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1 annoy annoyance annoyed làm bực bội
2 beautify beauty beautiful beautifully xinh đẹp
3 characterize character characteristic characteristically tính cách
4 ease easy easily dễ
5 extreme extremely cực kỳ
6 generosity generous generously hào phóng
7 friend friendly bạn
friendship unfriendly
(tình bạn) ( không thân
friendliness thiện)
(sự thân thiện)
8 help helpful helpfully giúp đỡ
9 humor humorous humorously hài hước
10 intelligence intelligent thông minh
11 love lovely dễ thương
12 luck lucky luckily may mắn
unlucky unluckily
13 orphan trẻ mồ côi
orphanage trại mồ côi
14 peace peaceful peacefully hòa bình
15 sociable sociably thích xã giao
16 differ (from) difference different (from) differently (adv) khác biệt
17 volunteer volunteer voluntary voluntarily tình nguyện
18 reserve reservation reserved bảo thủ, rụt rè
19 care (chăm care careful carefully quan tâm, cẩn
sóc) carefulness (cẩn thận) carelessly thận
carelessness careless
(bất cẩn)
20 interest interest (un)interesting interestingly thú vị
interested interestedly
21 hardship hard hard khó khăn, gian
(sự gian khổ) hardly khổ
(hiếm khi)
22 happiness happy happilly hạnh phúc
23 difficulty difficult difficultly khó

Use the correct form of the words in brackets

1. Vietnamese people are very warm and________________. (friend)
2. La Hill is a ______________ writer. (humor)
3. I’m ______________sorry for coming late. (extreme)
4. I love the ____________of the atmosphere in the countryside. (peaceful)
5. Bao is very _____________, kind and generous. (social)
6. Each of my friend has a _________________ character. (difference)
7. We are good friends although each of us has a different ____________ (characteristic)
8. He spends most of his time doing charity work. He’s a ______________ man. (social)
9. He has a sense of _____________ because he often tells jokes. (humorous)
10. Nam makes friends very _____________ because he is very sociable. (ease)
11. Hoa is very ____________.She doesn’t talk to anybody in her class. (reservation)
12. A(n) ________ is a child who lost his parents. (orphanage)
13. They were very _________ to survive a fire. (luck)
14. Nga often helps poor and homeless people. She is ________ . (generosity)
15. _____________, her sister passed the driving test. (luck)
16. My uncle often spends his free time doing volunteer at a local __________. (orphan)
17. I love the ____________ of the summer evenings in the countryside. (peaceful)
18. My father is loved by his colleagues because of his sense of ________. (humorous)
19. A child whose parents have died is called an _____________. (orphanage)
20. An __________ is a home for children whose parents were dead. (orphan)
21. I find him quite _______________ in class. (reserve)
22. I think learning a language is very ______________. (interest)
23. She gets ____________ when people smoke in the restaurants. (annoy)
24. It was _______________ that she didn’t go to school. (surprise)
25. He always does his homework ________________. (careful)
26. I can do all of these exercises ________________. (ease)
27. Her sister plays the violin very ___________________. (beautiful)
28. Paul works very ____________ in his new job. (hard)
29. She looks ______________ because she gets good mark. (happiness)
30. I find it _________________ for me to answer her question. (difficulty)



1 act actor / actress active actively hành động
(hoạt động)
2 agree agreement agreeable agreeably đồng ý
disagree disagreement
3 arrange arrangement arranged sắp xếp
4 assist assistance assistant trợ giúp
(người phụ tá)
5 commercialize commerce commercial commercially thương mại
6 demonstrate demonstration demonstrable trình bày
7 emigrate emigration emigrational di cư
8 exhibit exhibition exhibitive triển lãm
9 Invent invention inventive phát minh
(nhà phát minh)
11 introduce introduction giới thiệu
12 invite invitation mời
13 music musical âm nhạc
14 transmit transmission transmittable truyền thanh
15 succeed success (un)successful (un)successfully thành công
16 deafen deafness deaf điếc

Use the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. I’ll make ________________for the meeting tomorrow. (arrange)
2. There was still no _______________on what to do next. (agree)
3. HCM City is an important _________________ center. (commerce)
4. Michael Faraday made a lot of ________________ in the field of electronic. (invent)
5. There was an _________________ of painting at the Art gallery. (exhibit)
6. Your order is ready for ________________ (deliver)
7. Thomas Watson was Bell’s ________________, wasn’t he? (assist)
8. He was _______________in demonstrating his inventions. (success)
9. Bell demonstrated his ________________ at a lot of exhibitions. (invent)
10. He was ask to _______________ how to connect with the Internet. (demonstration)
11. We have to make careful ________________ for our trip to Malaysia. (arrange)
12. What led to the _________________ of the telephone? (invent)
13. Lan felt sad because she was _______________ in her job. (success)
14. He likes ________________ movies very much. (act)
15. Marconi was the ________________ of radio. (invent)
16. Jack __________ me to his birthday party last week. (invitation)
17. The play was a _____________________ success. (commerce)
18. Alexander Graham Bell ______________ demonstrated his invention. (success)
19. Can I leave the ______________________ of the tables for you. (arrange)
20. Alexander Graham Bell experimented with ways of transmitting ________ over a long
distance. (speak)
21. The film ____________ is very attractive. (introduce)
22. The life in the countryside makes us relaxed because it’s very ________________. (peace)
23. She called him about her furniture ________________________. (deliver)
24. Each of my friends has a ____________ character. (differ)
25. You should do your test ____________ if you want to get good marks. (care)
26. There was still no ________________on what to do next. (agree)
27. This river is very _______________________ for swimmers. (danger)
28. My mother told me a very ___________________ story yesterday. (interest)
29. This old man is __________________ in one ear. (deafen)
30. He can play many kinds of ____________ instruments. (music)



1 attract attraction attractive attractively hấp dẫn
2 chemical chemic chemically hóa học
(hóa chất)
(nhà hóa học)
3 communicate communication communicative communicatively giao tiếp
4 community communal cộng đồng
5 danger dangerous dangerously nguy hiểm
6 destroy destruction destructive destructively phá hủy
7 electrify electricity electric (dùng) electrically điện
electrician electrical (có
(thợ điện) liên quan điện)
8 encourage encouragement encouraging encouragingly khuyến khích
9 marvel marvelous tuyệt vời
10 suit (un)suitability (un)suitable (un)suitably phù hợp
11 dirt dirty dơ bẩn
12 safe (két sắt) safe Safely an toàn
safety unsafe Unsafely
13 house household gia đình
(hộ gia đình)
14 injure injury injured bị thương
(vết thương)
1. Be careful to cover the ___________ sockets for the safety of the children. (electric)
2. Every _________________ in my neighborhood has at least a TV set. (house)
3. Hard work always brings _______________. (succeed)
4. She is often worried about the _____________ of all electric appliances in her house. (safe)
5. In order to save ________ , remember to turn off all the lights in the room before you leave.
6. You should obey the _________ regulations at the hospital yesterday. (safe)
7. The __________ victims were sent to the hospital yesterday. (injure)
8. You have to keep all __________ object out off the children’s reach. (danger)
9. A kitchen is not a ______________ place to play. (suitability)
10. Heat gradually ______________ vitamin C. (destruction)
11. It’s a ____________ idea for children to do some working at early age. (marvel)
12. Most teenagers like taking part in _____________ service. (communal)
13. Warm clothes are ______________ for hot weather. (suit)
14. The _______________ of atom bomb is very terrible. (destroy)
15. You must put all the _____________ in a cupboard. (chemistry)
16. These are some _____________ precautions in the home. (safe)
17. I’m going to the shop for a rice _____________. What brand do you recommend ? (cook)
18. He works as a(n) ___________________. (electricity)
19. A ____________a strong metal box or cupboard with a complicated lock, used for storing
valuable things in, for example, money or jewellery. (safe)
20. We must reach a(n) _________________ soon. (agree)
21. Kitchen isn’t a _________________ place to play in. (suit)
22. Kitchen is an _________________ place to play in. (suit)
23. Did you take your _______________? (medical)
24. I can’t finish this task without your __________. (encourage)
25. Ha Long Bay is one of the most famous tourist _____________. (attract)
26. She brought me a(n) ____________ kettle as a gift. (electricity)
27. His room is full of ___________ (dirty)
28. She __________ everybody with a beautiful smile last night. (attractive)
29. When the _____________went out, he struck the match to find the candles. (electric)
30. His __________ became worse because he ignored the doctor’s advice. (injure)



2 (dis)appear (dis)appearance xuất hiện
3 change change (un)changeable (un)changeable thay đổi
4 color Colorful màu sắc
5 cruelty cruel cruelly độc ác
6 decide decision decisive quyết định
7 equip equipment equipped thiết bị
8 excite excitement excited excitedly háo hức
exciting excitingly
9 serve service phục vụ
(người hầu)
10 home homeless nhà / không nhà
11 immediacy immediate immediately lập tức
12 magic magical magically phép thuật
13 quietness quiet quietly yên lặng
14 tradition traditional traditionally truyền thống
15 wonder wonder wonderful wonderfully tuyệt vời
16 fortune (un)fortunate (un)fortunately (không) may mắn
17 wisdom wise wisely khôn ngoan
18 own owner sở hữu, chủ
19 participate participation tham gia
(người tham gia)

1. Our life is much better with the help of modern _____________. (equip)
2. All the singers wore _______________ costumes. (tradition)
3. ______________, I lost my keys on the way home. (fortunate)
4. A fairy ______________ changed Little Pea’s rags into beautiful clothes. (magic)
5. Everyone was very ___________ after hearing that new. (excite)
6. You made a wise _____________ when you chose to study Spanish . (decide)
7. The boy fell off his bicycle and _______________ broke his arm. (fortunate)
8. The “Lost Shoe” is one of the _____________ stories I like best. (tradition)
9. His sudden _____________ surprised all of us. (appear)
10. The tiger wanted to see the farmer’s _____________ (wise)
11. He is so proud of his _______________. (wise)
12. I can’t stand people who are ____________ to animals. (cruelty)
13. The children were very _____________ to hear the fairy tale. (excite)
14. My grandfather often wears _____________ clothes on the Tet holiday. (tradition)
15. Children were very happy with the _____________of the fairy. (appear)
16. My car has given me excellent __________ (serve)
17. Who is the ____________ of this black Merced? (own)
18. Would you like ________________ in the Festival in Hue next week? (participation)
19. This room is ___________ with latest machine. (equip)
20. He kept ___________ during the meeting. (quietness)
21. The teenagers shouted ____________ in the concert. (excite)
22. There are many ___________ in this competition. (participate)
23. He came home ________ when he heard the news. (immediate)
24. The tiger wondered why a strong buffalo was a farmer’s _______ (serve)
25. My Tam has a ____________ voice. (wonder)
26. Many people became ____________ after the storm. (home)
27. It is a(n) ____________ decision, so make sure it’s your final answer. (change)
28. Children enjoy __________ fish. (color)
29. ____________, children receive lucky money at Tet. (tradition)
30. Many people don’t believe in _________ (magical)



1 behave behavior behavioral hành vi
2 cooperate cooperation cooperative hợp tác
3 enjoy enjoyment enjoyable enjoyably thú vị
4 importance (un)important importantly quan trọng
5 improve improvement improvable cải thiện
6 memorize memory memorable memorably ghi nhớ
7 nervousness nervous hồi hộp
8 excel excellence excellent excellently xuất sắc
9 please pleasure pleasant hài lòng
10 practice practice practical Thực hành
11 pride pride proud (of) proudly hãnh diện
12 pronounce pronunciation pronounced phát âm
13 revise revision ôn luyện
14 (un)satisfy satisfaction (un)satisfactory (un)satisfactorily hài lòng
Satisfying satisfyingly
15 celebrate celebration ceebrated tổ chức, ăn
16 comfort comfort (un)comfortabl (un)comfortaby thoải mái
Use the correct form of the words in brackets
1. Her disappearance has never been _______________ explained. (satisfy)
2. Do you know the _______________ of that word? (pronounce)
3. I’m pleased to hear you had an _____________ summer vacation. (enjoy)
4. Don’t you know the ______________ of self-study? (important)
5. Her parents are ________ with her good behavior. (please)
6. Our project wouldn’t be ______________ without your kind cooperation. (success)
7. You don’t have to ______ the grammar rules to be able to do these exercises. (memory)
8. You have to _____________ those English vocabularies every day. (revision)
9. She actively ______________ in social work. (participation)
10. His ______________ towards her is becoming more and more aggressive. (behave)
11. We used to ______________ in many activities of communal center. (participation)
12. I can do all of these exercises ______________ (easy)
13. He was ___________ of his achievements in the field of politics. (pride)
14. His _________________ of some words is not correct. (pronounce)
15. Her ________ prevented her from success. (nervous)
16. We finished the test __________ (excellent)
17. The teacher is pleased with the __________ in my study. (improve)
18. He is an __________ student. (excellence)
19. Students should only learn __________ words. (importance)
20. __________ is necessary. (revise)
21. We are going to Hue tonight to __________ the festival with my family. (celebration)
22. His mom takes __________ in him. (proud)
23. We spent our summer vacation __________ (enjoy)
24. They aim at __________ target. (practice)
25. Her English __________ very fast (improvement)
26. They always __________ kindly towards their neighbors (behavior)
27. She always talks about his son __________ (pride)
28. Sit down and make yourselves __________ (comfort)
29. Sit down and __________ your dinner, please (enjoyment)
30. We are looking forward to our next ___________ (cooperate)



1 apply application applicable nộp đơn
2 environment environmental environmentally môi trường
3 establish establishment established thành lập
4 naturalize nature natural naturally tự nhiên
5 organize organization organizational tổ chức
6 prepare preparation well-prepared chuẩn bị
7 recycle recycling recycled tái chế
8 volunteer volunteer voluntary voluntarily tình nguyện
9 youth young trẻ
10 enroll enrollment enroll đăng ký
11 similarity similar similarly tương tự
12 health (un)healthy (un)healthily sức khỏe
13 popularize popularity popular popularly phổ biến
14 sign signature ký tên
15 awareness aware ý thức
16 educate education educational educationally giáo dục

1. We will interview only three ______________ for the job. (apply)

2. The World Health ____________ is an international one. (organize)
3. We should save __________ resources. (nature)
4. Because of the ___________of her teachers, she decided to study law. (encourage)
5. There is a big __________ between British and German schools. (differ)
6. The Boy Scouts of America is a youth __________. (organize)
7. The form must have the __________ of the writer. (sign)
8. The students do the ____________ work to help the poor. (volunteer)
9. They are brother, but they ___________ widely in their taste. (difference)
10. The _____________ is the air, water, land, animals and plants around us. (environmental)



1 perform performance biểu diễn
2 discuss discussion discussible thảo luận
3 produce production productive sản xuất
produce (nông
4 quickness quick quickly nhanh
5 specialize specialist special specially đặc biệt
6 taste taste tasty nếm, vị
7 neighbor neighboring hàng xóm
8 notice notice noticeable noticeably chú ý
9 convenience convenient conveniently tiện nghi
10 reside resident residential residentially cư ngụ
11 select selection selective selectively lựa chọn
12 photograph photograph chụp ảnh
(nhiếp ảnh)
(nhà nhiếp
13 inform information informative informatively thông tin

Use the correct form of the words in brackets

1. Nam thinks the food in this restaurant is ______________ . (taste)
2. Coffee is Brazil’s main ______________. (produce)
3. The new shoes are not very ________________. (comfort)
4. We’ll prepare it as ______________ as possible. (quick)
5. After _______________, they decided to accept our offer. (discuss)
6. They are getting along with their _____________ (neighborhood)
7. I can’t see him now, it’s not ______________ (convenience).
8. It was great _______________ to have a school so near. (convenient)
9. Most people want to live in _____________ in their old age. (comfortable)
10. We must arrange a _______________ time and place for the meeting. (convenience)
11. I’m not prepared to _______________ the matter any further. (discussion)
12. The supermarket offers a wide ______________ of summer clothes. (select)
13. It’s _________ to use the internet to search for updated information. (convenience)
14. Something that is _________________ makes you feel relaxed. (comfort)
15. The Beatles gave their very first  ____________  on BBC Radio in March of 1962.
16. ________________, our boss won’t be able to attend the meeting. (fortunate)
17. People always want to live in peace and _________________. (comfortable)
18. A _____________ is a person who takes photographs professionally. (photograph)
19. Let’s have a ______________ by the sea. (celebrate)
20. Customers always want good ___________ (produce)
21. The concert was stopped when one of the  ___________  had a heart attack. (perform)
22. __________ rental is getting higher and higher (resident)
23. Anne went to the spa for a ____________ beauty treatment. (specialty)
24. We just moved into the____________ a few days ago, and everyone has been so friendly.
25. We need some background ______________ on the company before deciding if we want to
work with them. (inform)
26. The company has been cutting trees _______________, only choosing the best trees, while
leaving enough forest to support the existing wildlife. (select)
27. China is working to improve relations with ___________  countries. (neighbor)
28. On maps, adjacent countries are usually shown in _____________ colors. (differ)
29. An apple, onion, and potato all have the same ___________ ; the differences in flavor are
caused by their smell. (tasty)
There is a ___________ sign in the corner. (notice)

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