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#awakening #spirituality #cosmictrinity #christconsciousness #newearth5D #namaste #christmas

As the majority of the people in the Planet are celebrating the birthday of the Christ Jesus, I am
presenting a New Age Spiritual Perspective. This is new but probably the Spirituality of Jesus prior to
Christianity. This is not pagan and neither religious. This is the Cosmic Oneness Spirituality. The intention
of this video is not to disrespect an established understanding of Spiritual World, but to bring back an
ancient knowledge so that we can open a higher understanding in our experience.

Understanding the Trinity of the Cosmic Spirituality is the key to end the INNER CONFLICT.

The first person is the “I AM CONSCIOUSNESS”, the Oneness Consciousness, the totality of all
Consciousness that is infinite and limitless. This is God where our consciousness (soul) belongs. God is
the “macro-cosmic” and our soul is the “micro-cosmic” Divine.

The second person is the “WORD INCARNATE”. This is our body, the word that became flesh. Since we
are all spiritual beings having only a temporary human experience, as we descend into the physical
reality, we also descend into the consciousness of forgetfulness. Meaning, we do not remember who we
are and what we are capable of. Thus, we need to experience in order to learn. The reason for the
forgetfulness is our limiting beliefs. These are the mental constructs that we have developed in many
lifetimes of the Earth, but not really part of our soul, namely, fear, hatred, guilt, grief, blame, shame or
illusion of separation. This is manifested by “to see is to believe mentality”, where our focus is only
limited to the material aspect of life.

The third person is the “SPIRIT WORLD”. Because of our limited material understanding of life, brought
about by undiscovered Truth, lost or concealed information, we have limited our connection to the
world of spirits. In fact, a considerable amount of fear in the spirit world has been caused by these
mental constructs. What happens then when our ignorance is coupled by fear? SLAVERY. Our soul is
multidimensional, thus, they are beyond space and time. Once we try to understand our own soul, It will
connect us to Its real place, thus, giving us knowledge and wisdom to evolve in our true nature which is
Love and Benevolence.

This is our innate, if not only for the fear, hatred or unconscious limiting beliefs that caused to
disempower our true loving and benevolent nature. In the spiritual world, we have to maintain a
metaphysical understanding, meaning, we have to go beyond the physical understanding because they
are beyond the construct of time and space. They are multidimensional. They exist in the past, present
and future all at once. With this, we do not judge what we do not know because the truth is also
continuously evolving, as we evolve our consciousness. They are the angelic guides, ascended masters,
spirit guides, our ancestors and other beings who want to grace us with their help in the ascension of
our consciousness, by giving us knowledge and wisdom on how to return to our INNATE.

Much Love and Light


#awakening #spirituality #cosmictrinity #christconsciousness #newearth5D #namaste #christmas

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