Exp # 14 (Theodolite Traversing)

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EXP # 14: To Perform Theodolite Traversing in the Field


This job is performed to determine the theodolite traversing of the scheme in which we
calculate bearings, lengths and internal angles of the traverse. Readings are further utilized to
determine Latitudes, Departures and Area computation of scheme.


 Digital Theodolite with Tripod Stand.

 Ranging Rods.
 Metric Staff.
 Plumb Bob.


Write some theory related to the experiment performance and calculation methods implemented
(From N. N. Basak Book Chapter # 9)


 Place the tripod stand on a point with respect to the suitable station.
 For initial leveling of the instrument level the tripod stand by equally opening the legs of
the tripod stand.
 Place the instrument on the tripod stand and do the rest of leveling by foot screws. When
the bubble in the horizontal and vertical tube is centered, the instrument is balanced.
 By rotating the foot screws clock wise or anti- clock wise make the bubble tubes at
 After leveling again check the centering of the Theodolite and make sure to be it in
 After leveling and centering adjust the telescope on the angle of 180° or 0° vertical.
 Focus the staff rod by adjusting the focus of the telescope with the help of focusing
 Theodolite Traversing is then performed by “Included angle method” and its procedure
can be written from N. N. Basak Book Chapter # 9.


Attach required tables and calculations as shown in the lecture given in the lab
(Assume the suitable values for the Station A Independent Co-ordinates and then calculate other
stations independent co-ordinates with respect to it)

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 The instrument should be leveled properly.

 The centering should be made correctly.
 The readings should be taken with care from the staff rod.
 There should be no parallax.


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