Jackson Tracy Takeaways

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Tracy Jackson

The Three Takeaways

Organization & Planning

Thanks to this class and project, I have learned that integrating technology within the classroom
requires a lot of organization and planning. I know this is obvious, but it's something that I will
definitely keep in mind when I begin my work as an educator. For example, while developing
my mini-unit project, I've recognized that the technologies that I plan to integrate should be
something that I train students on how to use during the first month of school. I think the more
my students are exposed to certain technologies/ media platforms early on, the better I am set as
a teacher to develop lessons that incorporate technology. Although there's a seemingly great deal
of work that goes into weaving in technology amongst other responsibilities of teaching, I do
believe that once it becomes a part of my pedagogical practice, it will allow me to be a more
efficient teacher, providing me with time to address specific needs of my students. 
I highlight this in my reflection, but I think integrating technology can be useful in fostering
community and digital citizenship. One of the visions for my future class is to invite special
guests (e.g., parents, community members, friends) to talk with my students. I know that it can
be difficult for people to meet in a physical space, especially if they are in a different part of the
country or world. So, I am excited to leverage video conferencing platforms such as Zoom and
Skype as resources that give my students access and exposure to professionals who share similar
backgrounds and interests as my students. In a similar vein, technology also allows students to
build intercultural competence through online forms of communication with diverse peers of the
same age group. Now that technology has become more advance; I would love to take advantage
of it by pairing students with pen pals/ language exchange buddies. I think the more students are
exposed to different people, the more appreciative they'll become in valuing the cultural
identities of others and themselves.
The need to accommodate
The third takeaway is a heightened awareness about the issues regarding the Digital Divide. I
think it's easy to get caught up with seeing all of the advantages of technology—the cool
resources and tools that come with it. As a result, I think policymakers and even educators can
become blinded without really contemplating who has access. I'm so glad that we had a module
that focused on the digital divide, as I will take the extra effort to accommodate the needs of all
of my students. If, in the future, I do have several students who are without access to technology
at home, I'll see it as an opportunity to advocate and get help from my administrators. I believe it
one of the duties as an educator to do what is necessary to ensure that students are equipped with
the proper resources and tools needed to be successful academically. I also believe that there are
a lot of helpers in the world that would love to support and cater to the needs of students in this

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