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1. When the Master on a ULCC receives following instruction. “After completion

discharge at US Gulf, proceed to Bonny River. Nigeria, and load full cargo of
Bonny Light crude. Disport intention US Gulf or NW Europe”. Who issues this
The operator
The charterers
The ship owners

2. When the Master on a VLCC receives following instruction. “On completion

bunkering at Fujairah, proceed to Kharg Island and load full cargo Iranian Light
crude. Disport Antifer, France. Please advise cargo intake”. What king of order
is this?
Loading order

3. When the Master on a VLCC receives following instruction.” After completion

discharge at Rotterdam, proceed to AG via Suez, intention full cargo Ras
Tanura/Ju’aymah for NW Europe incl. Med Sea. Pls. Advise bunker
requirements ex. Barge Fujiarah”. What kind of order is this?
Voyage order

4. When the Master of a VLCC receives the following instruction.”After

completion discharge at US Gulf, Proceed to Fujairah for orfer”. What kind of
order is this?

5. What are the alternatives if the charterers of a crude oil tanker do not wish to
load on Top of the cargo residues or slops from the previous cargo? Select all
of the correct options from those given.
The ship owner/operator may sell the residues and de-slop the vessel prior
to loading.
The charterers may require the slop to be discharged prior to loading.
Segregate the slop and no freight will be paid to the ship owner on the
deadweight used.

6. Crude oil tankers often load the next cargo on top of the residue or slops from
the previous cargo Who decides if the vessel is to load on Top of the slops?
The charterers.

7. Why is it less important if crude oil tankers to receive a late loading order
compared to chemical, gas and product tankers?
Crude oil tankers have less tank preparations priors to loading.

8. Who is responsible for developing and implementing an International Safety

Management System on board?
The ship owner or operator.

9. What is the basis for making a loading plan on an oil tanker?

The loading order.
10. All tankers have an approved loading Manual on board. Which body
approves the loading Manual?
The classification Society to which the ship is classed.

11. Once the vessel has been cleared by the quarantine and customs
authorities, the independent cargo surveyor may board the vessel. Who are
the cargo surveyors representing?
The surveyors are representing the shippers and cargo owners or charterers.

12. When the vessel is securely moored alongside the discharge terminal,
who should be the first to board the vessel?
The quarantine and customs officers

13. All oil tankers are required to complete a pre-arrival check list. How are
negative answers in the pre-arrival check list handed?
The should be reported to the ship Owner/Operator.

14. Ballast water carried on board oil tankers is governed by stringent

regulations. Which one of the options includes the regulations covering ballast
water for crude oil tankers?
IMO Resolution, MARPOL.

15. During cargo loading and discharge of an oil tanker the cargo hoses or
loading arms must be connected. Is connection of cargo hoses (arms) part of
the vessels risk assessment?
The on board quantity, OBQ.

16. Some crude oil loading ports operate on early departure procedure. EDP.
Why is EDP used in some ports?
In order to make a quick turn-around and not cause delay at the terminal.

17. The cargo figures for the official Bill of Lading are determined following
completion of the loading operations for a crude oil tanker. Which figures are
the figures for the Bill of Lading initially based on?
The terminal (shore) figures.
18. All ballast handling must be recorded in dedicated forms. Where are
these forms usually found onboard a crude oil tanker?
In the Water Ballast Management Plan.

19. It is required that the conditions of the ballast tanks on a crude oil tanker
are recorded following inspection. Where are the results of these inspection
normally recorded?
In the vessel’s Planned Maintenance System (PMS)

20. The laden voyage is often used as an opportunity to carry out internal
inspection of ballast tanks of a crude oil tanker. What is the normal frequency
for inspection of ballast tanks on a crude oil tanker?

21. Where oil loading ports operate an early departure, EDP, Who must
agree to accept to operate with procedure prior to arrival at the load port?
The ship owner or operator and the charterers.

22. After an oil tanker has completed loading operations and the cargo
documents have been cleared, the ship’s Master will be given permission to
leave the port. What is the term normally used for this permission?
Port clearance

23. The requirements for reporting of oils spills, and situations that may lead
to an oil spill are strictly regulated. Where, onboard ship, are the details of
these reporting procedures normally found?
In the Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan(SOPEP)
24. A Material Safety Data Sheet contains specific information relating to a
substance. Which regulations cover the requirement for MSDS to be available
for cargo oil and bunker oil carried onboard an oil tanker?
IMO Resolution Marin Safety Circular (MSC)

25. The duty deck officers is required to complete all details of cargo
operations in the ‘time sheet’. Is the ‘time sheet’ normally considered to be
part of the official cargo documentation?
Yes, the time sheet is considered to be part of the official documentation.

26. On large crude oil tankers, why is it good practice ,to have the vessel as
close to even keel as possible and with zero list when topping off the tanks?
In order to reach the correct quantity in the tanks.

27. Who would normally sign all of the cargo documentation prior to
departure once a crude oil tanker is finished loading?
The ship’s Master and the shippers.

28. Are OPA 90 and SOPEP applicable for the same type of vessels?
No. OPA 90 is also applicable to dry cargo vessels and all other vessels.

29. Which statement is true?

Every oil tanker above 150 gross tons and every ship above 400 gross tons
must carry a SOPEP manual.

30. What does the abbreviation SOPEP mean?

Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan

31. What are the most important parties to be notified in case of an oil spill
in US waters?
US Coast Guard National Response Center and the company representative
in U.S.

32. What is a Risk Profile?

The Risk Profile is the total amount of risk factors related to your vessel.

33. What is the top priority if an accident occurs in US waters?

Safety of the ship and crew.

34. What is the most important risk factor to be observed relative to

Inappropriate training of personnel in preparedness.

35. What agreement is to be entered into between a vessel and a salvage

company in an emergency?
Lloyds Open Form (LOF)

36. What do we call situations that could have led to an accident if they had
developed further?
Near misses

37. Who must contact the news media first?

The head of the Company Casualty Group is to send out a press release if the
incident is of public interest.

38. Is it necessary to carry out ‘oil spill drills’?

Yes, they should be carried out frequently.

39. For which of the following categories is it important that predefined

tasks have been established?
Entire crew

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