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“Educando con Amor”

English Class #2.

Grade: 4°

Topic: Adverbs of Manner.

Gustavo Orozco.
Class Guide
Esta clase debe ser
escrita en el

De esta clase no Estudia atentamente

debes enviar fotos la clase porque de
puesto que esta es la esta se desprende la
conceptualización. actividad.

Los audios en la clase son

importantes. Escúchalos te
ayudaran a mejorar tu oído
y pronunciación.
Adverbs of Manner
Adverbs of Manner
Audio: Adverbs of manner. Grammar. Esta clase
debe ser
escrita en el
We use adverbs of Usamos los
manner to adverbios de
describe how we manera o modo
do things. para describir
They usually go at como hacemos
the end of a las cosas diarias.
sentence. Usualmente van
al final de una
For Example:
They played quietly.

They banged the drums loudly.

They played well.

Let’s sing: At the dance Esta canción
Audio: Let’s sing: At the dance. no debes
copiarla en
At the Dance! Chorus tu cuaderno.

Some people danced slowly. Some people danced

They moved their arms up and down. carefully.
Some people danced quickly. They all moved in a square.
They hopped and jumped around. Some people danced wildly.
They jumped high in the air.
But no one danced badly.
We danced! We danced! We Some people danced
danced! quietly.
Their moves were very neat.
Some people danced sadly. Some people danced loudly.
They looked down at the floor. They shouted and stamped
Some people danced happily. their feet.
They smiled and danced some more.
Thank you...
Study hard.

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