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Emergency November 2016

Vol. 38, No. 11


Medicine News

Morphine Might
Beating the
Mortality in APE Dunning-Kruger
Effect at Its
Own Game
N o patient looked sicker or
scared me more when I was a
new resident than the 6 a.m. acute BY GINA SHAW
pulmonary edema patient who
rolled in gasping desperately for
air. Now that I’m older, better at
crushing my fear and anxiety into a
S ocial psychologist David Dunning,
PhD, recently said he had fallen
victim — for years — to the cognitive
teeny-tiny ball to be released later at bias he had helped name. That famous
a wildly inappropriate time, and have 1999 article in the Journal of Personality
seen the wonders that a little BiPAP and Social Psychology revealed that the
and a lot of intravenous nitroglycerin Dunning-Kruger effect occurs when in-

can do, I’m less likely to hit the panic dividuals assume that their competency
button when I see a patient with in a given area is significantly higher
APE pop up on the board. than it is.
Unfortunately, that fear is now Continued on page 28
sometimes replaced by rage, and
it’s a rage caused by a consultant
or EM trainee ordering intravenous
morphine as part of the treatment
plan. I know that EM providers are
A Game Changer and a Lifesaver for Sepsis
busy people, so if you’re reading
this on shift, I’ll save you the BY CHRISTINE BUTTS, MD and starting the appropriate
trouble of tackling the rest of the ­antibiotic is critical in limiting
article: Do not give morphine to
Continued on page 31 U ltrasound in diagnosing sepsis
up until this point has primar-
ily focused on volume resuscitation.
The source diagnosis may be
easily identified in patients with
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2016.

Identifying those who are volume de- clear symptoms (cough, dysuria)
pleted and those who may respond to and findings of systemic inflam-
fluids has been the focus of a number matory response syndrome
of studies. A missing factor in these ­(tachycardia, tachypnea, fever,
evaluations is getting to the root of alterations in white blood cell
the problem: identifying the source of count). The diagnosis may be
sepsis. This is key as source control, Continued on page 30

Who Said the Opioid Crisis

Couldn’t Get Any Worse?


he opioid crisis, already the worst man-made

epidemic in history, suddenly became more
dramatically alarming.
Canadian authorities in Vancouver announced in
August that they had seized one kilogram of the
Periodicals synthetic opioid carfentanil. The stash had been
Continued on page 29
myths in em: know better, do better

Morphine What did they find? Nitro

seemed to be beneficial, and fur-
Continued from page 1 osemide and morphine “may not
add anything to its efficacy, and
patients with acute pulmonary may be potentially deleterious in
edema. some of these patients.” On the
I should start by saying that in downside, the study only en-
this discussion we’re really talking rolled 57 patients, 23 of which
about patients presenting with (40%) turned out not to have
acute decompensated heart failure APE but rather things like pneu-
(ADHF), and that we don’t have monia and COPD. We hold Dr.
any good randomized control trials Hoffman in great regard, but
on this. What evidence there is, this was not necessarily a game-
however, is startling enough that it changing paper.

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003.

should give even the most cavalier Not to be outdone, fellow EM
cardiologist and egotistical emer- luminary, Alfred Sacchetti, MD, and
gency physician cause for concern. colleagues undertook a chart re-
The most compelling and cer- view of 181 patients with APE, look-
tainly the most cited article on ing at associations between what
morphine for APE was performed by kind of medications they received
W. Frank Peacock IV, MD. (Emerg and how often they were intubated
Med J 2008;25[4]:205.) Before look- and admitted to the ICU. (Am J
ing at the paper, we need to ac- creased mortality (i.e., OR 4.84 nobody received morphine as the Emerg Med 1999;17[6]:571.) And
knowledge how awesome his name (95% CI 4.52 to 5.18), p<0.001) in sole drug), and 13 patients with mild the results? IV morphine was as-
is. This was a retrospective analysis every mode of comparison. pulmonary oedema, respectively. ... sociated with increased odds of
of the Acute Decompensated Heart Judd Hollander, MD, who is no [I]n 1994, a trial with vessels from being intubated (OR 5.04; p=0.001)
Failure National Registry (ADHERE) methodological slouch, was the dogs in vitro showed that morphine and increased ICU admissions
that compared the records of 20,782 second author on this paper, and I’m
hospitalizations for APE where the going to name-drop him by way of The bottom line: Do not give morphine to
patient received IV morphine with vouching for the statistical analyses
126,580 hospitalizations where the performed. patients with acute pulmonary edema
patient was not given morphine. The I would be remiss if I didn’t
quick summary is that the patients stress that we can only draw limited had a relaxing effect on the smooth (OR 3.08; p=0.002). Again, this
who received IV morphine did worse conclusions for this type of retro- muscles in both veins and arteries.” was a chart review of a relatively
in essentially every way, but I’ll sum- spective study, noting a strong as- We basically have a cohort of two heterogeneous group, and the as-
marize the high points here: sociation between IV morphine dozen dogs, a dozen people with MI, sociation between IV morphine
n Need for intubation: 15.4 per- ­administration in patients with APE and 13 patients with mild pulmonary and worse outcomes was pretty
cent in the morphine group vs. 2.8 and poor outcomes. This is different edema forming the basis for using straightforward.
percent in the no-morphine group from claiming that morphine is morphine in patients with APE. If you’ve stuck with me this far,
(NNH=8). what’s causing the poor outcomes. When balanced against the striking the take-home point should be
negative association found in the pretty clear, but just to summarize
Twelve dogs and 25 patients formed ADHERE trial, a study showing some one more time: Do not give
canine vasodilation is a weak basis morphine to patients with acute
the basis for using morphine in APE for putting our patients at risk. pulmonary edema. Perhaps
someday a study will give us cause
n Need for ICU admission: 38.7 That said, the strength of the associ- Older Studies to revisit this issue, but until then
percent in the morphine group vs. ation here is compelling, and there What about older studies per- I’ll hold the morphine rather than
14.4 percent in the no-morphine is a paucity of evidence demonstrat- formed by well-known emergency holding my breath. EMN
group (NNH=5). ing any benefit for using morphine physicians whom I love and trust,
n Mortality: 13.0 percent in the for APE patients. you ask? So glad you did. None Share this article on Twitter
morphine group vs. 2.4 percent in Where did this whole morphine other than the esteemed Jerry and Facebook.
the no-morphine group (NNH=10). for APE originate? I remember Hoffman, MD, published a study Access the links in EMN by
learning that it worked by reducing examining the efficacy of various reading this on our website or in
Worse Outcomes preload, to a lesser extent after- pharmacological treatment regi- our free iPad app, both available
mens given by EMS to patients at
It’s true that the patients who re- load, and that it decreased heart
Comments? Write to us at
ceived morphine did have some rate and lessened oxygen hunger. with presumed pulmonary edema.
baseline differences. The authors The evidence for this? Please let (Chest 1987;92[4]:586.)
noted “a higher prevalence of rest me refer you to a wonderful review
dyspnoea, congestion on chest ra- article titled, appropriately enough,
diography, rales, and raised troponin “Morphine in the Treatment of Dr. Runde is the assistant residency director and an assistant
occurred in the morphine group.” Acute Pulmonary Oedema — Why?” professor of emergency medicine at the University of Iowa
They performed risk adjustments for (Int J Cardiol 2016;202:870.) Hospitals and Clinics, where he serves as co-director for the
pretty much every conceivable un- The authors wrote, “The back- associate fellowship in medical education. He creates content
derlying risk factor or patient char- ground of this belief is three trials for and is a member of the editorial board for www.TheNNT.
acteristic to account for this. It from 1966 to 1976, where the groups com, and is a content contributor for Fol-
didn’t matter: Morphine was associ- consisted of 12 dogs, 12 patients low him on Twitter @Runde_MC, and read his past articles at
ated with worse outcomes and in- with myocardial infarction (where

Emergency Medicine News | November 2016 31

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