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Have you ever dreamed of becoming the person you admire the most? The ideal person in your eyes,
the perfect human being ever created, the idol, the one you fantasized, have you ever dreamt of
becoming the person yourself? Well, I do that all the time, and since this is a what if- question, I won’t
be soft orhhhn this. See, if I could choose to become the person I admire, I would love to transform
myself into Dato Lee Chong Wei. No, don’t get me wrong, what I mean the the badminton champion at
his peak. He is an amazing person with his enduring strength and dedication to badminton. Every match
of his gave me chills, seeing his determination in beating his opponents is never unsatisfying. If I could
become the former badminton champion affvbnuutt his peak, just imagine how cool I can become!
People cheering on me while so bring fame to my beloved country, and those muscles, too. Of all
seriousness, I wanted to become someone that can be depended on, a person that is trusted. For that
reason, I wanted to become the former badminton star at his prime, Dato Lee Chong Wei at his peak.

3. ??

Before you rack your brain worrying about the missing cheques and dollars in your wallet, think about
this – the best things in life are actually free. Yes, you heard me, and the primary reason that most of us
aren’t able to notice them is because we’re too into materialistic things, which is technically money, and
also because we take them for granted. See, most of us consider material possessions a tier above all
things, even greater than the things that actually matter in life – friends, family, etc. True, money can
enhance, improve or become literally everything in the world, but can money buy happiness? I doubt it.
The greatest things in life are absolutely free of charge, but sometimes the hardest things to notice is
the most obvious ones.

5. Quotation

Michele Jennae once quoted 'When there’s a will, there’s a way, perhaps tomorrow, if not today'. The
world works in a way that most people, if not everyone, will face obstacles every single day, where some
people work their way out, while the others fail miserably. Why? Because of willpower. Willpower is
needed for self-control and resilience, and guess what, success requires both of them. Remember the
times where people believed that the Earth was flat? Jokingly but seriously, the myth was case closed
through willpower. It’s undeniable that through willpower itself may not be enough to achieve
everything. But without it it’s worse, a person who lacks willpower lacks the guts to even try, and as a
result, chances of succeeding will always be a big fat zero. On the other hand, ‘when there’s will, there’s
a way'.

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