Exercise 3.2 Assignment Watch The Video Clips and Complete The Statements That Follow

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February 27,2020

GED102- B13 Score:

CO1- WE #4


Exercise 3.2


Watch the video clips and complete the statements that follow.

 Map of Mathematics
 Math is the Hidden Secret to Understanding the World by Roger Antonsen

1. Three things that I significantly learned from the video clip

were first, that modern mathematics has two areas, pure maths the study of mathematics for its own sake and applied maths which
involves solving real world problems. I also learned that every mathematical equation represents an analogy for viewing things at different
perspectives. I also learned that math is easily applied in to music, I thought it was difficult to apply math to music because they seem very
different. However, the clip taught me that mathematics is embodies in to the very core of music- rhythm, tempo and tune.

2. Three things that are still unclear to me

I do not understand how some infinities are bigger than others, if it is infinite, can’t we just add more and more numbers until they
are of the same amount? As these infinities are never-ending, they all could potentially outnumber one another. The concept of
Mathematical axioms are also still unclear to me as well as the concept of fractal geometry as I don’t think I ever encountered something
like it before.

3. I used to think that

all maths are applied maths. I thought that way because ever since we were young, we were taught how to count which in turn we
applied to simple stuff like counting our age and as time went by, as math became more complex, our teachers also had ways to relate its
application in the real life. I did not think that “pure” maths did exist. I also used to think that equations go on a one way. We manipulate
them to get an answer which the other part of the equation wants us to, so we look for ways to get it, watching the video it hit me that this
also happens both ways and I have been doing it for long. I also once thought that art and maths are completely opposite, however the clips
changed my perspective and taught me that art and music are essential to one another as they both have major influences to one another.

4. Three questions that I want to ask about the video clips

I want to ask how Mathematics came to be a very vital aspect of life when its own foundation is shaky, knowing that it does not have a
complete and consistent axiom as stated by Godel’s incompleteness theorems. I also want to ask why we are using base 10 systems of
numbers, I mean why not base 8, or 7? Why does it have to be 10? I also want to ask why computer sciences are the only courses mentioned in
the clips when engineering is a course closest, if not closer, to math.

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