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Cylindrical Waves

Guided Waves

Cylindrical Waves

Daniel S. Weile

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of Delaware

ELEG 648—Waves in Cylindrical Coordinates

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Cylindrical Waves
Guided Waves


1 Cylindrical Waves
Separation of Variables
Bessel Functions
TEz and TMz Modes

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Cylindrical Waves
Guided Waves


1 Cylindrical Waves
Separation of Variables
Bessel Functions
TEz and TMz Modes

2 Guided Waves
Cylindrical Waveguides
Radial Waveguides

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes


1 Cylindrical Waves
Separation of Variables
Bessel Functions
TEz and TMz Modes

2 Guided Waves
Cylindrical Waveguides
Radial Waveguides

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

The Scalar Helmholtz Equation

Just as in Cartesian coordinates, Maxwell’s equations in

cylindrical coordinates will give rise to a scalar Helmholtz
Equation. We study it first.

∇2 ψ + k 2 ψ = 0

In cylindrical coordinates, this becomes

1 ∂2ψ ∂2ψ
1 ∂ ∂ψ
ρ + 2 2 + + k 2ψ = 0
ρ ∂ρ ∂ρ ρ ∂φ ∂z 2

We will solve this by separating variables:

ψ = R(ρ)Φ(φ)Z (z)

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

Separation of Variables

Substituting and dividing by ψ, we find

1 d2 Φ 1 d2 Z
1 d dR
ρ + + + k2 = 0
ρR dρ dρ ρ2 Φ dφ2 Z dz 2

The third term is independent of φ and ρ, so it must be constant:

1 d2 Z
= −kz2
Z dz 2
This leaves

1 d2 Φ
1 d dR
ρ + 2 + k 2 − kz2 = 0
ρR dρ dρ ρ Φ dφ2

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

Separation of Variables
Now define the
Radial Wavenumber
kρ2 = k 2 − kz2

and multiply the resulting equation by ρ2 to find

1 d2 Φ
ρ d dR
ρ + + kρ2 ρ2 = 0
R dρ dρ Φ dφ2

The second term is independent of ρ and z, so we let

1 d2 Φ
= −n2
Φ dφ2

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

Separation of Variables
This process leaves an ordinary differential equation in ρ alone.
We thus have:
The Cylindrical Helmholtz Equation, Separated
d dR h i
ρ ρ + (kρ ρ)2 − n2 R = 0
dρ dρ
d2 Φ
+ n2 Φ = 0
d2 Z
+ kz2 Z = 0
dz 2
kρ2 + kz2 = k 2

The first of these equations is called Bessel’s Equation; the

others are familiar.
D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves
Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

The Harmonic Equations

We have already seen equations like those in the z and φ

directions; the solutions are
trigonometric, or
The only novelty is that φ is periodic or finite; it therefore is
always expanded in a series and not an integral.
If there is no limit in the φ direction we find
The Periodic Boundary Condition

Φ(φ) = Φ(φ + 2π)

This implies that n ∈ Z if the entire range is included.

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes


1 Cylindrical Waves
Separation of Variables
Bessel Functions
TEz and TMz Modes

2 Guided Waves
Cylindrical Waveguides
Radial Waveguides

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

Bessel’s Equation For Statics

The remaining equation to be solved is the radial equation,
i.e. Bessel’s Equation.
Note that the problem simplifies considerably if kρ = 0
(which would be the case if ρ = 0.
In this case, we have
Bessel’s Equation for Statics
d dR
ρ ρ − n2 R = 0
dρ dρ

To solve it, let

ρ = ex

= ex = ρ.
D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves
Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

Bessel’s Equation For Statics

This implies that
d dρ d d
= =ρ
dx dx dρ dρ
Our equation therefore becomes
d2 R
− n2 R = 0
dx 2
The solutions to this are

A + Bx n=0
R(x) =
Aenx + Be−nx n 6= 0
and thus the solutions really are
Static Solutions of Bessel’s Equation

A + B ln ρ n = 0
R(ρ) =
Aρn + Bρ−n n =6 0
D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves
Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

Bessel Functions
We are generally more interested in the dynamic case in which
we must solve the full Bessel Equation:
d dR i
ξ ξ + ξ 2 − n2 R = 0
dξ dξ
(We normalize kρ = 1, and rewrite the equation in terms of ρ
instead of ξ) To solve this equation, we suppose

R(ξ) = ξ α cm ξ m


dR X
= (α + m)cm ξ α+m−1


D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

Bessel Functions

dR X
ξ = (α + m)cm ξ α+m

and   X∞
d dR
ξ = (α + m)2 cm ξ α+m−1
dξ dξ
so finally
d dR X
ξ ξ = (α + m)2 cm ξ α+m
dξ dξ
Now, we can plug in...

X h ∞
(α + m)2 cm ξ α+m + ξ 2 − n2 cm ξ α+m = 0
m=0 m=0

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

Bessel Functions

We now have
∞ h
X i ∞
(α + m)2 − n2 cm ξ α+m + cm ξ α+m+2 = 0
m=0 m=0

∞ h
X i ∞
(α + m)2 − n2 cm ξ α+m + cm−2 ξ α+m = 0
m=0 m=2

We can proceed by forcing the coefficients of each term to

vanish. We fix c0 6= 0 because of the homogeneity of the

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

Bessel Functions

For ξ α :
(α2 − n2 ) = 0
since c0 6= 0 by assumption,

α = ±n.

For ξ α+1 : h i
(α + 1)2 − n2 c1 = 0

c1 = 0

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

Bessel Functions

Finally, for all other ξ α+m :

h i
(α + m)2 − n2 cm + cm−2 = 0

Assuming α = n,

cm = cm−2
m(m + 2n)

Thus, immediately, for p ∈ Z

c2p+1 = 0

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

Bessel Functions
Given that the odd coefficients vanish, we let m = 2p and let

ap = c2p

ap = c2p = c2p−2 = ap−1
4p(p + n)
a1 = a0
4(n + 1)
−1 −1
a2 = a0
4(n + 2)(2) 4(n + 1)
−1 −1 −1
a3 = a0
4(n + 3)(3) 4(n + 2)(2) 4(n + 1)

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

Bessel Functions
Thus, in general,
(−1)p n!
ap = a0
4p p!(n + p)!
Thus, if we choose 2−n n!a0 = 1, and recall

X ∞
R(ξ) = ξ α
cm ξ = ap ξ 2p+n
m=0 p=0

we can (finally!) define the

Bessel Function of Order n
∞  2p+n
X (−1)p ξ
Jn (ξ) =
p!(n + p)! 2

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes


This function is entire; it exists and is differentiable for all ξ.

This is only one solution of the equation:
We will get to the other shortly.
The other solution is not regular at the origin since the
coefficient of the second order derivative vanishes there.
Note that the solution looks like the corresponding static
(ρn ) solution at the origin.
Note also that fractional orders are possible, but do not
arise as commonly in applications (Why not?)

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

The Other Solution

Our original equation (normalized) was
d du i
ξ ξ + ξ 2 − n2 u = 0
dξ dξ

The other solution, v must solve

d dv i
ξ ξ + ξ 2 − n2 v = 0
dξ dξ

Multiply the first equation by v and the second by u, subtract,

and divide by ξ:
d du d dv
v ξ −u ξ =0
dξ dξ dξ dξ

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

The Other Solution

Expanding this out

ξ(u 00 v − uv 00 ) + u 0 v − uv 0 = 0,

d  0
ξ(u v − uv 0 ) = 0

It therefore stands to reason that

ξ(u 0 v − uv 0 ) = C

u 0 v − uv 0 C2
= 2
v ξv

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

The Other Solution

This of course implies

d u  C2
= 2
dξ v ξv

This can be integrated to give

u dξ
= C1 + C2
v ξv 2
or Z

u(ξ) = C1 v (ξ) + C2 v (ξ)
ξv (ξ)2

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

The Other Solution

Setting C1 = 0, v (ξ) = Jn (ξ), expanding the series and

integrating gives rise to the
Neumann Function

Yn (ξ) = Jn (ξ)
ξJn2 (ξ)

This function
This function is also called the “Bessel function of the
second kind.”
It is sometimes denoted by Nn (ξ).
This function is not defined for ξ = 0.

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

Graphs of Jn (x)


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

Graphs of Yn (x)





−0.4 Y0(x)
−0.6 Y2(x)
−0.8 Y4(x)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

Hankel Functions

The Jn and Yn are both real functions for real arguments.

They must therefore represent standing waves (Why?).

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

Hankel Functions

The Jn and Yn are both real functions for real arguments.

They must therefore represent standing waves (Why?).
Hankel functions represent traveling waves.
Traveling waves are represented by
Hankel Functions

Hn (x) = Jn (x) + jYn (x)
Hn (x) = Jn (x) − jYn (x)

These are called Hankel functions of the first and second kind,

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

Small Argument Behavior

Suppose Re(ν) > 0.
Let ln γ = 0.5772 ⇒ γ = 1.781 (i.e. ln γ is “Euler’s
Consider the behavior of the Bessel and Neumann functions as
x → 0:
J0 (x) → 1
2 γx
Y0 (x) → ln
π 2
1  x ν
Jν (x) →
ν! 2
(ν − 1)! 2 ν
Yν (x) → −
π x
The only Bessel functions finite at the origin are the Jn (x).
D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves
Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

Large Argument Behavior

As x → ∞:
2  π νπ 
Jν (x) → cos x − −
πx 4 2
2  π νπ 
Yν (x) → sin x − −
πx 4 2
Given the definition of Hankel functions, we must also have
2 −ν jx
Hν(1) (x) → j e
2j ν −jx
Hν(2) (x) → j e
The Hν represent outward traveling waves.
Why are these all proportional to x − 2 ?
D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves
Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

Imaginary Arguments

In applications, we get Bessel functions of dimensionless

quantities: Bn (kρ ρ).
If kρ becomes imaginary, we have evanescence in the ρ
For these applications, we define the
Modified Bessel Functions

In (x) = j n Jn (−jx)
π (2)
Kn (x) = (−j)n+1 Hn (−jx)
These are real functions of real arguments.

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

Graphs of In (x)


4 I2(x)




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

Graphs of Kn (x)

4.5 K1(x)
3.5 K4(x)




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes


1 Cylindrical Waves
Separation of Variables
Bessel Functions
TEz and TMz Modes

2 Guided Waves
Cylindrical Waveguides
Radial Waveguides

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

Transverse Magnetic Fields

= uz ψ
for some solution of the Helmholtz equation ψ. Then
1 ∂ψ 1 ∂2ψ
Hρ = ρ ∂φ Eρ = ŷ ∂ρ∂z
1 ∂2ψ
Hφ = − ∂ψ
∂ρ Eφ = ŷ ρ∂φ∂z 
1 ∂2
Hz = 0 Ez = ŷ ∂z 2
+ k2 ψ

This is a general formula for a TMz field; Hz = 0.

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Separation of Variables
Cylindrical Waves
Bessel Functions
Guided Waves
TEz and TMz Modes

Transverse Electric Fields

= uz ψ

for some solution of the Helmholtz equation ψ. Then
1 ∂2ψ
Eρ = − 1ρ ∂ψ
∂φ Hρ = ẑ ∂ρ∂z
∂ψ 1 ∂2ψ
Eφ = ∂ρ Hφ = ẑρ∂φ∂z 
1 ∂2
Ez = 0 Hz = ẑ ∂z 2
+ k2 ψ

This is a general formula for a TEz field; Ez = 0.

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves


1 Cylindrical Waves
Separation of Variables
Bessel Functions
TEz and TMz Modes

2 Guided Waves
Cylindrical Waveguides
Radial Waveguides

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

The Circular Waveguide

A circular waveguide is a tube of (say) radius a.

The field must be finite at ρ = 0, so only Jn are admissible.
Without further ado, the wave function for TMz waves is
sin nφ
ψ = Jn (kρ ρ) e−jkz z
cos nφ

The azimuthal dependence keeps the transverse fields in

phase; either sine or cosine can be chosen.
For n = 0 we obviously choose the cosine.
The restriction to n ∈ Z is required because of the periodic
boundary condition. Other boundaries would lead to other
D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves
Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Boundary Conditions
1 2
Ez = (k − kz2 )ψ

we need ψ to vanish on the walls. This implies

Jn (kρ a) = 0

giving the
Values for kρ
kρ =
where χnp is the pth solution of

Jn (χnp ) = 0.

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Roots of Bessel Functions, χnp

The roots of the Bessel functions are well tabulated.

n=0 n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4 n=5

p =1 2.405 3.832 5.136 6.380 7.588 8.771
p =2 5.520 7.016 8.417 9.761 11.065 12.339
p =3 8.654 10.173 11.620 13.015 14.732
p =4 11.792 13.324 14.796
For TMz modes, we have:
 χ ρ   sin nφ 
ψnp = Jn e−jkz z
a cos nφ
with  χ 2
+ kz2 = k 2
D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves
Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

TEz Modes

The wave function for TEz waves is

sin nφ
ψ = Jn (kρ ρ) e−jkz z
cos nφ

just as for TMz and for the same reasons. (Here, of course,
F = ψuz .)
Eφ = ,
so we need
Jn0 (kρ a) = 0.

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

TEz Modes

We therefore find the radial wavenumber must be of the form

Values for kρ
kρ =
where χ0np is the pth solution of

Jn0 (χ0np ) = 0.

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Roots of Bessel Function Derivatives, χ0np

The roots of the Bessel function derivatives are also well

n=0 n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4 n=5

p =1 3.832 1.841 3.054 4.201 5.317 6.416
p =2 7.016 5.331 6.706 87.015 9.282 10.520
p =3 10.173 8.536 9.969 11.346 12.682 13.987
p =4 13.324 11.706 13.170
For TEz modes, we have:
χnp ρ

sin nφ
ψnp = Jn e−jkz z
a cos nφ
with 2

+ kz2 = k 2
D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves
Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Cutoff occurs when kz = 0 We can thus compute the
Cutoff Wavenumber
χnp χ0np
(kc )TM
np = (kc )TE
np =
a a
and the
Cutoff Frequencies
χnp χ0np
(fc )TM
np = √ (fc )TE
np = √
2πa µ 2πa µ

Cutoff frequency is thus proportional to the roots χnp and

χ0np .
The fundamental mode is TE11 .
D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves
Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Modal Impedance

The calculation of impedance is just like that in rectangular

waveguides. The result is the same too:

Eρ Eφ ωµ
Z0TE = =− =
Hφ Hρ kz

Eρ Eφ kz
Z0TM = =− =
Hφ Hρ ω
Other cylindrical waveguides can be analyzed similarly;
homework will contain examples.

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves


1 Cylindrical Waves
Separation of Variables
Bessel Functions
TEz and TMz Modes

2 Guided Waves
Cylindrical Waveguides
Radial Waveguides

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Radial Waveguides

In addition to cylindrical waveguides, we can consider

guides that carry waves radially.
The simplest such guide is a parallel plate waveguide,
analyzed to consider radial propagation.
We call the distance between the plates (in the z-direction)

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Radial Waveguides

In addition to cylindrical waveguides, we can consider

guides that carry waves radially.
The simplest such guide is a parallel plate waveguide,
analyzed to consider radial propagation.
We call the distance between the plates (in the z-direction)
For TMz waves, we need Eρ = Eφ = 0.

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Radial Waveguides

In addition to cylindrical waveguides, we can consider

guides that carry waves radially.
The simplest such guide is a parallel plate waveguide,
analyzed to consider radial propagation.
We call the distance between the plates (in the z-direction)
For TMz waves, we need Eρ = Eφ = 0.
Both components are proportional to a derivative of ψ in
their respective directions, so the wave functions are

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Radial Waveguides

In addition to cylindrical waveguides, we can consider

guides that carry waves radially.
The simplest such guide is a parallel plate waveguide,
analyzed to consider radial propagation.
We call the distance between the plates (in the z-direction)
For TMz waves, we need Eρ = Eφ = 0.
Both components are proportional to a derivative of ψ in
their respective directions, so the wave functions are

TMz Wavefunctions for Parallel Plate Guide

TM (2)
ψmn = cos z cos nφHn (kρ ρ)
D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves
Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Radial Wavguides
The solution on the previous slide chose cos nφ for
simplicity; sin nφ is legal but gives no new information.
The solution on the previous slide is for outgoing waves,
incoming waves are proportional to Hn (kρ ρ).
For TEz waves, we need the same components to vanish.
Here, they are directly proportional to the wavefunction so
we find the
TEz Wavefunctions for Parallel Plate Guide
TE (2)
ψmn = sin z cos nφHn (kρ ρ)
In either case we find that
 mπ 2
kρ = k2 −
D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves
Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Phase Constant and Velocity: An Aside

In general, any wave can be written in polar form

ψ(x, y , z) = A(x, y , z)ejΦ(x,y ,z)

where A, Φ ∈ R. In the time domain, this wave becomes

n o
Re A(x, y , z)ejΦ(x,y ,z) ejωt

A surface of constant phase thus has the form

ωt + Φ(x, y , z) = constant

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Phase Constant and Velocity: An Aside

This equation can be differentiated with respect to t to give

ω + ∇Φ · vp = 0

This equation cannot be solved per se; it is one equation in

three unknowns!
If we choose a direction, we can solve it along that
direction (i.e., we can find the speed we need to move to
keep the phase fixed.)
Thus, we have the
Phase Velocity in the x-Direction
vpx = − ∂Φ

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Phase Constant and Velocity: An Aside

We can also define the

Phase Velocity in the Direction of Travel
vp = −

In any case, we have the

β = −∇Φ

We would like to see how these ideas apply to radial travel.

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Phase Velocity of Radial Waves

From the above discussion, we can define

d Yn (kρ ρ)
βρ = − tan−1
dρ Jn (kρ ρ)

Let us compute this:

d Yn (kρ ρ) 1 d Yn (kρ ρ)
− tan−1 = − 2
dρ Jn (kρ ρ) dρ Jn (kρ ρ)

Yn (kρ ρ)
1+ Jn (kρ ρ)

kρ Yn0 (kρ ρ)Jn (kρ ρ) − Yn (kρ ρ)Jn0 (kρ ρ)

= − 2
Jn2 (kρ ρ)

Yn (kρ ρ)
1+ Jn (kρ ρ)

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Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Phase Velocity of Radial Waves

The Wronskian
Jn (x)Yn0 (x) − Jn0 (x)Yn (x) = .
kρ 1 2
βρ = 2
Jn2 (kρ ρ) πkρ ρ

Yn (kρ ρ)
1+ Jn (kρ ρ)
2 1
πρ Jn (kρ ρ) + Yn2 (kρ ρ)

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Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Phase Velocity of Radial Waves

Now, as ρ → ∞, we can substitute the large argument


2 1
βρ =
πρ Jn2 (kρ ρ) + Yn2 (kρ ρ)
"s #2
2  2  π nπ 
→ cos kρ ρ − −
πρ  πkρ 4 2
"s #2 −1
2  π nπ  
+ sin kρ ρ − − = kρ
πkρ 4 2 

Why would we expect this?

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Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Modal Impedance and Cutoff

Impedance can be computed in the usual manner:
Outward-Travelling Modal Impedance

kρ Hn (kρ ρ)
Z+ρTM = − HEφz =
jω Hn(2)0 (kρ ρ)
Eφ jωµ Hn (kρ ρ)
Z+ρTE = Hz =
kρ Hn(2)0 (kρ ρ)

Note that this is not purely real. Now, it should be remembered

that r
 mπ 2
kρ = k 2 −

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Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Modal Impedance and Cutoff

We thus have a purely imaginary radial wavenumber (−jα) if

ka < mπ. Recall
(2) 2 n+1
Hn (−jαρ) = j Kn (αρ)
Plugging this in to our expression for TM impedance, we find

jα Kn (αρ)
Z+ρTM =
ω Kn0 (αρ)

Since the Kn are real functions of real arguments, this

expression is purely imaginary and no energy propagates.

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Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

TM0n Modes

only m = 0 modes propagate. (These are all TMz .)
In this case we have
TM0n Wavefunctions
TM (2)
ψ0n = cos nφHn (k ρ)

How can large n modes propagate?

Why is this cause for concern?

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Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Impedance of TM0n Modes

To understand what is happening, we look at the expression

TM Hn (k ρ)
Z+ρ = −jη (2)0
Hn (k ρ)

Using a well-known identity (obtained by differentiating and

manipulating Bessel’s equation) we can write

TM Hn (k ρ)
Z+ρ = −jη
n (2) (2)
x Hn (k ρ) − Hn+1 (k ρ)

By examining the (absolute) phase angle of the impedance, we

can see how efficiently each mode carries energy.

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Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Absolute Impedance Phase vs. k ρ

80 n=1
70 n=4







0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

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Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Gradual Cutoff

The last slide shows that as the frequency increases, each

mode carries power more efficiently.
The transition from storing energy to carrying it occurs at

kρ = n

This is exactly where the radial waveguide is n

wavelengths in circumference.
This phenomenon is called gradual cutoff and it is related
to the poor radiation ability of small antennas.

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Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

The TM00 mode

The dominant mode in the radial parallel plate guide is the

TM00 mode.
The outwardly traveling fields are given by

k 2 (2)
Ez+ = H (k ρ)
jω 0
Hφ+ = kH1 (k ρ)

This is a TEM mode and can be analyzed with a

transmission line analysis if desired.
The inductance/capacitance per unit length change with
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Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Feynman’s Analysis

The Nobel Laureate Richard P. Feynman used a

particularly simple approach to the analysis of cylindrical
The approach also demonstrates the evolution from statics
to dynamics.
It also introduces Bessel Functions without partial (or even
ordianary) differential equations!
So consider a circular capacitor with a static electric field E0 . If
the field begins to oscillate with frequency ω, a magnetic field is

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Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Feynman’s Analysis

To find the magnetic field, we can apply the Ampere-Maxwell

law to a circle C of radius ρ centered on the axis:
H · dl = jω E · dS
∂C C
2πρHφ = jωπρ Ez
Hφ = E0
jk ρ
= E0

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Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Feynman’s Analysis
Now, this magnetic field is also oscillating, so the original
electric field is also wrong.
We will call the original field E1 = E0 ; the field at the center
of the plate.
The magnetic field we have found is H1 .
It will give rise to an E2 .
To find E2 we use the surface S shown below.

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Feynman’s Analysis
To find the correction to E, we use Faraday’s Law.
E · dl = −jωµ H · dS
∂S S
Z a Z a Z ρ
− E2 dz = −jωµ dz dρ0 H1
0 0 0
jk ρ0
Z ρ
E2 = jωµ dρ0 E0
0 2η
k 2 ρ2
= − 2 E0
Thus, at the moment,
k 2 ρ2
Ez = E1 + E2 = E0 1 − 2

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Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Feynman’s Analysis

We can now correct H again:

H · dl = jω E · dS
∂C C
Z 2π Z ρ
2πρH2 = jω dφ ρdρE2
0 0
jωk 2 E0 ρ
H2 = − dρρ3
22 ρ 0
jk 3 ρ3 E0
= − 2
2 ·4 η

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Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Feynman’s Analysis
And, we can now correct E again:
E · dl = −jωµ H · dS
∂S S
Z a Z a Z ρ
− E3 dz = −jωµ dz dρ0 H2
0 0 0
k 3 ρ03 E0
Z ρ
E3 = ωµ dρ0 2
0 2 ·4 η
k ρ 4
= E0
22 · 42
Thus, at the moment,
k 2 ρ2 k 4 ρ4
Ez = E1 + E2 + E3 = E0 1 − 2 + 2 2
2 2 ·4

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Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Feynman’s Analysis
The importance of these terms we keep adding is
proportional to
Plate size
In this way, we see how statics naturally morphs into
It is easy to see that the E-field found after continuing the
process is

k 2 ρ2 k 4 ρ4 k 4 ρ4
E = E0 1 − 2 + 2 2 − 2 2 2 + · · ·
2 2 ·4 2 ·4 ·6

X (−1)n  k ρ 2
= E0 = E0 J0 (k ρ)
(n!)2 2

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Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Wedge Waveguide


A wedge guide is formed by two half-planes inclined at an

angle φ0 .
The problem is independent of z.
For the TMz mode, we must have Ez = 0 on the plates.

ψ ∝ sin φ

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Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Wedge Waveguide Wavefunctions

Now, the order of the Bessel function equals the coefficient of

φ. We thus have the
TM Outwardly Traveling Wavefunctions
TM pπ (2)
ψp = sin φ H pπ (k ρ)
φ0 φ0

By the same token, we have the

TE Outwardly Traveling Wavefunctions
TE pπ (2)
ψp = cos φ H pπ (k ρ)
φ0 φ0

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Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves


Most of the discussion of the radial parallel plate guide

applies here:
Wave impedances are given by the same formulas (with
fractional orders),
Gradual cutoff occurs when pπ
φ0 = k ρ. Why?
The dominant mode is TE0 ; it is a TEM mode derivable by
transmission line theory. Its fields are

TE0 Mode Fields

Eφ+ = kH1 (k ρ)
k 2 (2)
Hz+ = H (k ρ)
jωµ 0

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Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves


1 Cylindrical Waves
Separation of Variables
Bessel Functions
TEz and TMz Modes

2 Guided Waves
Cylindrical Waveguides
Radial Waveguides

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

The Circular Cavity

The circular cavity is a circular waveguide shorted at both

We will assume the height of the cavity is denoted by d.
For TMz modes,
Eρ ∝
so we must have (assuming cos nφ variation)
TMz Modes
χ ρ  qπz 
TM np
ψnpq = Jn cos nφ cos
a d

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Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

The Circular Cavity

By the same token
TEz Modes
χ0np ρ
ψnpq = Jn cos nφ sin
a d

We can also immediately write

Separation Equations

 χ 2  qπ 2
TM: = k2 +
a d
 0 2  2
χnp qπ
TE: + = k2
a d

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Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Resonant Frequencies

From these equations it is a simply matter to compute

Resonant Frequencies
1  χ 2  qπ 2
(fr )TM
npq = √ +
2π µ a d
  qπ 2
(fr )TE
npq = √ +
2π µ a d

If d < 2a the TM010 mode is dominant, otherwise the TE111

mode is.

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Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Quality Factor

It is also straightforward to compute the Q of the circular

We will do so only for the (usually dominant) TM010 mode.
Given ψ, it is easy to show that the modal fields are
TM010 Mode Fields

k 2  χ01 ρ 
Ez = J0
jω a
χ01  χ01 ρ 
Hφ = J1
a a

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Cylindrical Waveguides
Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Quality Factor

Now, the total energy stored is

Z d Z a Z 2π

W = 2We = |E|2 ρdφdρdz
2 0 0 0
k4 πk 4 da2 2
Z χ ρ
= πd ρJ02 dρ = J (χ01 )
ω2 0 a 2ω 2  1

To compute the energy absorbed by the walls, we appeal to the

approximate formula
Pd = |H|2 dS
2 walls

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Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Quality Factor

On the cylindrical side wall of the cavity, the magnetic field is

constant, so the value of this integral is

Pd = πadRJ12 (χ01 )

On the other two walls together we have

Z a Z 2π  χ 2χ ρ
01 01
Pd = R J12 ρdφdρ
0 0 a a
 χ 2 a  χ ρ 
01 01
= 2πR J12 ρdρ
a 0 a
 χ 2
= πa2 R J12 (χ01 )

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Cylindrical Waves
Radial Waveguides
Guided Waves

Quality Factor

Plugging into our formula for the quality factor we find

ωW dk 4 a3
Q= =
Pd 2ωRχ201 (d + a)

Now, ka = χ01 and ω = kη , so we find the final formula for

The Quality Factor

ηχ01 d
2R(a + d)

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Waves

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