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Step 4

To analyze the waves behavior in guided mediums and radiation

Group 203058_32



School of Basic Sciences, Technology and Engineering

Electromagnetic Theory and Waves

Developed activity (consolidate)
Each student in the group has to answer the following questions using academic
references to support the research:
In the propagation of electromagnetic waves, what are the "transmission
The transmission lines confine the electromagnetic energy to a region of the space
limited by the physical medium that constitutes the line itself, unlike the waves that
propagate in the air, with no other barrier than the obstacles they find in its path. The
line is formed by electrical conductors with a determined geometrical disposition that
conditions the characteristics of the electromagnetic waves in it.
Types of electromagnetic wave transmission lines:
Non-resonant or flat line. The voltage and current are constant along its length,
assuming there are no losses. When a circuit is open all the incident power is returned
to the source. If the source were replaced by an open circuit or short circuit and the
line had no losses, the energy that is present in the line would be reflected from one
side to the other between the ends of the load and the source, in a way similar to the
power in a tank circuit.
Short line The incident voltage and the current waves are reflected again in the
opposite direction. The voltage wave is reflected it would have continued, along an
infinitely long line, and the wave current is reflected in exactly the same way as if
there were no short wave.
Infinite line. In a hypothetical line of infinite length, the wave travels only in one
direction and, consequently, there is no reflected wave, so that the voltage and
current at any point on the line, at a distance x from the generator,
Grooved line. The voltage of the standing wave can easily be measured with a slotted
line which, in the case of coaxial lines, is a line section with a slot through which a
probe mounted on a sliding carriage slides on a calibrated scale, with a detector
whose output provides the voltage induced by the wave on the line.
In a transmission system, what are the appropriate values for the reflection
coefficient and the VSWR?

VSWR. It is a vector quantity that represents the standing wave relation of reflected
voltage to the incident voltage or current reflected to the incident current, it refers
specifically to the voltage behavior (minimum and maximum) in a standing wave
phenomenon between a transmission line and its charge at the end.

The voltages and currents in the transmission line:

Zg = Internal impedance of the generator.

Vg = Voltage at the generator terminals.
Ig = Current at the end of the generator.
ZL = Load impedance.
VL = Voltage at the load terminals.
IL = Current at the end of the load.
z = Distance measured from the end of the load.
V max 1+ p
VSWR= = Donde p=Reflection coefficient
V min 1−p

The appropriate values, the reflection coefficient and the VSWR are 0 and 1

The maximum voltage (Vmax). They occur when the incident and reflected waves are
in phase (that is, their maximums pass through the same point on the line, with the
same polarity)
The voltage minima (Vmin.) Occur when the incident and reflected waves are out of
What happens to the transmission and reflection coefficient when: the line
ends in short circuit and when the line ends in open circuit?
If the line is terminated in open or short circuit, there is total reflection and ROE = ∞.
The standing wave ratio is important because, unlike the reflection coefficient, it is an
easy parameter to measure and gives an indication of the operating conditions of the
line and its coupling to the load and the generator. When a line ends in short circuit or
open circuit, there is an impedance inversion, every quarter of the wavelength. For a
lossless line, the impedance varies from infinity to zero. However, in a more real
situation, where power losses occur, the amplitude of the reflected wave is always
smaller than that of the incident wave except for the termination. Therefore, the
impedance varies from some maximum value to some minimum value, or vice versa,
depending on whether the line ends in a short or an open circuit.
If it is considered that the impedance at the end of the line is

The voltage reflection coefficient is

The voltage transmission coefficient is

There will be no reflection, ratifying in this way the fact that the only impedance value
that can be connected as a terminal load in a transmission line so that there is no
reflection is an impedance equal to the characteristic impedance.
The reflected wave and the incident wave at any point of the line can be considered
as the reflection coefficient at that point. Therefore, for any point x of the
transmission line, the Reflection Coefficient at that point will be mathematically equal.

What characteristics should be found in a transmission line system to be
considered well coupled?

 Whenever possible, it is desirable to couple the transmission lines to eliminate

reflections. For example, in telephone circuits. The coupling technique will be
that of the coupling sections (stub-tuner) or spurs.

 The transmission lines confine the electromagnetic energy to a region of the

space limited by the physical medium that constitutes the line itself, unlike the
waves that propagate in the air, with no other barrier than the obstacles they
find in its path.

 The line is formed by electrical conductors with a determined geometrical

disposition that conditions the characteristics of the electromagnetic waves in it,
together with the propagation constant, they are designated as secondary
parameters of the line and are independent of the line length.

 The transmission lines confine the electromagnetic energy to a region of the

space limited by the physical medium that constitutes the line itself, unlike the
waves that propagate in the air, with no other barrier than the obstacles they
find in its path.

 The transmission lines find numerous applications not only in the transport of
signals between a source and a load, but also as resonant circuits, filters and
impedance couplers. Lossless transmission coupled with Z_L = Z_P Input
impedance at all places on the line Z_ent = Z_0 Reflection coefficient T = 0All
incident power is supplied to the load regardless of the length of the line.

In the Smith chart, identify a Z_L = α, a Z_L = 0, two resistive loads and two
complex loads. Assume the characteristic impedance.
Smith's chart is drawn on the plane of linear polar coordinates of the reflection
coefficient of tension or on the rectangular coordinates of the real and imaginary

For Z L =0in Smith's letter, the admittance is located at a point diametrically

opposite to the impedance that is r → ∞ x → ∞

For Z L =∞ here the exact opposite occurs, the impedance is infinite, which indicates
that the admittance is zero. Therefore, for a line in an open circuit.

Exercises (one per student)
1. Student name:

2. Student name: BEATRIZ KATALINA TORRES NUÑEZ. Código: 40936585

1. A transmission line has the following parameters:, L=30 mH /km,C=55 nF /km,
G=4 μS /km and R=100 Ω/ km. It has a generator supplying 120 V rms at ω=3 x 105 rad / s
and in series with a resistance of300 Ω . The load has an impedance of 80 Ω . Find
the input voltage and current.

The first thing is to find the impedance of the line like this:

R+ jωL 100+ j3∗105∗30∗10−3

Z o=
√ G+ jωC

4∗10−3 + j3∗105∗55∗10−9
=(723.43+82.36 j) Ω

Then we find the wave length we have to:

1 1
λ= = 5
f √ LC 3∗10 √ 30∗10 ∗55∗10
−3 −9

Then we proceed to find the electric length as:

L 30∗10−3
l= = =222222222.22
λ 1.35∗10−10

Now we find the input impedance

Z L + j Z o tan (2 π l)
Z¿ =Z o =¿
Z o+ j Z L tan (2 π l)

80+(723.43+82.36 j) tan(2 π∗222222222.22)

(723.43+82.36 j)Ω =¿
(723.43+ 82.36 j)+ j 80 tan(2 π 222222222.22)

To finish we have:
( 16452.129+369998.607 j ) Ω

3. Student name:
4. Student name: lina maria medina velez

A transmission line of length l=0.25 λ has an input impedance Zi =45+ j60 Ω. Using
the Smith Chart, find the load impedance if Z 0=50 Ω .

L=0.25 λ , zi =45+ j 60 Ω, Z 0=50 Ω .

( zi )+ zoi tan ( 2 π ( l ) )
( )
( zi ) tan ( 2 π ( l ) )

(−45+60 i ) +50 itan ( 2 π ( 0,249 ) )

( )
( 45+60 i ) tan ( 2 π ( 0,249 ) )
=27+ 20i
5. Student name:
6. For the following input impedance and load impedance, find the wavelength
necessary to get a real input impedance.

a. Z L =35− j60 Ω Z 0=75 Ω .

b. Z L =15− j50 Ω Z 0=50 Ω .
c. Z L =45− j 65 Ω Z 0=30 Ω .
d. Z L =50− j30 Ω Z 0=75 Ω .
Conclusions (one per student)
Conclusion 2: Student name

Conclusion 3: Student name

Conclusion 4:lina maria medina velez

the guided media conduct (guide) the waves through a physical path, examples of these
means are the coaxial cable, the optical fiber and the twisted pair. The unguided means
provide a support for the waves to be transmitted, but they do not direct them; as an
example of them we have the air and the emptiness.

Conclusion 5: Student name

References (one per student)

Bibliography 1: Student name

Bibliography 2: Student name

Bibliography 3: Student name

Bibliography 4: lina maria medina velez

Impedance Matching Networks. (2001). Radio-Frequency & Microwave
Communication Circuits, 146-188. Retrieved

Bibliography 5: Student name

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