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ath Designation: & 709-95 Standard Guide for Magnetic Particle Examination’ FILE COPY ‘pa Aratcan Nana Sarcand “Tie sandr in inmed unc the fined devgnation E700; she number namely felling the devination indices the yeu of ign asin cin he case Ofroriton he yea flat revision. A nrmber in parcdhons indie the year oft agpeval A Speci apelin ©) intone an ovr ehaage sino the ln evi or magorval This sodard hes tex approved for ws by anencies ofthe Department of Dlene. 1. Scope 1.1 This guide* describes techniques for both dry and wet magnetic particle examination, a nondestructive method for detecting cracks end other discontimuitios at or nearthe surface in ferromagnetic matecials. Magnetic particle examination may be applied 10 raw material, semifinished material (blless, Tooms, castings, and forgings), finished material and welds, segerdless of heat treatment or lack thervof. It is useful for preventive maintenance examination. L.L1 This guide is intended as a reference to aid in the preparation of specifications/standards, procedures and tech- nigues. 1.2 This guide is also a reference that may De used as follows: 121 To establish a means by which magnetic particle examination, procedures secommended or required by inc vidual organizations, can be reviewed to evaluate their appl ability and completeness. 1.2.2 To aid in the organization of the facilities and person- nc] concerned in magnetic particle examination. 1.23 To aid in the preparation of procedures dealing with the examination of materials and parts, This guide describes magnetic particle examination techniques that are recom- mended for a great variety of sizes and shapes of feromagnctic materials and widely varying examination requiremects. Since there are many acceptable differences in both procedure and “chnique, the explicit requirements should be covered by @ ‘written procedure (see Section 21). 1.3 This guide does not indicate, suggest, or specify acceo- tance standards for parts/pieces examined by these techniques. Ik should be pointed out, however, that after indicetions have been produced, they must be interpreted or classified and then evaluated. For this purpose there should be a separate code, specification, or a specific agreement to define the type, size location, degree of alignment and spacing, area concentration and orientation of indications that are unacceptable ina specific "Teed wns he ution of ASTM Commie 7 on Nendesctive ‘Tesing apd & te dies! rsponsbity of Subeormites EO7O3 cn Magnetic Parle and Peaesast Tein. ‘Carat eon aproved March 15, 1995, Pubisted May 1995. Gaginly obished es £70229, Lax revooseliton E 709-94, For ASME Bolle: snd Presa Vesel Coe Applotion se related Guide SE-709 in Seton that Cae Conyitt ASTM 100 Bar Hato One, Wet Crshoorko, PA AR oe, Ue es, cosvaicur Asericas Society for Testing end Matexteze Sfeeased by infersation aandling Services part versus those which need not be removed before part acceptance. Conultions where rework or repair are not permait- ted should be specified. 1.4 This guide describes the use of the following magnetic particle method techniques. 1.4.1 Dry magnetic powder (see 8.3), 1.4.2 Wet magnetic particle (see 8.4), 1.4.3 Magnetic slryipsint megnetic particle (see 8.48), and 1.44 Polymer magnetic particle (sce 8.4.8). 1.5. Personne! Qualificarion—Personnel performing exami- ‘ation (0 this guide shall be qualified and certified in accor- dance with ASNT Qualification and Certification of NDT Personnel, or SNETC-1A, or MIL-STD-410 for military purposes, or as specified in the contract or purchase order. 1.6 Nondestructive Testing Agency—If 2 nondestructive testing agency as described in Practice E543 is used to pecform the examination, the testing agency shall mest the requirements of Practice E543. 1.7 Table of Contents: SECTION sep 1 Scope Description u [A Retereace Docament 2 ‘Acceptaace Sunda fo Pats ot Coveed B Maeate Parse Method Teshsiquss i Pesoane! Qualifications 1s Newdesencte Teng AiG ts Table of Cotte 7 ste 1s Sete Caveat re ASTM Stscands 2 SAE Dosiments 2 ASNT Docameatt 23 US. Government Dacuments 2a Daftiene 3 Sommary ef Guide 4 Prncple a Meta 42 Magieauaton 3 “Types of Nagaote Farle ead Thee Use a tahun of Insenions 3 “ypial Magnatc Patil Indestions ae ‘Siguicance and Use 3 Einipment 6 Tipes 61 Poritty a Yokes a Pre a Black Liste ‘ss ‘Byuipment Verifcation 65 [Beamization Are 7 Light Imonaity for Beminticn a Hoehne 2 ‘Magnets Particle Matera 5 Parse Tes a Parle Charcaisis a ‘Dry Pacis a3 Wer Panicle Sones a Bax Papen ‘ Grea! a Clessing Fearietion Sucice oa Seqonce of Operations « ‘Sagescing Parle Applicaton and Estbibhing Mag 11 pais Piss Tit “Type of Mapaezing Corea ” asic Cone Typet aw ‘Pet Mapostoason Tecaiques az [Exyminiion Coterge 11 ‘Dect ex Indes Magaiation me (Ghoosing + Magnetization Tecinioe 123 Direction of Masses Fils 1B ‘iscetinsty Ornitnn vs Magnetic Bele ineten ra (Carnie Masnesnaton nw ‘Teodal Mastaioe 3 Lengtotind Marocizaica Be ‘Muludieetood Magardzation Bs Mugeene eis Seeagm 14 Mogiecineg Fe Siragts coat Establishing Feld Seeagts 12 (Guidelines for Eaabshag Magne Fidds 143. ‘Applic of Dry ané Wet Mapneic Pails 1s Dy Marat Paticies 181 ‘We Parishes Aplintione 152 Magra Stary Paint 153 Mapes Polymer ise Inerreaton of indcaoes 16 eooriag of lacations 1 “rans of Recaring im Accompanying Informatica m2 Demagactntion 1s ‘arpteatiy 1 Demsgnetintion Meade 182 Brot ef Decmgowtzaice 13 Peet Baminacn Conaing 1» Price Senoval ra Mean cf Prticle Removal 192 ialution of Syuem PerormarceSeniviy 20 mor 202 23 2a as Wa Parle Quality Consol Tots ns Bats Carsaecsics Coot 207 Verifying Sysiem Peformance 2s Prcsdue sed Report 21 Waiter coc zu Wetten Renan | 22 “Accepzace Sundaris 2 Seley COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and materials Eleensed by information sancling services Gh E709 section SECTION Preision and iat % Koper s aes 1.8 The numerical values shown in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. SI units are provided for informa- tion ely, 19 This standard does not purport 1 address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this siandard to establish appro- priate safety and health practices and determine the applica bility of regulatory lintiastons prior 10 use. 2. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: D93 Test Methods for Flash Point by Pensky-Martens Closed Tester? D 96 Test Methods for Water and Sediment in Crude Oil by ‘Centrifuge Method (Field Procedure)? D 129 Test Method for Sulfur in Feroleum Products (Gen- eral Bomb Method? D445 Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent and Opaque Liquids (and the Calculation of Dynamic Viscosity)" ‘D 808 Test Method for Chiorine in New and Used Petro- eam Prodacts (Bomb Method)? E 165 Tost Method for Liquid Penetrant Examination E543 Practice for Evaluating Agencies thet Perform Nen= destructive Testing" E 1316 Terminology for Nondestractive Examinations 22 Society of Automotive Engiacers (SAE): Aerospace Maerals Specifications:* AMS 2641 Vehicle Magnetic Particle Inspection 23. American Society for Nondestructive Testing SNE-TC-1A Recommended Practice Magnetic Particle Method ASNT Qualification and Certification of NDT Personnel 24 US. Government Publications:” FED-STD 313 Material Safety Data Shects Preparation and the Submission of MIL-STD-410 Nondestructive Testing Personnel Qualifica- tion ané Certification MIL-STD-1949° Magnetic Pasticle Inspection, Method of 25_ OSHA Dacument:* 2RCFR 1910,1200 Hazard Communication 3. Terminology 3.1 For definitions of tems used in the practice, refer to ‘Terminology F 1316 5 aact dont of AST stander, \ot 0504 “Arua! Boot of ASTM Standrds, NOL 03.23, * anal from Soci of Aomori Ergin 400 Coamoaseath Drive, Wanenie, PA 15096. sya fen Ameen Socety fr Nopdestuctve Tests 1711 Adingste Paz, FO. Hox 25318, Columtus, OF 43228-0518. + Avabl am Stsurdzton bocamenu One Desk. Big. 4Sectsa D, 700 ‘Ropene ave, Puladepha, PA 3911-50, acts NPODS. ‘avaible frm Groupatonl Safety aa Hash Review Connon, 1825 % Seat NA, Washigiom DE 20006 ib E709 4. Summsry of Guide 4.1 Principle—The magnetic particle method is based on the principle that magnetic field line: when present in a ferromagnetic materi, will be distoned by 2 change in ‘material continuity, such as a sharp dimensional change or a discontinuity. If the discontinuity is open to or clase to the surface of a magnetized material, flux lines will be distorted at the surface, a condition termed es “Mux leakage. When fine ‘magnetic particles are distributed over the area of the discoa- tinuity while the flux leakage exists, they will be held in place land the accumalation of patisles will be visible under the proper lighting conditions. While there are variations in the ‘magnetic particle method, they all are dependent on this principle, that magnetic particles will be retained at the Tocations of magretic fix leakage. 4.2 Method—While this practice permits and describes many variables in equipment, materials. and procedures, there are thtee steps essential to the method: 4.2.1 The part must be magnetized. 42.2 Magnetic panicles of the type designated in the contract/purchase order/specifcation must be applied while the part is magnetized. 4.2.3 Any accumulation of magnetic particles must be obsecved, interpreted. and evaluated 43 Magnetization: 43.1, Ways to Magnetize—A ferromagnetic material can be magnetized either by passing an electric current through the material or by placing the material within a magnetic field originated by an external source. The entire mass or 2 portion of the mass can be magnetized as dictated by size and equipment capacity or need. As previously noted, the discon- timaity must interrupt the normal path of the magnetic field lines. If ¢ discontinuity is open to the surface, the flux leakage will be at the maximum for that particular discontinuity. Waen that same discontinuity is below the surface, ux leakage evident on the surface will be less. Practically, discontinuities must be open to the surface, to create sufficient flux Teakage to ceumulete magnetic particles. 43.2 Field Direction—If a discontinuity is oriented parailel to the magnetic field lines, it may be essentially undetectable. Therefore, since discontinuities may occur in any orientation, it may be necessary to magnetize the part or area of interesttwice ormore sequentially in different directions by the same method or a combination of methods (see’ Section 13) to induce magnetic field lines ina suitable direction in order to perform an adequate examination 43.3 Field Srength—The magnetic field must be of suff to indicate those discontinuities which are unacceptable, yet must not be so strong that an excess: of particles is sccumulated locally thereby masking relevant indications (see Section 14). 44 Types of Magnetic Particles and Their Use—There are various types of magnetic particles available for use in mag- netic particle examination. They ere available es dry powders (fluorescent and nonttuorescent) ready for use as supplied (see 8.3), powder concentrates (fluorescent and noniluorescent) for dispersion in water or suspending light petoleum distillates (sce 8.4), magnetic slurriewpaints (pec 84.7), and magnetic coparair american Soctety for Testing and Meteriaie polymer dispersions (see 8.4.8). 4.3 Evaluation of Indications—When the material to be examined has bean properly magnetized, the magnetic particles have been properly applied, and the excess particles properly removed, there will be accumulations of magnetic particles at the points of fx leakage, These accumulations show the distortion of the magnetic field and are called indications Without disturbing the particles, the indications must be ‘examined, classified, interpreted 2s to cause, compared with the acceptance standards, and a decision made concerning the E709 used for local magnetization (Fig. 1). Many: portable yokes have articulated legs (poles) that allow the legs to be adjusted to contact inregular surfaces or two surfaces that join at an angle 63.1 Permanent Magnets—Permanent magnets are avail- able but their use may be restricted for many applications. Permanent magnets can lose their magnetic field generating capacity by being parilly cemagnetized by & stronger Sux icld, being dameged, or dropped. In addition, the particle mobility, created by AC and half-wave rectified current pulse- tions in electromagnetic yokes, is not present. Particles, steel filings, chips, and scale clinging to the poles can create @ inousckeeping problem. 6.4 Prods—Prods are used for local magmetizations, see Fig. 2. The prod tips that contact the piece should be sluminum:, copper braid, or copper pads rather than solid copper. With solid copper tips, accidental arcing during prod placement or removal can eause copper penetration into the surface which ay result in metallurgical damage (softening, hardening, cracking, etc). See 123.1.1(a). Open-circait voltages should not exceed 25 V. 6.4.1 Remote Control Switch—A remote-control switch, which may be built into the prod handles, should be provided 'o peut the current to be turned on after the prods have been properly placed and to tum it off before the prods are removed in order to minimize arcing (are bums), (See«).) 9.5 Black Light—The black light must be capable of devel oping the required wavelengths of 330 to 390 om with an ‘intensity at the examination surface that satisfies 7.1.2. Wave- lengths at or acar 365 nm shall predominate, Sultable fiters should remove the extraneous visible light emitted by black lights (violet ar blae 405 and 435-nm He lines and greenish- yellow 577-nm Hg line). Some high-intensity black light bulbs ‘nay emit unacceptable smounis of greenish-yellow light which ‘may cause fluorescent indications to becomé invisible. A drop, greater than 10%, in line voltage greater than 10 % can cause a change in black light cutput with consequent incon- ‘stent performance. A constant voltege transformer should be sed Where there is evidence of voltage changes greater than 10%. 6.6 Equipment Verification—See Section 20. Shown MAcKETe FELD en a ia) 7, Examination Area Light Intensity for Ezamination—Magnctic indications und using nonduorescent particles are examined under vis- ible light. Indications found using fluorescent particles must be ‘examined under black (ultraviolet) Hight. This requires a daskened area with accompanying control of the visible light intensity. T.LI Visible Light Jntensity—The intensity of the visible light at the surface of the part work piece undergoing exami zation should bea minimum of 100 foot candles (1000 lux). ‘The intensity of ambient visible Ught in the darkened area ‘where fluorescent magnetic particles examination is performed should not excoed 2 foot candles (20 Tux). T.l.t Field Inspections —For some field inspections using. nonfluorescent particles, visible light intensities as tow as SO foot candles (500 lux) may be used when agreed on by the cconirscting agency. 712 Black (Ulmaviolet) Ligh TA21 Black Light Iuenstty—The black light intensity at the examination surface shall be not less than 1000 uWiem® when measured with a suitable black Hight metez. 71.2.2 Black Light Warm-up—Allow the black light to wam up for a minimum of 5 min prior to its use or ‘measurement of the intensity of the ultraviolet light emitted. 713 Dark Area Eye Adapration—It is recommended that the inspector be in the darkened area for at least 3 min prior to ‘examining parts using black light so that his eyes will adapt to dirk viewing. Caution—Photochromic or permanently tinted Tenses shall not be worn during examination. 7.2 Housckeeping—The examination arca should be kept free of interfering debris, If fuorescent materials art involved, the area should also be kept free of fluorescent objects not related to the parvpiece being examined. 8, Magnetle Particle Materials 8.1 Particle Types—The patticles used in either dry or wat magnetic pasticle examination techniques are basically finely divided ferromagnetic materials which have been treated 10 impart color (finorescent and nonfiuarescent) in order to make them highly visible (contrasting) agsinst the backgrouad of the surface being examined, The particles are designed for use FIG. 1 Yoke Method of Part Magneuzation copyeicer anerican Society ror Testing an¢ materla2s Escensed by sacommation Sandi ing Services: YRIGHE american Sock hb E 709 aGene nes OTe (2) Seale Pred Centeate Nagnatzation (2 Dosbie-Poe Contacts FIG. 2 Localized Area Magnetization Using Prod Technique cither as a free flowing dry power or for suspension at agiven concentration in a suitable liquid medium. 8.2 Particle Charactortsics The magnetic particles mut have high permeability to allow ease of magnetizing and attraction to the discontinuity and low retenivity so they will, not be attracted (magnetic agglomeration) to each othec Control of panicle size end shape is required to obiaia consistent results. The particles should te nontoxic, fee from fist, gteese, paint, din, and other deleterious materials that \ight interfere with theis use; se 20.5 and 20.6. Both dry and Wet particles are considered safe when used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. They generally afford = very Jow hazard potential with regard to flammability and ionicity. 8.3 Dry Particles—Dry magnetic powders are devigned t© bbe used as supplied and are applied by spraying or dusting ‘tirectly onto the suriace of the part being examined. ‘hey 2r= zenerally used on an expendable besis although the particles may be collected and reused. However, to maintain particle size and contol possible contamination, this is not a normal practice. Dry powders may also be used under extreme environmental conditions. They are not affected by cold: therefore examination can be carted out at temperatures that ‘would thicken or freeze wet baths. They are also heal resistant, some powders may be usable at temperatures up to 600°F (GIS°C). Some cclored, onzanie coatings applied to dry par ticles to improve conuas. lose their color at temperatures this, high, making the contrast less effective. Fluorescent dry particles cannot be used at this high a temperature: the manufecturer should be contacted for the temperature Limita- tion or tests should be run. ry for Testing and Neterteie sd by inzorsation sanciing Servi ‘83.1 Advantages—The cry magnetic particle technique is generally superior to the wet technique for detection of near-surface discontinuities: (@) for large objects when using Portable equipment for local magnetization; (b) superior par- ticle mobility is obtained for relatively deep-seated flaws yralf-waye rectified current as the magnetising source; (6) 0050 of removal. 8.3.2 Disadvantages—The dry magnetic particle technique; (@) cannot be used in confined areas without proper safety breathing apparans; (b) Probability of Detection (POD) is appreciably less than the wet technique for fine surface discontinuities; (c) difficult to use in overhead magnetizing positions; (d) no evidence exisis of complete coverage of part surface a5 with the wet technique; (e) lower production rates can be expected with the dry technique versus the wet technique; and (f) it is difficult to adapt to any typs of automatic system, 833 Nonfluorescent Colors—Although dry magnetic par- ticle powder can be almos! any color, the most frequently employed colors are light gray, black red, or yellow. The choice is generally based on maximum contrast with the surface to be examined, The examination is done under visible jigh. 83.4 Fluorescent—Fluorescent dry magnetic particles are also available, but are not in general vse primarily because of their higher cost and use limitations. They requlre a black light ‘source and a darkened work area. These requirements are not often available in the fild-type locations were dey magnetic examinations are especially suitable. hb E709 8.4 Wer Particle Systems—Wet magnetic particles are de- signed to be suspended in a vehicle such as water or light petroleum distillate at a given concentration for application to the test surface by flowing. spraying. or pouring. They are available in both duoreseeat and nenfluorescent concentrates. Tn some cases the particles are premixed wih the suspending vehicle by the supplier, but usually the particles are supplied 2s a dry concentrate or past» concentrate which is mixed with the distillate or water by the user. The suspensions are normally used in wet Horizontal magnetic particle equipment in which the suspension is retained in a reservoir and recirculated for continuous use, The suspension may also be used on an expendable basis dispensed from an aerosol. 8.4.1. Primary Use—Because the particles used are smaller, Wet method techniques are genevally nied to locate smaller discontinuities than the dey method is used for The liquid Vehicles used will not perform satisfactorily when their viscos- ity exceeds 5cSt (5 mm?/s) at the operating temperature. Ifthe ‘epention vehicle is = hydrocarbon, its flash point limits the top tempererure. Mining equipment is usually required to keep ‘wet method particles uniformly in suspension. 8.4.2 Where Used—The wet fluorescent method usually is performed indoors or in arcas where shelter and ambient light Jevel can be controlled and where proper application equip- ment is available. 8.42 Color—Fluorescent wet method particles glow 2 bright grecaish-yellow when viewed under black light. Non- Auorescent particles are usually black or reddish brown, although other colors are available. The color often chosen for any given examination should be one thet conteasis most with the test surface. Because contrast is invariably higher with fluorescent materials, these are utilized in most wet process examinations. 8.84 Suspension Vehicles—Generally the particles ate sus- pended in a light petroleum (low-viscosity) distillate or condi tioned water. (If sulfur or chlorine limits ae specified use Test Methods D 129 and D 808 to determine their values. Petrolewn Distillaes—Low-viseosity light. peto- _eum distillates vehicles (AMS 2641 Type 1 or equal) are ideal for suspending both fluorescent and noxfluorescent magnetic pauticles and are commonly employed. (1) Advantages—Two significant advantages for the use of petroleum distillate vehicles ace: (a) the magnetic particles are suspended and dispersed in petroleum distillale vehicles with out the use of conditioning agents; and () the perroleum: distillate vehicles provide a measure of corrosion protection to parts and the equipment used. (2) Disadvancages—Principal disadvantages are Namabil- ity and availability. It is essential, therefore, to selzot and mainiain readily available sources of supply of petroleum distillate vehicles that have as high a flash point as practicable to avoid possible flammability problems. (3) Characteristics Petroleum distillate vehicles to be used jin wet magnetic particle examination should possess. the following: (2) viscosity shoulé not exceed 3.0 ¢St (3 mm/s) at 100°F GEC) and not more than 5.0 St (5 mm/s) at the lowest temperature at which the vehicle will be used: when tested in accordance with Test Method D 445, in order not to impede ety Zor Testing and weteriaze (oa Nandiiag services coprnixT anerican Escensed 2y zaforma’ particle mobility (see 20.7.1), @) minimum Bash point, when (esied in accordance with Test Methods D 93, should be 200°F @3°C) in order to minimize fire hazards (Gee 20.72), (c) ‘exiorless; not objectionable to user (@) low inherent fluores ‘cence if used with fluorescent panicles; that is, it should not interfere significantly with the fluorescent particle indications Gee, and () nonreactive: should not degrade sus- pended particles. 844.2 Water Vehicles with Conditioning Agents—Water ‘may be used as a suspension vehicle for wet magnetic particles ‘Provided suitable conditioning agents are added which provide ‘Proper wet dispersing, in addition to conmosion protection for {he pans being tested and the equipmient in use. Plain water does not disperse some types of magnetic particles, does not wet all surfaces, and is corrosive 1 pans and equipment. On the other hand, water suspensions of magnetic particles ere safer to use since they are nonflammable. The selection and concentration of the conditioning agent should be as recom- mended by the particle manufacture: The following are reconimended properties for water vehicles containing condi- Moning agenis for use with wet magnetic particle examination: (1) Wetting Characteristic—The vehicle should have good voting characteristics: that i, wet the surface to be tested, give rea, complete coverage without evidence of dewetting the test surface. Smooth test surfaces require that a greater percentage ‘of wetting agent be added than is required for rough surface Nonionic wetting agents ore recommended (see 20.7.3). (2) Suspension Characteristics—impart good dispersability: that is, thoroughly disperse the magnetic particles without evidence of particle agglomeration. (3) Foaming—Mirimize foaming; thet is, it should not produce excessive foam which would interfere with indication formation or cause particles to form scum with the foam, (4) Corrosivenesi—It should not corrode parts to be tested ‘or the equipment in which itis used. (5) Viscosity Limit—The viscosity of the conditioned water should not exceed s maximum viscosity of 3 cSt 3 mm/s) at 100°F (38°C) (ee 20.7.1), (6) Flaorescence—The conditioned water should not fuo- resce if intended for use with fluorescent particles. (7) Nonreacriveness—The conditioned water should not cause deterioration of the suspended magnetic particles. (8) Woter pH_—The pH of the conditioned water should not be less than 6.0 or exceed 10.5. (9) Odor—The conditioned water should be essentially oviorless. 845 Concentration of Wet Magnetic Particle Suspension— The intial bath concentration of suspended magnetic particles should be as specified or as recommended by the manufacturer and should be checked by setting volume meassrements and saintsined al the specified concontration on « daly basis. IF the concentration is not maintained properly, test results can vary reatly (see 20.6). 8.4.5 Application of Wet Mognetic Particles (see 152). 84.7 Magnetic Sturry/Paint Sysiers—Another type of ex- amination vehicle is the magnetic slurry/paint type consisting of a heavy oil in which flakelike particles are suspended. The matcrial is normally applied ty brush before the part is Gh E709 magnetized. Because of the high viscosity, the material does not rapidly run off surfaces, faciliuaing the inspection of Vertical or overhead surfaces. The vehicles may be combus- tible, but the fire hazard is very low. Other hazares are very similar to those of the oil and water vehicles previously described. 84.8 Polymer-Based Systems—The vehicle used in the ‘magnetic polymer is basically a liquid polymer which dispecses the magnetic particles and which cures 10 an elastic solid in a given period of time, forming fixed indications. Viscosity fimits of standard wet technique vehicles do not apply. Care should be exercised in handling these polymer materials. Use in accordance with manufacturer's iasiructions and precau- tions. This technique is particularly applicable to examine areas of limited visual accessibility, such as bolt holes. 9. Part Preparation 9.1. General—The surface ofthe part to be examined shoud + essentially clean, cry, and free of contaminants such zs drt, wil, grease, loose rust, Ioote rill sand, loose mall scale, Hint, thick paint, welding fux/slag, and weld splaiter that might restrict particle movement. See 15.1.2 about applying dry particles tos damp/wer surface. When testing a local area. such as 2 weld, the areas adjacent to the surface to be examined, 25. agreed by the contracting parties, must also be cleaned to the extent nécessary to permit detection of indications 9.1.1 Noncanductive Coatings—Thin nonconductive coa!- ings, such as paint in the order of 0.02 to 0.05 ram (1 or 2 mil) ‘will not nocmally intecfere with the formation of indications, but they must be removed at all points where electrical contact is to be made for direct magnetization. Incirect magnetization does not require electrical contact with the partipiece. See Section 12.2. If a nonconducting coating/plating is left on the area to be examined that hes a thickness greater than 0.05 mm (2 mil), it must be demonstrated that discontinuities can be detected through the maximum thickness epplicd. 9.1.2 Conductive Coatings—A conductive coating (such 25 chrome plating and heavy mill scale on wrought products, sulting from hot forming operations) ean mask discontinui- ies. As with noncondvetive costings, it must be cemanstrated that the discontinuities can be detected through the coating. 9.1.3 Residual Magnetic Fields—If the par/piece holds a residue] magnetic field from 2 previous magnetization that will imerfece with the examiration, the part must be demagnctized. See Section 18. 9.2 Cleaning Examination Surface—Cleaning of the test surface may be accomplished by detergents, orzanie solvents, or mechanical means, As-welded, as-mlleg, as-cast, or as forged surfaces are generally satisfactory but if the surface is. unusually nonuniforn, as with bumed-in sand or a very rough weld deposit, interpretation may be difficalt because of me- chanical entrapment of the magnetic particles, Incase of doubi, any questionable erea should be recleaned and reexamined (see 9.1).An extensive presentation of applicable clearing methods is described in Annex Al of Test Methed E 165. 9.2.1 Plugging and Masking Small Holes and Openings— Unless prohibited by the porchaser, small openings and cil holes leading to obscure passages or cavities can be plugged or masked with a suitable nonabrasive material which is readily COPYRIGHT American Scctety for Testing and Mater: Uleansed by sniommacion winding services removed. In the case of engine parts, the matetial must be soluble in oll. Effective masking must be used to protect comporents that may be damaged by contact with the particles or particle suspension, 10. Sequence of Operations 10.1 Sequencing Particle Application and Establishing Magnetic Fix Field—The sequence of operation in magnetic article examination applies to the relationship between the ming and application of particles and establishing the mag- retizing flux field, Two basic techniques apply, that is, con- tinnos (see 10.1.1 and 10.1.2) and residual (¢ee 10.1.3), both ‘of which are commonly employed in industry. 10.1.1 Continuous Magnetication—Continuous magnetiza- tion is employed for most applications wilizing either dry or ‘wet panicles and should be used unless specifically prohibited in the contract, purchase order, or specification. The sequence cf operation for the dry and the wet continuous magnetization techniques are significantly different and are discussed sepa- ately in and 1011-1 Dry Continuous Magnetization Technique—Ualike a wet suspension, dry particles lose most of their mobility when they contact the surface of a part. Therefore. it is imperative that the partarea of interest be under the influence of the applied magnetic field while the particles are siill sirbome and free to be attracted to leakage fields. This dictates that the flow of magnetizing. current be initisted prior to the pplication of dry magnetic particles and terminated after the application of powder has been compleced and any excess has been blown off. Magnetizing currents ofthe half-wave rectified alternating and unrectified AC provide additional particle mobility on the surfacs of the part. Examination with éry panicles is usually carried out in conjunction with prod-type localized magnetizations, and buildap of indications is ob- served as the particles are being apy WO.L1.2 Wet Continacus Magnetization Tecktigue—The wet continuous magnetization technique generelly applies to those parts processed on a horizontal wet type unit. In practice, it involves bathing the part with the examination medium to provide an abundant source of suspended particles on the surface of the part and terminating the bath application ‘immediately prior to cutting of of the magnetizing current. The duration of the magnetizing current is typically on the order of Ye s with two or more shots given to the part. 101.13 Polymer or Slurry Continuous Magnetization Technigue—Prolonged or repeated periods of magnetization xe often necessary for polymec- or siumy-base suspensions because of slower inhereat magnetic particle mobility in the high-viscesity suspension vehicles. 10.1.2 True Continuous Magnetization Technique—In this technique, the magnetizing current is sustained throughout both the processing and examination of the part 10.1.3 Residual Magnetization Techniques: Residual Magnetization—In this technique, the ‘examination medium is appliod sft the magnetizing foree has been discontinued. 11 can be used only if the material being tested has relatively high retentivity so the residual leakage field will be of auficient stteagih to attract and hold the particles and produce indications. This technique may be he advantageous for integration with production or handling requirements or for intentionally limiting the sensitivity of the ‘examination. [thas found wide use examining pips and tubalar goods. Unless demonstrations with typical parts indicate that the residual field has sufficient streagth to produce relevant indications of discontinuities (see 20.8) when the field is in proper orientetion, the continuous method should be used. 10.132 Current Quick Break —Equipment, full-wave zee. tified AC, for residual magnetization must be designed to provide « consistent quick break of the magnetizing curren. 11. Types of Magnetizing Currents 11.1 Baste Current Types—The four basic types of current used in magnetic particle examination to establish part mag- etization are altemating current, single phase half-wave ree tified alternating current, full-wave rectified altemating current, {nd for a special application, DC. ILI Alemasing Current (AC)—Pat magnetization with temating current is preferred for those applications whese examination requirements call for the detection of discontinu- ties, such as fatigue cracks, that are open to the surface. Associated with AC is 2 “skin effec” that confines the magnetic field at or near to the surface of a pert. In contrast, both half-wave reciified alternating current and full-wave rectified altemating current produce a magnetic field having maximum penetrating capabilities which should be used when near-surface discoatiauitics are of concem. Alternating current is also extensively used for the demagnetization of parts after examination. The through-coil techniqne is normally used for this purpose dus to its simple, fast nature, Seo Fig. 3. 11.1.2 Half-Wave Rectified Alternating Current—Half-wave seetified altemating cucrent is frequently used in conjunction with dry particles and localized magnetization (for example, prods or yokes) to achieve some depth of penetration for detection of typical discontinuities found in weldments end ferrous castings. As with AC for magnetization, single-phase current is utilized and average value meastied at “magnetizing 11.13 Full-Wave Rectified Altemating Current—Pull-wave realfied cltemating current may utilize single- or three-phase current. Thrce-phaso cunent has the advantage of lower lino amperage whereas single-phase equipment is less expensive, Full-wave rectified AC is commonly used when the residual method is to be employed. With the continnons method. full-wave rectified AC is used for magnetization of costed and plated pans. Because panicle movement, either dry or wet is noticeably slower, precautions must be taken to ensure that sufficient time is allowed for formation of indications 709 FIG, 3 Coll Magnetization 111.4 Direct Current (DC)—A bank of barteties or a DC generator produce a direst magnetizing current. They have largely given way to half-wave rectified or full-wave rectified AC except for a few specialized applications, primarily be- cause of battery cost and maintenance. One such example is the charging of a bank of capacitors, which on discharge is used 10 establish a residual magnetic field in tubing, casing, ine pipe, and drill pipe. 12, Part Magnetization Techniques 12.1 Examination Coverage—All examinations should be conducted with sufficient area overlap to assure the required coverage at the specified sensitivity has been obtained. 122 Direct and Indirect Magretization—A part can be magnetized cither direcily or indirectly. For direct magnetiza- tion the magnetizing current is passed directly through the part ‘creating a circular magnetic field in the part. With indirect ‘magnetization techniques a magnetic field is induced in the pert ‘which can ereate a elrealarforoldal, longitudinal, or mui -ectional magnetic field in the part. The techniques described in 20.8 for verifying that the magnetic fields have the anticipated direction and strength should be employed. This is especially imporant when using the mulddirection rechnique fo examine complex shapes. 123 Choosing Magnetization Technique—The choice of Girect or indirect magnetization will depend on such factors as size, configuration, or ease of processing, Table 1 compares the advantages and limitations of the various methods of pert ‘magnetization. TABLE 1 Advantages end Limitations of the Various Ways of Magnetizing 2 Part Magnateing Tecwinue ans Matas Form sdvaiages | Diet Contact Par Magnetzaton (see 123.1) Koseaistosk Contact ‘Sol, lately eral pars (castings, forgings, machine peces) fa can be recessed on 8 Noize wet unt 1. Fa, easy teciniqns, Lmratons 1. Posibaty ot are bums i peor contac onataons hh © 709 TABLE 1 Contnued ‘Aavarages: 2 Ciular magnets fed surouncs corent pam Vagneiang Tesiiqua and Mate Fer 4. Good sonsiviy to suriane and nesr-aurace econtnuton 4, Sinplo as wel as relavelycociax pars can usualy be eaaly pesosced with ore oreo ares. 2 Lang pane eheule be magnetied in ectons ‘tcltab Eat) appleaton wine resoring oan ‘sey lang surent shot 4. Complete magnetc pan is census 9 madisng resi! ‘ciarcersts of mabe 1. Lage strtace areas can bo process ana examina in raivey ser ine. Lavge castings and tagings Cyfetcel pane sich a bing. pe, notow 1. Etre tergn can becrestny memes ay tact ‘shafts, of. * 1. En longth ean betsy rapnstines by canbctng, endto end, 2. Gurert requrenens a independent of orth Long sot sans such as bes, bam, hans Es 13 No end loss 1. Gieular fle can be setecnay sree fo valéamaby tod placement. 1. Hlgh amprage requtéments (18 090 20000 A) eta specie DC poner su. 1. tec Hl los to cree srtace and cannet be used fr nsge aanesar namin. 2, Enos must be congucwve © eecnes! sorta and ‘capable of erryng roqured curert ator excacave host Cannsste ueeg ono: cowy tur gmc Desaven of pao Se bum 1. Nottagsrequromanteineroace = lang inoveaaee ti i sont Inpacancs st snis sn pare 2. Ends mul bh conse > ancien! setae nc ‘canale of carving requies cent winadt xcassi heat 1. Only smal area can be examined se ina, 22! cannston win hatrwave retes aterearg cuentand2. Are Bums due 1 poor consct cy poe, prondes excoien sony © esmaurace ‘Sacwntnutiey se wellen ourace ype 8 lonble,n hat proce, cabes, and power pach can be brought ie eaineton ete. 1. nro eta ara can be oxarinad in erat normants using nominal’ curentvaues. 2 Cul faa canbe sovsenasta in spectc arts tat Histacaly are prove fo decorates. 'Equpment can be rough toe fvaton of pans hat ae ‘toit io move. Lae castegs or tnaings 3 Surlace mus bo ry when ary powers beng used. A. Prod spacing must be in asersance wih oe smagretaing suner oval + Comarage a lage sutace aes raquina = mutipcy of ants that ean be very Uneorsuming. 2. Possbity of ars bums coe to poor cortact Stace ‘shou bo Sy wher dr concer is bang ued 4 In eanjincben with hat-wave rcxes atortng oxen and ‘iy pow, provi excbet eons te near outene subsurface oe ducorarutes tat we act toa by ‘ones metas, 1. insect Port Mapratiaton one 12:2) Certs Conuctee IMcsclorsove pore hang hale trovgh 4 No slstisal contact spar and paste ofa burns 41 €ize of conductor mast be angle ry rein 2 (Somlomniay drozed nazrei: Hel groan nal 2 Woah conc shai cry eae wn ‘which = candctr can be placed auch 2c: alminsod Beating cs Helen eine Geet large at surface, euveutaig he conaucer (nese amstar foes, ee) 8. lal fr Pose casos wtere te residual nets opiate, 4, Ught welt pss can be sipsoned by he cn ender 15 Moliple turns may be uted radu cunt ranured, Be cnuping,casnghuning “Tunis pe pass sean 1, No slstinalcanac of par requred Ppacening Tubing Hollow shat 2 ae nares we = atic Sarat ecriaon, 3 Ene erat of pat druaty magnet & roe good tera er ceion 9 Sacornetes avg vaio bodes and ear parte located eninioral suteces, COPYRIGET American Society for Testing and uaterinis Ieee by infomation sanding services 3. Larger diameter que repeated magneton win condicter opanst nae aometer ana raion of Dar bowesn provesses. rere consume ‘magretzston ecnnique & berg eTslored, Sranctonf requred ator each magretzaton 1+ Outi eurtaoe sanctity may be esmauna! ans than nat ebtaned on hs ince series fo are ameter and sxrorely hoary wal 4. Que sutee sentiviy maybe coma ass ‘than that eotaned en he nace Geter for naevy wal ih E 709 TABLE 1 Continued iagnating Techs and Hated Form (caticate iran isionces raiders ws te leap preomaates euih 20a craksnat Lange castings, frghos, er shetieg Misoetanecus spans eppledbe 2, No letioa contact 8. Retatiey complex fats can usualy be processed vith oes 1. Allene enptusina ectaoee er ongtcinaly ragnetzd io sfectaly leans sarsceon Soconinutis. 1. Longin! fe ses atained by means of eae wesspng 1. Ea and fest, especialy whero rect! macnn is Traore 1. Length may dictate mutiple shot as cals repesitoned. 1 Muito magnetaaton may be requ die to ‘eoniguraton stra 1. UD flenghiiamarer ratio imsonart concern in chlerining adequacy of erosetuns. 2 tect LD reto canbe atares by wltng pices ol sinlarsross-socoal sea. 8, Use smaler cal for mos ites fats, sano cate es ese nn Serpe sess sarson. lncices Curent Fane amnion 2 rg-sraped rartforcioumfor!. No eletie contact (ela ype doconenues 4 Sorsitity dishes et ends ofpat custo panei! eakage na parton. 5. GPK bresk Gesiabie to mrimae en efect on ‘So pars WE low LO ea. 1 Laminated ove reguted Brough ng 2. Allsuoe ef rateibjrtes to rata. tyee mag: nae Bold. 2. “yp ef magneising surert must bs cempasbls with 4 Sino proces for 100 % corerane, 4 Can be atoms ation Oth condunters acing fle meat no avoided. 4. Lame diameters requre seen cormcerson 1. Forsmal-ameter ball, led edu! magneteaion, 1. 100% coverage nay regure mie-etp process wih ‘core oF poe pleco raraten,orBon. 22 Type of magnetizing curert must be comoemble Wen prt geomaty, 1. Time coneuring. Bal examination 4 Novlecrea contest 2, 100% coverage for iscontinates any drecfon wh recep proces ara proper oceaten betes sep, Dist and gas 4 Nareecroa contact. 1, God senatvty aor nee passhony en. 2 Senet in vastus areas con bo waved by oa ot pol eos saleton votes: Examinaton of lame srtace ares for 1. Nooo! cenast rtaceine cconerute, 2. ity parade ofertaton, 2. Good sonst 1 orec sietace sconces, 2. Hghy porate, 4 Wl ord tesniqne 2. Must be systorattaly rsostioned in view of rencnm dsconuly eooriaton. Can lca iscontneie nany dkecton wen proper 1. Mut bo propety postions rlasve to entation of ‘dsconthutis. 2. Reltvaly goos contact mst be setbichoa be- ‘ean pat ar poles, 2. Complex pan goomery may cause acuty. 4. Poor osnituy to noutoce ype econ les ‘capt n woatns oss 5 Altemaing-curant ype sav sso seve se demsoratnorin some ineansoe 123.1 Direct Contact Magnetication—For direct magneti- zatioa, physical contact must be made between the ferromag- netic part and the current carrying electrodes connected to the power source. Both localized area mageetizetion and overall part magnetization are direct contact means of part magnedi- zation achieved through the use of prods, head and tailstock, clamps, and magnetic leeches. 1232 Localized Area Magnetizat 1232.1 Prod Technigue—The prod electrodes are first pressed firmly against the test part (Fig. 2(a)). The magnedizing curreatis then passed through the prods and into the area ofthe part in contact with the prods. This establishes 1 circular ‘magnetic field in the part around and between cach prod electrode, sufficient to camry out 2 local magnetic particle examination (Fig. 2(¢) and Fig. 2(@)). Caution: Extreme care should be taken to maintain clean prod tips, to minimize heating at the point of contact and to prevent arc bums and COPYRIGHT Anerican Sccioty for Testing and Materials Eleenses sy information dangling services ‘ocel overheating on the surface being examined since these may cause adverse effects on material propenies. Arc burns cause metallurgical damage: ifthe tips are sotid copper, copper penetration into the part may occur. Prods should not be used oon machined surfaces or on aerospace component pacts. (1) Unrectified AC limits the prod technique to the detection of surface discontimities, Half wave rectified AC is most desirable since it will detect both surface and near-surface discontinuities, The prod technique generally utilizes dy ‘magnetic particle materials due to better particle mobility. Wet ‘magnetic particles. are not generally used with the prod technique because of potential electrical and flammability hazarés. (2) Proper prod examination requires 4 second placement ‘with the prods rotaied approximately 90° from the first placement to assure that all existing discontinnties are To vealed. Depending on the surface coverage requirements, ) E709 overlap between successive prod placements may be necessary. On large suctaces, it is good practice to layout a grid for prod/yoke placement. 123.22 Manual Clamp/Magnetic Leech Techniaue—Local areas of complex components may be magnetized by electrical contacts manually clamped or attached with magnetic leeches to the part Fig. 4). As with prods, sufficient overlap may be necessary if testing of the contact location is required. 123.23 Overall Magnetization: () Head and Tailsteck Contoct—Parts may be clamped between two electrodes (cuch as a head and tilstock of horizontal wet magnetic particle equipment) and the magne- zing current applied directly through the part (Fig. 5). The size and shape of the part will determine whether both field directions can be obtained with each equipment. (2) Clamps—The magnetizing current may be applied to the test part by clamping the current carrying electrodes to the part, producing a circular magnetic field (Fig. 6). (G) Multidirectional Magnetization Technique —With suit- able circuitry, it is possible 19 produce a multidirectional (oscillating) eld in a part by selectively switching the mag- netic field within the part between clacerode contacts/clamps positioned approximately 90° apart. This permits building up indications in all possible directions and may be considered the equivalent of magnetizing in two or more directions (Fig. 7) On some complex shapes as many as 16 10 20 steps may be required with conventional equipment. With multidizcetional ‘magnetization, itis usually possible to reduce the magnetizing Steps required by more than half, It is essential that the wet continuous method, be used and that the magnetic field direction and relative intensity be determined by One or more of the techniques descrited in 20.8. 12.33 Indirect Magnetization—Indirect part magnetization involves the use of a preformed coil, exble wmp, yoke, or 2 — I FIG, 4 Direct-Contact Magnetization Through Magnetic Leech Clamp of Part Copraicsr American Seciety for Testing and Materials Bleensed by Information daadling Service u FIG. 6 Direct Contact Overall Magnetization ‘central Conductor te induce 2 magnetic field. Coil, cable wrap, and yoke magnetization are referred to as longitudinal magne- tization in the par (see 13.3). 123.31 Coil and Cable Magnetication—When coil Fig. 3) cor cable wrap (Fig. 8) techniques are used, the magnetic feld strength is proportional to ampere tums and depeads on simple geometry (see 1432) 1233.2 Central Conductor, Induced Current Magnetization—Indirect circular magnetization of hollow Piecevparts can be performed by rassing the magnetizing currert through a central conductor (Fig. 9(a) and Fig. 9(6)) oF able used asa central conductor or through an induced current fixture Fig. 9(0). 12.3.33 Yoke Magnetization—A magnetic field can be in- duced into & part by means of an electromagnet (see Fig. 1), ‘where the part or a partion thereof Decomes the magnetic path between the poles (acts as 2 keeper) and discontinuities preferentially transverse tothe alignment ofthe pole pieces are Indicated. Most yokes are energized by AC, half-wave rectified AC, or full-wave rectified AC. A permanent magnet can also {hh E709 FIG. 8 Cable Magnetization jntroduce a magnetic field in the part but ite uie is restricted (see 6.3.1). 13. Direction of Magnetic Fields 13.1 Discontinuity Orientation vs. Magnetic Field Direcsion—Since indicadons are aot nounally obtained whea discontinuities are parallel to the magnetic field, and since indications may occur in various or unknown directions in a art each par must be magnetized in a least two directions approximately at right angles to each other as aoted in 5.3.2. On some parts circular magnetization may be used in two or more directions, while on others both circular and longitudinal magnetization are used. A multidirectional feld cen also be employed to achieve part magnetization in more than one direction. 13.2 Girewlar Magnerication—Circuler magnetization (Fig. 10) is the term used wien electric current is passed through a copraraiz Anericen Society cor Testing and materiale EScenved sy ancometios nandiing Services pat, or by use of a central Conductor (See 12.332) through a central opening in the part, inducing « magnetic field at right angles to the current flow. 133 Toroidal Mognetization—When magnetizing a pan 2 toroidal shape, such as a solid wheel or the disk with a center opening, an induced field that is radial tothe disk is most useful for the detection of discontinuities in a circumferential direction. In such applications tis ficld may be more effective than multiple shots across the penphery. 134 Longiudinal Magnetization—Longitudinal magnetiza- tion (Fig. 11) is the term used when a magnetic feld is generated by an electric current passing through a multiumn, Fig. 12, or laminated coil, Fig. 13, which encloses the part ot section of the part to be examined 133 Multidirectional Megnetization—The magnetic fields may be induced in the part by passing current through the part from different directions (see 12.3.23 and Fig. 14). Artificial flaws. circular shims. or known defects should be used to establish magnetic field direction. 14. Magnetic Field Strength 14.1 Magnetizing Field Strength:—To produce interpret: able indications, the magnetic field in the part must have sufficient strength and proper orientation. For the indications to be consistent, this field suengih mas: be controlled within reasonable limits, usually 225%. Factors that affect the Strength of the field are the size, shape, section thickness, ‘atetial of the part/piece, and the technique of magnetization, Since these factors vary wicel, itis dificult to establish nigic tes for magnetic field strengths for every conceivable con- figuration. 14.2 Establishing Field Strengths sirengih can be estabisied by: 142.1 Known Discontinsities—Experiments with similar! identical parts having known discontinuities. 14.22 Artificial Disconsinuities—The* pie” field indicator ig. 15) and slowed shims (Fig. 16) are artificial discontinui- ties, See 208. 1423 Hall-efect Probe-Tangential Field Strengths— ‘Tangentially applied field strengths, 2s measured with a Hall- fect probessensor, in the range from 30 10 6 G (2.4 t0 4.8, KAM") should be adequate. See 20.8. Under some circum- stances some fields in the zange from 10 0 150 G may be required. 14.24 Using Empirical Formulas—Section 143 has four empirical formulas for establishing magnetic field strengths: they are rules of thumb, As such, they must be used with Judgment. Their use may lead to: 1424.1 Over magnetization, which causes excessive par- ticle hackground that makes interpretation more difficult if not impossible. 14.242 Poor coverage. 14.243 Poor choice of test geometries. 14.244 A combination of the above. 143 Guidelines for Establishing Magnetic Fields—The fol- lowing guidetines can be effectively applied for establishing Froper levels of circular and longitudinal magnetization. 14.3.1 Cireular Magnetication—Magnetic Field Strength: 183.L.1 Central Conductor induced Magnetization Sufficient magnetic field §) £709 (6) Use of Cena Canal for Locatznd Magnetization (e) Vor of Speci Insced Ourent Fire FIG. 9 Central Conductor Induced Magnetization DIRECTION oF MAGNETIC FIELO MAGNETIC PARTICLE INDICATIONS ELECTRIC CURRENT FIG. 10 Circular Magnetization Central conductors are widely used in magnetic particle examination to provide: (Z) A circular field on both the Inside surface and outside surface of tubular pieces that cannot be duplicated by the direct current techni (2) A non-contact means of par’ magnetization virually eliminating the possibility of are burning the material, as ca be the case with cucrent fiow through contacts, such as prods or clamps. (3) Substantial processing advantages over direct contact techniques on ring-shaped parts. COPYRIGHT ans Scciety for Testing and Materiaze Eletnese oy inforsstion daadiing services ELECTRIC CURRENT MAGNETIC L/_ BRECTIONOF FIG. 11 Longitudinet Magnetization (4) In general it is desirable to centrally locate a central conductor to permit the entire circumference of the part to be [processed at one time. The resulting field is conceniric relative to the axis of the piece and is maximum at the inside surface. ‘The strength of the magnetic field should be verified by the means discussed in 20.8, With ¢ centrally Iecated central conductor, the magnetizing curent requirements would be the same as a solid piece having the seme outside diameter. (5) When using offset central conductors the conductor ‘passing through the inside of the partis placed against an inside ‘wall of the part. The current shall be from 12 A per mm of part 4) E709 FIG, 14 Muttidirectional Magnetization diameter to 32 A per mm of part dizmeter (300 to £00 AJin.). The diameter of the part shall be taken as the largest distance between any two points on the outside circumference of the part. Generally currents will be 500 A/in. (20 A per mm) or lower with the Higher eurents (up to 800 A/in.) being used to examine for inclusions or to examine low permeability alloys such as precipitation-hardening steels. For examinations used to locate inclusions in procipitation-hardening steels even higher curreats, up to 1000 Ain. (40.4 per mm) may be used. The distance along the part circumference which may be effectively examined shall be taken as approximately four fimes the diameter of the contral conductor, as ilustrated in Fig. 17. The entire circumference shall be examined by rotating the par on the conductor, allowing for approximately a 10% ‘magnetic field overlap. Less overiap, different current levels, and larger effective regions (up to 360°) may be used if the prestace of suitable feld levels is verified CoPsRIGH? American Scctery for Testing and ware: Elecnsed by issssaeeion dangling sezrscer Sanbosef FIG, 18 Typleal Slotted Shim Designs ESective Region of Examination FIG. 17 Approximate Ettective Region of Exemination When Using an Offset Central Conciuctor (Threacier Bar) 153.1.2 Localized Magnetization: (1) Using Prods—With prods, the strength circalar magn=- tization is proportional to the amperage used but varies with the pod spacing and thickness of the section being exemined. Itis, recommended that a magnetizing curreat from | in. (60to 110 APS mm) of prod spacing should be used for material 2 in. G9 mm) and over in thickness, Prolonged cnergizing cycles, may cause undesirable locslized overheating. Prod spacing 4} E709 shoul not exceed $ in, (200 mm). Prod spacing less than 3 in, (75 mn) is usually nct practical due to banding of the particles around the prods. When the area of examination exceeds a ‘width of one quarter of the prod spacing, messured trom a centerline connecting the prod cemers, the magnetic field intensity should be verified at the edges of the atea being examined. (2) Using Yokes—The field strength of a yoke (or « perma- ‘nent magnet) can be empirically determined by measuring its lifting power (sec 20.3.6). Ifa Hall-effect probe is used, it shall be placed on the surface midway between the poles. 143.2 Air-Core Coil Longitudinal Magnetization— Longirudinal part magnetization is produced by passing a ‘current through a multturn coil encircling the part or section of the part to be examined. A magnetic field is produced parallel tothe axis ofthe coil. The unit of measurement is arapore turns (ND (tbe actual amperage multiplied by the number of tums in the encireling coll or cable). The effective field extends on ‘ther side of the coil-a distance approximately equal to the -atius of the coil being employed. Long pans should be examined ia sections not to exceed this lengih. There are four empirical longitudinal magnetization formulas employed for using encircling cols, the formula to be used depending on the fill factor. The formulas are included for historical contimsity only. I used ts use shovld be limited to simple shaped parts. It would be quicker and more accurate to use a Gauss (Tesla) ‘meter, lay its probe on the part and measure th feld rather than to calculate using the fomnulas. 1432.1 Low Fill-Factor Coils—In this case, the cross- sectional area of the fixed encircling coil greatly exceeds the cross-sectional area of the part (less than 10% coil inside ‘iameter). For proper part magnetization, such parts should be placed well withia the coils and close to the inside wall of the coll. With this low All-factor, adequate field strength for eccentrically positioned parts witha length-over-diameter ratio (LD) deweea 3 and 15 is calculated from the following equations” (1) Parts With Low Fill-Foctor Positioned Close to inside Vall of Coit: NI=KIUD) (£10%) @ number of tums in the ceil, soil current to be used, amperes (A), = 45000 (empisically detived constant), for hollow parts, see, and NI For example, « part 15 in. (38.1 cm) long with S-in, (12.7-cm) ‘outside diameter has an L/D ratio of 15/5 or 3. Accordingly, the ‘ampere turn requirement (NT = 45 000/3) ta provide adequate ffeld strength in the part would be 15000 ampere tums. IF = five-tum coil or cable is used, the coil amperage requirements would be (I = 15 60/5) = 3000 A (£10 %). A500 tum coil = ampere tums, would require 30 A (=10.%) "ipeseequssons se incu! for iter! cant ony It ase obey & “Teaa mee, hy be prone cathe pat uné measiethe feldsength han clelsing ning the equations 13 (2) Parts with a Low Fill-Factor Positioned in the Coil: the Center of NI KRA(GLID) ~ 54. o where: N= number of tras in the coil T= coil current to be used, A, K = 43000 (empirically desived constant), R= coil radius, in, ZL = past lengts, in’ Gee Note), D = part diameter, in, for hollow parts (see 14,3.2.4), and = ampere turns, For example, a pat 15 in. (38.1 cm) long with S-in 2.7-cm) outside diameter hes a L/D ratio of 15/5 or 3 If a five-tam 12-in, diameter (6-in. radius) (30.8-cm diameter (1S.4-em radius)) coil or cable is used, (J) the ampere tums requirement would be es follows: (43.0006) Wexay— sr HS M= ‘and (2) the coil emperage requirement would be as follows 1586 3 143.22 Intermediate Fill-Factor Coils—When the cross ‘section of the coil is greater than twice and less than ten times the cross section of the part being examined: ME= (Di (10 ~ 19+ (Ny r— 298 ‘or3 O60 A (2106) @ where: Nig = value of NI calculated for high fl-factr cals wsing Eq3, Mle = valne of NI calculated for low fil-factor coils using Eq 1 of Eq 2, and = ratio of the cross-sectional area of the coil 10 the cross section of the par. For example, if the coil has an inside diameter of 10 in. (25.4 cam) and par (a bas) has en outside diameter of 5 in, (122 cin) ¥= (riSPni2.5)) = 4 14.3.23 High Fill-Factor Coils—in this case, when fixed ‘coils cr cable wraps are used and the cross-sectional area of the coil is less than twice the cross-sectional arca (including hollow portions) of the part, the coll has a high fl-factor, (d) For Pans Within a High Fill-Factor Positioned Coil and for Parts with an /D ratio equal to or greater than 3: Ke. N= py FBCOM where N= number of tums in the coil or cable wrap, ZL = coileurent, A, K = 35000 (empirically derived constant}; L = part length, ia,, D_ = part diameter. in., and NI = ampere tums For example, the application of Eq 3 can be illustrated as, follows: 2 part 10 in. (25.4 em) long-with 2-in. (5,08-cm) ‘outside diameter would have an I/D ratio of S and an ampere tum requirements of NI = 3500045 +2) or 5000 (=10 %) ampere tums, Ifa five-tum coil or cable wrap is employed, the 4b 709 ‘amperage requirement is 5000/5 or 1000 A (+10 %), Nore For L/D ratios less than 3, a pole piece (ferromagnetic ratersl approximately the same diamcier as par) should be Used 10 effectively inorase the 1/D rao or uillve an dlemalive magnetization setbo such 3 induced cunent. Fer L/D ratios grestet than 15, a ‘maximum L/D value of 15 should be used for all formulas cited above, 143.24 LD Ratio for a Hollow Piece—When calculating the L/D ratio for a hollow piece, D shall be replaced with an effective diameter De calculated using: Deg = [As — Agha} where: {otal cross-sectional area of the part, and Ay = cross-sectional area of the hollow pertion(s) of the par. Fora cylindrical piece, this is equivalent to Byg= [10D)? = w)*}” here: OD = outsice diameter of the cylinder, and 1D = inside ciameter of the cylinder. 15. Application of Dry and Wet Magnetic Particles 18.1 Dry Magnetic Particles: 15.11 Magnetic Fields for Dry Paricles—Dry magnetic powders are generally apotied withthe continaous magnetizing techniques utilizing AC or half-wave rectified AC or yoke ‘magnetization. A current duration of at least 4 s should be used. The current duration stoui¢ be short enough fo prevent any damage from overheating or from other causes. It should be noted that AC and half-wave rectified AC impart better article mobility to the powder than DC or fall-wave rectified ‘AC, Dry magnetic powders are widely used for magnetic particle examination of large parts as well as on localized areas such as welds. Dry magnetic particles are widely used for oil field applications and are flequenily used in conjunction with capacitor discharge style equipment and the residual method. 15.12 Dry Powder Application—Dry powders should be polied in such « manner that a light uniform, dust-like coating settles upon the surface of the partpiece while it is being magnetized. Dry particles must noi be applied toa wet surface; they will have limited mobility. Neither should they be applied where there is excessive wind, The preferred application technique suspends the panicles in air in such 2 manner that they reach the part surface being magnetized in a niform cloud with a minimam of force. Usually, specially designed powder blowers and hand powder applicators are employed (Fig. 1(b) end Fig. 4). Dry particles should not be applied by pouring, throwing, or spreading with the fingers. 15.13 Excess Powder Removal—Cate is needed in both the application and removal of excess dry powder. While the ‘magnetizing current is present, care must be exercised to revent the removal of particles stracted by a leakage feld that ‘may prove io be a relevant indication of a discontizuity. 15.14 Near-surface Discontinuities Powder Faiterns—in order to recognize the broad. fuzzy, weakly beld powder patterns produced by near-surface discontinuities, itis essential to observe carefully the formation of indications walle the powder is being epplied and also while the excess is being COPYRIGET American Scciety for Testing and Materiaie Eicensed oy information daadiing Services 1 removed, Sutficient time for indication formation and exami- nation should be allowed hetween successive magnetization cycles. 15.2 Wer Particle Application—Wet magnetic particles, fluorescent or nonflucresceni, suspended in a vehicle at a recommended conceatmation may be applied eithes by spraying or flowing over the areas to be inspected during the application ofthe magnetizing field current (continuous technique) or after taming off the current residual technique). Proper sequencing of operation (part magnetization and timing of bath applica- ‘Soa) is essential to indication formation and retention. For the -SS2G555 (lt), or sence Basorg (eral) cy Pouch te AST wane (itn /anneasin oD) | copyaraur asericas Society for Testing and Materials Bceaved by Infesnation Aandiine Servicer

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