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The two main visual characteristics

of chocolate are its color and gloss.

Sensory of Chocolate Figure 1 shows factors affecting

Milk chocolate is normally a
much lighter color than plain choco-
late, and it is obviously possible to
make a chocolate lighter by adding
M. Voltz and S.T. Beckett
Nestlé R&D Centre, York more milk powder. However, it is
also possible, by choosing the cor-
rect cocoa and roasting conditions,
to produce a plain chocolate with
the same color as a milk one. The
color of most cocoa powders is con-
trolled by the alkalizing process.
Although the majority of cocoa
liquor used in chocolate making is
T here are five senses: sight,
touch, smell, taste and hearing.
Sensory evaluation is the use of
if they become out of balance?
This paper looks at three aspects
of the sensory of chocolate. First,
unalkalized some products do con-
tain alkalized liquor in order to
senses to study a food or other sub- there is a brief review of the ways a achieve the desired color and flavor.
stance. In confectionery the first manufacturer can adjust the sensor- The eye detects color according to
four senses are critical to the con- ial properties of his products. The how the light is reflected from the
sumer’s appreciation of its products. next section looks at the methods surface, thus the size of the parti-
used in the sensory evaluation of cles—both non-fat solids and crys-
CRITICAL SENSES chocolate and how different coun- talline fat—will affect the color.
tries within Europe have differing This reflected light also deter-
Sight. If a chocolate does not look mines the gloss. If the surface is flat
preferences. Finally some results are
glossy or worse still if it is bloomed, it with a lot of small crystals, as hap-
given of a study carried out to deter-
is unlikely to be purchased. Vision mine how dark chocolate deterio- pens with correct tempering and
can even affect taste, with lighter rates when stored under different cooling, the product appears shiny.
colored chocolate sometimes temperature conditions. If the fat sets against the smooth
appearing to taste creamier than surface of a mould, it will normally
darker ones. have a much more glossy surface
Touch. Touch is related to how a PROCESSES AND SENSORIAL than when a product is enrobed.
chocolate breaks and also its QUALITY The fat crystals will, however,
behavior in the mouth. Therefore Jackson1 compared chocolate formu- change their form with age, so the
this includes the snap of a chocolate las from around the world and “could gloss, too, will tend to deteriorate
bar as well as whether it melts away find no definitive differences in per- with time.
smoothly or is harder to swallow. centage compositional terms.” Many
different types of chocolates do exist Touch/Texture
Smell. The smell/aroma of chocolate
however, and their distinguishing The texture of chocolate is unique
is very attractive to most people, but
characteristics must in this case be among foods, being solid and able to
if it is contaminated by burnt odors
largely due to their processing. be snapped at ambient temperatures,
or chemical taints the product can
When reviewing chocolate mak- yet melting smoothly in the mouth.
become totally unpalatable.
ing, it is usual to study each of the This is largely due to the melting
Taste. This is of course the most processes in turn. It can, however, properties of the cocoa butter, but is
important sensorial quality. The be useful to take the sensorial char- also affected by processing. Factors
cocoa, milky, sweet, acidic etc., acteristics individually then look at affecting texture include:
flavors combine to give a unique the different processes which can be • fat composition—amount and
tasting experience. But what happens used to control he finished quality. type
Presented at the ZDS Chocolate Technology Conference at Anuga FoodTec

The Manufacturing Confectioner/February 1997 49

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