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Tough Issues,

Good Decisions
Lillian R. Putnam and Eileen M. Burke


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Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
To all the children who struggle
with ethical problems

Scholastic Inc. grants teachers permission to photocopy the stories from this book for classroom use. No other
part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without permis-
sion of the publisher. For information regarding permission, write to Scholastic Professional Books, 555
Broadway, New York, NY 10012.

Interior design by Drew Hires

Cover illustration by Jean-Claude Gotting
Interior illustrations by Gil Eisner
Cover design Sue Kass
ISBN 0-439-24117-0
Copyright © 2001 by Lillian R. Putnam and Eileen M. Burke. All rights reserved.
Printed in the U.S.A.

Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources

W e are grateful to the following teachers who used some

of the stories in Tough Issues, Good Decisions in their
classrooms and were good enough to share the
responses of their students with us:
Bonnie Cytron, fourth-grade teacher and Thelma Lydle and
Dorothy Halloran, fifth-grade teachers in the Wildwood School in
Mountain Lakes, New Jersey; Kathie Bush, fourth-grade teacher,
Orchard Elementary School, Skillman, New Jersey; Marilyn
Stebbins, sixth-grade teacher; Peter Colon, fourth-grade teacher
and Alice Wellmon, fourth-grade teacher in the Challenger School,
McGuire Air Force Base, McGuire, New Jersey; Elaine McGettigan,
third-grade teacher in the Atlantis School, McGuire Air Force Base,
McGuire, New Jersey. We offer a special thanks to Jacqueline Smith
for her help in disseminating the stories for student response to the
faculties of the Challenger and the Atlantis Schools. To all of those
teachers who encouraged us to proceed and to their students who
responded so honestly and thoughtfully to our stories, we are most

—Lillian R. Putnam and Eileen M. Burke

Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s

Introduction ...................................... 7
Teacher’s Guide ................................. 9

Part One P a r t Tw o
Suggested for Grades 4, 5, 6 Suggested for Grades 6, 7, 8

Class Klutz ...................................... 13 Slam Dunk ...................................... 37

Name-Calling Prejudice
The Clarion News ............................ 15 Flying Eagle .................................... 39
Plagiarism Dealing With Anger
Which Clown? ................................. 17 Lost Programs? ............................... 42
False Accusations Making Accusations
“You Owe Me.” ............................... 19 Art Gone Awry ................................ 44
Cheating Lying
Cupcakes, Paper, and Paste .............. 21 No Limit on Wit .............................. 47
Stealing Being Insensitve
The Cafeteria ................................... 24 Raising the Hoop ............................. 49
Being Dishonest Vandalism
Incident at the Water Fountain ......... 26 The White Stuff ............................... 51
Bullying Using Drugs
“I’m Sick of Hearing Her.” ............... 28 The Contract ................................... 53
Misinterpreting Information Being Blamed Unfairly
The Babysitter ................................. 30 Silent Witness ................................. 56
Being Irresponsible Speaking Up for What’s Right
Stopwatch ....................................... 33 How Do You Say, “No”? .................. 59
Cheating Sexual Harassment
The Fire Drill ................................... 35 The Softball Team ............................ 61
Pulling Pranks Being Intolerant

Suggestions for Further Reading

and Discussion ................................ 64
References ...................................... 71
Bibliography .................................... 72

Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources

N ewspapers and other media are

full of reports on ethical issues—
from national scandals relating to
banking and politics and school shootings,
to local news articles announcing wide-
There are many reasons for taking
class time to think through and talk about
such problem situations.
First, children need a moral purpose in
life as much as they need food, clothing,
spread cheating on standardized tests and and shelter. Given this need, there is justi-
drug use in schools and colleges. fication for helping children to develop an
Educators have realized that, for some ethical consciousness.
time, the incidence and severity of violent Second, just as other basic needs are
crime in our schools have been increas- provided for at home and in school, it is
ing. This highlights a critical need to here that moral purpose must be nurtured,
teach morals and ethics in school curricu- guided, and shaped.
la. We refer not to specific religious beliefs Third, emphasis on internal rather
but to ethical character, to “what you do than external rewards is often acclaimed
when no one is looking,” which is the but less often practiced. Moral values
way Robert Coles, the Harvard psychia- depend upon internal rewards. Children
trist, has defined character. who have observed the modeling and
Situations abound in classrooms that received the guidance that nurtures sound
require decisions about what is right and moral choices are less likely to be directed
what is best for the individual student and solely by tangible rewards.
for all students. Students must deal with Fourth, ethical choices confront all
these situations. They do—oftentimes people throughout their lives: whether or
without reflection. not to report dishonesty; whether to claim
Problems involving values are often the work of another as one’s own;
difficult to resolve. At times, they may whether lying is an option in the name of
require choosing between two equally preserving friendship. Children as well as
desirable options. At other times, they adults face these and many other ques-
may force a decision between equally tions. The need for decisions in such situ-
undesirable choices. Losing a friend, being ations is lifelong.
excluded from a group, losing self-respect Fifth, reading about and discussing
for lack of courage or conviction are class and school situations in which ethi-
prices that may have to be paid when an cal decisions are needed, lead to the iden-
ethical choice is made. tification of problems, factors contributing

Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
to them, alternate responses to them, when situations involving them are
solutions, and fresh insights. Critical allotted discussion time in the home and
thinking is sharpened, values are shaped, in the school. Character formation
and ethical awareness is strengthened. depends upon wrestling with such situa-
Sixth, a class which together probes tions and dealing with the choices avail-
situations that call for a sensitivity to able. A sense of right and wrong is
what is for the good of all and the good of sharpened as students grapple with such
each member, is a class whose awareness problems.
level has been raised. Students in such a Eighth, stories such as these provide
class will not gloss over future situations teachers with situations enough like actu-
dealing with moral issues and behaviors al school experiences to be highly rele-
as they occur in the classroom and in the vant to everyday school life. At the same
school. The respect for each other that time, vicarious as they are, they provide
develops through such group engagement the distancing that may be needed to dis-
with ethical issues has lifelong benefits cuss them fully and openly. It has been
and an extensive outreach. Developing our experience that stories are an excel-
respect for one another is also a step lent vehicle for confronting and discussing
toward making crimes against justice far problems.
less likely. Ninth, reflection on such situations
Seventh, it is in dealing with ques- helps us to know ourselves better.
tions of values and ethics that character Engaging in talk about a character in a
is fashioned. Without thought and dis- classroom and school situation who is
cussion given to the ethical dilemmas faced with an ethical dilemma, and thus,
that we face each day, decisions regard- with an ethical decision, is to place the
ing them are not likely to become easier, student in the character’s predicament.
clearer, or fairer. Honesty, courage, self- When this happens, both the mind and
discipline, dependability, sensitivity, the emotions of the student are captured.
respect, kindness, a sense of justice, and The impact is likely to be strong, and self-
like behaviors are more likely to develop knowledge is deepened.

Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Te a c h e r ’s G u i d e

may find the following sequence useful.

T he stories in Tough Issues, Good

Decisions reflect classroom and
school life. They represent situa-
tions you and your students can and do
encounter as you go about living and
1. read or listen to a story with an ethi-
cal problem.
2. reflect on the story. You may wish to
give them a few minutes to think
working with each other.
silently about the story.
The stories deal with such behaviors
3. identify the problem(s).
as lying, cheating, plagiarizing, stealing,
4. propose alternate solutions.
using drugs, pulling pranks, bullying,
5. evaluate the consequences of each
making hasty judgments, vandalism,
solution individually and in groups.
being intolerant, name-calling, and being
6. justify the choices they make.
7. extend the discussion through
The story method has long been an
language arts activities such as the
effective means by which to involve chil-
dren in reflecting upon a learning situa-
• writing personal stories
tion or problem. Such reflection is
• writing responses to the story before
strengthened by identification with char-
acters who grapple with situations that
• debating consequences of alternate
are well-known to students.
Throughout the discussion of these
• placing the characters in cartoon
stories, you will want to create a climate
frames to explain the problem
in which students realize that the values
• creating spin-offs for similar stories
of all people are formed by their parents,
• exploring drama possibilities by plac-
homes, origins, and personal experiences.
ing the story in a courtroom setting.

You will want to provide time for stu-
It is preferable to allow students to read dents to discuss similar situations in their
the story first individually, then reflect own lives. It is in connecting stories,
upon it, and finally discuss it. such as those in this book, with their
Discussion with peers is likely to trigger own experiences that students will feel
multiple ideas and solutions, and to most strongly the impact of these prob-
reveal fresh insights. Specifically, you lem situations. You know the connection

Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
with their own lives is being made when them sequentially may help to explore the
students comment, “That happened to me situation in depth.
once,” or “My brother got in the same
kind of trouble,” or “We had a kid like • use them selectively as seems
that in our class last year.” appropriate in terms of class
interest or need.

GUIDES FOR Class or school events or the sharing

DISCUSSION of a recent book may lead to a particular-
ly timely question. You may choose to
You will want to be certain that:
hone in on this one.
1. each student is given a chance to
express an opinion regardless of the • use them selectively based on
nature of the opinion. students’ targeted purposes and
2. one student talks at a time. interests.
3. all students listen respectfully, even
As the story is completed and the dis-
if they disagree.
cussion begins, it may become clear that
your students are interested in a specific
The questions in the book need not
character, specific behavior, or special
necessarily be taken in order. Sometimes
aspect of the situation. It is wise to recog-
two or three questions will be under dis-
nize such interest and attention.
cussion simultaneously, as they impinge
on each other. This is perfectly acceptable,
• add to the questions in order to
and it is wise to allow the discussion to
accommodate additional ideas.
proceed in a natural fashion. For the most
part, questions are open-ended to allow You will find as discussion proceeds
for considerable thought and talk. If, and experiences of students are linked
however, the discussion does not “move to story events that new questions,
along” well enough to sustain interest, comments, and views will be identified,
you can probe or insert leading questions and additional questions will be needed
or suggestions. to ferret out a full range of responses to
There are many ways to use the ques- the story.
tions. You may choose to:
• organize the questions singly or in
• use them sequentially as printed. clusters and assign them to individ-
uals or groups of students.
At times, questions focus on different
characters; at other times, the experiences Questions may sometimes be handled
are of one character; and at still other best by small groups or individual stu-
times, on facets of the situation. Using dents who concentrate on one or two


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
aspects of the situation. Time for group students become more conscious of ethi-
sharing with the entire class would follow. cal issues, and the discussions following
them will provide the motivation to con-
• use your own set of questions. tinue giving thought and reflection to
these lifelong problems.
The prompt questions included at the
After discussing these stories, some
end of each story may stir your thinking
students may wish to write stories of
and nurture a whole new set of questions.
their own, perhaps from personal experi-
Do not hesitate to use those. You know
ence. If students agree, the sharing of
best the pertinence of each story to your
such personal stories would be particu-
class and the questions that might best
larly pertinent and rich in furthering the
stir discussion and debate.
development of ethical consciousness.
Also, be sure to ask your students to
An integration of all the language arts is
think of questions. You should serve as
achieved when students listen to, read,
discussion leader to insure equal participa-
discuss, and respond in writing to the
tion by all your students. It is possible,
stories. In order to do this we have
however, that after your students have
included a writing prompt following each
had sufficient experience with the stories
set of questions at the end of each story.
and discussions, you may wish to assign
a student to the role of discussion leader.
Since you are asking students to dis- ORDER OF STORIES
cuss what they think about these ethical
Although the problems involved in all
issues, you may receive a variety of
these stories are faced by children of all
responses. If groups of students arrive at
ages, the following stories seem to be
“unethical” answers or conclusions and
more appropriate, but do not need to be
appear to be satisfied with those conclu-
limited to grades 4, 5, and 6:
sions, you might direct their attention to
consideration of the consequences for
Class Klutz
everyone—both short and long term. This
The Clarion News
tactic usually frees up a more ethical
Which Clown?
“You Owe Me.”
At times, it may be helpful to break in
the middle of the discussion. Sometimes Cupcakes, Paper, and Paste
the interval of a night or day provides The Cafeteria
thinking time that results in a more Incident at the Water Fountain
thoughtful, rational approach. “I’m Sick of Hearing Her….”
We realize that consciousness-raising The Babysitter
does not happen immediately. It takes Stopwatch
time to develop. These stories will help The Fire Drill


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
The following stories seem to be more EVALUATION
useful, but do not need to be limited to
How can the results of a project of this
grades 6, 7, and 8:
nature be evaluated? Certainly no stan-
dardized test can do it. Rather you would
Slam Dunk
look for a change in classroom behavior
Flying Eagle
that progresses from an awareness of eth-
Lost Programs?
ical issues, to the identification of prob-
Art Gone Awry
lems, to the analysis of consequences of
No Limit on Wit
decisions, and on to responsible action.
Raising the Hoop
Children are most clearly acting respon-
The White Stuff
sibly when they stand up for an ethical
The Contract
principle. Ethical actions may be observed
Silent Witness
in the classroom by an increase in:
How Do You Say, “No”?
The Softball Team • reflection on the consequences of
one’s behavior.
• sensitivity and respect for the prop-
erty and feelings of others.
Plots that center on ethical problems are • a willingness to deliberate rather
bountiful in children’s literature. In the than to fight.
section Suggestions for Further Reading • tolerance for differing opinions.
and Discussion, 19 books are cited along • an appreciation of internal rather
with a brief annotation and guide ques- than external rewards.
tions. In all cases, the books provide a
depth and breadth of tale that the brevity If the study of these stories has been
of the stories does not allow. There are, effective, there should be an increase in
therefore, many more discussion topics moral conduct, which will affect every-
and potential questions for each book thing students do and say—even, as
than are provided here. Each book will Robert Coles asserts, “when no one is
invite several days of rich discussion. looking.”


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Class Klutz

usan and Charlie have been taking Scott looks very embarrassed; he tries

S care of the class earth science

exhibits during Science Fair days.
The models and explanations of volca-
to right the models and restore the labels
while Susan and Charlie shake their heads
and both remark, “That’s Scott for you!”
noes, earthquakes, and the effects of Scott blushes even more when Charlie
glaciation stand tall in boxes and on pushes him and says, “You’re so clumsy,
bases of many sizes and forms. Scott. Get away.”
Today, after making certain that the Then Susan complains, “And we just
exhibits and their labels are visible and in finished straightening up the exhibits for
order, Susan and Charlie return to playing the fifth graders’ visit.”
word games at their Word Learning Sarah, looking at the messed-up table,
Center. Neither of them sees their class- sings out, “Scott is so-o-o-o clumsy.”
mate, Scott, take a sudden turn and bump Then George pipes in. “I guess every
against one of the exhibit tables. Several class has to have a klutz. Yesterday, he
exhibits are upset. Looking up from their ruined our mural by stepping on it.”
word games, Susan and Charlie see “Class Klutz. That’s a good name for
what’s happened. him,” says Judy, who thought her best art


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
work had been ruined by Scott’s misstep
on the mural.
1. Have you or your friends ever invent-
Scott hears all of these remarks and
ed a name for someone who seems to
thinks that if only they had painted their
cause problems in the classroom?
mural in the back of the room out of the
2. Did this name-calling help solve the
way, nobody would have stepped on it.
Unhappy, he walks to the class Book
3. Did the name-calling help the person
Nook to be by himself.
given the name?
It takes him a while to select a book.
4. If Scott becomes known as “Class
In the meantime, he has upset several
Klutz,” how do you think he will
shelves. Nancy joins him in the Book
behave in the future?
Nook looking for a special poem. She
5. What do you think Scott should do in
notices the disorder of the shelves and
this situation?
complains, “Oh, Scott, can’t you do any-
6. What do you think about the behav-
thing right? Look at the mess you’ve
ior of Scott’s classmates?
made. Now I’ll never find what I want.”
7. Would you like to help Scott be less
Angrily, Scott replies, “Well, I was just
klutzy? What specifically could you do
going to start to put the books back.”
to help him?
Even more angrily, Nancy retorts,
“When, next year?”
With his book in his hand, Scott,
Pretend that when you were in the third
angry and thoroughly depressed, walks as
grade, some of your classmates called
far away from everyone as he can. He
you “a wimp.” You were very unhappy
wonders unhappily if he’s really going to
about this, so you understand how
be known as the “Class Klutz”? Slouching
Scott might be feeling. Describe your
in his chair, Scott looks sad and defeated.
feelings and your actions at that time.


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
The Clarion News

he fifth graders’ newspaper, The Zoe grinned when Bill shared the joke

T Clarion News, came out every other

month. The January/February issue
was being assembled.
with her, but she said, “You need more
than that for the column.”
Bill sighed and thought about the
There was always a joke column that funny joke the teacher shared last week:
everyone enjoyed. Bill had submitted sev- Question: What do you have when
eral ideas for the joke column to the edi- an owl and a goat get together?
tor, Zoe, but was told that everyone Answer: A Hootenanny.
already knew these jokes. The teacher, Ms. Wells, had said that
Bill really wanted his name to appear lots of jokes come from playing with
in the paper and tried to write a joke on words. Bill thought he could play with
his own. Finally, he submitted a “Where words too. He rotated his pencil in his
do you find…” joke. hand again and again as he thought.
Question: Where do you find ele- Nothing seemed to come to him quickly,
phants? and this was the very last day students
Answer: It all depends on where you could submit anything to the editor.
put them. As Bill sat frowning over his pencil,


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
his eyes roamed around the room and
rested on one of the library shelves
1. What do you think of Bill’s behavior?
where copies of old newspapers from last
2. What other actions might Bill have
year’s class were stacked. Ms. Wells kept
taken to appear in The Clarion News?
these for students to use. Bill knew that
3. If you found something you wished
there were jokes in each issue, and he
to share with others—jokes or poems
walked over to the shelf and leafed
or special paragraphs—how might you
through a few issues.
do this?
He found himself laughing at several
4. The person who wrote the joke in
of the jokes and thinking they were really
the newspaper will not know that Bill
funny. He was also thinking that the class
claimed the joke as his. Is there any
wouldn’t know these jokes.
harm then in what Bill did?
Suddenly Bill found himself wonder-
5. If the joke Bill found was unsigned,
ing why he couldn’t copy one and submit
is there any reason he cannot claim it
it to the editor. He found one that he
as his own?
especially liked, copied it, signed it, and
handed it to Zoe with the “Where-do-you-
find-elephants?” joke.
You are the author of the joke Bill
Zoe said, “Great!” The January/Feb-
found in the copy of the old newspa-
ruary issue of The Clarion News carried
per. You discover that Bill has claimed
Bill’s name under both jokes.
your joke as his own. Write about how
this would make you feel and why.


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Which Clown?

n Center School, Halloween was a day for the older classes to pair with a class

I of surprises, fun, and mystery.

Everyone wore costumes and some-
times masks. Guessing who the masquer-
of younger children to view one another’s
costumes and to share refreshments.
Tamara was enjoying herself. She stood
aders were was the game of the day. laughing at one of the little children
In Mr. Selski’s class, there were sev- who was wearing a monster costume
eral clowns. Tamara was one. Her mask and was trying to look ferocious while
sported a Pinocchio-sized nose and a big, eating a cookie.
red mouth. On her head, she wore a Suddenly, she heard a cry behind her
bright orange wig. Tamara was not the and turned to see a little “dinosaur” topple
only clown, but she couldn’t guess over. She ran to help the child up when
which of her friends were wearing clown she heard the young children who were
costumes. standing near the fallen dinosaur yell,
At Center School, it was the custom “She’s a bad clown, a bad clown!” while


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
pointing to a tall child in a clown’s cos- room, walked over to Tamara and asked,
tume leaving the room. “What happened?”
The teacher of the young children, Tamara, upset herself, answered that
Mrs. Simcox, walked over to Tamara and she really didn’t know, but she thought
the small dinosaur who, by this time, was Mrs. Simcox blamed her for whatever had
crying loudly. Hearing the chant, “Bad happened.
clown, bad clown!” Mrs. Simcox looked at
Tamara and asked, “What happened?” At QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION
the same time, she helped the little 1. Has anything like that ever happened
dinosaur up, saying, “That’s all right, to you?
David, everything will be all right.” 2. Should Tamara make a point of talk-
Again, Mrs. Simcox turned to Tamara ing to Mrs. Simcox later to try to
and waited for an answer. explain the situation?
Tamara replied, “I don’t know. I heard 3. Should Tamara speak with the other
someone cry and turned around and saw small children and have them help her
him.” She pointed to the small dinosaur. explain to Mrs. Simcox what really hap-
David, by this time, was crying even pened?
more loudly while the other children kept 4. What do you think about Mrs.
chanting, “Bad clown, bad clown!” Seeing Simcox’s behavior?
no other clowns, Mrs. Simcox, clearly 5. What can Tamara learn from this sit-
annoyed, said, “Well, you must have uation?
done something!” 6. If you were Tamara, what would you
“The clown pushed him down,” yelled do now?
one small voice. David, by this time, was
totally incoherent. His dinosaur tail was WRITE ABOUT IT
ruined, and he couldn’t control his tears You can probably remember a number
enough to answer any of Mrs. Simcox’s of times when you have been blamed
questions. by your parents, brother, sister, teacher,
In frustration, Mrs. Simcox turned to or others for something you did not do.
Tamara and said, “You older children List any reasons you can think of that
should have enough sense to take care of explain why the blame was placed on
young children like David.” you. How did you react to these false
Tamara protested, “But—“ accusations?
With an exasperated look at Tamara,
Mrs. Simcox marched off holding David
by the hand.
Mr. Selski, seeing only a very upset
Mrs. Simcox escorting David out of the


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
“You Owe Me.”
arlos walked along the sidewalk as

C slowly as he possibly could. He

took time to kick every stone in
sight. He kicked the stones for blocks—
anything to delay his arrival at school.
Today was Friday, and the teacher had
announced that she would be giving the
big history test this morning.
Carlos wasn’t prepared. He hadn’t
studied at all. It wasn’t that he didn’t
want to study and work, but there just
wasn’t time to do it. He was the best Paul would help him just this once.
player on the soccer team, so he really Carlos walked along faster now. He
had to play all the games. He also was would speak to Paul before school and
the best hitter on the softball team, so he ask him to help him, just this once. Paul
really had to be there for every game. If sat directly opposite from Carlos, so it
he didn’t, he’d be letting the school down, would be easy for Paul to push his paper
and he couldn’t do that. They were to one side of his desk, and Carlos could
depending on him. No, he had to be look over to see the answers. He wouldn’t
there. But that left him no time to study, copy all the right answers because that
and today was the big test. might look suspicious. He wanted just
Maybe the teacher will be absent, enough right answers to pass.
Carlos thought. Then there would be no Carlos spotted Paul entering the school
test. His hopes soared for a moment, but building. He pulled him aside and
then he realized this teacher was never explained his problem. He told Paul about
absent. If the electricity went off, she how much time he had been giving to
would teach by candlelight. If the heat school sports and, with no time to study,
went off, she would tell everybody to he could fail the test. Paul listened silently
wear sweaters. There was no chance of until Carlos had told the whole story, and
her not being in class. then he looked Carlos straight in the eye
Then suddenly Carlos thought of Paul. and said firmly, “No way, no way!” Then
Paul was smart. He always got good he pushed past Carlos and went into the
marks on tests. He always knew all the school building.
answers—even the hard ones. Paul would Carlos was angry and shaken. Not
probably have spent a lot time studying, only wouldn’t Paul help him when he
and would know the answers. Maybe needed it, but he didn’t even care that


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Carlos had been spending all his spare the desk and moved herself to the oppo-
time helping the school in games. Now site side so Carlos could see the answers.
what would he do? What they didn’t know was that Paul
At that moment Ashley walked past saw all this and guessed what was going
and said, “Hi, Carlos. Are you going in?” on. As Paul walked out of the classroom
“Yeah,” answered Carlos. As they after finishing the exam, he felt angry
walked along the corridor together, Carlos and confused. What should he do? Should
started to think. Ashley was a nice kid, he tell Carlos that he knew he had taken
full of fun, and always nice to be with. Ashley’s answers? Should he tell Ashley
Maybe she would help. She wasn’t a top that he knew she had helped Carlos?
student, just kind of average, but maybe Should he tell the teacher what he saw?
she would pass the history test. Best of What was the right thing to do?
all, she sat directly in front of him in the
history class. It was worth a try, he QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION
thought. 1. Pretend that you are Paul. When Paul
Carlos slowly told Ashley how hard he refused to help Carlos during the exam,
had worked on the school teams to help he must have had some good reasons.
the school. He told her how many hours What do you think his reasons were?
he had spent practicing, and that there 2. If someone asked Ashley why she
was no time left to study. Of course she agreed to help Carlos, what reasons do
already knew about the history test today. you think she would have given? Do
Then he quietly asked her if she would you agree with her?
“share” some of her answers with him. 3. Do you think Carlos had a right to
He explained that since she sat directly in ask for help because he spent so much
front of him, if she just placed her paper time playing for the school? If you
on the side of her desk and moved her don’t agree, how could you explain this
body to the other side, he could see her to Carlos?
answers easily. 4. Have you ever been in a situation
Ashley looked surprised at first, but as similar to that of Paul or Ashley? What
Carlos continued to talk about how easily did you decide to do? Why?
it could be done, she looked serious and
thoughtful. WRITE ABOUT IT
“Well, it’s not fair,” she said. “You did List ways you think a school might help
so much for the school you had no time students who are good in sports to
for yourself. Well, maybe, just this once, stay on top of their studies. Then list
but only once.” ways you think students can keep up
They took the exam and, true to her with their school work while being
word, Ashley slid her paper to the edge of active in sports programs.


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Cupcakes, Paper, and Paste

f you can get away with it, why room where he knew the boxes of cup-

“I not? Who’s going to know?

Nobody’s going to miss a few
boxes of cupcakes,” Ron asserted. “It’s
cakes were kept and stuffed several pack-
ages into his backpack. Jasmine didn’t
follow him but instead started for her
like my mom and dad do with their next class. Ron was right; nobody was
income tax. If you can get away with it, watching. Nobody knew about the lost
why mention it? My dad gets a lot of fees cupcakes but her.
‘under the table’ he calls it. Nobody Jasmine thought a lot about Ron and
knows the difference.” his “nobody’s watching” comment. She
Jasmine stared. “But it’s wrong. It’s began to notice a number of things she
not honest,” she said. and her classmates did when nobody was
“It’s not hurting anybody. Why watching.
worry?” Ron asked. Projects were popular in her school,
“But somebody has to pay for those and lots of materials were needed to com-
cupcakes. They don’t come free,” argued plete them. When she was supply moni-
Jasmine. tor, she noticed how much paint, paper,
“The school system pays for them. It’s paste, and other art supplies were taken
not out of our pocket. Come on! I’m hun- home. It seemed to be much more than
gry and nobody’s watching.” anyone would really need. When her
Ron walked to the cafeteria stock- friend Shannon needed some tagboard,


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
there was none on the shelf. The teacher
seemed puzzled because so much had
been ordered. Jasmine thought she knew
why none was left.
She noticed too that the paperbacks
that teachers ordered so each student
could have one as they shared a story
sometimes decreased in number over a
month or so. She had heard more than
one classmate say, “Oh well, I guess I lost
it, but they have plenty of copies.”
Embarrassed, she thought about the time
she had said the same thing.
Jasmine wondered if Ron were right.
Nobody watched; nobody cared. The The school took pride in both the Art
supply was always there. But no. That Show and Young Authors’ programs and
wasn’t so. Shannon didn’t find the tag- always gave the exhibit a very profes-
board when she needed it, and the next sional look.
class that shared Shiloh would be short a Shannon and Jasmine were surprised,
copy or two. therefore, when they entered the all-pur-
Why should she care? Jasmine pose room to find no framed artwork. All
shrugged and tried to dismiss the concern the work was attached with paperclips to
although she talked about it with string extending from one wall of the
Shannon. room to the opposite side. Somehow it
May 1 arrived, and it was time was very disappointing.
for the annual Art Show and Young Jasmine heard parents ask Ms. Marks
Authors’ Conference. Everybody enjoyed about the frames and also heard com-
these. Ms. Marks was a great art teacher, ments about the books that weren’t
and their school was known for its bound in the same materials as in previ-
exceptional show. All the teachers and ous years. Replies from teachers were the
students contributed to the Young same—the supply budget had been
Authors’ Conference, and bound books exhausted early because of all the projects
were displayed everywhere. the students were continuously engaged
Personally, Jasmine was looking for- in. Parents looked puzzled. So did the stu-
ward to seeing her charcoal drawing dents who expected their work to be
exhibited. Ms. Marks had helped her with exhibited in the usual finished fashion.
it, and Jasmine was so proud of it. She The principal and teachers received so
couldn’t wait to see it framed and hung. many comments from parents and visitors


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
and the students themselves about the QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION
show and the conference not being “quite 1. What do you think about Ron’s com-
what it used to be” that they began to ments? If nobody is watching, is there
think about the vanishing supplies. One anything wrong in taking a few cup-
or two also remarked about the dwindling cakes that “nobody will ever miss?”
paperbacks. 2. Jasmine did see Ron take cupcakes,
“Well,” said one teacher, “you can’t but she only thought she knew why
have children working on as many activi- paper, paint, tagboard, and other sup-
ties as we have in our school and not plies were missing. Since she didn’t
expect that materials will be used up. And know for a fact that students had taken
you can’t have children reading so many them needlessly, should Jasmine share
different books and not have some miss- this information with Shannon’s mother?
ing. It looks like we really have to budget 3. Why should Jasmine feel any con-
more money for materials and paperbacks cern or responsibility about the missing
next year.” supplies?
The principal looked worried at this 4. If you were Jasmine, would you
comment. She knew her school already advise Shannon to tell her mother
spent more money on supplies than any about the observations she (Jasmine)
other school in the district. has made? If not, what would you do?
Shannon’s mother was an officer in 5. Jasmine saw Ron take the cup-
the parent association in the school. cakes. She also knew that he expected
Shannon heard her mother mention the her to follow him. She was troubled by
need for more money next year and com- the fact that he thought she would join
ment that she “didn’t know where it him. Should she report Ron? Should
would come from.” Shannon called she try to find out why he thought she
Jasmine, and they tried to decide if they would follow him into the supply room
should talk to the principal about some of and steal cupcakes too?
the things that Jasmine had noticed.
After reading “Cupcakes, Paper, and
Paste,” notice, over a period of several
days, the quantity of school supplies
you and your classmates use. Is it all
necessary? Write arguments you might
use to persuade your classmates to
judge better the amount of materials
they need. Consider the effect that bet-
ter estimating might make in classroom
programs and activities.


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
The Cafeteria
atisha was humming as she

N skipped down the hall. She was

very happy. Today was Thursday,
and she and her best friend Katie had the
same lunch period. That meant they could
sit together and talk for almost an hour.
Katie and she had so many things in
common. They were on the same soccer
team, so they attended all the games and
practices together. They also sang in the
chorus, so they went to all the rehearsals
together. There was just so much to talk the cashier’s desk and over to the table
about. Having a really good friend made area. Natisha didn’t know exactly what
Natisha very happy. was happening. Had Katie forgotten to
As Natisha entered the cafeteria, she pay for her lunch? Did she think she had
saw that Katie was already in line, so already paid for it? Natisha stood there in
Natisha picked up a tray and moved in a daze, not knowing exactly what to do.
behind her. “Hi,” said Katie, and she Should she call out to Katie and remind
motioned for Natisha to follow her. Katie her to pay the cashier? Would that
selected a slice of pizza, a glass of milk, embarrass Katie? Or should she walk over
and a piece of chocolate cake. That looked and tell her?
good to Natisha, so she chose the same. When the cashier got up from the
“Let’s sit over by the windows,” sug- floor, she looked at Natisha’s tray, and
gested Katie. Natisha nodded her head in said, “Seventy-five cents, please.” Natisha
agreement. When they got to the end of paid the cashier. Somehow the cashier
the line where the cashier was sitting, didn’t seem to realize that Katie had
they suddenly heard something crash to skipped out without paying.
the ground. It was a glass bowl and it had As Natisha sat down and began to eat
broken into a thousand pieces. her pizza, she said to Katie, “Katie, you
“Oh, someone could get hurt,” said didn’t pay for your lunch. Did you forget?”
the cashier. “Let me pick this up.” She “No,” replied Katie. “She didn’t ask
bent over the floor with her head beneath me for it.”
the counter. She started to pick up the “But you knew she was cleaning up
pieces of broken glass. the glass underneath the counter. She
At that moment, Natisha saw to her couldn’t see you after you left.”
amazement that Katie walked right past “It doesn’t matter,” replied Katie. “If


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
she had asked me, I would have paid for it, Natisha picked up her tray, murmured
but she didn’t so I didn’t!” Katie spoke as if something about getting back to class,
she had just made a courtroom decision. and left the cafeteria.
Natisha toyed with her pizza. Natisha felt awful. The day was
Somehow it didn’t seem so appetizing now. ruined. Was she being too hard on Katie?
Even the chocolate cake had no appeal. After all, Katie was right when she said
She sat silently for a few minutes. What that the cashier didn’t actually ask her for
had gone wrong? This was supposed to be the money. Natisha felt confused and
such a nice, happy time—a time to talk upset. Should she ruin a perfectly good
about soccer, the chorus, and all the fun friendship because of this one lunch?
things they were doing together. Now she
didn’t feel like talking about anything. QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION
Natisha glanced over at Katie. Katie 1. Was Katie dishonest in not paying
was finishing her pizza and starting on for the lunch? Pretend you are Katie,
her chocolate cake. She seemed complete- and argue for her side.
ly unconcerned. 2. Have you ever seen a friend do
How could she have done this, won- something like this? What did you do
dered Natisha. Katie stole, and she knows about it?
it. Just because the cashier was looking 3. Is honesty a “given,” something that
down is no excuse. It’s still stealing. She doesn’t change regardless of the cir-
knows it. I know it. We both know it. cumstances? Or are there certain con-
But Katie was her best friend. How ditions that change it?
could she be friends with someone who 4. Someone once said, “If you can get
was dishonest? Natisha made one more away with anything, that makes it
try. She asked Katie to return to the O.K.” Do you agree with that?
cashier and tell her she forgot to pay her
for the lunch. In that way, they could WRITE ABOUT IT
start all over again, and maybe Katie Friendship is precious. Katie and
wouldn’t do it again. Natisha really enjoy each other. Think
“No way,” said Katie vehemently. about the times you and a good friend
“She didn’t ask me, so I didn’t pay. I disagreed because you thought he or
didn’t do anything wrong.” she did something “not quite right.”
Natisha tried a few more ways to get What did you do? Was your reaction
Katie to go back and pay for the lunch something that Natisha and Katie might
because she really wanted them to stay learn from? As you think back, is there
good friends. Talking together and being anything you might have done differ-
together wouldn’t be fun anymore. There ently to solve the problem and keep
would be a wall between them. Finally the friendship?


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Incident at the Water Fountain
ractice had been great that day.

P Although it was hot as blazes, the

boys played as hard as they could.
Their soccer skills were really improving.
They all felt great—like real winners.
“Time for a drink,” shouted the coach,
and they all headed for the drinking foun-
tain near the school building. Twelve boys
raced from the field, each hoping to reach
the fountain first. They all were hot and students were standing there, watching
sweaty, and perspiration ran down the what was happening, but no one said a
backs of their necks. word. Why aren’t they backing me up,
Ed could hardly wait for that nice, wondered Ed. Why are they just standing
cool water to flow down his throat and to there and watching? Why don’t they say
trickle over his hot face and neck. He ran or do something?
as fast as he could and because he was Ed stood his ground. He told Gil that
such a fast runner, he arrived at the foun- they all had a chance to race to the foun-
tain first. He was just about to bend down tain and that since he got there first, he
over the drinking fountain when he heard should have the first drink. But Gil was
a gruff, loud voice behind him saying, stubborn.
“Not so fast, shrimp, I’m first here.” “This is the last time I’m going to tell
Ed looked up to see Gil standing right you, shrimp,” said Gil. “Move aside or
behind him. Gil was the biggest boy in you’ll be sorry.”
the class. He was as big as a kid in high Ed pretended he didn’t hear and
school. He practiced weightlifting and was leaned over the fountain to take that
always showing everyone his muscles. much-needed drink of water, but Gil
Ed stood his ground. “No, I’m first,” reached over, grabbed Ed by the collar,
he said. “I got here first so I get to drink and banged his head against the metal
first.” Ed didn’t move. water faucet. The bang made everyone
Gil moved a step closer, looking more jump. Ed yelled with pain as his head hit
threatening than ever. “You don’t under- the hard metal and his forehead started to
stand, shorty,” replied Gil. “I’m always bleed. He fell backwards on the ground,
first whether I get there first or not. That’s almost in a dead faint.
the way it is because I say so! Now get Gil stepped up to the fountain and
out of my way.” calmly took a long drink. Then he said,
By this time all of the team and other “The rest of you kids just remember I’m


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
always first in everything. Everything. knew what it would be about. Somebody
And that’s because I say so!” had told her something. She asked first if
Gil turned around, glanced down at Ed anyone wanted to tell what happened
on the ground, and said, “He’ll remember after practice. No one raised a hand. She
that next time.” Then he smirked, let out probed further and asked if anyone was
a mean laugh, and went into the school hurt. Ed knew she was trying to get to
building. the bottom of this. He knew that if the
As Ed lay on the ground, things other kids told what had happened, Gil
looked dark and foggy. Some of the other would find out and then they would get
kids came up to see if he was all right. hurt too. If he told what had happened,
Two friends offered to walk home with Gil would be after him again.
him and gave him some paper towels to Ed sat in his seat squirming. He didn’t
put on the cut. It was bleeding so much know what to do. Should he speak up and
he knew he should go home and have his tell what happened? He certainly would
mother fix it. But he hated to do that. She like to see Gil get punished for what he
would think he had been fighting, and he did, but what would be the consequences?
hadn’t. He was right to drink first; he
knew he was. Ed hadn’t done anything to QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION
Gil. And what about the other kids? Why 1. Has anything like this ever happened
had they stood there and not done any- to you? What did you do about it?
thing? They let him stand up to Gil all by 2. What kind of a person is Gil? What is
himself. A fine pack of friends they were! a good word to describe him?
If they had all ganged up on Gil, they 3. Do the other children at the water
could have stopped him. Separately, no fountain bear any responsibility for
one could fight back against Gil, but all what happened to Ed? If so, what?
together they could. All these thoughts 4. If Gil is allowed to get away this
crowded Ed’s mind until he felt dizzy with time, what will happen the next time?
so many unanswered questions. 5. If you were a member of the group
When he arrived home, his mother who had witnessed the incident, what
was out, so he washed and cleaned the would you do? Why?
cut and put a small bandage over it. Then
he pulled his hair down over his forehead WRITE ABOUT IT
so it didn’t show too much. Fortunately, You are a member of your school’s
no one noticed it at home. Student Council. The Council has been
The next morning Ed went to school concerned about some of the bullies in
as usual. The very first thing in the morn- the building. You think about this and
ing, the teacher said there was something decide to list ways the Council and
she wanted to discuss with the class. No school might deal with “bullying.”
one moved or said anything. Everyone


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
“I’m Sick of Hearing Her.”
know she always brags, but

“I everyone else knows she does it

too. Why let it bother you? Just
forget it,” Rosie said.
“I’m not going to forget it. I’m sick of
it. Like her house, it’s always so big and
beautiful and better than anyone else’s.
Did you ever hear such garbage? You’d
think she’d get tired of hearing herself
brag about everything,” Annie replied.
“Well, maybe she’s telling the truth. I
never thought her clothes were anything
special, but I’ve never been to her house.
Have you?” asked Kareem.
“I don’t have to go to her house to
know it doesn’t have marble floors and
four bathrooms and a special fitness
room,” retorted Annie. “She’s a liar.” minutes. It was then Jack remembered
Jack passed by as Rosie, Kareem, and what he had heard.
Annie talked and wondered who they “Hey, did you know that Abby lies a
were calling a liar. Then he heard Kareem lot because her life is so hard? I heard
say, “Well, maybe Abby is like some peo- Annie call her a liar and say something
ple who need to lie because real life is so about her life being so hard. Do you
hard for them. Don’t you remember how know Abby?
many stories we’ve heard where someone Ramon said, “Not really. But I never
creates imaginary adventures because life thought she was a liar. She must live in a
is so dull, or hard, or—“ great house though from what she says, so
Abby? Jack thought. He didn’t know I don’t buy the bit about life being hard.”
Abby well at all but if she were lying “I wonder what she lies about. Is it
because life was so hard, he would really her house?” asked Jack. “Whatever it is,
like to know more about it. He was on his Annie seemed fed up with her.”
way to meet Ramon; they were going to On the way home, the boys saw Abby
the playing field to practice pitching and walking on the other side of the street hold-
catching. ing a small child in each hand. Both chil-
Ramon and he practiced for a while, dren were very young and well dressed.
and then they sat down for a couple of “There she is,” said Ramon. “I didn’t


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
know she had any sisters or brothers.” babysitting. The children delighted Abby
After walking a few blocks in the same and so did the Balderston home; it was so
direction, the boys saw Abby enter a large, beautiful with its marble floors, four bath-
expensive-looking house. “Well,” said rooms, and fitness room. She told Mrs.
Ramon, “She certainly isn’t lying about the Balderston how she often told her friends
great house she lives in. That’s huge!” about this house.
The next day, Jack and Ramon were Later, she wondered if she had any
coming from the cafeteria as Abby friends. Why had everyone whispered in
entered it. Ramon said, “Your house is the cafeteria and looked so strangely at
something else, Abby. You and your sis- her later in the corridors?
ters and brothers certainly should have
plenty of room to play in it.” QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION
Abby looked puzzled and said, 1. Annie labeled Abby “a liar.” This
“Sisters and brothers? I don’t have any label seemed to travel far and caused
sisters and brothers, and my house is .. . ” Abby to be ignored by her friends.
Others were forcing their way around Other than calling Abby a liar, what
them to enter the cafeteria so the three could Annie have done about the
separated and moved away—Abby con- bragging?
fused, and Jack and Ramon looking at 2. Jack repeated what he had heard to
each other and mouthing the word, “Liar.” Ramon. Should he have done so? Why
“Who’s a liar?” asked Nick, noting the or why not?
exchange between Jack and Ramon. In no 3. What were the effects of not talking
time the word got around the cafeteria to Abby? Do such effects help to
that Abby was “a liar.” explain or solve the problem?
Abby began to feel the stares of 4. Abby is unaware of what she did to
everyone and wondered what was wrong. draw attention to herself. How can this
Later, Ramon, still puzzled, insisted to best be handled so that if Abby’s behav-
Jack, “That house was huge. No brothers ior needs changing, she knows it?
or sisters? Could they be the neighbor’s
kids? She treated them as though she WRITE ABOUT IT
knew them really well—as though they Neither Annie nor Jack checked on
definitely belonged together.” whether Abby was telling the truth. As
Jack shook his head and said, “Why you think about the story, you decide
would she lie?” Ramon shrugged his that it is easy to repeat information you
shoulders. are not really certain is true. List ways
That afternoon, Abby returned the you might check on facts, especially
children to their mother, Mrs. Balderston, facts about people, before you pass
who thanked her again for her careful them on to someone else.


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
The Babysitter

huong sat looking out the window rope. That was different. He had learned

P of the first floor apartment he lived

in with his mother, grandfather, and
younger brother. It was a warm spring
to jump rope back in Vietnam. Phuong
was fast and quick, and he had a good
ear for music, so he could sing the songs
day, and all the kids in his neighborhood and jump all the difficult patterns all at
were outside playing in the alley. There once. He was so nimble and quick that he
were three sets of kids playing jump rope, could do “double-Dutch” faster than any-
and he stared with envy, wishing he one else in the neighborhood. The other
could be there too. But today was kids liked to watch him, and it made him
Saturday, and his mother had to do the feel important. It was the only thing he
grocery shopping; he knew he would could do well, and now he had to stay in.
have to watch his kid brother while she His mother was collecting her things
was gone. There would be no chance to to go out, and she always gave him the
jump rope today. same last-minute advice. “Don’t leave
This made Phuong sad. He was him alone,” she said. “Keep your eyes on
getting poor marks in school. He still him all the time, so he doesn’t get into
couldn’t speak English very well, trouble. Give him a snack if he gets hun-
although his mother made him try every gry, and play with him a little bit too.”
night. Most of the time the other kids As she was leaving, his mother took
wouldn’t play with him. Except jump out three pills, put them on a dish in the


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
middle of the kitchen table, and said, ter the idea seemed to be. But then his
“These are Grandpa’s pills. When he conscience started to bother him. What if
comes home at lunch time, tell him to be something happened to Thanh while he
sure to take them. It’s very important.” was gone? His mother would punish him
Phuong didn’t know exactly what for sure. But what could happen to
sickness Grandpa had, but he knew it Thanh? No one could get into the apart-
was bad, very bad, because the doctor ment without being seen by the kids
had said he needed strong medicine. jumping rope. Besides Phuong would only
Phuong nodded his head that he had be gone a few minutes—not long enough
heard her and would do as she said. Then for Thanh to get into trouble.
his mother left. Phuong finally convinced himself that
Phuong played with his kid brother, it would be okay to leave Thanh for a few
Thanh, for a few minutes, then he turned minutes. He slipped quietly out of the
to the window and stared at all the kids apartment and into the alley outside. The
having fun in the alley. They were laugh- kids greeted him with smiles and offered
ing and screaming and having lots of fun. to let him jump next. It was great. They
Whenever someone would step on the sang his favorite songs, and he jumped
rope, everyone else would shout and yell fast and nimbly. He was good, and he
to be sure they knew they were “out.” knew it. He was having a great time.
You couldn’t get away with anything with “Do it again,” cried the kids. So
this gang. They watched you like a hawk. Phuong repeated the whole jump routine.
But that’s what made it such fun. You The kids clapped, and Phuong felt good
had to be very fast to win. again. Then he realized he had better get
The more Phuong watched, the worse back to the apartment and to his kid
he felt. Everyone else was having such brother.
fun, and he was trapped in the house. He raced into the apartment and
Suddenly he got an idea. Why couldn’t he looked for Thanh. He wasn’t in the bed-
just slip out of the house into the alley for room. He wasn’t in the living room.
a few minutes—maybe just to do one Phuong found him in the kitchen,
double-Dutch? It would only take three or slumped over the tricycle, not moving. He
four minutes, and then he could come tried to wake his brother, but Thanh did-
right back. He could lock the door so n’t respond or move. Phuong was terri-
Thanh couldn’t get out. He was a good fied. He started to get that sick feeling in
kid; he played with his toys and rode his the bottom of his stomach. It was the
little tricycle around the kitchen. Perhaps feeling he got when he knew something
Thanh wouldn’t even know that Phuong bad was going to happen. He loved his
had left. kid brother and wouldn’t hurt him for
The more he thought about it, the bet- anything, but what had happened? What


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
1. Were you ever given a responsibility
and failed to do it? What were the con-
2. Did Phuong’s desire to jump rope
with the kids justify his leaving his
brother alone?
3. Was there a way in which Phuong
could have joined the kids for a few
minutes and still have watched his
4. It has been said that maturity
involves responsibility. Was Phuong
acting in a mature way?

caused this? How could it have happened

in such a short time?
Sometimes a task or responsibility can
While Phuong was wondering what
stop us from participating in something
he should do next, the door opened and
we really want to do. We must make a
his mother entered. She rushed to Thanh
choice. Have you ever faced such a sit-
and said, “What happened?” She looked
uation? Describe how you acted then
at the kitchen table and saw the empty
and what you would do today if you
dish where Grandpa’s pills had been.
faced the same choice.
Then she turned and looked at Phuong.


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources

hate him,” Andy said to himself. Andy tightened his lips to keep from

“I “No matter how hard I try,

George always beats me.” It was
true. Whenever the coach timed the run-
yelling at George or punching him. After a
minute, Ray heard him say, “Second-best.
I guess that’s what I am.”
ners, George’s time was always faster Ray retorted, “No, you’re not! He may
than Andy’s—although generally by just win races, but he doesn’t have any
a few seconds. friends. Nobody can stand his boasting.”
Ray, Andy’s best friend, would just Still annoyed with himself and with
shake his head sadly at the end of each George, Andy replied glumly, “Maybe he
practice session and mutter to Andy, has a right to boast.”
“How does he do it? You practice so hard, “No, he doesn’t,” said Ray.
Andy.” “Everybody’s sick of hearing how much
George walked up next to Ray and he thinks of himself.”
looked at Andy with a big grin. As they separated to walk home,
“Knew I’d beat you again, Andy. The Andy said to Ray, “I wish I could win just
best man always wins,” he boasted. once. Just once.”
Then, as he walked away, he turned and Ray thought about Andy on his way
shouted, “You know second-best always home. They had been friends since sec-
has to try a bit harder.” ond grade. Ray, too, would like nothing


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
better than for Andy to win. Maybe once?” Despite all his arguments to him-
George wouldn’t be so cocky if Andy beat self, though, Ray didn’t quite feel good
him just once. about his actions.
Runners practiced every afternoon.
George was always first over the finish QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION
line, and Andy was a close second. 1. You are Andy’s best friend. Given the
During these practice sessions, the coach stopwatch, what might you have done?
sometimes would hand his stopwatch to a 2. What do you think of Ray’s actions?
student who wasn’t running, and show 3. Has Ray really helped Andy?
him how to use the watch and record the 4. If you were Ray, would you tell the
time on the clipboard. coach what you had done? Would you
The next afternoon, Ray was handed at any time tell Andy? Why?
the stopwatch and the clipboard. He 5. What do you think of George’s
recorded George’s running time as 8 min- behavior?
utes 7 seconds. Then it was Andy’s turn. 6. George’s boasting cost him friends.
Ray stood with the watch in his hand and Yet, he is a very fast runner. How might
heard George say to someone, “Here George be helped to make friends?
comes Mr. Runner-Up. Some people never Would you go to the trouble to help
make it to the top.” Ray couldn’t stand it. George?
He stopped the watch at 8 minutes 6 sec-
onds for Andy’s run and called the time to WRITE ABOUT IT
the coach. You are the coach, and you are pleased
George couldn’t believe Andy’s time. because Andy came in first. You have
He yelled at Ray and called him a liar. heard George boast often and know
The coach broke in, scolded George for how hurt Andy is about placing second
doubting Ray’s time, and reminded him so many times. You also know what
about being a good loser. George went close friends Andy and Ray are and find
away, grumbling about “stupid time that you are a little suspicious of the
keepers.” timing. Write about how you might
Andy, meanwhile, was delighted. This handle your suspicions. Would you talk
was the very first time he clocked in with Ray and Andy? Forget your suspi-
faster than George. Maybe all those extra cions? Hereafter keep the stopwatch
weekend runs really had helped. Ray yourself? What would you do?
went home feeling mixed up. He felt
guilty about what he had done but kept
defending himself, saying, “George really
is a nerd and, after all, Andy tries so
hard, why shouldn’t he win at least


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
The Fire Drill

i-Fan was happy today. It was the in the room were rushing toward the

L day for the big soccer match

between the sixth-grade classes. All
the classes had at least one good player,
door. Usually in a fire drill, everyone
walked out in a quiet, orderly fashion. He
went along with the crowd but, once in
but his class had two, himself and Ernie. the hallway, he saw all the other classes
Li-Fan knew they had a very good pouring out of their rooms, scrambling
chance to win. He just couldn’t wait for and shoving to get to the door.
the game to take place after school. This was not what they had been told
Looking at the clock wouldn’t make to do. Li-Fan could hear shouts like, “Get
the time pass any faster, so he started out of my way!” and “Move over!” There
reading his textbook assignment for the was a lot of nasty name-calling as every-
next day. Suddenly a crazy thing hap- one tried to get out of the building. Li-Fan
pened! Someone with a ski mask over his went along with the crowd and was soon
face opened the classroom door and clear of the building. When he was out-
yelled, “Fire, fire! Everyone get out as fast side, he noticed there were no fire
as you can!” Then he was gone. engines, no firefighters, and no police
“That’s funny,” Li-Fan said to himself. cars. Something is very strange, he
“There wasn’t any fire bell.” All the kids thought. He watched and waited.


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
After about 15 minutes Mr. King, the been Ernie who pulled the prank.
principal, appeared. He talked with the Suddenly Li-Fan felt sick inside. What
teachers for a few moments, and then he a rotten thing to do, he thought. If no one
spoke to the students on the bullhorn. He had gotten hurt, it might have been a
said that there was indeed no fire at all. good joke, but not now with Megan near-
Apparently someone had thought it was a ly crushed. He might be the only one who
great practical joke to rush into the rooms knew about Ernie’s mask. Should he tell
and yell, “Fire!” The principal was very the principal? If he did, Ernie would be
angry and so were all the teachers. They punished and certainly taken off the soc-
saw nothing funny in the prank at all. cer team, and there would go their victo-
Oh, well, thought Li-Fan, no harm ry, he thought. But if he didn’t identify
done, and we even got a little break from Ernie, he might do a dumb thing like that
the class. Slowly the classes filed back again, and someone else would get hurt.
into the building in an orderly fashion as Maybe I’m wrong, thought Li-Fan.
they had been taught. Maybe it wasn’t Ernie after all. Maybe I
That’s when Li-Fan saw her lying on should just wait until the principal discov-
the floor. It was Megan—one of the first ers on his own who did it. By that time,
graders. She was lying under the table, the big game will be over and we will have
unconscious. Li-Fan didn’t know her very won. If I say anything now, the game is
well, but he did know she had something lost. Li-Fan couldn’t decide what to do.
wrong with her leg and used a crutch to
get around. Realizing she was seriously QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION
hurt, he hurried to the principal. 1. Does Li-Fan have a duty to do or say
“Looks like she was trampled,” said anything to identify the prankster?
the principal. “Tell someone in the office 2. What would happen if Li-Fan
to call the ambulance. We need to get her accused Ernie and Ernie had done it?
to the hospital immediately. 3. What two factors or thoughts are
As Li-Fan ran to the office, he started pulling Li-Fan in opposite directions?
thinking again about the fire drill. 4. Is there any way Li-Fan can get help
Now we have a serious accident, he with this problem?
thought. This isn’t funny anymore. He 5. If you were Li-Fan, what would
began thinking about the boy in the ski you do?
mask. There was something familiar
about him. But who was he? Suddenly he WRITE ABOUT IT
remembered seeing someone wear the ski Pretend you are Li-Fan. Write a letter to
mask, but who? Then remembered. It was a friend and explain the problem. What
Ernie’s mask. He was sure of it—there would be the consequences if you
weren’t many like that one. It must have reported Ernie? What if you didn’t?


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Slam Dunk
s soon as the final school bell had

A rung, Ahmid grabbed the basket-

ball and raced out the school door
for the playground. This was the time of
day he liked best. The coach said he was
good and Ahmid knew he was right. His
body was tall and lean, and he had long
legs for running. Coach also said he had
good coordination. Ahmid knew he could
sink baskets from greater distances than
anyone else on the team.
Once on the playground, he dribbled
the ball and then started to shoot baskets
from different angles, starting close and
working farther away each time. Soon his
best friend appeared, and he and Chris
took turns passing and shooting, trying
different angles and distances.
After a short time, three other kids on
the team appeared: Josh, Colin, and
David. As soon as he had the ball, Ahmid
tossed it to Josh and ran close to catch it
in return, wanting to include them in the
fun. But Josh pivoted around and threw Ahmid’s stomach was rolling around
the ball to his friend Colin. Again Ahmid like a bean in a tin can. “No, no,” he
ran close, waiting for an opportunity to yelled, “that’s really not so.” Inside he
catch it, but Colin turned and threw it to knew Chris was right. As they turned to
David. Ahmid kept trying to get back into go, the ball suddenly rolled near Ahmid’s
the practice, but the other three boys kept feet. Quickly he grabbed it, whirled
the ball exclusively to themselves. around, and slammed the ball right into
Finally Chris said, “Let’s go home. the hoop! The other boys watched in
They’re not going to let us play at all. amazement as Ahmid retrieved the ball,
Can’t you see that? And it’s not because dribbled around the court, and then made
we don’t play well. We do. It’s because a shot from the other side of the court.
we’re black. They only let us play when Then he turned and deliberately threw the
the coach is here and they have to.” ball to Josh. Josh grabbed it and after tak-


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
ing a few turns at the basket, threw it to dered. Ahmid decided that the next day
Colin, who threw it in turn to David. he would talk to the school principal
Josh, Colin, and David again played about this. Maybe the principal knew
with the ball, always keeping it to them- some ways to handle prejudice.
selves and never sharing it. This went on
for half an hour. “What did you do that QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION
for?” shouted Chris. “You know they’ll 1. Do you think Ahmid and Chris have
never let us play. They’ll always keep it made an accurate assessment of this
between them. It doesn’t matter that situation?
you’re the best player—we’re black, and 2. Have you ever felt that someone or
they’re not! They did it to you twice! a group behaved like that to you? How
Don’t you get it? did it make you feel? What did you do
The two friends picked up their school about it? Did it work?
gear and started to walk slowly home. 3. Pretend you are the principal. What
Ahmid was feeling rotten, rotten, rotten! kinds of advice could you offer to these
He didn’t want to believe what Chris was boys?
saying. How could people not like other 4. How can you recognize prejudice
people for that reason? “Sure, I’m black,” when you see it?
he thought, “So what?” 5. Can one person do anything about
While Ahmid was thinking, Chris was it? If so, what?
cursing, swearing, and yelling all the bad
words he knew—and he knew lots of WRITE ABOUT IT
them. “It just isn’t fair, you know,” he If you were attending this school, you
shouted. “Those guys have no right to act could write a column for the school
like that to us! We never did anything newspaper that might help the situa-
bad to them! We should think of some- tion. What would you say?
thing real mean and dirty to do back to
them! That would fix them.”
“I don’t think that’ll solve the prob-
lem,” replied Ahmid. “Everyone’ll be con-
centrating on doing bad things to get
revenge. Isn’t that what’s wrong with the
world today? No, revenge isn’t the
answer. We have to think of something
better than that.”
Ahmid felt he was in over his head on
this problem. How do you get people to
be fair and not be prejudiced, he won-


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Flying Eagle

lying Eagle was his real name. It doing experiments with hamsters. They

F had been given to him by the tribal

council when he and his family
lived on the Navaho Reservation. It was
gave them different kinds of diets and
then recorded their weight and growth.
Everyone in class had a hamster and
a good name, nice and strong, and it cared for it and recorded its progress.
always made him think of soaring high F.E.’s hamster was big, plump, and
above the ground, and being able to fly healthy, so he knew the diet was good
anywhere. But now his family lived in for him. Whenever F.E. picked the ham-
the town, in a little house, and he no ster up, it would cuddle up close to him,
longer dreamed of eagles. almost like it trusted him. F.E. found
He took the bus each day to the himself talking to the hamster daily,
school on the other side of town. The kids almost as if it were a child. He really
didn’t like the name, “Flying Eagle,” so liked the little guy.
they had given him the nickname, “F.E.” One day when the teacher was out of
He didn’t mind too much because he liked the room, he went to the cage to pick up
going to school—especially science class. his hamster. Mike, the biggest boy in the
That was cool. Right now they were class, yelled loudly, “Hey you, that’s my


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
hamster. You leave him alone.”
F.E. turned in surprise to see Mike
lunging across the room towards him.
“No, this one is mine. I’m certain,”
said F.E. But it was too late. Mike was
across the room in a flash and standing
next to F.E. He leaned over and socked
him right on the jaw. F.E. fell backwards
and hit the corner of the desk.
“A fight, a fight!” yelled the kids.
They clambered over one another to get
close enough to see it, shouting encourag-
ing comments to both boys.
F.E. didn’t want to fight. He had noth-
ing to fight about. He knew the hamster
was his because it was the biggest and
healthiest one in the class. No matter
what Mike thought, he was wrong.
F.E. struggled to his feet and saw ached from the bump, but most of all he
Mike waiting for him to respond. Mike was mad, mad, mad. There was no rea-
really wanted to fight. Then F.E. got mad. son for Mike to do that just because he
It was all Mike’s fault. Not only had he wanted the best science experiment for
made a mistake, but he wanted to take himself. F.E. would have shown him the
the biggest and best hamster for himself. diet he was using on his hamster if Mike
F.E. put up his fists and swung at had asked him. It wasn’t any secret, any-
Mike’s face. He barely grazed him, while one could have asked. That’s what sci-
Mike stood there laughing. ence is all about, F.E. thought. You try
“Why don’t you learn to fight, different experiments, and see which one
Indian?” asked Mike. “Maybe you’d like works best.
to use bows and arrows instead?” He On his way home that afternoon, F.E.
smirked, and all the class laughed with suddenly realized that he had forgotten to
him. Just then, one kid yelled, “The feed his hamster. With the fight and
teacher, the teacher, she’s coming back!” everything else going on, he was too con-
All the kids scrambled to their seats cerned about other things. He returned
and, when the teacher entered the room, quickly to the building, entered the class-
all was quiet and orderly. F.E. found a room, and fed his hamster. Then he said
paper towel and dabbed at the blood ooz- good night to it, and stroked its fur before
ing from the cut on his chin. His head carefully putting it back in its cage.


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
As he started to leave, he was sur- was sure he would never get it. Besides,
prised to see Mike entering the classroom. he owed him one back. Why not give a
F.E. crouched down behind some tables in little of the mouse poison to Mike’s ham-
the back of the room. ster? The more he thought about it, the
What could he be doing, wondered better it sounded.
F.E. He watched closely as Mike went F.E. looked closely at the package. It
over to the teacher’s desk. He had some was small, but a little would do. He slow-
kind of a tool with him, and he inserted it ly tore open the packet and stood with it
in the lock of the desk. In a minute or so, in his hands, over Mike’s hamster.
the desk opened. Mike reached in and
fumbled around inside. QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION
What’s he looking for, wondered F.E. 1. What would F.E. really accomplish by
There’s nothing valuable in there, no poisoning Mike’s hamster?
money or anything, just the teacher’s 2. If you had been F.E., when Mike
papers. attacked you, what would you have
Suddenly F.E. remembered. Sometimes done?
the teacher took off her gold watch and 3. Does F.E. have a responsibility as a
kept it in her drawer. member of the class to report the theft
Mike took the watch, quickly locked of the teacher’s watch?
the desk, and darted out the door. 4. When a fight breaks out in a class-
F.E. knew that if he told people that room, do the other members of the
Mike had stolen the watch, no one would class have any responsibility for what
believe him because he lost the fight. happens?
They would say that he was just getting 5. Do you think F.E. will really poison
back at Mike. F.E. felt sorry for the Mike’s hamster? Why or why not?
teacher losing her watch, but he felt a lot
worse for himself. He wished Mike would WRITE ABOUT IT
get caught and be punished, but he was Does F.E. have the right to injure
sure that wouldn’t happen because no Mike’s hamster? List three arguments
one would believe him. supporting this right. List three argu-
F.E. put his hand into his jacket ments condemning this right.
pocket and pulled out a little envelope.
It was the mouse poison his mother had
asked him to buy at the store. They’d
had trouble with mice in the basement at
home, and he was bringing it home to
her. Suddenly he got an idea. Mike
deserved some punishment, and F.E.


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lost Programs?
he music room was always locked

T when it was not being used. All

sorts of instruments and two pianos
were housed in the room.
Paolo looked at the locked door and
sighed. He had arrived in the United
States from Argentina a month ago. In
Argentina, he was learning to play the
guitar—“guitarra,” he called it. His par-
ents had paid for lessons and rented an
instrument for him. He really enjoyed
playing it and had surprised himself with
how well and quickly he learned.
But now Paolo had no guitarra. He
had heard his parents talking about how
much it was costing them to live in
America—more than they had planned on. door. She talked with him as they waited
He just couldn’t ask them for money to for the first class bell. They talked about
buy himself a guitar. He kept trying to get the school band and the school play and
up enough nerve to ask Mr. Gunteski, the the major events scheduled for field day—
music teacher, whether there was some an activity Paolo knew nothing about. At
way he could borrow an instrument. one point, Paolo mentioned that he had
Susan was in Paolo’s class. She liked been learning to play the guitar in
him. He was so polite and shy. When she Argentina, and he missed playing it since
saw him looking at the closed music room he came to the United States. The class
door, she said, “It opens right after lunch. bell stopped further talk.
You can speak to Mr. Gunteski then.” All the students were surprised when,
Paolo was surprised and embarrassed at the end of the week, the principal
that anyone saw him near the music room called a special assembly for everyone. All
and said, “Oh! Oh, that’s all right. I don’t the students were guessing what it might
really need to see Mr. Gunteski.” He mean. A special assembly was rare.
smiled at Susan and quickly walked away. “It must be serious,” said one student.
Susan’s first class after lunch was in “My dad says Mr. Santorio is steaming
the room next to the music room. Several about something. He’s really mad!”
times during the week, she would see “Wow!” another student interrupted.
Paolo not too far away from the closed “Can’t wait for this one.”


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
“I can,” quipped another. “If it’s as outside the room. Did that mean he might
bad as they say, I can wait—forever.” be guilty of stealing? He was really excited
Sure enough, when Mr. Santorio about the sports events, too, when she
began the assembly, he was very serious. talked to him about the school schedule.
He announced that sports equipment had Did he need some equipment to participate?
been taken from the supply rooms, and She really couldn’t believe that Paolo
some musical instruments were missing. was guilty. She heard Gail ask her ques-
The police were helping to investigate tion again. “Does anyone know anything
because so many items had been taken. that might help us get these things back?”
“If any one of you can help us with Susan wondered whether the little
any information, we would appreciate it. information she had could “really help.”
We simply don’t have enough money to Wouldn’t she be putting a doubt in every-
replace the sports equipment and the one’s mind about Paolo? Would she be
missing musical instruments. The theft is ruining his reputation?
going to affect the sports program of our
school, all our musical events, and even QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION
our school play.” 1. What would you do?
Although students left the assembly 2. Would it be important to find out
room silently, they soon began to grumble. how Paolo reacted to the news of the
“Boy, I’d like to meet the people who theft? How might you find out about
stole our sports equipment. Now I know this?
why we haven’t practiced all week.” 3. Should students “play detective”? Is
“I can’t take any more violin lessons, it possible for them to investigate such
Mr. Gunteski just told me. He says most problems? Can they find the informa-
of our string instruments were stolen.” tion they need to solve problems like
The group became silent as everyone this one?
thought about what to do. 4. If Susan tells what she knows of
Then Gail said eagerly, “Let’s be Paolo’s frequent visits to the closed
detectives. Does anyone know anything music room, will Paolo’s reputation be
that might help us get the things back?” hurt? Is his reputation more important
Susan sat and thought. She remem- than sharing what might help to solve
bered Paolo’s frequent visits to the closed the theft?
music room and his words about missing
playing his guitar. She also thought from WRITE ABOUT IT
things he said that his family couldn’t Write a note to Paolo telling him what
afford to buy him an instrument. He had you are thinking about his possible con-
blushed and sort of stuttered when she nection in this case. Ask him to explain
spoke to him the first day and saw him his frequent visits to the music room.


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Art Gone Awry

auren was walking towards the “Well, it’s kind of a secret,” Julie said.

L school cafeteria thinking about how

much fun it was to be in seventh
grade. You had different teachers and dif-
“You see, the big wall mural we’re mak-
ing in art class is partly finished, and I’m
going to work on it now. That’ll give us a
ferent subjects. Even lunch time was dif- head start on the work next week.”
ferent. There was a big cafeteria, and you Lauren thought for a moment, then
could buy whatever you wanted to eat— she asked, “But the room’s locked, and
no more peanut butter sandwiches in a we’re not supposed to be in there unless
lunch box. School was really getting to the teacher’s there. Do you think it’s right
be fun! to go in there alone?”
Then she met Julie, one of her class- “Oh, sure,” answered Julie. “We
mates. won’t be doing any harm—just working
“Hi, Lauren,” said Julie. “Why don’t on the mural. That’s a school project, so
you come with me?” what’s wrong about that?” Then she
“Where are you going?” asked added, “And I don’t think the room’s
Lauren. always locked.”


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lauren thought for a moment. It sure over the oil painting of the woman.
would be fun to work on the mural alone, Both girls stared in horror at what had
without the rest of the class being there, happened. Lauren knew that the portrait
like pretending they were real artists. But had been ruined. Now they would have to
then she also knew the rules—nobody in go to the principal’s office and explain
the art room without a teacher. what had happened. They would be pun-
“Come on,” whispered Julie, “don’t ished for being in the art room without
waste any more time.” permission.
The two girls quickly made their way “Let’s go and explain to the principal,”
to the art room. The door was closed but said Lauren. Julie was calmly wiping off
not locked. They entered quickly, and no her brushes and preparing to leave. She
one saw them. Soon they had their paints didn’t seem disturbed at all.
and brushes and were hard at work. “No way,” replied Julie. “No one saw
This is great, thought Lauren. It was us come in, and no one will see us leave.
another good thing about seventh grade. They can’t prove we did it. We don’t have
They got to make their own decisions to tell anyone anything. Just keep quiet,
about what to work on. and no one will know.”
They painted away as happy as could Lauren was astounded. This was not
be. As they worked, Lauren noticed a the way she had been brought up. When
large portrait of a woman on the wall she did something wrong, she admitted it
next to the mural. There were two and took the punishment—whatever it
American flags on either side of it, and it was. She started to protest, but Julie was
looked like something important. She ready to leave. Their next class was ready
realized that the portrait had been done in to start. She walked silently along beside
oil paint and thought that it must have Julie, but somehow everything had gone
taken someone hours and hours to do sour. She didn’t feel good about school at
that. For a moment, she thought that all now. This wasn’t right.
they should be very careful being so close About an hour later, the principal
to that painting. But then Lauren became came into the classroom. He spoke to the
so interested in doing the mural that she teacher for a few minutes and then to the
forgot about it. class. He looked very serious and sad.
After half an hour, the bell rang, sig- “Boys and girls,” he said. Something
naling the end of lunch period. “We’ll very sad has happened. We had a won-
have to hurry now to get back to class,” derful principal at this school for 30
warned Julie. She jumped off the stool she years. Everyone loved her because she
was standing on and lost her balance. was so good to all the children. A portrait
The can of paint she was holding jerked of her painted by a famous artist was in
back over her shoulder and splashed all the art room. Something has happened to


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
decided that since Julie had wrecked the
painting, it was her problem. Julie should
go to the principal and confess. After
school Lauren tried to talk to Julie but she
had left school fast and wasn’t anywhere
to be found.
When she got home, Lauren threw
herself on her bed. It was all Julie’s fault,
she reasoned. Julie had gotten her to go to
the art room in the first place. Julie is
lying, she thought, by not admitting it. As
she thought about it some more, Lauren
realized that she, too, was lying by not
responding to the principal’s questions.
This made her feel worse. She was guilty
it. There’s paint all over it. We don’t know of lying, even if she hadn’t ruined the
if it was an accident or if it was deliberate. painting.
Do any of you know what happened?”
The students in the class looked QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION
shocked, but no one said a word. The 1. Does it make any difference who
principal waited a few moments, looking spilled the paint since the painting is
intently at each one of the students. Still already ruined?
no one moved. “Were any of you in the 2. Should Lauren say she spilled the
art room today?” he asked. “If so, we paint to protect a friend?
might be able to determine the time when 3. Is Julie really a good friend?
it happened.” 4. What should Lauren do? If she told
Lauren stole a quick glance at Julie. the principal what had happened, it
Surely she would tell the principal what would implicate her friend. If she didn’t
had happened—how they had gone in tell, she would be lying.
just to work, and it had happened by
accident. Julie just sat there without say- WRITE ABOUT IT
ing anything. Lauren was squirming in Help Lauren straighten out her own
her seat—surely she must look guilty. The thinking. Make two columns: List rea-
principal asked everyone to let him know sons why Lauren should tell the princi-
if they found any information about the pal in one column and list reasons why
accident, and then he left. Lauren should not tell the principal in
The rest of the day was a nightmare the other column. Which list do you
for Lauren. She couldn’t concentrate on agree with?
her classes. She couldn’t look at Julie. She


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
No Limit on Wit
he play’s the thing,” the

“T sixth-grade teacher kept

It sure is, thought Debby. If you aren’t
in it, you just aren’t anything or anyone.
For years she had done all kinds of
behind-the-scene jobs. Her brothers
teased her about being the most important
stage “ghost.” So did her father but he
said, with a smile of pride, that the little
kids couldn’t do without her. Reluctantly
she admitted that the teachers always
said how helpful she was. A little in-
front-of-the-curtain responsibility would a ramp pushed in each time he has to prac-
be nice, though. tice on stage.” Steve, who was doing his
Each year the school planned a pro- “usual”—managing some of the production
duction involving all the students. needs—was annoyed at the extra work that
Everybody in school participated in some accommodating Danny would involve.
way. Everybody at home participated too; Debby could understand why Steve
they were the audience. The whole town, was angry about his assignment, but she
or at least most of it, attended the play was uncomfortable with the way he
and cheered the players. talked about Danny.
It was exciting, Debby had to admit. Danny was a wit. He was the funniest
Everyone seemed so proud of their chil- kid in her class. He seemed to be the life
dren, their school, and even their town. of class discussions and at ease with his
She thought she, too, should be proud but wheelchair. It was because of Danny’s
instead was annoyed, even angered, at ready wit that this year, for the first time,
being asked every year to do the “usual he was scheduled to participate onstage in
thing”—organize the younger children the annual production. He had been
behind the curtain and help adults ready assigned a part that called for quick, witty
them for their various performances. answers. Wit was so characteristic of
Debby listened as Steve and Latoya Danny that everyone agreed that he
talked about how Danny could possibly should be cast in the part. Debby was
participate. “What could a cripple do?” delighted when she heard. She thought
asked Steve. “He’ll look weird in the line of this would show Danny how much he
kids in costumes. Besides, we’ll have to get was appreciated.


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Turning to go to the back of the audi- Debby laughed. She’d never stop
torium, she was surprised to see Danny being amazed at Danny. “You are the fun-
quite close by and even more surprised to niest!” she told him, grinning. As she
see an unhappy expression on his face. walked away, she wondered if the teach-
She suddenly realized that Danny had ers would be disturbed by Danny’s intro-
probably heard Steve’s remarks. ducing some jokes of his own—ad libs—
Debby walked over to Danny and she heard Miss D’Angelo call them. She
smiled at him. He didn’t respond with his didn’t think so.
usual bright glance. Still she stopped to Danny was rare, Debby thought
chat with him before reporting to Mrs. again. He was really happy about enter-
Chen, the third grade teacher who was taining others. He didn’t go around feel-
assembling her students. Debby felt badly ing sorry for himself, and he hadn’t let
for Danny and decided to tell Steve that Steve get to him.
his comments were thoughtless and After the show Debby realized that if
unkind. As she thought about scolding she hadn’t been doing her “usual thing”
Steve, however, she realized that this in the auditorium, she would not have
might not really help Danny or Steve heard Steve’s remarks and, therefore,
understand how much they each were could have given no thought about how
appreciated. How could she help accom- to deal with them.
plish that, she wondered.
Debby waited until the night of the QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION
final production. She knew Danny had to 1. Debby did not scold Steve for his
be backstage early so that when the cur- comments. What would you have
tain opened he would be center stage. She done?
decided to talk to him and ask him to 2. Steve actually was to receive praise
make a few jokes about how hard the rather than punishment for his behav-
production crew worked. When she talked ior. What do you think about this?
with Danny, his mind started running in 3. What do you think about Debby’s
its usual ticker-tape fashion. He grinned handling of this situation?
at her and said, “Sure. You mean like, 4. If you were Steve, what would you
‘Hey, folks, you know we got magicians do after the final production, after hear-
here? When this production crew gets ing Danny praise you?
going and Steve writes his orders on the
board, he puts magic in his magic mark- WRITE ABOUT IT
ers. That’s why this wheelchair is stage Write a paragraph that suggests ways
center and why you are now going to be your school could change to be sure
entertained by that famous “Wheelchair disabled students are able to partici-
Wit”—namely me.’” pate in school activities.


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Raising the Hoop
en had an important job to

B do. He was wearing his

black sweatshirt, black
pants, and a black woolen cap.
Black things don’t show up well
at night, he knew, so he was pre-
pared. He made his way slowly
into the school gym through an
open window, and now he was
prepared to do his job.
Ben was the forward on the
high school basketball team.
Basketball was everything to him.
He was good at it, and it gave
him a feeling of being important
when all the students in the
bleachers and stands would clap
and shout for him.
His team just had to win. It meant Ben knew that usually the two sides
everything to him. This game tomorrow exchanged baskets at half time, but the
night was a problem. The visiting team referee they would have tomorrow didn’t
from Easton High was good, real good. usually bother to do that. The visitors
Their forward was even taller than Ben, could have the higher basket for both
and that meant the visiting team would halves of the game. His own team would-
probably get most of the first jumps, giv- n’t have it at all.
ing their team a big advantage. Ben had a lot of work to do. Quietly
That’s when Ben thought of his idea. and slowly, he removed the basketball
If he raised the level of the basketball hoop from its place on the backboard and
hoop just three inches, it would throw raised it up three inches. Then he careful-
them all off-balance. They wouldn’t know ly put putty in the old holes and repainted
what hit them. Of course, he would have them to resemble the remainder of the
to be careful to repaint the backboard so board. He gazed at it with a pleased, sat-
no one would notice the change. The fans isfied look. It hardly showed at all.
wouldn’t see the small change from their No one would ever know unless they
seats, and the players would be too busy examined it very closely, thought Ben. He
to notice. felt satisfied that he had done a good job.


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
He carefully swept the floor underneath most of theirs. The final score was 52-50
the basket so there were no pieces of in favor of the visiting team. Ben said
putty left to cause suspicion, then he nothing but, when he went home to bed,
gathered together his equipment, and qui- he couldn’t sleep at all. His mind was
etly left the gym. whirling with questions. His scheme had
The next night was the big game. The failed. Would his team have won if he
gym was crowded. The bleachers were hadn’t moved the basketball hoop? Should
packed with the students and their families. he replace the basketball hoop at the cor-
This will be a great game, thought Ben. rect height? What would his teammates
The first half went well. The game think if they knew what he had done?
was fast and exciting as the players raced
back and forth across the court. The home QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION
team made 18 baskets quite easily, but 1. What was basically wrong about
the visitors had trouble. They were a good Ben’s scheme?
team, and all the players worked hard, 2. When is an action right or wrong?
but every time they made a shot they How do we know?
missed. Only six shots got in. Their play- 3. Were other people hurt by Ben’s
ers looked discouraged and puzzled. scheme? Who?
Usually their shots succeeded—real dunk- 4. If he told the coach about his action,
ins. They tried harder and harder. what would be the consequences?
Ben was delighted. His scheme was 5. If he didn’t tell the coach, what
working. The referee blew the whistle for would be the consequences?
the second half to begin. Ben took his 6. Many people get tempted to do
position to jump for the ball but suddenly wrong things. How can we keep them
the referee said, “Change sides.” Ben from doing these things?
couldn’t believe his ears. This referee had
never bothered to do that before. Ben WRITE ABOUT IT
stood still and looked at the referee with Did you ever think of doing something
horror. If they changed sides, his team that was “wrong” just to win a game?
would get the high basket. His whole plan Write a story about yourself, using
would be ruined! another name, and tell what you
“Move, move,” said the referee, and planned to do and whether or not you
he motioned for Ben to change sides. actually did it.
There was nothing he could do. Ben
changed sides, and the whole second half
of the game was a disaster. The situation
was reversed. The visiting team made all
their baskets, and his home team missed


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
The White Stuff
od was feeling rotten, rotten, rotten!

T Everything had gone wrong in the

last few weeks. First, he failed the
big math test, which meant that he would
have to take the course again in summer
school. That would ruin his summer—his
only time to play and have fun. Then he
didn’t do all of his English homework last
week, so his parents grounded him for 10
days. That meant Tod had to go directly
home after school and couldn’t play with boys quite knew what to do.
the other boys, or go anywhere else. That Suddenly Mike reached into his pocket
was a big bore. Then, he had tried out for and pulled out the vial again, poured
the basketball team for next year and was some more pebbles into the pipe, and lit
rejected. He hadn’t even made the first it. Then he held it out to Tod and said,
cut. It was just no fun being at the bottom “Well, you could try this. It’ll really make
of the pile in everything. you feel better.”
Tod saw his friend Mike in the boys’ “What is it?” asked Tod.
room and was surprised when he saw “Well, it’s something that makes you
Mike pull a little glass vial from his pock- feel really great. Just try it,” replied Mike.
et, open it, and pour some white stuff that “I use it all the time.”
looked like pebbles into a little pipe. Then Tod looked carefully at the pipe and
Mike proceeded to light it. said, “Where did you get this stuff?” Mike
“Hi, Mike,” said Tod. “What’s up?” said, “You just buy it yourself.” Some-
Mike looked startled. He put out the thing inside Tod made him hesitate. He
pipe and stuffed it into his pocket. They handed the pipe back to Mike. “No, but
talked about the new basketball team and thanks anyway.”
the fact that Mike had been accepted on For the next three days, Mike offered
the team for next year. Tod congratulated Tod the pipe each day, and Tod refused
Mike on making it and said he was sorry each time. Then on the fourth day, when
and angry that he didn’t get on it also. they met again, Tod started thinking
“It’s been a pretty bad time for me all about how Mike had said it made you feel
around,” said Tod, and he told Mike about so good. Mike certainly looked good and
the other problems too. Mike was very seemed to feel good all the time. After all,
sympathetic and said he would help him Mike had made the team and Tod hadn’t.
in any way he could, but neither of the Mike always seemed to do the right thing.


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
He never got into trouble. If Mike was plained Tod. “I only have 50 cents left
using the white stuff, it couldn’t be too from my allowance last week, and I won’t
bad. Whatever it was, it was doing a good get anymore until next week.”
job for Mike. Tod thought maybe he could “Sorry. No money, no vial,” shrugged
try it just once to see how it worked. Just Mike. “That’s the way it is.” He walked
once wouldn’t hurt. away without even a glance behind him.
The next time it was offered to him, Tod felt miserable. Smoking the pipe
Tod accepted the pipe and smoked it. had made him feel so good at first, but now
Nothing happened for a while, but then he felt worse than ever—even worse than
he suddenly started feeling very good before he started smoking the pipe. Mike
about himself, about school, and even obviously wasn’t going to give him any
about being grounded. He ran around the more without the money. That was for sure.
court and shot baskets for an hour, feeling He had no money and no way to get any,
as if he could beat a whole team all by either. Then Tod thought about his mother’s
himself. This was great stuff, he thought. grocery money. He knew where she kept it,
I feel so much better—the other things but he dropped that idea because he knew
don’t really matter at all. she would find out. Tod didn’t know which
That night it was well past midnight way to turn. He felt so awful. His head
before Tod could get to sleep. His mind ached, everything ached. Bones he never
was racing. The next morning it was a knew he had were aching. He just had to
very different story. He could hardly get get another “hit.” What should he do?
up; he was so tired he couldn’t eat break-
fast. His mother looked at him strangely QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION
but said nothing. 1. What do you think the white stuff
When Tod got to school, he told Mike was?
what had happened, that he felt great at 2. Why does Tod feel so badly after
first but now he felt worse than ever. feeling so good?
Mike told him that he just needed another 3. What was happening to Tod? Do you
“hit,” and he offered the pipe to him right think he realizes this?
away. Tod took it gratefully. The same 4. Was Mike a friend or not?
thing happened for the next five days. 5. What would be the best thing for
Then when Tod asked Mike for another Tod to do now?
“hit,” Mike said, “O.K. but this time it’ll 6. If Tod steals money this week, what
cost you. You have to pay for it.” will happen next week?
“Pay for it?” asked Tod. “What do you
mean pay for it?”
Pretend you are Tod’s friend. He tells
“From now on,” replied Mike, “It’ll
you his problem. Write a letter to him
cost you two dollars for each vial.”
giving him advice about his problem.
“But I don’t have two dollars,” com-


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
The Contract

ing and Liu were the only two Asian packaging the groceries.

L students in Washington School.

They had left China to come to
America because their father said there
There was another small room in the
store, behind the back room. This was
where the family lived. By American
was more opportunity here for people standards, it was a small room for a
who wanted to work hard. Their father whole family to live in, but compared to
wanted his children to have the chance their former place in China, it was large.
for more education than he had had. He The only sad part for Ling was that he
rented a small grocery store and sold gro- was so busy between school and the store
ceries to people in the neighborhood. he had no time to see other things. There
Their mother and father worked long was so much about this new country he
hours to keep the store up-to-date and wanted to see, but he felt it would be
clean. Ling also was expected to do a years before he would be able to go
major share of the work in the store. places—the Statue of Liberty, the Empire
Every day after school, he ran home and State Building, the Grand Canyon—all
went to work in the back room of the those famous places.
store, sorting vegetables and cleaning the Then one day in history class, Miss
vegetable bins so they would look attrac- Foy, the teacher made a wonderful
tive to the customers. His sister, Liu, announcement. She said the class was
helped too, waiting on customers and going to go on a field trip to the state


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
museum. All the students shouted, “Yay, several towns away. Ling described the
yay!” Then Miss Foy announced that job of driving the class to the museum in
everyone in the class would help with the the morning and back again late in the
planning. Someone would arrange the afternoon. The Blue Bus Company quoted
date with the museum, a transportation a price which seemed fair to Ling, and so
committee would arrange for a bus, some- he set the date. They wanted a deposit to
one would arrange for lunches, and so seal the agreement.
forth. Everyone started to call out what Ling informed Miss Foy of the
he or she wanted to do. arrangement, and she seemed pleased.
Ling said nothing. He was delighted to She wrote her own personal check to pay
be going on the trip during school time for the deposit. The class members would
because he knew his parents would contribute their share later.
approve that. It was also a way for him to The next day Ling reported the results
see other places. Miss Foy had told the of his work to the class. Everyone seemed
class that the state museum had wonder- pleased. Each day, someone else spoke
ful exhibits of dinosaurs, whales, and all about what he or she had arranged. The
kinds of unusual animals. There was also whole class was eager and ready to go.
an art gallery. It sounded like a wonderful Some of the kids were talking about what
place to visit. they were going to wear; everyone was
Suddenly Miss Foy said, “No one hoping it wouldn’t rain. They found out
signed up to arrange for the transporta- they could bring brown-bag lunches and
tion, and I see Ling hasn’t chosen any- buy drinks in the museum’s cafeteria.
thing either, so Ling, you will be in That helped to reduce the cost for every-
charge of the transportation.” Ling didn’t one. Kids who had cameras made sure
mind. His English wasn’t perfect, but it they had film to take along. It promised to
was pretty good. He thought he could be a wonderful trip, and most of the kids
handle the job. could hardly wait.
For the next few days, Ling was pret- The day of the trip finally arrived.
ty busy. He consulted the yellow pages in All the students were in front of the
the telephone book to locate the bus school a half hour before the bus was
companies and to ask the fees for driving scheduled to arrive. Everyone had on
the class to the museum. When they their best clothes. For a while, they
heard his accent on the phone, some talked about what they were going to
companies just hung up the receiver and see, but as the time drew near for the
didn’t even let him finish his conversa- bus to arrive, a sudden quietness fell
tions. Ling was upset by their rudeness, over the group. They were really going
but he kept trying. somewhere special, and they felt very
Finally, he located a bus company grown up and important.


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
As the clock on the school wall ticked “It’s your fault, Ling. Why didn’t you
past the departing time, the students do it right?”
started to get worried. “Do you suppose “Why didn’t you check out the com-
they forgot about us?” someone asked. pany before you gave them our money?”
“Maybe the driver doesn’t know the “When you made the deal did you
way to the school?” speak to them in Chinese? Why didn’t
“Are you sure you told them the right you speak English?”
date?” “We should have known better than
All these questions kept coming at to trust someone like you with our
Ling since he was in charge of the trans- money.”
portation. At that point, Miss Foy came out. The
After waiting another half hour, Miss nasty remarks stopped. She motioned for
Foy and Ling went to the principal’s office them all to enter the school building for a
to call the Blue Bus Company. Miss Foy regular school day. As the class filed past
telephoned, and Ling could tell by watch- Ling, there were more dirty looks and
ing her face that it was bad news. She put nasty remarks.
down the receiver slowly and looked
“They’ve gone out of business,” she 1. Pretend you’re Ling. Argue for
said sadly, as if she really couldn’t believe yourself. Defend your actions.
it herself. 2. Is the class right in assigning blame
“But that can’t be,” said Ling. “They to Ling?
accepted your check and arranged for the 3. Is there another person who should
date.” assume part of the responsibility?
“I’m afraid it’s true,” answered Miss 4. What steps could Ling have taken to
Foy. “I hate to have to tell the class. prevent this from happening?
They’ll be so disappointed.” 5. Did being Chinese have anything to
“It’s my fault ‘cause I made the do with this problem? Why or why not?
arrangements,” said Ling. “I should tell
He went outside very slowly. He Ling’s experience has happened to
reported the results of the telephone call other people. Talk to any person who
by Miss Foy to the bus company. The runs a business. Ask him or her to
kids looked at him in disbelief. They just tell you what legal steps Ling and the
couldn’t believe it—their whole day school could take to get their money
ruined. Their fun all destroyed, no muse- back. Then create a “consumer
um, nothing! awareness” brochure that details
Then the nasty remarks started. your findings.


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Silent Witness

here were many Vietnamese fami- Brad had had the highest record in

T lies moving into the area around

Valley School, and that meant their
children would be attending school there.
his class for the last two years, but now
he had some close competition. He didn’t
like that. He didn’t like it at all.
Soon people began to notice that many of Whenever he had a chance, Brad would
the Vietnamese kids worked very hard, make some ugly comment, like “Why
not only outside school but also inside. don’t they go back where they belong?”
They always had their homework done It didn’t matter to him that most of these
on time and their papers ready, and they families had lost everything before they
studied for every test as if it were the last came here, or that their villages and their
one in the world. Soon it became evident homes had been destroyed.
that they were getting the highest marks It’s not my fault, thought Brad. Why
in school, too. The kids who used to be should they come here and ruin every-
first in some classes lost their places to thing for me?
Vietnamese students, and they now The last day of school was coming up
became third or fourth. Some people, like soon, and the principal would be
Brad, didn’t like this. announcing the highest ranked student in


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
each class. Brad wanted that with all his floor. Brad had tripped him. Bao swung
heart. He’d had it before, and he felt it around, jumped up, and started to swing
really belonged to him. He deserved it. at Brad. Then he stopped. There was
Recently he had been watching Bao, a enough bad feeling between them
Vietnamese kid in his class. His test now—no use increasing it. As Brad
marks were always high, and Brad was stood there grinning, Bao stared hard at
afraid that Bao was getting close to him— him and walked on.
maybe even passing him. It’s not right, “Coward, coward,” called Brad. Bao
thought Brad. I shouldn’t be beaten in my walked on, out of earshot.
own school by an outsider. The next week Brad got an idea. He
Then there was Jill. Brad got even decided he’d show Bao whose girl Jill was.
madder when he thought of her. She He wanted to prove that she liked him.
wasn’t his girl, that is not really. But she It was late Friday afternoon. Most of
always smiled at him when he saw her, the students had left, so the building was
and she even skated with him at the almost deserted. Brad knew Jill was stay-
rink—that was real fun, skating together. ing late to finish her special project in
Now she was smiling at Bao too—not just the library and that she would be coming
in a friendly way but in a way that said down the hall soon. He waited quietly
she liked him. They even talked together inside the book closet until she appeared.
a lot. Brad couldn’t understand why she Then he jumped out, grabbed her from
would prefer Bao over him. behind, and pushed her into the closet.
Bao could sense the hostility and hate Closing the door behind him, he threw
developing more each week. He knew his arms around her and kissed her hard
Brad had been the top-ranked student the on the lips.
year before. What could he do? Should he “Stop, stop,” Jill shouted. “What are
pretend to be dumb just to please Brad? you doing? Let go of me!” Brad only held
He needed the good marks to get ahead. her tighter. He kept kissing her and hug-
His parents had warned him about that. ging her for several minutes. She pushed
They knew he would face jealousy and and pulled at him, but it was no use. He
resentment in a new country, but that it was much stronger. Finally she gave a
was his duty to get a good education. final lunge, pushed Brad away, and got
That way he could get a better job to earn out the door.
more money to bring his aunt, uncle, and Bao had stayed late that night too,
cousins over. and he was at the other end of the corri-
Then one day Brad was walking dor, just leaving, when he saw Jill burst
closely behind Bao in the hall. Too out of the closet and run to the principal’s
closely, Bao thought, but he kept going. office. He knew something was wrong.
Suddenly Bao found himself on the Soon he saw Brad emerge from the closet


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
and run out of the building. QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION
Bao walked closer to the principal’s 1. If you were Bao, what reasons might
office, and he could soon hear Jill half you give for going home and saying
crying, half yelling, “It was Brad! I know nothing?
it! I saw him!” 2. List reasons you might give for
“Brad’s always been a responsible stu- telling the principal what you know.
dent. This doesn’t sound like something 3. Have you ever witnessed something
he would do,” said the principal. “Did and then not told about it? Was the
anybody else see this?” continued the consequence of your decision good
principal. “Were there any witnesses?” or bad?
“Of course not,” yelled Jill. “He wouldn’t 4. Does Bao owe anything to Jill? Why
have done it if anybody was around.” should he get involved?
Jill and the principal went on talking. 5. Has fear ever kept you from doing
Bao listened and wondered what to do. something you knew was right to to?
If he told the principal he had seen
Brad come out of the closet after Jill left, WRITE ABOUT IT
he would be a witness. That would prove Bao will probably tell his mother what
Brad was guilty. Brad would certainly happened today at school. If you were
make it very tough for him. If he his mother, what would you advise him
remained quiet and didn’t tell what he to do? Why? Write a paragraph explain-
saw, no one would believe Jill. They ing what you would tell him.
might just say she had imagined it.
What if people said he was lying
because he wanted to get even with
Brad? What if Brad was proven guilty?
He might be expelled from school, and
that would be less competition for the
No. 1 position.
Bao knew he had to either go into the
principal’s office and tell what he saw, or
else get out of there fast and keep silent.
What should he do?


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
How Do You Say, “No”?
ina liked chorus in school. She

G had a sweet soprano voice and

good pitch and, whenever there
was a solo part in one of the pieces, Ms.
Glass gave her the part. That made her
rather special because all the kids got to
know her name and who she was. It
made her feel very important. Now the
boys noticed her and would smile as she
passed. Gina liked this new feeling of
popularity. Some of the boys would now
come over to talk to her before and after
the rehearsals, and that was great.
Sometimes there would be three or four
boys talking to her all at once. They
joked, kidded each other, and told funny
stories. It was cool!
There was one special boy, Sam. He
was older than the others because he had to her surprise, Sam pushed right into the
to repeat a grade. He was bigger and row where she was so he could sit right
taller and even had a little beard, which beside her.
made him look handsome. His white teeth Gina smiled when she saw him and
flashed every time he grinned. Somehow was flattered that he wanted to be near
Gina felt very attracted to him. She felt so her. Sam gave her his big smile, and it
special when he smiled at her—all warm made Gina very happy. The rehearsal
and happy inside. started, and soon they were all involved
One day, Ms. Glass decided to move in the music. There was a small solo part
the sections of the chorus around. Instead for Gina and, when it was her turn to
of having the sopranos and altos sit sing, she stood up and sang. She knew
together and the tenors and basses sit she had done well, whether anybody told
together, she decided to have the sopra- her so or not. She had practiced and
nos sit next to the tenors and the altos worked very hard on that one song.
next to the basses. Gina didn’t much care When it was over she looked at Sam
where anyone sat, as long as she could expecting to see him smile. Instead he
sing and get some solo parts. Since Sam reached over and patted her leg. Then he
was a tenor, he sat next to her group and, moved his hand under her skirt. Gina was


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
shocked. She pushed his hand away. Sam her. After all, no one could see him. No
became angry and turned away from her. one would know. She really didn’t like the
The next time chorus met for rehearsal, whole idea. She knew she needed to talk
Sam was beside her again in the next seat. to someone, but who? Gina hated to
This time Gina didn’t smile at him or even admit that anyone had tried that on her. It
speak to him, but he didn’t seem to mind. made her feel bad. She wondered if other
Again the same thing happened. Sam put girls let boys do this. She wondered
his hand on her leg and moved it up under whether girls had to let it happen so they
her skirt. This time, Gina looked directly at could be popular.
him as she removed his hand and said,
“Sam, please don’t do that.” QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION
Sam made no response at all—just as 1. Sam continues to annoy Gina even
if Gina had said nothing. Twice again dur- though Gina has asked him not to.
ing the rehearsal, he did it, but each time What should Gina do about this situa-
Gina moved his hand off. tion? Should she get advice from
Before the next rehearsal started, Gina someone? If so, who?
made certain that it wouldn’t happen 2. Do girls have to do things they don’t
again. She found two girlfriends sitting feel comfortable with to be popular?
together and asked if she could sit 3. When a boy harasses a girl, what
between them. Now that Gina was so rights does she have to stop it?
popular, they were glad to agree. They 4. Does the opposite situation, a girl
separated and let Gina sit between them. harassing a boy, ever happen? Would
She was sure this would prevent Sam you treat it the same way?
from sitting beside her.
When Sam entered the room, his eyes WRITE ABOUT IT
searched for Gina, and he looked angry Do girls ever annoy boys in some
when he found her sitting between the embarrassing way? What do they do?
girls. His face was mean and determined How do boys feel about it?
as he walked over to them.
“You’re sitting in my seat,” he
growled at one of the girls. “Go find your-
self another one.” He pulled one girl up
by her arm and moved her out of the
seat. Then he plopped himself into the
seat beside Gina.
Gina liked being popular with the
boys. It was fun, and it made her feel
good. Maybe she should let Sam touch


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
The Softball Team
ori was happy.

C Spring was here,

and her school
had two softball teams,
the Gold and the Blue.
Softball was her favorite
sport, and each year
they had wonderful
games. Best of all, she
had been elected cap-
tain of the Gold team,
and that made her spe-
cial. Everyone knew
who she was, and it
made her feel like she
was really somebody
All the girls on the
team worked hard at the
three practice sessions
each week. They worked on hitting, catch- Coach acted very casually as if there
ing, pitching, and running around the was nothing unusual, but Cori knew very
school grounds to build stamina. Best of all, well that this was something different.
there was a good feeling among the team- Cori knew that every girl on the team was
mates. They all got along well together. Cori watching what was happening.
thought it was because whenever there was “Girls,” said the coach, “this is
an issue or problem she had them vote, Maggie. She’s new. I know that you will
and then they did what the majority want- make her feel welcome.”
ed. It was like a democracy, she thought. As captain of the team, Cori knew she
So everything was going just fine. had to act for the group, so she shook
Then it happened. At practice one hands with the new girl and tried hard to
afternoon, Cori looked up to see the coach smile. She made small talk with her ask-
coming onto the mound. Walking beside ing about where she used to live and
her was the smallest person Cori had ever what it was like there. She knew every
seen. Her head only came up to the eye was watching them. The other girls
coach’s belt. were as surprised as she was. After a few


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
minutes, Cori suggested they start a prac-
tice game. As the girls prepared to begin,
lots of strange thoughts ran through
Cori’s head.
They had never had a situation like
this before. The school rule was that the
softball teams were open to everyone;
there could be no rejections. They always
had welcomed new girls, but this was dif-
ferent. Could she hit? Could she pitch?
Could she catch? How would she get
The tension in Cori’s stomach started
along with all the others? Would this spoil
to break, and her hands stopped sweat-
all the fun they now had?
ing—but only for a moment. After Maggie
About this time, it was Maggie’s turn
hit the ball, she dropped the bat and start-
at bat. She walked slowly up to the plate
ed to run to first base. Then Cori saw the
and stood ready. Every eye in the group
problem. The second base player ran for
was on her. The pitcher threw a nice
the ball, caught it, and threw it like light-
steady low ball. Maggie swung her bat
ning to the first base. Although Maggie
and smacked the ball—a really good hit.
ran as fast as she could, she was no
It sailed over the field into the outfield.
match for the swift ball, and she was
Everyone started to yell, “Yay, yay.” It
quickly tagged out.
was almost a chant. For a moment, Cori
The other teammates saw this, too,
felt a sigh of relief. Maybe this wasn’t
and knew exactly what it meant. There
going to be so bad after all. Maybe there
was dead silence. No one said anything.
wouldn’t be a problem. Maybe things
Soon the practice was over, but Cori knew
would work out.
she would be hearing from the girls. She
did. That night after supper, they came
over to her house to discuss the problem.
Everyone had something to say.
“We just can’t have her on our team,”
said Kim.
“You know what’ll happen,” agreed
Liz. “She may be able to hit, but she can’t
run. It isn’t her fault. She just can’t do it.”
“Every time she gets up to bat, she’ll
make an out for sure,” added Latifah.
“No matter how good she hits, it won’t


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
“We have to think of the good of the QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION
whole team,” continued Liz. “We’ll never 1. Did you ever stand up for something
win with her on the team. It just isn’t fair you knew was right? What happened?
to the rest of us.” 2. Have you ever found yourself think-
Cori argued with them. “Why not give ing differently from the group? Did you
her a chance and see what happens? You change or keep your ideas?
know the rule. There are no rejections.” 3. Is there any compromise Cori can
The rest of the team was adamant. make in this situation?
Cori knew that the team expected her 4. Is it sometimes right to break a rule?
to put this to a vote, just as they always When? How?
had done. She argued for a while longer,
trying to persuade them to wait and try it WRITE ABOUT IT
first, but finally she agreed to vote. It was Do you think your school should have
unanimous—they all wanted to get rules or a policy about including or
Maggie off the team. The team members excluding students from school teams?
left. Cori went to bed, but she couldn’t Write a set of rules or a policy you
sleep. So many troubled thoughts kept think your school could use.
whirling around in her mind.
Was it always like this for Maggie?
How did she get on and off chairs? How
did she reach things on high shelves or
get up very steep steps? Did everyone
reject her like this? Did everyone act as if
she were strange and different?
How would I feel if I were a dwarf like
Maggie, wondered Cori. What should I do
tomorrow? If I report the team vote to the
coach, what will happen? Would the
coach break the rule? Is there anything
else I can do? Maybe I shouldn’t have let
the team vote on this.


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Suggestions for Further Reading
and Discussion

Tuck Everlasting Invite your students to think about and

Babbitt, Natalie discuss:
Farrar, Straus and Giroux • why the poor man was so fearful.
1975 • why all the persons he asked to
deliver the message to the King
In the book Tuck Everlasting, 10-year- appear in the end to be unfit for the
old Winnie Foster finds a magic spring. task.
Anyone who drinks from the spring lives • the illustrations and whether they
forever. When members of the Tuck fam- help the reader to understand the
ily who have sampled the spring find poor man’s dilemma.
that Winnie knows the secret of the
spring, they worry about her and later Ask your students what they would have
kidnap her to explain the seriousness of done if they were the poor man or the
her discovery. king.

Invite your students to think about and Homecoming

discuss: Voigt, Cynthia
• the behavior of the Tucks. Why did Atheneum
the Tucks kidnap Winnie? 1981
• why Mae Tuck killed the yellow-
suited man. In Homecoming, Dicey Tillerman leads her
• why Winnie made the choice she younger sister and two young brothers
did. from Connecticut to Maryland in search of
a grandmother they have never met.
Ask your students what choice they Abandoned by their mother and father,
would have made. the Tillerman children want to stay
together. Since they have no money and
The King’s Fountain* no home, separation into foster homes is
Alexander, Lloyd a very real possibility.
Illustrated by Ezra Jack Keats
Dutton Invite your students to think about and
1975 discuss:
• the fact that Dicey lies and steals
In The King’s Fountain, a poor man fear- on her way to Maryland.
fully visits the King to plead with him to • why Dicey lied.
forget his plan to build a fountain on cas- • what else Dicey might have done
tle grounds. Such a fountain would divert to keep the family together.
water away from all his subjects.

*Out of print, but readily available in most libraries.


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Ask your students what they would have the need to return the dog to pain. Right
done if they were faced with Dicey’s and wrong seem to be all mixed up.
Invite your students to think about and
Racing the Sun discuss:
Pitts, Paul • why Marty was confused about
Avon what to do about Shiloh.
1988 • the fact that Marty was troubled
about lying, yet he did lie. Why?
Twelve-year-old Brandon Rogers is • why Marty obeyed Judd Travers
embarrassed to introduce his Navaho even though he was an impossible
Indian grandfather to his friends. Brandon boss. Were there other ways Marty
ignores his grandfather when they see might have become the owner of
each other in a mall, and he has some Shiloh? If so, why did he choose the
strong reactions to this later. most difficult one?

Invite your students to think about and Ask your students what they would have
discuss: done in Marty’s place.
• times they were embarrassed about
family members or friends. A Place to Claim as Home*
• why Brandon behaved the way he Willis, Patricia
did. Clarion
• why Brandon was extremely upset 1991
• the part father played in Brandon’s In A Place to Claim as Home, 13-year-
behavior. old Henry Compton, an orphan, is hired
to do summer work on Sarah Morrison’s
Ask your students what they might have farm in Ohio when older workers leave
done in Brandon’s place. to join the armed forces during World
War II. Henry has no special liking for a
Shiloh neighborhood boy, Evan, but, when
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Evan falls into a mine shaft and is
Atheneum trapped, Henry edges his way down the
1991 shaft to join Evan until they are rescued.
They suffer a cave-in but eventually free
Eleven-year-old Marty Preston finds a themselves.
mistreated beagle he names Shiloh. He
works hard to protect and later to own Invite your students to think about and
Shiloh. Early on, Marty hides Shiloh from discuss:
his cruel owner but is found out and com- • Henry’s decision to join Evan in a
pelled by his father to return the dog. dark mine shaft in which he too
Marty is confused and doesn’t understand might be trapped.

*Out of print, but readily available in most libraries.


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
• other ways Henry might have with his grandfather while his parents
helped Evan. travel to Detroit to set up their new
home. Sammy is extremely angry at
Ask your students what they would have being left behind with a grandfather he
done if they were Henry. has never met. His anger results in disre-
spect to his grandfather and angry
Sam, Bangs and Moonshine threats to run away.
Ness, Evaline
Holt, Rinehart and Winston Invite your students to think about and
1966 discuss:
• why Sammy behaved so rebel-
Samantha, called Sam for short, invents liously to a grandfather he had never
tales often about her mother who died met.
years ago. Among the tales Sam invents • whether his parents should have
are ones about owning a lion and baby left without telling him they were
kangaroo and having a mother who going.
was a mermaid. Tommy, Sam’s friend, • the kind of person the grandfather
believes all of Sam’s tales but Bangs, was.
Sam’s cat, doesn’t. Sam’s father called • how the grandfather treated
her tales “moonshine” and cautioned Sammy.
her to stop spreading them. Sam is dis- • why the grandfather called Sammy
obedient, and her disobedience creates “boy.”
major problems.
Ask your students how they would have
Invite your students to think about and behaved if they’d been left behind with-
discuss: out being told in advance.
• why Sam invents stories.
• what Sam’s father means by good Tree by Leaf
and bad moonshine. Voigt, Cynthia
• how the book illustrations help the Atheneum
reader understand Sam and her 1988
Clotilde and Nate Speer’s father has been
Ask your students what they would have facially disfigured during the first World
done in Sam’s place. War, and he now lives alone in a beach
house on the Maine property that was
The House of Wings willed to Clotilde. Nate tells many lies
Byars, Betsy about his family and doesn’t keep his
Penguin promise to them as they try to adjust to
1972 the disability. Nate’s grandfather sup-
ports Nate’s separation from his mother
In The House of Wings, Sammy is left and his sister.


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Invite your students to think about and Beaver stays in Maine at the cabin he and
discuss: his father built while his father returns to
• why the grandfather behaved the Massachusetts for the rest of the family.
way he did. Indians save Matt when he is attacked by
• why Nate lied. a swarm of bees. Matt is asked by the
• how the grandfather and Nate Indian Chief Saknis to teach his grandson,
might have behaved differently. Attean, to read. It takes a great deal of
patience on Matt’s part, and a strong sense
Ask your students how they might have of duty on Attean’s to achieve friendship.
reacted to the grandfather if they had
been Nate. Invite your students to think about and
Fly Away Home • why Matt lied to Attean about
Bunting, Eve Friday being Robinson Crusoe’s
Illustrated by Ronald Himler slave.
Clarion • Matt’s reaction to Ben’s thievery.
1991 • why Attean feels weeding is
“squaw’s work.”
A homeless boy in Fly Away Home lives
with his father in an airport. They have to Ask your students what they would have
be very careful that no one notices them done in Matt’s place.
and asks them to leave. They constantly
move from one terminal to another to On My Honor
avoid detection. Bauer, Marion Dane
Invite your students to think about and 1986
• why the boy and his father are dis- Joel and his best friend Tony do things
obeying airport rules. together; swimming is one of the many
• why they have no home. activities they enjoy. The Vermillion River
• how the pictures help the reader to is close to the homes of both boys, but it’s
understand homelessness. off limits to Joel and Tony because it’s full
of sink holes, currents, and whirlpools.
Ask your students how they would feel Nevertheless, Joel and Tony swim in the
about living in an airport. river after promising Joel’s father not to go
near it.
The Sign of the Beaver
Speare, Elizabeth George Invite your students to think about and
Dell discuss:
1983 • why Joel didn’t admit to his father
that he really didn’t want to bicycle
Twelve-year-old Matt in The Sign of the to Shared Rock.


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
• the kinds of things that can hap- death as well as great sorrow and illness
pen when promises aren’t kept. to Elizabeth.
• how Joel argues with himself to
delay reporting Tony’s death. Invite your students to think about and
• why the father accepts some discuss:
share of the blame in • the behavior of the older boys
Tony’s death. toward Charles.
• how Charles reacted to the older
Ask your students how they would boys.
behave in Joel’s place.
Ask your students why they think Charles
The Cay walked into the woods alone in the dark
Taylor, Theodore and whether they think the boys bear
Doubleday any responsibility for what happened to
1969 Charles.

In The Cay, Philip is shipwrecked on a The Shadow Club

small Caribbean island with a native West Shusterman, Neal
Indian, Timothy. It is only because of Little, Brown and Company
Timothy that Philip survives. 1988

Invite your students to think about and In The Shadow Club, Jared belongs to a
discuss: club formed by those who always come in
• why Philip is harsh and angry with second. They are never first in sports, in
Timothy many times. contests, or in class work. Members of the
• how Timothy responds to Philip’s Shadow Club feel frustrated and angry at
unkindness and disrespect. their never-first status and group together
• what caused Philip to feel and to share their feelings. This sharing ends
think the way he did about West in ways the members never originally
Indians. intended.

Ask your students how Philip’s attitude Invite your students to think about and
was changed. discuss:
• the formation of the club. Why did
Autumn Street members feel they needed to band
Lowry, Lois together?
Dell • how caring for each other created
1980 major problems. Why did this hap-
Elizabeth finds a close friend in Charles, • what, if they were Jared or Cheryl
the son of her grandmother’s cook. A and always in second place, they
number of causes bring about Charles’ might do about it.


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Next-Door Neighbors from the sale of the calf. Why is this
Ellis, Sarah a problem?
Margaret McElderry Books • why Lyddie did not join with Diana
1989 in working to improve conditions in
the mill.
Peggy has come to live in a new town • why, when Lyddie needed money
and is going to a new school. To help so much, did she give her calf
make new friends, she pretends to own a money bag to Ezekial.
horse in order to make herself more inter-
esting. Peggy finds friendship where she Ask your students whether they have
didn’t look for it and one of her friends ever had to decide between pursuing
suffers because of it. something they wanted and, setting aside
their personal goals, working with others
Invite your students to think about and for the good of everyone.
• why Peggy felt she needed to pre- Bat 6
tend she owned a horse. Wolff, Virginia Euwer
• why everyone needs friends and Scholastic Inc.
whether Peggy was right in what she 1998
• why Sing, who disobeyed Mrs. It is 1949 and the 50th anniversary of
Manning, his boss, was fired. Bat 6, a softball game played each year
• should Mrs. Manning have fired Sing? between the sixth-grade girls in two
schools in Oregon. With the exception of
Ask your students what they would have two players, Aki and Shazam, one on
done in Mrs. Manning’s place. each team, the sixth graders have
known one another for all of their
Lyddie school years.
Paterson, Katherine
Lodestar Invite your students to think about and
1991 discuss:
• Shazam’s behavior which puzzled
In the 1840s, 13-year-old Lyddie many people, but no one said or did
Worthen becomes a worker in a anything about it. Why?
Massachusetts mill factory in order to • whether they have ever been
make the money necessary to reunite her embarrassed by another person’s
family and to keep their Vermont farm. behavior. What did they do
about it?
Invite your students to think about and • why Aki kept saying, “I’m all right.
discuss: It’s not so bad,” when she obviously
• why Lyddie and Charles disagreed, was not all right.
at first, about keeping the money


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Ask your students what thoughts they,
community members, family members,
and teachers might have about how to
heal the hurt and shock they all felt after
Aki’s serious injury.

Spinelli, Jerry
Harper Collins

Palmer LaRue does not want to become

10 years old because he would then be
expected to become a wringer of wound-
ed pigeons at the Family Fest in his
home town. His bullying friends and
loving father play roles in intensifying
his anxiety.

Invite your students to think about and

• whether they have ever wanted to
be part of a group so much that they
acted in ways that made them
uncomfortable, anxious, or guilty?
Later, how did they feel about their
• how desperate Palmer’s fear of
becoming a wringer was. Despite
that, he did not go for help to his
parents who loved him. Why?
• according to those involved in the
annual Pigeon Day shoot, wringers
were necessary. What brought about
this need for wringers? Does this
make sense?

Ask your students what other ways a

community might raise money to main-
tain and improve its local park.


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Coles, Robert.
The Call of Stories: Stories and the Moral
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1989.

Coles, Robert.
The Moral Life of Children
New York: Harcourt Brace, 1991.


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Garman, Charlotte G. Stern-LaRosa, Caryl and Ellen Hofheimer

Taking a Good Look At Discipline Bettman
Elizabethtown, PA: Hate Hurts: How Children Learn and
Continental Press, 1992. Unlearn Prejudice
New York: Scholastic Inc., 2000.
Gilligan, Carol
In A Different Voice: Vitz, Paul C.
Psychological Theory and Women’s “The Use of Stories in Moral
Development Development: New Psychological Reasons
Cambridge, MA: for an Old Education Method,”
Harvard University Press, 1993. American Psychologist, January 1989.

Kagan, Jerome Wynne, Edward A. & Kevin Ryan

The Nature of the Child Reclaiming Our Schools: A Handbook
New York: Basic Books, Inc. 1984. Teaching Character, Academics, and
Kohlberg, Lawrence Columbus, OH: Merrill Publishing Co.,
Child Psychology and Child Education: A 1993.
Cognitive-Developmental View
New York: Longman, Inc., 1987. Harvard Educational Review
(Reprint No. 13)
Lickona, Thomas “Stage Theories of Cognitive and Moral
Educating for Character: How Our Development: Criticism and Application.”
Schools Can Teach Respect and Cambridge, MA:
Responsibility Harvard University Press, 1978.
New York: Bantam Books, 1991.


Tough Issues, Good Decisions © Putnam & Burke, Scholastic Teaching Resources

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