Letter To Staff Burnouts

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Dear Edison High School Staff,

It’s the final stretch of the year, we’re into the last month of the term. Assignments are given and are

returned to be grades, and grades will be due for the final semester. Times are getting rough, especially with the

coronavirus and the fact that we can not see each other. Many of you are probably wrecking your brains trying to

figure out lesson plans and tests for the remainder of the year. All of the end of the year stress is coming, and it will

hit hard. Many of you will hit a teacher burnout from all of this, but hey you are not alone. Whether you are new to

teaching, or if you are more experienced, teacher burnouts happen.

Nothing is normal right now, and when you are having a burnout we don’t have the physical support from

our friends due to social distancing. What we do have though is the internet, which is where we can all stay

connected during these hard times. If you feel like you are burning out, take a step back and refuel to reset your

mind. Remember this is only temporary, and you can not let it take over. Step back and relax, remember that you got

this and you can make this all happen if you put your mind to it. Take care of yourself, make sure your physical and

mental health are in check. Talk to a friend or family member if you need to. I know administration puts a lot of

emphasis on grades and getting everything done at a certain time. As long as you know how to manage your time

you can do this, and always remember to give yourself time to relax.

It may seem like many things are going wrong, and it is easy to just focus on the negatives. If you take a

breath and step back, look at all that you have accomplished. Acknowledge how much you have done and how far

you have come. Know your limits so you do not get overly stressed out leading to the degradation of your health.

Don’t take up more work than is needed, because if you do that you will stress yourself out and forget about you. All

that I am trying to say is stay healthy and take care of yourself. Step back and recharge if you are having, or are

close to a burnout. Stay strong, we are all in this together.


Ganieanne Ganiron

ASB Intern

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