e. 25, 7.9% respondents voted for the age group of 30-40 i.e. 8.
29.7% respondents voted for the age group of 40-50 i.e. 30 whereas 35.6% respondents voted for above
50 age group i.e. 36. Thus the maximum no. of the respondents voted for the age group of above 50 by

3.1.10 Does education had the impact on using online banking over branch banking?

Does education had the impact on Respondents Percentage

using online banking over branch


Yes 43 42.6

No 34 33.7
May be 19 18.8

Not sure 5 5

Total 101 100

Table No. – 3.1.10

Pie-chart wise respondents:--

Figure No. – 3.1.10

Interpretation: The above figure shows the no. of respondents had put their opinion regarding the
impact of education on using online banking over branch banking. The data shows 42.6% respondents
said yes i.e. 43., 33.7% respondents said No i.e. 38, 18.8% respondents said May be i.e.19, and 5%
respondents said Not sure i.e. 5, .Thus the maximum no. of respondents said Yes by 42.6%.

3.1.11 Is different age group had different perceptions about banking preferences?

Is different age group had Respondents Percentage

different perceptions about

banking preferences?

Yes 56 55.4
No 32 31.7

May be 13 12.9

Total 101 100

Table No. – 3.1.11

Pie-chart wise respondents:--

Figure No. – 3.1.11

Interpretation: The above figure shows the no. of respondent’s had put their opinion regarding different
age group are having different perception about banking preferences. The data shows 55.4%
respondents said Yes i.e. 56, 31.7% respondents said No i.e. 32, and 12.9% respondents said may be i.e.
13. Thus maximum no. of respondents said Yes by 55.4%.

3.1.12 Does gender makes any difference in the use of banking preferences?

Does gender makes any Respondents Percentage

difference in the use of

banking preferences?
Yes 30 29.7
No 59 58.4
May be 12 11.9
Total 101 100
Table No. – 3.1.12

Pie-chart wise respondents:--

Figure No. – 3.1.12

Interpretation: The above figure shows the no. of respondent’s had put their opinion regarding different
Gender group are having different perception about banking preferences. The data shows 29.7%
respondents said Yes i.e.30, 58.4% respondents said No i.e. 55, and 11.9% respondents said may be i.e.
12. Thus maximum no. of respondents said No by 58.4%.

3.1.13 What do you think? what's your age/gender group do prefer as a banking preferences?

What do you think? what's Respondents Percentage

your age/gender group do

prefer as a banking

Branch Banking 17 16.8
Online Banking 84 83.2
Total 101 100
Table No. – 3.1.13

Pie-chart wise respondents:--

Interpretation: The above figure shows the no. of respondent’s opted their banking preferences
according to their age group. The data shows 16.8% respondents prefer Branch banking i.e.17, and
83.2% respondents prefer Online banking i.e.84, .Thus maximum no. of respondents prefers Online
banking by 83.2%.

3.2 Data Analysis

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