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Iconography (props):

Fictional Film Production: The iconic props that will be used in

our film is the following; bags and Lighting (colours):
Narrative/Performance/Concept: suitcases and a stage knife.
The story of our film is that we want to show to our Our film will use high key lighting to create the
The genre will be evident through suspense and also lowkey lighting which would be
audience the reverse stereotypes within today’s media the violence in our film and the used to set the tone.
dialogue used of aggression and
Our group is going to tell the story by a white guy anger.
robbing a black guy. This will be the ending of the film as It fits in with our tory of reverse stereotypes and how
we will show a build-up and a reason to why the black it’s wrong to judge people by the colour of their skim
guy is robbed. The reason the black guy is robbed is
because he has been bullying the white guy for a few It’s a mix of both lighting techniques, it will be
days and is starting to annoy the white guy; therefore, throughout the film
the white guy starts to plan his revenge and how he is It will add to the atmosphere due to the fact that it
going to get back at the bully by doing something he Genre: will set the tone to emphasise how much the media
would not think of. The stereotype is would usually be the stereotype on people due to the colour of them
black guy robbing the white guy so we want to The genre of our film is action. We
emphasise that black people get stereotyped in today’s have chosen to produce an action
media world by reversing stereotypes and making the film because we want to
white guy the robber. emphasise reverse stereotypes
within the media. The conventions
of this genre are violence, fighting

The characters are the following;

Eric: tall, black middle aged, working class

man, currently on benefits struggling to get Typography for title:
by, living alone, no immediate family Location (setting):
available. We have chosen to use this for
because our target audience is Our film is going to be mainly inside the school. This
Henry: Short, white teenage boy aged open to all ages so weve chosen is because we want to emphasise the fact that it
around 18/19, living with parents whilst a serif font. It fits in with the can happen anywhere even around younger people.
living an alternate life being part of a gang. genre We want the audience to react to our film by
He has been kicked out of numerous knowing that you should not judge no matter who
schools and colleges and has a criminal they are or what colour hey are as anyone can rob.
record. We will also be filming outside the school at one
stage so that we can give a different point of view.
It fits in with the genre because we are using
different locations to tell our story

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