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ail) Designation: A 106-99 ication for Standard Spe: Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service’ ‘This eandard Is esd under we Axed designation A 106; Oe munber amnely coving te dsigmton incase the year of rua nto oy nthe ese of evs the year 0 es vision A marten pares indie te ye ase reapyoval A ‘spenerpt ep (@ lndiewes an edidal nage sce te las evisoe or FepONa ‘his nandord hat been approved for ate by agencies the Deparment of Deena © Now Valo in 14S Ivete edinnally comeed Acmust 15, 4, Scope 1.1 This specification? covers ssamless carbon steel pipe for high-tempecatre service (Not 1) ia NPS 4 to NPS 48 shal be Usoe). ah U = speciad tale enonghy pet {See Table & fr rinimum elongation valu for varcus sie toeionspesimens and rade Table gies he computes nium values: ‘TABLE 3 Computed Transverse Elongation® = Wal Thickness. longtion in Zin. or 50 ren 3 = om Eade Tanovere. (Grades 8 end ©, Tansee Pa 78 72500 1650 174 (0250) en 2280 1450 “This bie gves be computed mnimimy wongaion valine or eas 1 /S2- (En) cecoaco n wal Riise, Whete We wal BIGENS Ins ERwe=n i VSS shorn abow, tne nimum longa vale detommines bythe owag egsaton Grace Deacon of Test Eaision x ercveres A108, TABLE 4 Continued ‘longaton ind Ih win, Spusted Tense Seenghh pS ence A Gace 8 “Fonsi Tas Speen Wal Tina. Gade anwa,in® “G/B Speman 8/4in, Specimen tir Specimen 1 1/2in Syedimen 48 00 oo 70 009 ber Tarim ~—Caar-oate—=~C eae CaCO 5 25 ms 080 Viscizio — deecoaos «= Os0E nets © 2aT-04lS 385 2s 2s 052 [imckes Oyer-ovm = OSSE-AESE 039-0985 345 Pao 265 oss (uote ozero7e © OSTE-OSSS © 0381-C380 3S 250 Pr os7 Miociue — Ozeno7es «OSES © OST? 340 220 25 ose (neni — awo-o7es © (OSSSO5S © OS7H-OSTS sap 220 a os tonite = oerore 2350389 340 230 xo bet remtmo — O71e0725 0357-0368 340 zs Bo ry hesi-ie6e 9901-0718 0351-0358 $5 2s 288 ose jake 0887-0700 oat 335 a3 ao ost foie 074-0885, Ossrasks 305 2 Bey 050 Geen 0860-0679 osso-0590 205 20 me 049 Sarasa O.647-0689 osereaes mo 20 as 748 oaeos © Oss Onee ean-e2e0 m0 20 2s 7 feeoee © oset-onss Son-oate 330 20 2s ase baiooe — os0r-oaeo 304-0310 330 29 Bs as Saei-oms 09-0000 o2e7-0503 225 265 Bo oa daroosv 0300-0500 20-0706 225 25 Bo 0a dastosee 007-0570 25e3.280 825 2s 20 nae tasetse — ousr-05e8 0279268 220 Bs 20 oa Garcee —Osaivosea = Oaus-aaid 0271-0278 320 20 Bo 00 Qmoest — Oar-aseo = osesndos 02840270 30 20 Bs 99 Syreame: — aueoses Ogee DSS OST. OSS ats. 280 2s 4 Suoome — osvons's OSS ORAS 315 Bo ms oar Smrans —Oaer-cato © Ose ORMOND ao. 2s Be 33 jnoort «Oar ddes ORES SES | CT-OZES 310 as me 035 QBrare —oasiaats «= Oaeaee © OzI-ae 310 as mo oe jeoosm «© Oagr-adep «= OSSD © Ozae0T8 310 28 Zo 038 berose © agai 6 moe = O2IT. aos 20 mo 22 Deooss —«daonass «= Usisoses © (OzI-0210 208 ao as oat Savas —Odorsadie «= xcoasia © ane 0.200 208 250 a3 a SEbos Osram ozeoas | On 0208 200. 2s 2S a Daroses — Gaei-oass © Oaee-o2ed 0.198 0.108 300. 2s a3 os paposrs —opor-agin = OTE O1SL0190 25 28 20 oz Qssross aeons «= Oats 0z74—O.N77-0183 235 280 29 os ono —oamyasss = Omesozss © 700.176 290 20 20 ozs Qisvass —oaar-aee = ozueozse © UtBL0.9 230 Bs bs ozs Siow Oatenans © Ogos | D.NST-O.IE 20 Be 2s oz Dusrose —ogoramis © ozzsozas © DIST-D.IBE 25 Bs 203 oz Susooss) © O2er9m «= OzISOS (NTE DIST 25 Be 29 * Senos © camomas © OameaaTe = O.1ST-O4S 280 Be 203 2 Saooa © oz@eaars «= tom | OGOD.198 ars Bs 195 ae Qsrross —aqraosg «= Oteeiee | O21 as 2s 195 or. Senos beets © wTeaies | Oir-o.a aro mo ies or bascose «— Gartnags © ateeaie | Trot ere zo 189 O18 Queasn —Gaorazo «= atsmoies © Oe 0 oe 23 199 O35 Qoasm —Gerame =—bteooise © 097-0400 2c 23 185 ox Gass Gea. «aod ©8081-0005 me a 135 ois Gaazs «—oer-aive © baeeore © 0.n84-0000 255 2a 330 oz Samcazo —casroves © o.e-asos 04077-0088 0 205 180 on Qoreaze «—caiet-osse«— Oateatté ©0871-0078 2s 20 75 910 Qieraso —tula7-0s4o—Dcoso10s © 0064.0079 bao ‘es 170 209 Gites oni4-0s2s ©—«OnRB ORL 0057-003 5 185 ¥70 038 Giger —«oo-0rs3—DovSonas 050-055 wo 190 iss oor Qiomatse —aoe7-oane—SS-OO7 OOM 225 185 380 008, Sioeso — oorenoss © Os5-00eS © ONTOS zo 159 488 003 Saoretso —sosi-agrs © OueonSE | OST COGS no 479 430 oo Somcom —dos7-o0e0 OOS OOS ODE OSD 20 ies ae 003, Gosoos —«0seOs = aeEDO TTL 190 ie 135 202 Gocnos — doen-oues © OaNSOaw §— OTE 73 45 yas soe ‘S008 00% S008 2208 50 325 310 Ain 65.18 Sin = 254mm. 11. Bending Requirements mandsel, the diameter of which is twelve times the outside is as shown in ANSI B 36.10) of the pipe, without 11.1 For pipe NPS 2 end under a suficient length of pipe diameter (as sho vir, witho shail tuna Pols pen cold rough 90° around « cylindical developing cracks, When ordered for close coiling (Note Ey COPYRIGHT 2000 Amercan Society for Testing and Matoriale Thlormetion Handing Services, 2000 @b ar06 the pipe shall stand beiag bert cold through 180° around a jlindrical mandrel, the diameter of which is eight times the ‘outside diameter (as shown in ANSI B 36.10) of the ripe, without failure 11.2 Subject to the approval of the purchaser, for pipe whose diameter exceeds 10 in, (254 mm), it shall be permis sible for the bend test to be substituted for the flatening test described in Section 12. The bend test specimens shall be bent at room temperature through 180° with the inside diameter of the bend being | in. (25.4 mm), without cracking on the ourside portion of the beat portion. 11.3 For pipe whose diameter exceeds 25 in. (635 mm) and ‘whose diameter to wall thickness raul Is 7.0 or Tess, the bead test described in 11.2 shall be conducted instead of the fimtening test [Nore 5—Diameter to wall thickness ratio = specified outside diamete! ‘inal wall thickness Example: For 28 in. diameter 5.000 in, thick pipe the diameter to vall iciness meio ~ 205 = 56. 42, Flattening Tests 12.1 Except as allowed by 11.2, for pipe over NFS 2, @ section of pipe not less than 214 in. (63.5 mm) in length shall be flattencd cold berween parallel plates until the opposite walls of the pipe meet. Flanening tests shall be in accordance ‘with Specification A S30/A 530M, except that in the formula used to calculate the “HT value, the following “e” constants shall be used: (008 for Grade A (007 for Grades B and C 122 When low Dito-r ratio tubulars are tested, because the rein imposed due to geometry is unreasonably high on the inside surface atthe sx ard twelve o'clock locations, cracks at these locations shall not be cause for ejection ifthe D-o-rratio is Jose than ten. Nore 6 The # values Fave heen caloulaed for sizes from NPS inclusive, and ae chown in Table XI.1 ofthis specification. 13, Hydrostatic Test 13.1 Each length of pipe shall withstand without leakage through the pipe wall, 2 hydrostatic test. except as provided for in 132, 133, and 134 13.2 When specified by the purchases, it shall be permis- sible for pipe to be tested by the nondestructive eleemtic test described in Section 14 in lieu of the hytisiatic test. 13.3 When specified in the ordes, pipe shall be fumished ‘without hydrostatic test and without the NDE in Section 14. In this case, each length so furnished shall include the mandatory marking of the leters “NHL” 13.4 When the hydrostatic test and the NDE test are omitted ‘and the Jengths marked with the letters “NH,” the certification, ‘when required, shall clearly state “Not. Hydro Statically TTested,” the specification number and material grade, as shown om the certification, shall be followed by the letters “NH. 14, Nondestructive Electric Test 14.1 When allowed by 13.2, each pipe shall be tested with a nondestructive clectsic test in accordance with Practice E213, Practice E309, of Practice E570. In such cases, the COPYRIGHT 2000 Amarican Saciaty for Teaing ene Matoriale Information manda Services, 2060 smarking of each length of pipe so furnished shall include the loters "NDE." It is tho intent of this test to reject pipe with imperfections that produce test signals equal or greater an that of the calibration standard. 14.2 When the nondestructive electric test is performed, the lengths shall be marked. with the letters “NDE.” The certifica- tion, when required, shall state “Nondestructive Eleciric “Tested” and shall indicate which of the tests was applied. Also the letters “NDE” shall be appended to the product specifica- tion number and matetial grade shown on the cetfication. 143 The following information is for the benefit of the user ‘of this specification: 1434 The reicrence standards defined in 14.4 through 14.6 are convenient standards for calibration of nondestructive testing equipment. The dimensions of such standards are not 10 bbe constmed as the minimum sizes of imperfections detectable by such equipment. 1432 The ultrasonic testing referred to in this specification i capable of detecting the presence and location of significant iongitudinally or circomfsrentially oriented imperfections: however, differen techniques need to be employed for the detection of such differently oriented imperfections. Ukrasonic testing is not necessarily capable of detecting short. deep imperfections. 1433 The eddy curcent examination referenced in this specification has the capability of detecting significant imper- fections, especially of the short sbrupt type. 1434 The flux leakage examination refewed to in this specification is capable of detecting the presence and location of significant longitudinally or transversely oriented imperice- tions: however, different techniques need to be employed for the detection of such differently oriented impecfections. 14.35 ‘The hydrostatic test referred to in Section 13 bas the capebility of finding defects of a size permitting the test finid to leak through the wbe wall and may be either visually seen for detected by a loss of pressure. Hydrostatic testing is not necessarily capable of detecting very tight, through-the-wall imperfections or imperfections that extend an appreciable distance into the wall without complete penetration. 14.3.6 A purchaser interested in ascertaining the nature (type, size, location, and orientation) of discontinuities that can ‘be detecied in the specific applications of these examinations is irected to discuss this with the manufactucer of the tabular product. 14-4 For ultrasonic testing, the calibration reference notches shall be, at the option of the producer, any onc of the three common notch shapes shown in Practice E 213. The depth of ‘notch shall not exceed 1244 & of the specified wall thickness of the pipe or 0.004 in, (0.102 mm), whichever is greater 14.5 For eddy current testing, the calibration pipe shall contain, atthe option of the producer, any one of the following Giscontinuities to establish a minimum sensitivity level for rejection: 145.1 Drilled Hole—Ibe calibration pipe shall contain depending upon the pipe diameter three holes spaced 120° par of four holes spaced 90° apart and suficiently separated Tongitudinally to ensure separaicly distingvishable responses The holes shall be drilled radially and completely through the hp A 105 pipe wall, care being taken to avoid distortion of the pipe while drilling. Depending upon the pipe diameter the calibration pipe shall contein the following hole: ain 0.98 i. (1 ro) Sas thin, 2.0859. (1.4 me) Siisen 2.074 in. 18 ne) esh, 087 in (22 re) oon. 008 In (27 me) 145.2 Transverse Tangential Notch—Using a round tool or fle with 2 ‘4in. (64mm) diameter, a notch shill be filed or rmilled tangential to the surface and transverse to the Tongizo- inal axis of the pipe. Said notch shall have = dept not cexcoeding 1216 % of the specified wall thickness ofthe pipe oF 0.004 in. (0.102 mm), whichever is greater 145.3 Longitudinal Notch—A notch 0.031 in. (0.787 mm) cr Jess in width shall be machined in a radial plane paral! to the tube axis on the outside surface of the pipe, to have a depth nt exceeding 12% % of the specified wall thickness of the nbe or 0.008 in. (0.102 mam), whichever is greater. The length of the notch shall be compatible with the testing method. 1454 Compatibility The discontinuity in the calibration pipe shall be compatible with the testing equipment and the method being used. 14.6 For flux leaiage testing, the longitudinal calibration reference notches shall be siright-sided notches machined in a radial plane paralel to the pipe axis. For wall thickness under ‘Ain. (12.7 mm), outside and inside notches shall be used; for wall thicimess equal and above ¥4 in, (12.7 mm), only an Ddurside notch shall be ased Notch depth shall not exceed 12)2 % of the specified wall thickness, or 0,004 in. (0.102 mm), whichever is greater. Notch Iength shall not exceed 1 in. (Q5e4 mm), and the width hall not exceed the depth. Outside diameter and inside diameter aoiches thall be located sufi ciently spert to allow separation and identification of the signals 14.7 Pige containing one or more imperfections thet pro- ‘auce a signal equal to or greater than the signal produced by the libration standard shall be rejected or the area producing the signal shall be reexamined. 14.7.1 Test signals produced by imperfections which cannot be identified, or produced by cracks or crack-like imperfections shall result in rejection of the pipe, unless it is repaired and zetested, To be accepted, the pipe must pass the same spectfi- cation test to which it was originally subjected, provided that the remaining wall thickness 1s mot decreased below that permitted by this specification. The OD atthe pom of grinding Inay be reduced by the amount so reduced. 14.7.2 Test signals produced by visual impesfections such as those Fisted below may be evaltated in accordance with the provitions of Section 18: 1 Dinges, Straighlener marks, 3 Cutting chips, 147.24 Scratches, 147.25 Steel de stamps, 147.26 Stop marks. of 14.727 Pipe reducer ripple 148 The test methods described in this section are not nesessarily capeble of inspecting the end portion of pipes, 2 (COPYRIGHT 2000 Amatican Society for Testing and Materisls RS 2S eearens 0 condition referred to as “end effect.” The length of such end tffect shall be determined by the manufacrurer and, when specified in the purchase order, reported to the perchascr. 15. Nipples 15:1 Nipples shall be cut from pipe of the same dimensions and quality deseribed in this specification. 16. Dimensions, Woight, and Permissible Variations 16.1 Weight—The weight of any length of pipe chall not vary more than 10% over and 3.5 % under that specificd. Unless otherwise agreed upon between the manufecturer and the purchases, pipe in NPS 4 ond smaller may be weighed in ‘convenient lots; pipe larger than NPS 4 shall be weighed separately. 16.2 Diameter—The tolerances for diameter shall be in ‘accordance withthe following: 16.2.1 Except for pipe ordered as special outside diameter tolerance pipe or as inside diameter tolerance pipe, variations jn outside diameter shall not exceed those precribed in Table 5. 16.22 For pipe over 1O;n, (254 mm) OD ordered es special outside diameter tolerance pipe, the outside diameter shall not ‘vary more than 1% over or 1% under the specified ouside Same: 16.23 For pipe over 10 in, (254 mm) ID ordered as inside ameter tolerance pipe, the inside diameter shall not vary ‘more than | Se over or I 9 under the specified inside diameter. 163 Thickness—The minimum Wal thickness et any point shall not be more an 12.5 % under the nominal wall thickness specified. Nore 7—The minimum wall thicsestes on inspection f some ofthe available ies am shown in Tale X21. WT, Lengths 17.1 Pipe lengths shall be in accordance with the following regular practice: T711 The lengths required shell be specified in the orden and 17.12 No jpinters are permited unless otherwise specified. 17.13 If define Tengths are not required, pipe may be ordered in single random lengths of 16 to 22 f (4.8 to 6:7 m) ‘with 5 % 12 to 16 ft G7 t0-4.8 m). orin double random lengtts. with a minimam average of 35 ft (10.7 m) and a minimmm length of 22 ft with 5 % 16 to 22 18, Workmanship, Finish and Appearance 18.1 The pipe manufactorer shall explore a sufficient numm= bee of visual surface imperfections to provide reasonable ‘TABLE 5 Variations in Outsige Diameter NPS Daignaer Perianble Vsebors i OUSiS EEE ow Uae in ma a Tewiawa Ween 90 17s woI) a0 Eero iim ifeewom 97 1/2000) O78 Sarees | tyeoo te 1/20 OF Smswind aye eos) 22 1/200) OF Girieweakel 178 x25) 318 $/S200e) 973 Omkketna evyaoiss ser 1/2 0c) OR ONigcernd spin 67 1/2001) 0 hb A106 assurance that they have been properly evaluated with respect to depth. Exploration of all surface imperfections is not reguired but consideration should be given to the necessity of exploring all surface impecfections to assure compliance with 18.2. 18.2 Surface imperfections that penetrate more than 12% % of the nomizal wall thickness or encroach on the minimum ‘wall thickmese chall be considered defects. Pipe with such defects shall be given one of the following dispositions: 18.2.1 The defect shall be removed by grinding, provided that the remaining wall thickness is within the Himits specified in 163, 18.2.2 Repaired in accordance with the repair welding provisions of 18.6. 18.2.2 The section of pipe containing the defect may be cut ‘of within the limits of requirements on length. 18.2.4 Rejected. 18.3 To provide a workmanlike finish and basis for evalu- ating conformance with 18.2 the pipe manufacturer shall remove by grinding the following noniajuriows imperfections: 18.3.1 Mechanical marks, abrasions (Note 8) and pits, any of which imperfections are deeper than io in, (1.58 ram). 18.3.2 Visual imperfections commonly referred to as scabs, seams, laps, tears, or slivers found by exploration in accor- dance with 18.1 to be deeper than 5% of the nominal wall thickness. 18.4 Atthe purchaser's discretion, pipe shall be subjected to rejection if surrace imperfections accepiable under 18.2 are not scattered, but appear over a large area in excess of what is considered a workmanlike finish. Disporition of such pipe shall be a matter of agreement between the manufacturer end the purchaser. 18.5 When imperfections or defects are removed by grind- ing, a smooth curved surface shall be maintained, and the wall thickness shall not be decreased below that permitted by this specification. The outside diameter at the poiat of grinding is ‘mitted to be reduced by the amount so removed. 185.1 Wall thickness steasurements shall be made with # mechanical caliper or with a properly calibrated nondestructive testing device of appropriate accuracy. In case of dispate, the measurement determined by use of the mechanical caliper sball govem. 18.6 Weld repair shall be permitted only subject to the ‘approval of the purchaser and in accordance with Specification A S30/4 530M. 18.7 The finished pipe shall be reasonably straight. Nove § Mass and sbrsiens ate defined a cable marks dinges. gide marks, ll nazis, ball setatches, scores, Ge mars, te 19, End Finish 19.1 ‘The Pipe shall be fumished to the following practice. unless otherwise specitied. 19.1.1 NPS 1-1/2 and Smaller—All walls shall be either plain-end square cut, or plain-end beveled at the option of the ‘manufacturer. 19.12 NPS 2 and Larger—Walls through exire strong ‘weights, shall be plain end-beveled 19.1.3 NPS 2 and Larger—Walls over extra strong weights, COPYRIGHT 2000 Ampetcan Society fox Tooting and Materia Tifomation Handing Servizes, 2000 shall be plain-end square cut. [Nowe 9—Pin-end beveled is defined as plsinend pipe having a bevel ‘nie of 37, +5" of -0°, as measured from a line drawn perpendicalar to ‘the axis of the pipe with oot face of Vie Main (1.5875 = 0.7938 mm). Otter bevel alee may be speciiad by agreement between the purchaser ad the manvlacturee 20. Number of Tests 20.1 The tensile requirements specified in Section 7 shall be ‘determined on one length of pipe from cach lot (Note 4) of 400 lengths or faction thereof of each size under NPS 6, and from cach Tot of 200 lengths or fraction thereof of each size NPS 6 and over. 202 For pipe NPS 2 and under. the bead test specified in 11.1 shall be made on one ripe from each lot of 400 lengths or fraction thereof of each size. The bead test, where asod as permitted by 11.2 or required by 11.3, stall be made on one end ‘of 5 % of the pipe from each lot. For small lois, at least one pipe shall be tested. 203 The flavening test specified in Section 12 shall be rade on one length of pipe from each lot of 400 lengihs or fraction thereof of each size over NPS 2, up to but not including NPS 6, and from each lot of 200 lengths or fraction, thereof, of each size NPS 6 and over. 20.4 Each length of pipe shall be subjected 10 the hydro- statie test specified in Section 13. 20.5 EF any test specimen shows defective machining or develogs flaws, itis permissible to discard the flawed specimen and substitute another specimen. 21. Retests 21.1 EF the percentage of elongation of any tension text specimen is less than that preseribed in Table 1 and any part of the fracture is more than 94in. (19.0 mm) from the center of the gage length of a 2-in, (50-mm) specimen as incicated by sexibe Sseratches marked on the specimen before testing, a retest shall, be allowed. Ifa specimen breaks in an inside or outside surface flaw, a retest stall be allowed. 21.2 Should a crop end of a finished pipe fail in the flattening test, one retest ig permitted to be made from the failed end. Pipe shall be normalized either before or after the first test. but pipe shall be subjected 10 only two normalizing ‘reatments. 22, Test Specimens and Test Metitods 22.1 On NPS & and larger, specimens cut either Tongitudi- nally or transversely shall be acceptable forthe tension test, On ‘sizes smaller than NPS 8, the longitudinal text only stall be sed. '22.2 When round tension test specimens are used for pipe ‘wall thicknesses over 1.0 in, (25.40 mm), the mid-length of the Jongitudinal axis of such test specmers shall be from a ‘ocation midway between the inside and outside surfaces of the ibe M023 ‘Test specimens forte bend tes specified in Seti 11 ‘and for the flattening tests shall consist of sections cut from ripe. Specimens for flationing tests shall be smooth on the ends ‘and free from burrs, except whea meds on erop ends. 22.4 ‘Test specimens for the bend test specified in 11.2 and 11.3 shall be cut from one end of the pipe and, unless otherwise pa 106 specified, shall be takea in a uansyerse direction. One test specimen shall be taken as close to the outer surface as possible and another from as close to the inner surface as possible. The specimens shall be either 14 by 14 in. (12.7 by 12,7 mm) in section or 1 by % in. (25.4 by 12.7 mm) in section with the ‘comers rounded to @ radius not over Yiein. (1.6 mm) and need not exceed 6 in. (152 mm) in length. The side of the samples placed in tension during the bend shall be the side closest to the jinner and outer surface of the pipe respectively, 22.5 All routine check tests shall be made at room tempera- ture, 23. Certification 23.1 When test reports are requested, in addition to the requirements of Specification A S30/A $30M, the producer or supplier shall fumish to the purchaser 2 chemical analysis, “port for the elements specified in Table 1. 24, Product Marking 24.1 In addition to the marking prescribed in Specification AS20/A 530M, the marking shall include heat number, the infomation as per Table 6, an additional symbol” S" if one or more of the supplementary requirements apply; the length, OD 1%, if ordered as special outside diameter tolerance pipe: ID 1%, if ordered as special inside diameter telerance pipe: the schedule number, weight class, or nominal wall thickness; and, for sizes lager dian NPS 4, the weight, Length shall be marked in feet and tentis of a foot, or mstes to two decimal places, depending on the units to which the material wat ordered, of other marking subject to agrcemeat. For sizes NPS 194, 1%, 1, and %, cach length shall be marked as prescribed in Speciti cation A 530V8 530M. These sizes shall be bundled in accor dance with standard mill practice and the ttal bundle footage TABLE 6 Marking a Tee wating Yes No Test Presse No ve NDE No No NH yee Yes Test PressureNOE ‘marked on the bundle tag; individual lengths of pipe need not be marked with footage, For sizes less than NPS ¥4, all the required markings shall be on the buadle tag or on each length of pipe and shall include the total foocage; individual lengths of pipe need not be marked with footage. If not marked on the bundle tg, ll requted macking shall be on cach length, 242 When pipe sections are cut into shorer lengths by a subsequent processor for resale as material, the processor shall transfer complete identifying information, including the name r brand of the manufacturer to cach unmarked cut leagth, or to metal tags securely attached 10 bundles of uamaried stall iameter pipe. The same material designation shall be included With the information transferred, and the processor's namo, trademark, or brand shall be added, 24.3 Bar Coding—In addition io the requirements in 24.1 and 24.2, bar coding is acceptable as supplementary identi- fication method. The purchaser may specify in the order 2 specific bar coding system to be used. 25. Government Procurement 25.1 When specified in the contract, material shall be preserved, packaged, and packed in accordance with the requirements of MIL-STD-163. The applicable levels shall be 4S specified in the contract. Marking for the shipment of such ‘marecal shall be in aocardance with Fed. Std. No. 123 forcivil agencies and MIL-STD-129 or Fed, Std. No. 183 if continuous ‘marking is required for military agencies 25.2 Inspeciion—Unless otherwise specified in the contract, the producer is responsible for the performance of all inspec tion and test requirements specified herein. Except 2s otherwise specified in the contract, the producer shall use his own, or aay cther suitable facilities for the performance of the inspection and test requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the purchaser. The purcheser shall have the right to perio ‘aay of the inspections and tesis sct forth in this specification ‘where such inspections are deemed necessary to ensure that the ‘material conforms o the prescribed requirements. 26. Keywords 26.1 carbon steel pipe; seamless steel pipe: steel pipe SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTS One or more of the following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified in the purchase order. The purchaser may specify a different frequency of test or analysis than is provided in the supplementary requirement, Subject 0 agreement between the puzchaser and manulfactursr, reset and feceatmeat provisions of these supplementary requirements may also be modited. SL. Product Analysis $1.1. Product analysis shall be maile oa cach length of pipe, Individual lengths failing to conform to the chemical compo- sition requirements shall be rejected. 82, Transverse Tension Test 2.1 A transverse tension tast shall be made on a specimen from one end or both ends of each pipe NPS 8 and over. If this COPYRIGHT zoo Arnercan Sociery for Testrig and Materials Intmetion Handing Services, 2000 supplementary requirement is specified, the number of tests por pipe stall also be specified. Ifa specimen from any length fails to meet the required tensile properties (tensile. yield, and elongation), thet length shall be rejected subject 10 retreatment Jin accondance with Specification A 530/A 530M and satisfac- tory retest. 4b a 108 S3. Flattening Test ‘S3.] The flattening test of Specification A S30/A 530M shall be made on a specimen from one ord or both ends cf each pipe. Crop cads may be used. If this supplementary require ment is specified, the number of tests per pipe shall also be specified. Ifa specimen from any Tength fails becauoe of lack of ductility prior to satisfactory completion of the first step of the flauening iest requirement, that pipe shall be rejected subject to retreatment in accordance with Specification A 530/ A'S30M and satisfactory retest. Ifa specimen from any length of pipe fails because of alack of soundaess, that length shall be rejected, unless subsequent retesting indicates that the remain- ing length is sound. ‘S4, Metal Structure and Etching Test 4.1 The seel shall be homogenzous as shown by eiching “ss convducted in accordance with the appropriate sections of sethod E381. Etching tests shall be made on a cross section from one end or toth ends of each pipe and shall show sound and reasonably unifoom material free from injurious lamina tions, cracks, and similar objectionable defects. IF this supple- mentary requirement is specified the aumber of tste per pipe required shall also be specified. Ifa specimen fom any length shows objectionable defects, the length shall be rejected, subject to removal of the defective end and subsequent retest: indicating the remsinder of the length to be sound and reasonably uniform materia) SS. Carbon Equivalent $5.1 The stee! shall conform to a carbon equivalent (CE) of 0.50 maximum as determined by the following formula: Bert RMOt RV BNE RC = = ee $52 A lower CE maximum may be agreed upon between the purchaser and the producer. ‘853 The CE shall be reponed on the test repor. Skin ce=nc+ Se, ‘6, Heat Treated Test Specimens S6.1_ At the request of the parchaser, one tensile test shall be performed by the manufacturer on a test specimen from each heat of steal furnished which has been either stress relioved at 1250°F or normalized at 1650°F, as specified by the purchaser. ‘Other stress relief or annealing temperatures, 25 appropriate to the analysis, may be specified by agreement between the purchaser and the manufactures. The results of this test shall ‘meet the requirements of Table 1. ‘S7. Internal Cleanliness-Government Orders ‘S7.1 The intemal surface of hor finished fersitic steel pipe ‘and tube shall be manufactured to = free of scale condition equivalent to the visual standard listed in SSPC-SPS. Cleening. Shall be performed in accordance with a written procedure that 4has been shown to be cflective, This procedure shall be available for audit. APPENDIXES (Nonmandatory Information) XL. CALCULATED H VALUES FOR SEAMLESS PIPE, XII Tables X1.1 and X12 list values for H to be used for tne test of Section 12, (SOPYRIGNT zou Arpercan Sooery ior Testng and Mates Information Hanging Services, 2000, ib A 106 TABLE Xi.t Celeulated “H" Values for Seamless Pipe ma Fand las Dace heen a oe iw : aourin Pate Be lee ik aun 2. = a ss fs repent naira, Mes ea oe, Nae He ep a = n i oe os ‘Grades maa amo 90 oars 38s Se ose Sass aa Sos ox Se ie ome tone ie 3 asm ons ots -_ coe Sa oe oo es ike om oe cece Cr oes doer 10 ar set ton Ste ioe ee ee ee 19 imo te Zane or oe 8 die ine tee ie ane Bed 4 4m oat tm zor | se 1000 02% 0 ae stat car Bas ae see Sse ar oar ou deer oa oss] Sais i oor aan soe ooo ase Set tee ae et a ee core vos east ise cm Eee So Son wage ie Sao Si ise Bei bas oats ca te ke ae ‘aot et eas 6 ems oe aes 2e0s om 8 | 330 age | te tow cao aero suse eee San Saat tee os 3S oe te Sie ion tae tase tes te bas Sen 8 ams ot oa 270 tm ae Ste om Ee Bee tor SS eae ozo ae Sie eer sai co ast Son Be i bes tee too ate Sa Se oars ee tis ae on tn feo Tas ‘ee cme i ge Soe cae to dose Son | 2 seo ca 10 aes ae See io ela Fes) te 2 tn bey So 8 Bes te © tom 02 mate eee te 3% fen oe cor St a cea ras Sues Se] Stes Se ‘on mba ae te tae ae ton beat oe te ian to nee eae iis base Saat tm 40 ae Thame oes i Baer ear te se aoe ‘ie eae ese i ie ae fee | 2 ztcoo az 0 ame fe tise 2 are om am 2908 ce ea oS Sae See fer oi ce 3 Saat tas. cose es cee ae 2S we fe wae ce 8 one i rw tae ce | ea os tee ite Be tes i Gai 500 ioe Me wee eS te fer ise ico sae Sete tae aie COPYRIGHT 20so Arerican Sosy orTestng and Matos Ttormation Handing Services, 2000, 10 ) A106 TABLE X1.2 Caleulated “H" Values for Seamless Pipe Continued Silas Bieuneo, ae on Baboon Doar oe nes Sie Se ey emai ws Se at Desig Share Fr he heat Sas Diane THO muro, Mee | eee = 7 Gas om a Bac te me ae @ wa 222 7 ase ji ao a 63 4m as saa 3 Co ey aa us te 28 Be 11816 Be ex) 00 ie tena 1% oo 207 se Bs ss “8 0 0 aes 2183 acs | 57 a3 te 238 22 4 ine “ en 225 1684 wo. | 77 ne = Sr 2 2 280 a7 sis tao oe ne Ey os 1004 1343100 ms ms ne) we uaa be ier ies 5 wa 6s wee we ae 8 was ier oe oe sa mr 109 ee wea 250 Be so Ba tm a8 eo 1818 Ee me Ba Me ae mus Sa wo 23 sna 6 m3 Hw es ca war as a e672 8 0 a0 “ar 13 a5 ss 72 2 a9 sr 12s 160 1088 wea in 52 126 ws 1509 sae 6s a0 88 or) at teas 7} se war an 8 jose es a ws es Bs om 299 Zen er) or H3 Sie BIZ 1 ert) oa sez mer || Bee 07 126100 to “Se a io aoe as fet 383 ie ts me 130 130 ows 10 vas ees zo 183 fata be 20 ce sa am 08 tes 0 m0 gas esa be} ies tee 7 7s ae & ier toe o2 8 a 250 wea a) soe Ba 10 263 238 isos 8) ana Ba 0 Bs wi2 axe 100 3s py nr = 20 zat ta i880 py a8 a8 250014 se8 2358189 ers mes asst es i a0 2 me as es me war es ee bs Es was 0 Was jess ne) me sea ae ar Bes ier 113 123 Sit 8 zee za veo tos 127 bum oe Bo zat 103 ‘03 tees Sor ima zis 21012 va ses mar ats wae wes8 1a ene isa Ba i ate me 216 i368 262 " COPYRIGHT 2000 American Socity for Testing and Materia Information Handing Services, 2000, 4h) A 106 X2. MINIMUM WALL THICKNESS ‘X21 Table X2.1 lists minimum wall thicknesses fornomi- nal pipe wall thickness, ‘TABLE X21 Mimimur Wall Thicknessss on Inspection for Nominal (Average) Pipe Wall Thicknesses Nove 1—The following equation, upon which this table based, may be applied to calculate miiminn wall thickness fro sorta Gverags) wll thickness: 4xosr here: fy = nominal (average) wall thickness, in. and fq 7 minima wall ehickness, i, ‘The wall thickness & expressed to three decimal places, the fourth decimal slice being cased forwarl or drepped, in accordance with Practice E20, Nore 2—This table covers some wal thicknesses associsted with standard pipe sizes bat is not meant to imply that thece are the caly thcisomce ae Terme nana Toning Vein Townes rere) “Tienes (rere) eke crisepoo: ‘Tinos en bp Tewess on inspec. a end @ wen) 12 | oz 7 36 —eas | osmosed tes | 029: = 747 osy ss | ome = meses fae 98 | om 7 ome ee | 000s 201 om0 ate 20 | os = 780 meas zeroes zt | os zezoar 2ess mT za | ose 86 7s eat me zsi | 038 © ar, aze Te ere 2a zes | ome es ome 716 2e87 2a am | os 8s aa Fk 278 mat zm | oss oe ows 7a Base Be 20 | ose 6 sot Het 2338 Bro ai | 0s = aoe oss res 3098 Ze an | om = az? oats ato i768 Zn am | os ex oe. py Ber sa | om em oa ence 20 sas | os rose, oko ase Se sas | 040s tot Ben att sei | oas 1087 363 sus se | ome i107 2810 ne a7 | oases t132 seas Bee 4au | oasis ea? 22 4a | 0300 © i270 4049 ss ase | oss 1543 3159 Bs aer | oss 1402 seas BE aso | ose © 1427 see 3 aes | ose 6 te09 2802 on fen | oso ozs ere 48 so: | oss ise one? 5001 ae ses | os tacos 580 as sss | os = 712 eo fear ss ais | on 1928 cae 3500 0 eis | o7sc = insta dost S10 ais | om © 20m eo 350021 Se ez | ose tae tr ‘Ts Amencen Scdley fr Jesing ara Mleras ates nopaston ressscerg no vay of ary patent igs sssoredincomecten wo sy ten mertorad inthis tanaard, Users otis sanoara are exprisy advaed ha determination of Me vekchy cay such ser es, 2a SK OF NIINGAMST CUDA PERG ae entry ther Own T=pORSIY,| The arc subnet revioon at anytine by ne recoonabie techrinlcommitae and mutt bs nviowed every five year and ‘rotrevsoa atherransnrvesarviasein Var Sommart ars inias eth lov vio a slander or soot sarearee {and shou be aciressed 0 ASTM Heaaquirers. Your commons val echo carl covodraton ata moctng ote rapa ‘ecvnsaleanmitna, which you may ond I os fel that your commarts have tat recched a fr hearng you ensalé ake ye ows know 1s the ASTI Cemnltee on Stndario, 100 Bur Masor Dove, set Conanovockon, PA 10436, COPYRIGHT 2000 Amencan Sociyy for Testng and Materials Information Handing Services, 2000 (Gp A 106 ‘pra (singie ex elie copes) otis sunars maybe coeaned ty coracing ASTH at the above edcioss ot af Stxeceeas ‘i cr cog AT, 10 tH ive Vt Cac, 0282959 tna Stee. esa! Gree sae an orvnc ous hao tag So SSTN moa seleeray | COPYRIGHT 2000 Arnercan Society for Testing and Materials {ntormation Hancing Services, 2000 | 13

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