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A noun can be a person, thing or idea we are talking about in a sentence.

Examples: Teacher, Boy, David, School, Bathroom, Australia, Pen, Moon, Toilet, etc.

Word that expresses either an action or a state of being.

Examples: Run, kick, jump, fly, swim, is, am, was, are, etc.

A word that takes the place of a noun.

Examples: He, him, his, she, her, it etc.

Indefinite examples: Many, few, all, everyone, nobody, anybody, etc.

A word or phrase that describes a noun or pronoun.

Example: Slow, intelligent, weird, lazy, athletic, gigantic, sweet, etc.

A word or phrase that modifies verbs, an adjective or another adverb. They are used
to respond questions such as: How, when, where.

Example (how): Quickly, beautifully, lazily, extravagantly, strangely, etc.

Example (when): Now, yesterday, then, etc.

Example (where): There, here, away, etc.

Words that join words or group or words. They can be Coordinating, Correlative, and

Example (Coordinating): For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So.

Example (Correlative): Either/or, Neither/nor, Both/and.

Example (Subordinating): Before, after, during, until, whereas.

Words that show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a
sentence. Use to express relationships such as: space, time or logic.

Examples (Space): In, below, above, under, outside, within, etc.

Examples (time): during, while, after, at, etc.

Examples (logic): For, of, concerning, despite, etc.

Prepositional phrases
Any phrase that follows a preposition.


 Daniel blew the horn with the strength of a giant.

(The preposition on this example would be with and of, and what follows next is our
prepositional phrase.)

 Around the corner from my school, there is an Italian restaurant.

(The preposition on this example would be around.)

Words used to convey emotion through some kind of exclamation.

Examples: Oh, Ouch, Woah, Blah.

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