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Learning activity 3

Evidence: How can I help you?

Select an electronic device and explain the possible technical problems any
user can face, fill in the format. Then, make a three minutes video in which you
show the problem and explain its solution. There is an example in blue.

Technological device: Hard Disk or Hard Drive.

Express the problem in a tag
Identify the problem Describe the solution
Problem 1:
The system does not The hard drive isn't Open the cabinet and check that the
recognize the hard recognized by the BIOS, Is disk connections are set correctly,
disk. it? otherwise plug in them.

Problem 2: It’s time to replace it; you must make

You could hear constant
Strange sounds on the backup, but never open it,
noises on your hard drive,
the hard drive. because it’ll be damaged.
couldn't you?
Problem 3:
Your hard drive can be slow, Run the defrag utility after the
Fragmented hard
can´t it? respective scan.
Backup and delete unnecessary
Its hard disk is with the full files, check the recycle bin and
Problem 4: hard drive
capacity, isn´t? empty it, a full hard drive can be
full. easily damaged and slow the
computer down. Delete unnecessary
temporary files.
Problem 5:
Additional system utilities for
You have not run the disk cleaning the hard drive, such as the
Scan utility software
doctor lately, have you? disk cleaner and the hard disk
for the hard disk. doctor, should be run periodically.

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