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ZS simutia Workshop A3 Thermal-Stress Analysis of Intersecting Pipes Introduction ‘This workshop involves the thermal-stress analysis of a cylindrical pipe intersection. The pipes are surrounded by a fluid and are filled with another fluid. The interaction between the pipes and the surrounding fluids are modeled using surface convection, The internal pressure due to the inner fluid is modeled with a pressure load. Both the thermal and ‘mechanical responses are sought. The mechanical behavior of the part is expected to influence the thermal response weakly. Thus, a sequential thermal stress analysis is, performed. The thermal analysis model will be developed first and will form the basis of the structural analysis model. The structural analysis consists of two steps. Optionally, the thermal-stress analysis will also be performed with Abaqus/Explicit. ‘The model is based on the intersecting pipe model created earlier. As shown in Figure WAS3-1, only a quarter of the pipe-to-pipe intersection is modeled to take advantage of symmetry. Figure WA3-1 Pipe intersection model To begin this workshop, open the database containing the pipe intersection model created earlier. Note: In the event you were unable to complete the previous workshop successfully, accidentally deleted your model database file, etc., a script is provided to generate the prerequisite model definitions for this workshop. Set your Abaqus/CAE working directory (File+Set Work Directory) to or open Abaqus/CAE from the heatTransfer directory and run the script ws_intro_pipe_heat_mesh.py by sclecting File—-Run Script from the main menu bar. Then proceed with the rest of the workshop. © Dassault Systemes, 2018 Introduction to Abaqus wa3.2 Properties and model assembly The units used in this model are SI (kg, m, s, N, °C). The pipes are made of a typical commercial purity aluminum alloy. The mater assumed to harden isotropically. The dependence of the flow stress on the temperature is included. 1 In the Model Tree, double-click Materials to create a new material. Name the material aluminum, and specify the following Thermal properties: + Temperature-dependent conductivity 204 Wim’C at oC 225 Wim’C at 300°C + Specific heat = 880 Ike"C * Inelastic heat fraction = 0 (needed for the Abaqus/Explicit analysis to prevent mechanical—sthermal coupling) Add the following General property: + Density = 2700 kg/m* Add the following Mechanical properties. (These properties wil subsequent stress analysis.) * Modulus of elasticity = 6. 9810 Pa + Poisson's ratio= 0.33 be used in the * Coefficient of thermal expansion = @.428-5 /*C + Temperature-dependent plasticity: Read the data from an ASCII text file, Toggle on Use temperature- dependent data, as shown in Figure WA3~2, and right-click in the data field indicated in the figure. From the list of available options, select Read from File. Read the data from the file plasticProps. inp. © Dassault Systémes, 2018 Introduction to Abaqus WA3.3 [FR Us temperature-dependent dota 1 Toggie this on Figure WA3-2 Reading plastic material properties from a file. 4+ Create a homogeneous solid section named aluminumsection, and assign it to the part 5. Create an instance of the part pipe-int in the assembly. Analysis procedure and output To simulate the thermal response of the part, a single heat transfer step will be used 1. In the Model Tree, double-click Steps to create an analysis step. 2. In the Create Step dialog box, select Heat transfer as the general procedure type and create a transient heat transfer analysis step using the following parameters + Description: thezmal analysis + Total time period = 200 sec + Maximum number of increments allowed = 100 ‘+ Initial increment size = 4 see + End the step when the temperature change rate is less than 0.5 °C/sec * Maximum allowable temperature change per increment = 10 °C 3. Accept all default ODB output requests. © Dassault Systémes, 2018 Introduction to Abaqus Wa34 Surface film condition The conditions to model the surface convection will now be applied. 1. Inthe Model Tree, double-click Interactions to create a new interaction. 2. Inthe Create Interaction dialog box, select Surface film condition as the interaction type and click Continue. Specify a film condition for the outer surface of the pipe shown in Figure WA3-3. Use a film coefficient of 50 W/m?:s°C and sink temperature of 20°C. Figure WA3-3 Surface for outer film condition. ‘The fluid temperature on the inner surface is time-dependent. Thus, an amplitude curve is required to prescribe the sink temperature history. 3, Inthe Model Tree, double-click Amplitudes. 4, Accept the default Tabular type, and click Continue. 5, Enter the following data pairs (0, 20),(10, 400), and (200, 400) in the table. The data represent the sink temperature as a function of ti 6. Click OK. 7. Create a film condition for the interior surface of the pipe shown in Figure WA3—4. © Specify a film coefficient of 1200 W/m? *C, ‘© Entera value of 1 °C for the sink temperature, and use amplitude curve ‘Amp-1 created earlier for the sink amplitude. The magnitude of the sink temperature will be the product of the specified value and the amplitude © Dassault Systémes, 2018 Introduction to Abaqus WA3.5 Figure WA3~4 Surface for inner film condition. Initial conditions The pipe is initially at room temperature (20°C), 1. In the Model Tree, double-click Predefined Fields. 2. In the Create Predefined Field dialog box, set the step to Initial, the category to Other, and the type to Temperature. 3. Click Continue 4. Select the complete model by dragging the mouse across the viewport with the ‘mouse bution held down. 5. Click Done in the prompt area. 6. In the Edit Predefined Field dialog box, enter a value of 20°C for the initial temperature Magnitude, Thermal analysis = 1. Ifnot already done, rename the model to thermal (Model--Rename). 2. In the Model Tree, double-click Jobs to create a job named pipe-thermal, The results from this analysis will be used to drive the subsequent stress analysis; double precision output is desirable in this case, Thus, in the Precision tabbed age of the job editor, set the nodal output precision to Full 3. Save the model database, 4. Submit the job for analysis. © Dassault Systemes, 2018 Introduction to Abaqus Postprocessing 1. Once the analysis completes successfully, thermal in the Model Tres Plot the contours of nodal temperature by ‘The contour plot is shown it nmi "43.7208002 $sbeet03 $3 2ocer02 TBogesroe 88 i yager02 Th sget02 hboses03 2 dee0+02 WA36 click mouse button 3 on the job pipe- .¢ and select Results from the menu that appears. selecting the variable NT11 from the Field Output toolbar (or the Field Output dialog box). in Figure WA3-S (your results may vary slightly), Figure WA3-5 Temperature distribution in the pipes. © Dassault Systémes, 2018 Introduction to Abaqus WA37 Stress analysis The stress analysis consists of two steps. In the first step, only a pressure load is applied. In the second step, the thermal load is added. ‘The thermal analysis model and properties will form the basis of the stress analysis, model. You will copy the model and modify the new model as described below. 1 In the Model Tree, click mouse button 3 on the model thermal and select Copy Model from the menu that appears. In the Copy Model dialog box, name the new model stress. Click OK. In the Model Tree, collapse the container for the model thermal Tip: An alternative way to organize your Model Tree isto elick mouse button 3 Gr ihe stress model and select Set As Root from the menu that appears, Abaqus/CAE moves the container to the pull-down menu above the Model Tree and displays everything under the selected container in the Model Tree The Set Root to Model Database icon (®) returns the Model Tree to the default view (auits model stress, replace the Heat Transfer step with a Static, General step (Step—Replace). Use a time Period of 10 and an initial time increment size of 1. Create an additional static step. Set the step time period to 200 and the initial time increment to 0.2. In Step-1, apply a pressure load with magnitude 3.586 Pa to the internal surfaces of the pipe. Ti In the Initial step, define symmetry boundary conditions to each symmetry plane and a pinned condition to the top face as shown in Figure WA3-6, Figure WA3~7, and Figure WA3-8 Tip: Set the selection filter type to Faces to facilitate the selections. /se the face angle selection technique to facilitate your selection, Figure WA3-6 XSYMM faces. © Dassault Systemes, 2018 Introduction to Abaqus WA38 ‘Boundary conditions on these faces represent attachments to a larger Figure WA3-8 ,PINNED face 7. A predefined temperature field is specified using the results obtained in the heat transfer analysis. a. Open the Predefined Field Manag b. Select the cell labeled Created under the column labeled Ini Edit. c. Inthe predefined field editor: «Select From results or output database file as the distribution. «Enter the file name pipe-thexmal . odb. and click «Specify a value of 1 for the step and 0 for the increment. © Dassault Systémes, 2018 Introduction to Abaqus WA3.9 With these settings, the initial temperature values from the heat transfer analysis are read. You will now modify this field definition in the second step to read the results from the transient thermal analysis step. 4. Select the cell labeled Propagated under the column labeled Step-2 and click Edit €. Specify the values shown in Figure WA3-9. ieme: Predefined Fild-1 Type: Temperature Step: Step-2 (State, General) Region: Read fom fe Stotuz[Moaied SS From results or output database fle fi Ippe-tnerma.oas z ‘nterpotation © Compatble © incompatibe TF Inverpolate midside nodes Modified inthis step Bacal Figure WA3-9 Reading temperatures from the . odb file. 8. Change the element type assigned to the part regions to C3D4 and C3DBR: a. In the Model Tree branch for the model stress, expand the pipe_int item underneath the Parts container and double-click Mesh in the list that appears, b. From the main menu bar, select Mesh—+Element. ‘Type and then select the whole model as the region to be assigned an element type. ¢. Inthe Element Type dialog box, select 3D Stress as the element family. In the Hex tabbed page, toggle on Reduced integration and select Enhanced hourglass control. Click OK. 9. Create a job named pipe-stress for the model stress, and run the analysis job. 10. Save the model database. © Dassault Systemes, 2018 Introduction to Abaqus WaA3.10 center the Visualization module and plot the contours of he displacement magnitude contour plot at the end of Figure WA3—10 (your results may vary ication has been set to 800 11, Once the job completes, stress and displacement. T the first analysis step is shown in slightly). In this figure the displacement magi vu, Magnitude 1.9198-04 ir Soze-0} Hiezest deseo To's598-08 Te2ze0-08 Ty bote-98 te site05 25208-05 Figure WA3-10 Displacement magnitude plot at end of pressure step (deformation scale factor=800) 12. The Mises stress contour plot at the end of the second analysis step is shown in Figure WA3-I1 (your results may vary slightly). In this figure the displacement ‘magnification has been set to 1 and a non-default legend has been used 5, Mises (vgs 75%) '+5-5260407 $32iser07 T5360 4'e07e107, $4 Sbiet07 +3 pe4es07 t3egen07 $3 3eget07 $3arestor {27700007 Basges07 WBisretor Tesieior Figure WA3-11 Mises stress distribution at the end of the analysis (deformation scale factor=1). © Dassault Systémes, 2018 Introduction to Abaqus Wa3.11 Coupled thermal-stress analysis with Abaqus/Explicit (Optional) {f time permits, perform the thermal-stress analysis using the explicit dynamics solver, Even though a fully coupled procedure is used, the thermal response has been uncoupled from the mechanical response since the inelastic heat fraction has been set to zero. Thus, in effect, a sequential analysis is performed. The steps required to complete this analysis are described next. |. Copy the model named stress to a new model named stress-explicit 2. Delete Step-2 (you cannot replace both steps simultaneously). 3. Replace Step-1 with a Dynamic, Temp-disp, Explicit step: use a time period of 10 seconds for this'step a 4. Define a second Dynamic, Temp-disp, Explicit step: use a time period of 200 seconds for this step. 5. For each step, apply Semi-automatic mass scaling to the whole model using a seale factor of 168 6. Resume the surface film conditions in Step-2: + Inthe Model Tree, expand the Interactions container. Select both interactions and click mouse button 3. From the menu that appears, select Resume, + Open the Interactions Manager. Select each Created ficld and click Move Right. 7. Recall that in dynamic analysis procedures, Iéads are applied instantaneously. However, in this problem, a quasi-static response is sought. In order to promote a quasi-static response, loads must be applied gradually. For this purpose create a ‘Smooth step amplitude curve. Name the curve amp-2: use the points (0, 0), (20, 4) to define the curve. 8. Edit the pressure load in Step-1. Use the amplitude Amp-2 for the load application. 9. Edit the initial temperature field to use Direct specification as the distribution Enter a value of 20 °C for the initial temperature and click © to select the entire part instance. 10. Change the element library to Explicit and the element family to Coupled Temperature-Displacement. Select Reduced integration and Enhanced hourglass control. The resulting hexahedral and tetrahedral element types should be C3D8RT and C3D4T, respectively 11. Create a job named pipe-stress-explicit and submit it for analysis © Dassault Systémes, 2018 Introduction to Abaqus Wa3.12, Postprocessing 1. Plot the contours for Mises stress and PEEQ on the deformed shape for both the implicit and explicit analyses. ‘The PEEQ contours for both analyses are shown in Figure WA3~12 (your results may vary slightly, say within 5%). The results predicted by Abaqus/Standard and ‘Abaqus/Explicit are in excellent agreement. PEEQ PEEQ (va 75%) (va 75%) 7.943002 '6§.3830-02 TESsee03 $Sesie-02 18'Se00-02 33 5190-03 13 303002 e753 32 boee02 43596002 4509808 9533802 tSgg2ee 3ibiece 12 Bibe-os 32s0e-02 te eaee-n2 Teizeens Weiss pce03 Hien geste a Tsagsecs TS3ise-05 toco0s+00 TBiaaos+oo Figure WA3-12 PEEQ contours at the end of the analysis (implicit, left; explicit, right) 2, Adjust the feature angle criterion (View-ODB Display Options; drag the feature angle slider to 30 and click OK), This will facilitate the path selection that follows. * In the Results Tree, double-click Path: In the Create Path dialog box, choose Edge list as the type and click Continue. In the Edit Edge List Path dialog box, click Add After. In the prompt area choose by feature edge as the selection method and select the ‘edge shown in Figure WA3-13, 7. If necessary, click Flip in the prompt area so that the start point of the path is at intersection of the symmetry planes. ‘The entire edge is then selected automatically, as shown in Figure WA3~13. © Dassault Systémes, 2018 Introduction to Abaqus Wa3.13 Select this edge first Figure WA3-13 Node path. 8. In the Results Tree, double-click XYData. 9. Select Path from the Create XY Data dialog box, and click Continue. 10. Examine the various options in the XY Data from Path dialog box. 11. Click Plot to display the variation of PEEQ along the path, as shown in Figure WA3-14 “rue ditance slong path Figure WA3-14 Path plot of PEEQ (explicit analysis). Note: A script that creates the complete model described in these instructions is available for your convenience. Run this script if you _ encounter difficulties following the instructions outlined here or if you wish to check your work. The script is named ws_intro_pipe_heat.py and is available using the Abaqus fetch utility. © Dassault Systémes, 2018 Introduction to Abaqus

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