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The best modeling show for Intel C++ compiler new version to grow with around rapid

access to memory mapping show and how to manage pointer around over away when the
structural C++: template<class T, class V> would be used to offer much more
principles of valid evaluation for C++ codes in order to deliver best ratio of data
compression in a simply easy form std::map<char = it→first, float =
(1− p)
float =log2 (1+ ) > when the choice of a proportionality can
(1+ p⋅stoi(string (it → first )))
comply with the aim object of any new compiler could help providing the harmony of
(α⋅log2 (1+it → second))
progress around over away. Thus p = p= , 0< p<1;
(1+ β⋅∑ (log 2 (1+it → second )))

In fact, using the big challenge to assume that judgment situation has to obey to
principles of Archimedes when the evaluation of associate assignment wold calculate
the distance quadratic to a reality has to provide corresponding subject with a
driven design of harmony shall simulate usefulness of instrumentation. Hence the
principles of transforming thins into wavy behavior has to support the deal of
inner inspiration insight would describe human behavior as a process of motivated
activation requires concern the impulsive show of corresponding logic’s. From other
side it is a balance concept shall obey to principles of Archimedes would fulfill
validity of chosen model as if it could describe human behavior to be inspired
insight of harmony and would adjust the driven show of transition tractability
around over away. Hence, timing simulation is an essential component for any
illustrative image of discrete world to show that coordination has to ask for much
more securing instructions around logic’s and much more faithfulness. Although it
is all about shielding the choice of Archimedes within a clear concept of
innovative implementation of concrete shielding of selectivity when the minimum and
the maximum has to comply with the mechanism of instrumental induction would return
ideas on exerting edges.

1− p 1+n⋅m⋅p Min ()⋅Max()⋅(Max ()− Min())

X =Min n ,m (log 2 (1+ )⋅log2 ( )) Wave=
1+n⋅m⋅p 1− p ( Min()+Max ())3
p 1+n⋅m⋅(1− p) α⋅|Wave|
Y =Max n ,m (log 2 (1+ )⋅log2 ( )) Level=log 2 (1+ )
1+n⋅m⋅(1− p) p 1+ β⋅|Wave|
Hence, when the principles of optimization has to perform much more logic’s within
the associate assignment (iterator++ while iterator is a pointer on what was stored
within the corresponding iteration). Looking towards a sensible behavior engenders
much more space for management of transition terminology. Although impressive
impulsive processing could then hold a clear concept of job scheduling basically
looks towards driven description of digital design to support the transformation
process of any “when clock’ event and clock’ value change” then “manipulation of
signal’ event” when these events are dependency process on a number of sets each
set could hold m elements at chosen iterator it = InMap.find(fgetc(fptr))
operation. Hence searching for the minimum number of sets to hold temporary data
before final storage inside files is sensitive subject around over away. Although
the driven dynamics of data compression would then provide job scheduling with
idealism concern std::map<char, int> or std::map<char, vector<int>> to be inputs
for storage required data which will manipulated around over away and
std::map<char, float> to be output data which will be stored within chosen file for
writing. Thereof it is a clear characteristic concept of manipulating the harmony
of Archimedes when the number n and m or in general overview the mapping pair (n,
m) seemed having power to deliver much more traceability on what a wavy could then
offer for clear dependency on the principles of wavy behavior around over away. The
valid driven description of digital concept has to believe in the evaluation of
data encoding offering much more harmony for instrument insight to assure a reality
show of running asset obeys to the principles of mimetic learning towards around
units of progress would stand for harmony of human logic#s and its principles
around over away. The choice of a suitable mapping pair ( n = number of sets, m =
the number of elements inside chosen set I from the n sets presented for handling
data around over away). Hence, let the principles of associate composite leaf like
the harmony of processing to get into a realistic world belongs to digital design
and its associate principles of harmony. Hence, the choice of (x = X, y = Y)
mapping pair around illustrative inspiration insight could image a the
instrumentation aiming to balance truly wavy behavior around over away. Thus, this
is the image of transformation around associate assignment and its usage utility
which shall stand around behind the judgment of situation.

p (1+n⋅m⋅(1− p ))
X =log2 (1+ )⋅log2 ( ) , and
(1+n⋅m⋅(1− p)) p

(1− p) (1+n⋅m⋅p )
Y =log 2 (1+ )⋅log 2 ( )
(1+n⋅m⋅p) (1− p)
Using a primordial principles of deploying a concrete character show of using the
(n = number of associate sets, m = the number of elements inside a chosen set at
iteration it), the grate works of composing the harmony of human logic’s into
illustrative implementation of instrumental usefulness would deliver the maximum
power of :

1− p 1+n⋅m⋅p Min ()⋅Max()⋅(Max ()− Min())

X =Min n ,m (log 2 (1+ )⋅log2 ( )) Wave=
1+n⋅m⋅p 1− p ( Min()+Max ())3
p 1+n⋅m⋅(1− p) α⋅|Wave|
Y =Max n ,m (log 2 (1+ )⋅log2 ( )) Level=log 2 (1+ )
1+n⋅m⋅(1− p) p 1+ β⋅|Wave|
around assignment concern the transition tractability. Hence it can great
opportunity for Intel C++ compiler to manipulate the secret of such a choice when
using manipulation of std::map<char, int> or std::map<char, vector<int>> for inputs
to get data into smallest sizes and std::map<char, float> for manufacturing a basic
modeling show concern the judgment of situation could design the transformation of
data from some amounts electrons into a useful principles of thoughts would perform
much more thread tasks around over away. Thereupon it is a thread task of investing
in the great opportunity of human logic’s would use much more trustfulness at the
time when the judgment of harmony shall obey to principles of instructive design of
valid processing. Hence it is all about the charging choice of (n = number of set,
m = the number of elements inside a chosen set at iteration iteration it) when
these manipulation of encoding would then ask for a defined functions could help
achieving the final task of the aim object, functions like map->sort() which could
then offer the great opportunity to provide the wavy balancing behavior with the
reality show of human logic’s based upon driven dynamics of gratefulness, liable
linguistic logic’s has to design a complete description of meaningfulness where
judgment of situation is a valid operating synthesis would introduce itself as if
it can gratefulness around associate arrangement.
Furthermore it is about a neat networking of modeling things he right way people
could make pressure on their ownership. Hence, it is true that some people could
believe in a stranger powerfulness directs people to aim object for wellness and
quietness, but when it can be a complete image of satisfaction, human behavior has
to expose all tools or instrumentation manufactures the required need for better
well-done:: robot-ism, kernel-spin-topography, … based upon on truly transformation
of associate dynamics looks inside a unique language of transition tractability.
Liable linguistic logic's would handle any affair belongs to happiness,
hopefulness, helpfulness, etc … Therefore inside a free path
Because the basic of any composite is to support the all have been done within
respect to the normal processing of qualitative support has to deliver much more
performance for better decision of chosen compiler when the composite rules are a
concrete transformation of driven kernel cores have to bear reality show on what a
usefulness could achieve for human logic's.
Hence it is a driven draw description of George Boole and co since the first
generation of balancing show would install terminology of transition tractability
concern the processing of human logic's.
Let assume that either a valid elaboration of faithfulness of a concrete aim object
to hold integrity of unified uniformity would group or combine its all in one
opportunity supporting the uniformity of processing around beyond the associate
arrangement of human thoughts. Therefore, for better design of concrete super user
usefulness when judgment of situation requires to explain what a piece string = "it
can exist Composite runs a fundamental assets resulting in usage utility of
Minus(among, basic)". Yeah among many things, there is a minimum of choice to have
been done. Although the major main principles is to select a basic criteria for
which something could be resulting in illustration of something like a benefits of
behaviors. Hence, education is the first useful logic's to can make pressure on the
trustfulness of judgment of situation. Furthermore it is a concept of translating
all knowledge culture into running process of inner intellectual inspiration
insight holds the operative show of judgment of situation for which clear location
of "soul scheduling where the body or the skeleton body has to resit the changes of
environmental exploitation could join everything within the units of loyalty. Hence
it is a selective sensibility concerns the subject of harmony across transition
terminology. Yeah, here it is about "it can exit runs "among ... there is basics",
for example where the driven show of ASCII and further data encoding could reach
the meeting of concentric metric approach complies with principles of using valid
model to can proceed around away: f(theta)*sin(g(theta)) could then be the first
step to believe in the reality show of digital encoding and its associate
assignment around over away. Yeah using this fundamentals of proposal ask for much
more confidence concerns the usefulness of this model f(theta)*sin(g(theta)) when
the proposal of theta shall then reside in a shielding harmony of uncertainty as if
it can be itemized highlight ::: first going with this f(theta)*sin(g(theta)), then
with principles of catch-try, it shall opportunity to support the inductive impact
of log(2 - something) and log(1 + same thing) in order to get into concrete process
of modeling digital driven draw description.

Although it is all about programming nicer better design of motivated motion of

amounts of energy (h*nu = celerity (c) * value-of(wave’s length)) across associate
insight to hold the mainstream of character traceability whereby the principles of
designing the valid concept of data encoding could reach the great purposes of
human existence along over away where transition terminology would design the
principles of human logic’s. Thus since the first generation of Intel Processors
when the read(char) or get(byte) from a has been opened file for reading had great
success within the new generation of C++ compilers and co at the time when the data
encoding characteristics still holding illustrative images of translated codes
within the judgment of a driven kernel of encoding language. Hence as the ASCII or
the other forms of data encoding reach the higher level of trustfulness around
associative mimetic show concerns the impressibility for better aim object. Thereof
it is a valid concept of imposing the harmony of wavy behavior at the time when it
can great opportunity of believing in the strength of cooperative coordination.
Hence let for example a simple model like “ ( β * θ ) * sin( α * θ ), for 0 < θ <
2π ” be driven kernel of modeling symbolic way of speedy zinging transformation
would demonstrate that for any possible read(char) mechanism it is possible to
associate clear logic’s around beyond any digital programming concept. Thereupon it
is a subject concerns the useful choice of implementing a clear show can use simply
easy exploitation of “ ( β * θ ) * sin( α * θ ), for 0 < θ < 2π ” for modeling all
possible cases of read(char). Hence “a is different from b” waving harmony between
the existence of character processing when a compiler requires to distinct between
these two characters (a and b) using principles of data encoding like ASCII codes
or similar or when a primordial principles of wavy behavior can distinguish between
these two characters (a and b) along over away. This driven distinction between any
chosen character from given list = (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, I, …) could help people
elaborate principles of distinction around adjustment of wave’s length to can
impose a driven design of speedy celerity would then decide whether real shortly
pronounced “I” or “Ai” could then manipulate principles of modeling wavy behavior
which could unify the driven show of human logic’s to get into a characteristic
concept of maintaining hands on data encoding would comply with the principles of
choice charging dynamics. Furthermore it is a concept of human logic’s to decide
whether something leaf like this unified driven design of wavy behavior = “ ( β * θ
) * sin( α * θ ), for 0 < θ < 2π ” could elaborate the real traceability of data
encoding shall perform better design of programmable encoding. Thereof within the
advances of video encoding and sound tracks and similar behaviors which join the
digital concept with clear concept of manipulated digits along over away. Hence
using something much more simply easy than varying parameters like wavy behavior
= “ ( β * θ ) * sin( α * θ ), for 0 < θ < 2π ” to manipulate repulsive processing
sustainability. With this valid concept of major main design uses “ ( β * θ ) *
sin( α * θ ), for 0 < θ < 2π ” , digital characteristics could then match a better
logic’s opportunity can grow when a valid modeling show of transition tractability
has to return the effectiveness and the usefulness of “ ( β * θ ) * sin( α * θ ),
for 0 < θ < 2π ” at the time when great works around the principles of
manufacturing data along over away has to turn valid operative overview on what job
scheduling could deliver assuring that this valid wavy balance uses “ ( β * θ ) *
sin( α * θ ), for 0 < θ < 2π ” has to resit all sorts of changes. Hence when a
valid periodicity concept could then design the reality show of valid harmony of “
( β * θ ) * sin( α * θ ), for 0 < θ < 2π ” at the time of elaborating transition
terminology could judge the situation of “LOW, HIGH” levels in order to decide
whether clear characteristic of digital design would be absorbed by associate
concept of wavy behavior. Hence it is illustrative insight image of human
primordial principles looks for the insight to decide whether resulting in reality
of digital design has to manipulate all sorts of driven concept of human logic’s at
the time when valid concept of proportionality has to measure indexing concept of
impressive processing around and about transition terminology and its usefulness.
Hence when judgment of situation has to reach the clear concept of valid choice
concerning the great processing uses “ ( β * θ ) * sin( α * θ ), for 0 < θ < 2π ”
string which would be converted into useful units of data encoding along over away.
Hence it is a great opportunity of logic concept has to answer all sort kind stuffs
of digital gratefulness around away. Thereupon it is a language of harmony between
successive impulsive transitions tractability and balancing behavior could
determine whether the valid assuring association has to perform reality show of
speedy motivation energetic transformation. Since the old operative works of
centric metric approach, digital design harmony would then determine whether the
running assets “ ( β * θ ) * sin( α * θ ), for 0 < θ < 2π ” could elaborate the
principles of character modeling at the time when a valid measurement of valid
principles could then engender all sort kind staffs of usefulness. Hence digital
design is a great harmony of human logic’s when judgment of situation could then
design the principles of inner intellectual inspiration insight looks for valid
modeling concept to cover the transition terminology. Hence using “ ( β * θ ) *
sin( α * θ ), for 0 < θ < 2π ” could then help people predict truly rightly
characteristics of read(char) belongs to the harmonic concept of transition
terminology. Although it is an associate reality of zinging (LOW, HIGH) mapping
pair to match or fix or fit the principles of holding or storing data. Hence let’s
look inside the simply easy model uses “ ( β * θ ) * sin( α * θ ), for 0 < θ < 2π ”
within this picture
For each impulsive image of management of (LOW, HIGH) mapping pair it can
evaluation of great translation effect would influence the principles of operative
opportunity that could reign around behind great works of choices of “ ( β * θ ) *
sin( α * θ ), for 0 < θ < 2π ” to admit that neat networking of impulsive imaging
impact has to determine whether read(char) could impose its success around over
away. Thus it is a success of choice when “ ( β * θ ) * sin( α * θ ), for 0 < θ <
2π ” would deliver the speedy fastest access to model principles directly effect
with the primordial principles of holding data for shortly of memory mapping design
of charging storage space to occupy great rule of data acquaintance along over
away. For much more harmony of human logic’s, valid choice of “ ( β * θ ) * sin( α
* θ ), for 0 < θ < 2π ” could help digital design to grow faster and speedy enough
within the idea that transition terminology could affect the whole design of
read(char) around over away.

p∗stoi(string(it → first )) ± X∗Y ∗X−Y

X=sin (α∗θ )∗log2 (1+ ) Wave=
p+stoi(string (it → first )) (X +Y )3
p∗stoi(string(it →first )) ζ∗|(wave)|
Y =sin (α∗θ )∗log2 (2− ) Variation=log 2 (1+ )
p+stoi(string(it →first )) 1+ ς∗|(wave)|
Hence let assume that for any indexing insight it is possible to resume a valid
concept of proportionality could help people design unit of trustfulness around
over away. Hence, it is all about principles of human harmony when judgment of
situation could aim objects of data encoding.
α∗log2 (1+ it → second) 1− p
p= AmpOp=−1+e
1+β∗∑ α∗log2 (1+it → second)
log2 (1+f ² ()) log2 (1+g ² ())
Clr=( , ) (f ² ()=ln(1+(e−1)∗p), g ² ()=ln(1+(e−1)∗(1− p)))
1+log 2 (1+f ²()) 1+log2 (1+g ²())
At the time when human harmony searches to model the effects the principles of
exerting existence, valid concept of gratefulness has to call for ordering
principles works around adjustment of aim object and what the ownership could mean.
Actually human knowledge culture is a running reality about clear concept of
imposing an importance for human inner inspiration to support the integrity of
intellectual insight holds many support signs of driven characteristics.

In fact because it is a principles of a driven kernel of would balance human

logic's to evaluate tractability of any traceability could impose its potential
pressure on what valid aim object shall mean when judgment of situation has to grow
with any unified term of confidence and trustfulness manage great effect of
manufacturing terms of human existence around and about transition dynamics,
usefulness of inner intellectual inspiration insight, harmony of cooperation for
each another, knowledge culture tries to resist any aspect of logic’s
transformation, valid design of quietness and prediction of wellness much more
impact a world of innocent terminology concern the healthy stay, the valid built in
behavior of management and so on … Thereupon for better running assets of human
logic’s, valid concept of operating harmony would invent new compiled codes belong
to architectural usefulness of what it would affect an illustrative image of well-
done around associate composite treats the significant signs of modeling(it can
exist a Composite runs reality show calls a function minus(among, basics)) to get
into a unified terminology of human satisfaction:: thereupon man people did think
that a judgment of a situation can link itself into a primordial image of well-done
when all process of manufacturing the human wellness has to deliver more confidence
and trustfulness of having the raw material to resist any motivation of
proportionality. Furthermore it is a concept of knowledge culture could gather much
more informative instructions would impose a wavy behavior works for proofs return.
Although it is a concept compressing things within respect of charging choices when
the boundary barrier limits has to evaluate reality of existence deals with date
encoding, codes for security, scientific aspects to link things to explanation or
principles of confidence and faithfulness. Hence it is a language of human
standards look for much more operative design of human harmony to believe in the
logic#s of sovereignty running along over away in order to support the driven
design of a storage space could be a consciously media influence and affect all
sort kind stuffs of reading through process, a process which could deliver much
more evaluation of knowledge culture and know how. Hence knowing that the incoming
edges of huge data could be subject of distinct transition around way of
translating incoming edges of data into something readable and could influence the
behavior around education and mimetic learning at the time when the judgment of
situation has to link itself into a valid concept of proportionality designs the
harmony of sovereign advances cases for better design of valid concept could then
hold the driven symbolic signs of situation judgment where the reality show has to
obey to principles of creationism or existence.
Thereupon many philosophical aspects could admit that the driven kernel of harmony
can lay around beyond the principles of existence: Yeah someone cold exist anywhere
else but the situation could differ from any other location for which human
thoughts would request much more trustfulness around constraint conditions defined
to make people happier than any where else.
Let’s look inside the driven kernels of politics management where the principles of
charging choices could then request that settlement set = (tourism, youth,
environment) is better way to understand human satisfaction and to admit that when
someone is younger could be happier but when someone would find the great good
atmosphere to occupy a great place inside the free path of driven decision that
helps aiding to reach driven dream for example being nearest to someone else or
achieving great tasks like to delivered codes in C/C++ language assuring great
concept of data compression all forms with great attention pays its importance in
the choice of compiler encoding either for given type-name like char type or other
data structures like making choices for sequences of bits to represent the reality
of transition terminology around over away while judgment of situation has to make
thoughts about the speedy zinging harmony influence the principles of great
transformation shall reign the valid concept of proportionality. Yeah someone could
be satisfied but not at all so upset or sad. Politics management within the inner
intellectual inspiration looks inside the processing of manufacturing idealism
around irrepressibility and impressive compressibility would mirror the image of
trustfulness and faithfulness looks to make people much more pride and proud of
themselves when judgment of situations has to comply with human standards that
people require to invent novel approaches shall determine whether the valid concept
of human modeling has to produce maintaining human touch contact into a free path
of gratefulness. Thereof it is a great opportunity to believe in politics
management divides the whole works into classification deals with each other
through the degree of wellness. Hence for first settlement set = (tourism, youth,
environment) and the second settlement set = (economy, industry, agriculture), a
great fort relationship between the judgment of situation based upon economic
indexes and the reality of clean environment or when the adaptive image of youth
has to adapt the bio-technique inside well-living and transformation of energy into
unified language of resistance could help people gather ratios of encouragement to
achieve success around behind the scenes of human logic’s.

Furthermore it is a great work when the second pairing schedule important index
around information theory and corresponding worthy wealth shall handles index of
superiority. Thereof settlement set like settlement set = (commerce, finance,
foreign) and settlement set = (culture, research, employment) would then show or
demonstrate that the transition tractability is something much more valuable
returns the cheerfulness of associate mount management could influence the whole
principles of politics. Because ((commerce, finance, foreign), (culture, research,
employment)) mapping pair which could affect the great works of inner intellect
inspiration insight around over away. Hence looking at a (buy, sell) process to
hack the principles of filtering based upon (induction = buying some electrons from
the grid simulation, capacitance = selling charges for user and end users) or vice
versa when the consuming of electrons would refer o a principles of financial
cultural behavior would obey to any comportment of translating (foreign
meaningfulness) into employment of consciously behavior shall decide for itself
whether selectivity or sensibility would integrate and generate the valid concept
of well-done, wellness, quietness, hopefulness, … etc.. Thus it is q valid mapping
pair when using a matrix reload principles would define its roots inside unified
language of satisfaction could refer to sensible behavior matters all sort kind
stuffs of truth and real world ask people for information about knowing how to
survive adventures and advances when arranging things will stand for itself.
Thereupon ((tourism, youth, environment), (economy, industry, agriculture)) mapping
pair and ((commerce, financial, foreign), (cultural, research, employment)) mapping
pair would determine indexing insight has to influence the whole process belongs to
“making law” or “making rules for living” or “imposing comportment for super well
done” or “shaping world of peacefulness and co” or “inducing instructive images of
what it shall be done or achieved or accomplished around over away” or “making
decision would stand for itself like Adams story when it was abut to make decision
but through upon it could be emission of learning something from inspired insight
has to unify the behavior of transition traceability around over away.

Thereof many inventors of digital compiler would then deliver much more performance
around imaging impact of transitions which could work together with the associate
principles of wavy behavior belongs to the systematic transformation of (LOW, HIGH)
mapping pairing function forms of human logic’s around traceability and its
usefulness. Thereof it is a great opportunity to believe in the driven design of
human harmony around manufacturing of systematic illustration could impact the
whole world of data encoding around over away where the principles of memory
mapping could manage the valid concept of transition tractability around over
away :::

#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "stddef.h"
#include "stdbool.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "math.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdbool>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <list>
#include <csetjmp>
using namespace std;

template<class T> T mul(T x, T y) {

T a = 1;

return a * x * y ;

template<class T, class V> T mul(T x, V y) {

T a = 1;

a = x * y;

return a;

template<class T> T frac(T x, T y) {

T a = 1;
if (y != 0 ) {

a = x / y;

return a;

template<class T, class V> T frac( T x, V y) {

T a = 1;

if ( y != 0 ) {

a = x / y ;

return 0;

template<class T> int Min(T x, std::map<char, int> InMap) {
T y = 1 - x;

std::map<char, int>::iterator it = InMap.begin();

int minx = it->second;

do {
if ( (it->second) < minx ) {

minx = it->second;


}while(it != InMap.end());

minx = mul(minx, -1 + exp(frac(y, x)));

return minx;

template<class T> int Max(T x, std::map<char, int> InMap) {

T y = 1 - x;

std::map<char, int>::iterator it = InMap.begin();

int mx = 1;

do {

if (mx > it->second) {

mx = it->second;


}while(it != InMap.end());

mx = mul(mx, -1 + exp(frac(x, y)));

return mx;

template<class T> int Max(float x, std::map<char, int> InMap) {

float y = 1 - x;

std::map<char, int>::iterator it = InMap.begin();

int mx = 1;

do {

if ( mx > it->second ) {

mx = it->second;


}while(it != InMap.end());

mx = mul(mx, -1 + exp(frac(x, y)));

return mx;

template<class T> float _Clear(T x, std::map<char, int> InMap) {

int mx = Max(x, InMap);

int minx = Min(x, InMap);

T ax = frac(mul(mul(mx, minx), mx - minx), mul(mul(mx + minx, mx + minx), mx

+ minx));

T avx = frac( mx + minx, 2);

ax = mul(ax, avx);

return ax;

/////////programming driven dynamics would use ntimes in rolling AmpOp and
converting string to integer as oscillation opportunity ////////////

template<class T, class V> float _Dynamics(T x, T z, V A, std::map<char,

int>::iterator it) {

T y = 1 - x;

// programming own dyanmics translates effectiveness of exp(x) =

divid(divide( multiply(y, A), a), -y + divid(multiply(Max(), c), power(2, b)))

T xa = mul(z, A);

const string cch = &it->first;

V a = atoi(cch.c_str()) ; // like V a = stoi(cch)

// with a stored inside a map number of appearance times ntimes got from it->second

V c = it->second;

T ax = mul(c, log2(1 + frac(mul(x, a), x + a)));

xa = frac(ax, a);

extern std::map<char, int> InMap;

int Max = Max(x, InMap);

T xb = -z + mul(Max, c);

ax = frac(ax, xb);

return ax;
//////////////// behavior to be used is a shiffting of phase multiiply(A,
exp(mul(j, f + phi)) ////////////////////////////////////

template<class T, class V> float _Behavior(T x, std::map<char, int>::iterator it) {

T y = 1 - x;

T ax = -1 + exp(frac(x, y));

T yb = -1 + exp(frac(y, x));

T ix = mul(ax, yb);

ix = mul(ix, ax - yb);

T iix = ax + yb;

iix = mul(iix, iix);

iix = mul(iix, ax + yb);

ix = frac(ix, iix);

ax = mul(ax, ix);

yb = dynamics(x, ax, ftoi(yb), it);

iix = log2( 1 + frac(ax, mul(yb, ix)));

ax = log2(2 - iix);

return ax;

// exploiting the exerting envelop in illustrative images of a wavy balance mirrors
voice characteristics: a, aaa, ei, adios, ...etc ////

template<class T, class V> float _Envelop(T x, T z, std::map<char, int>::iterator

it) {

int n = stoi(string(&it->first));
T y = 1 - x;

T ax = log2(frac(1 + mul(y, n), x));

T bx = log2(frac(1 + mul(x, n), y));

ax = mul(ax, bx);

T cx = 1 + mul(mul(z, 16), exp(x, y));

T dx = 1 + mul(mul(z, 16), exp(y, x));

T ex = frac(ax, cx);

T ix = frac(ax, dx);

ex = mul(ex, bx);

ix = mul(ix, bx);

// converting things into periodicity acquires frequency mapping show which

evaluates running pipes of ordering opportunity: ntimes per ///
// instructive cycle for example while (!feof(fptr)) { fgetc(fptr);.... other
statements} ///////////////
/////// or hacking driven class loop belongs to do{ const char fch = fgetc(fptr);
pther statements ...}while(!feof(fptr)); and so on ///////

T sx = ex + ix;

T wx = mul(mul(ex, ix), ex - ix) / mul(mul(sx, sx), sx);

while (wx < 0.5) {

x = ex;
ex = log2(frac(1 + mul(x, n), y));
y = 1 - x;
ix = log2(frac( 1 + mul(y, n), x));
ix = mul(ix, ex);
cx = 1 + mul(mul(z, 16), exp(frac(x, y)));
dx = 1 + mul(mul(z, 16), exp(frac(y, x)));
T vx = frac(ix, dx);
ix = frac(ix, cx);
ix = mul(ix, ex);
vx = mul(vx, ex);
sx = ix + vx;
wx = mul(mul(ix, vx), vx - ix) / mul(mul(sx, sx), sx);

return wx;


template<class T, class V> FILE* Store(T x, std::map<char, int>::iterator it, FILE*

fptr ) {

int n = stoi(string(it->first));
T y = 1 - x;

T bx = log2( 1 + frac(mul(x, n), x + n));

T xf = frac(mul(log2(frac(mul(x, n) + 1, y) ), log2(frac(mul(y, n) + 1, x))),

1 + mul(mul(16, bx), exp(frac(x, y))));

T yf = frac(mul(log2(frac(1 + mul(x, n), y)), mul(log2(frac(1 + mul(y, n),

x)))), 1 + mul(mul(16, bx), exp(frac(y, x))));

T ax = frac(mul(mul(xf, yf), xf - yf), mul(mul(xf + yf, xf + yf), xf + yf));

ax = mul(ax, it->second);

fprintf(fptr, "%c%f ", it->first, ax);

return fptr;


int main(int argc, char** argv) {

if (argc > 2) {

FILE* fptr = fopen(argv[1], "r");

long long int sum = 0;

std::map<char, int> InMap;

map<char, int>::iterator it = InMap.begin();

while(!feof(fptr)) {

char cch = fgetc(fptr);

it = InMap.find(cch);

if (it == InMap.end()) {

InMap.insert(it, std::pair<char, int>(cch, 1));

}else {


it = InMap.begin();

do {

sum += log2( 1 + it->second);


}while(it != InMap.end());

fptr = fopen(argv[2], "w");

it = InMap.begin();

do {

string vs = &(it->first);

int nn = atoi(vs.c_str());

float xf = log2( 1 + it->second ) / ( 1 + sum );

float yf = 1 - xf ;

float store = log2( 1 + yf / (1 + nn * xf) );

fprintf(fptr, "%c%f ", it->first, store );


}while(it != InMap.end());



fputs("Please give in-out files first then proceed \n", stdout);

return 0;

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