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LESSON TITLE: Comparatives and Superlatives Practice


Audience: Teenage

Level: 02 - Elementary

Duration: 50 min

Skills: Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Description: Aims:
To practice comparative and superlative adjective forms and structure.
To practice writing skills.

Target English

Grammar: Comparatives and Superlatives


Warm-up --- 5 min

Quick Hot potato game:
Students will pass a ball (“potato”) around the class. When the timer goes off, the person holding it has to
make a sentence based on a flashcard that the teacher will show them.
------For superlatives, show only one flashcard (alligator). Their sentence might be, “Alligators have the
scariest teeth.”
------For comparative adjectives, show them two cards (Alligator and dog). Their sentence might be, “Dogs
are friendlier than alligators.”

1) Read… --- 10 min
Read the text (worksheet) about a product review. Underline the comparatives and circle the superlatives.
Briefly, Then work with a partner and compare your answers.
Briefly share with the class what you found about the different brands of the product using comparatives
and superlatives to make a comparison between them.

2) Write a product review…30 min

------ Think of a product that you plan to buy. Compare three different brands of this product. You can
make a chart with the product details with information about each brand, comparing cost and other

------ Write a review comparing the three different brands of the product you chose. Write two paragraphs.

Amended by: Chris / class- Template last amended: 29/07/2011

Warm-up 5 min
Reading activity 10 min
Writing activity 30 min total
Closing 5 min
-------Share some of the product reviews. Submit worksheet for assessment.


Ball ("potato").
Worksheet (for reading and writing).



Lesson Plan Ref:

Author: Evelia Félix

*Date created:

*Date last amended:

Amended by:

Reason for amendment:

* Date format: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Amended by: Chris / class- Template last amended: 29/07/2011

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