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Applied Acoustics 99 (2015) 60–67

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Perceptual study of the evolution of gear defects

Younes Ramdane a,⇑, Hamzaoui Nacer b, Ouelaa Nouredine a, Djebala Abderrazek a
Mechanics and Structures Laboratory, University of Guelma, B.P. 401, Guelma, Algeria
Laboratory of Vibration-Acoustics, INSA of Lyon, Bâtiment A. St. Exupéry, 25 bis Avenue Jean Capelle, 69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The objective of this work is to apply the sound perception approach to study and diagnose gear defects.
Received 19 May 2014 Simple and multiple defects of different levels of severity are artificially simulated on the gear teeth. The
Received in revised form 5 May 2015 corresponding sounds are then acquired to perform a sound base representative of the diversity of gear
Accepted 26 May 2015
defects. Acoustic sounds are generated using the processing software DynamX V.7. These sounds are ana-
lyzed with the paired comparison method to find a correlation between the sound perception and the
scalar indicators. The results show that perception tests allow classifying gear defect sounds by order
of degradation. The relation between the vibratory indicators and sound perception enabled us to obtain
Gear defect
Sound perception
applicable mathematical models for the other sounds not included in the listening tests. These models
Paired comparison method can be used to monitor the evolution of gear degradation without repeating perceptions tests.
Fault detection Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction As vibration and acoustics have the same generation mecha-

nism, acoustic noise can also be used for machinery condition
Gears are used to transmit and change the rate of machinery monitoring when combined with effective signal processing meth-
shaft rotation. They can also change the direction of the rotation ods, such as the sound perception method. Perceptual tests can be
axis and rotary motion to linear motion, and they have existed used to analyze various sound characteristics, and to discover the
since the invention of rotating machinery. Because of their perceptive dimensions used by listeners to differentiate these
force-multiplying properties, early engineers used them for audio stimuli. These measures of relative differences allow creating
hoisting heavy loads such as building materials. However, when a similarity matrix perceived between stimuli. The dimensions are
dedicated to high-speed machinery such as automobile transmis- obtained from the similarity matrix using the Multi-Dimensional
sions, gears are the optimal technological solution for low energy Scaling (MDS) method [8], which allows representing the dissimi-
loss, high accuracy and low play. There are several categories of larity perceived by listeners between stimuli in a multidimensional
gears and they can be combined in a multitude of ways. space. The paired comparison method is mainly recommended as
Vibration based methods for gear fault analyses have been estab- the standard method for making judgments of dissimilarity
lished for a long time; they have been widely used for monitoring directly between audio stimuli [9,10]. Auditors have to assess the
rotating machine conditions and for fault diagnostics. Regarding overall dissimilarity of pairs, for example, by recording their esti-
gearbox fault diagnosis, many signal processing tools have been mate on a linear scale ranging from ‘‘very similar’’ to ‘‘very dissim-
used recently, such as the time–frequency method [1], spectral anal- ilar’’. Individual dissimilarity matrices are filled with auditor’s
ysis [2], cepstral analysis [3], empirical mode decomposition and the estimates and lead to an average matrix adapted to the MDS.
Hilbert spectrum [4], and wavelet multi-resolution analysis [5]. The perceptive approach to sounds has been used in several
In addition, noise signals, which are closely correlated to vibra- domains, for example in automobiles for the study of the sounds
tions, have also been actively investigated for gearbox condition produced by air conditioning systems, and in railways for the per-
monitoring and fault diagnosis over the last two decades [6,7]. ception of interior noises in a high-speed train to improve comfort
Nevertheless, both vibration and acoustic signals can be contami- and satisfy consumers’ expectations [11,12]. Many researchers
nated by different background noises. Therefore specific analysis have investigated the comparison of listening tests and explained
with more advanced tools should be carried out to obtain reliable the benefits of the paired comparison method [13]. Other research-
measures for fault diagnosis. ers have studied a serious problem in the paired comparison
method: that of the considerable duration of listening tests in
the case of a high number of stimuli, as it leads to auditive fatigue.
⇑ Corresponding author.
The search for a test allowing the evaluation of a high number of
E-mail address: (R. Younes).
0003-682X/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Younes et al. / Applied Acoustics 99 (2015) 60–67 61

objective of this work is to apply the sound perception approach

Two gears to the study and diagnosis of gear defects. The paired comparison
method is used for assessing various samples of gear defect sounds
Variable Motor measured in different cases to find a relationship between scalar
speed drive indicators and gear sounds.
P4 By listening to vibratory signals of different defect configura-
P2 tion, we hope to construct a linear correlation between the defect
P1 aggravation and a combination of 2 scalar indicators used in mon-
Accelerometer itoring. The advantage will therefore be to construct a model of
defect detection with scalar indicators, from its birth to the aggra-
vation stage. To conceive this type of model in a new real case, it
will be necessary to constitute a signals’ base of faulty and healthy
Ball bearing configuration. This approach is rather similar to a method of artifi-
cial intelligence as neural networks, but does not require training
stage for regulating optimization parameters. The originality of this
Fig. 1. Experimental setup. article locates at the level of the contribution of subjective
approach by human audition as a supplement to the actual physi-
stimuli led to the adaptation of a new method based on visual per- cal methods.
ception, called comparison with reference method. The task con- The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 is devoted to the
sists in assessing the similarity of a group of stimuli compared to theoretical study of the MDS method. Section 3 contains the pre-
a Ref. [14]. sentation of the experimental setup and the measurement chain.
Kanzari [15] carried out a vibro-acoustic analysis of sounds Sound perception tests are presented in Section 4. Finally, the
resulting from gear teeth defects. From the results obtained, she results obtained from perceptive tests with the approach proposed
established a correlation with scalar indicators. These results are presented and discussed in Section 5.
showed that scalar indicators such as vibratory speed, the spectral
center of gravity, and the peak to peak value clearly explain the
dissimilarity judgments for gear sounds in rotating machines. 2. Multidimensional scaling method
Although the main advantage of using acoustic condition mon-
itoring is that acoustic signals can be acquired remotely, it is nec- The multidimensional scaling method allows the representation
essary to avoid safety hazards and eliminate the need for high of objects in a space starting from the proximity relationship exist-
temperature vibration sensors with their associated mounting ing between each couple of objects. Each object can then be repre-
problems. However, acoustic condition monitoring used for sented in this space. A large number of algorithms can be used to
machinery has received very little attention. This is because the determine the coordinates of objects in space, starting from the
acoustics from nearby rotating machines tend to contaminate the distances between them. Some of these algorithms allow taking
airborne sound generated by the machine being monitored. The into account the specificities of the various subjects or groups of
influence of the acoustic environment definitely plays an impor- subjects of the various stimuli, and even both of them
tant role in machine condition monitoring, and these noise sources simultaneously.
must be filtered out by advanced signal processing techniques. Multidimensional analysis is an iterative reduction process in
Also, regarding surface vibration measurement, sensors are sensi- which objects are placed in a space of several dimensions adjusted
tive to the direction of the vibration source, whereas for acoustic to similarity or dissimilarity measures between objects. In this
measurement the requirement for a microphone is that it should space, the similar objects are placed close to each other, and the
be pointed toward the machine. non-similar items are removed. Multidimensional analysis is used
In the case of closed transmissions solid-borne noise is the to find dimensional information common to a set of variables. The
major component [16]. The vibration spectra produced by gear- dissimilarity scores provided by the subjects are translated into
boxes appear to be complicated, but they can generally be broken distances in a comparison test of objects presented in pairs.
down into: tooth meshing harmonics, ghost components, side-
bands, low harmonics of shaft speed and intermodulation compo-
nents. For a well-meshed set of gears, only the fundamental gear 2.1. INDSCAL algorithm
meshing frequencies are likely to be measured.
According to the literature study presented below, we found The Multidimensional Scaling algorithms used in the literature
very few works on fault detection by sound perception. The are: EXSCAL [17]. CLASCAL [18], expanded CLASCAL expanded [19],

Fig. 2. Photos of various defects.

62 R. Younes et al. / Applied Acoustics 99 (2015) 60–67

emergent properties of the objects that will later be useful for per-
ception. On the other hand, taking the weighting into account
allows the rapid determination of what the properties were of
the different objects used by each subject in the comparison step.

3. Experimental setup

3.1. Test rig

The test rig contains two spur gear transmissions lubricated

normally. The gears are made of stainless steel with a module
M = 2 mm and a face width F = 20 mm. The first transmission con-
sists of a pinion with 42 teeth (P1) mounted in the input shaft and
a wheel with 50 teeth (P2). The second transmission consists of a
wheel with 65 teeth (P3) and a pinion with 45 teeth (P4) mounted
in the output shaft. The test rig also contains a brake to simulate a
variable load, as shown in Fig. 1.

3.2. The experiments conducted

Fig. 3. Training phase interface. Simple and multiple defects of different severities were simu-
lated on the gear teeth using a mini grinder. The corresponding
sounds were then acquired to obtain a sound base representative
MDSCAL [20], and INDSCAL. In this article the INDSCAL algorithm is of gear defect diversity.
considered for the results processing. Regarding the sound measurements resulting from our test
The INDSCAL Algorithm (INdividual Differences SCALing) was device, the recording base was built using the vibration signals
developed by Caroll and Chang [21] and, unlike MDSCAL, it allots from the accelerometer which was saved in ‘‘⁄.wav’’ format with
a different scale for each subject. But like MDSCAL, it assumes that the acquisition and vibratory analysis software DynamX V.7. This
all the listeners use the same dimensions but not with the same is possible, since when transmissions are enclosed in a casing, as
weighting. These weightings appear in Eq. (1) in the form of a in the case of a gearbox, the noise radiated is mainly due to the
Wkr factor representing the weight that listener k allots to percep- vibrations of the latter [22].
tive dimension R of perceptive space.
" #12 4. Sound perception tests
dijk ¼ W kr ðX ir  X jr Þ2 ð1Þ
4.1. Stimuli

where dijk is the distance between the objects i and j according to In this part, the objective is to study the ability of listeners to
subject k. X ir and X jr are the coordinates of these objects on dimen- identify different types of defect, ranging from a small single defect
sion R of the perceptual space. to a combination of defects. To do this, we simulated several faults
The INDSCAL measure generates varying axes between subjects. with different degrees of degradation as follow:
On the one hand it simplifies the identification step of the
 Healthy Gears HG.
 Small Defect on Pinion1 SDP1.
 Average Defect on Pinion 1 ADP1.

Measure of stress factor








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Dimensions number of the MDS

Fig. 4. Paired comparison interface test. Fig. 5. Measure of stress factor.

R. Younes et al. / Applied Acoustics 99 (2015) 60–67 63

Nb val sing : 2 R : 0.93582 0.4


similaritées reconstruites

Dimension 2
0.1 S6
0 S4

0.2 -0.1 S5

0 -0.2

-0.2 -0.3
-0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Dimension 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Fig. 7. Perceptual space.
similaritées mesurées

Fig. 6. Diagram of dispersion between measured and reconstructed similarities. 4.3. Tests interface and subjects

The test interface was programed in MATLAB language and con-

 Critical Defect on Pinion 1 CDP1.
tained two phases: the first was called training phase in which the
 Critical Defect on Pinion 1&Small Defect on Pinion 2 CDP1SDP2.
auditors were asked to listen to the sounds. The listeners could
 Critical Defect on Pinion 1&Average Defect on Pinion 2
become familiar with the sounds of the test in operation. The sec-
ond phase was a dissimilarity pair comparison phase. 30 listeners
 Critical Defect on Pinion 1& Critical Defect on Pinion 2
(07 women and 23 men), aged from 22 to 50 years old (average
age = 31, SD = 9.5), were asked to perform these two tests. Fig. 3
 Critical Defect on Pinion 1, Critical Defect on Pinion 2 & Critical
represents the training phase.
Defect on Pinion 3 CDP1CDP2CDP3.

Fig. 2 presents the photos of the various defects created on the 4.4. Dissimilarities evaluation
After each combination of simulated defects, the corresponding The paired comparison test is often used to evaluate the dissim-
signal is generated. Finally, a database is obtained that can be used ilarities between the sound samples [23–27]. This subjective test
to possible to perform several analyses. The recording database consists in playing all the pairs of possible sound samples to the
comprises 22 sounds for a given rotational speed. A preliminary lis- listeners. In general, to limit the number of pairs to be presented
tening was used to select the most different sounds between them,
after which a second selection was carried out to obtain 8 sounds
on which the paired comparison method was performed. 0.3 2
Dim1 = 0.088565 x PP+ -0.64616 with R = 0.93669

4.2. Sounds restitution
DIM1 obtained by listening test

The evaluation dissimilarity tests were carried out in an ordi- 0.1

nary room of the mechanics and structures laboratory (LMS) of
the University of Guelma, Algeria. The sounds were reproduced 0
through stereo headphones. The reproduction chain was composed
of a PC with I5 Dell processor, a test interface in the Matlab envi-
ronment, and Sennheiser HD201 headphones.

Table 1
Sounds coordinates in two dimensional perceptual space.
Sounds Dim1 Dim2 Type of defect
Sound1 0.4714 0.3165 Without defect
Sound 2 0.3281 0.2775 Simple defect
Sound 3 0.1394 0.1631
Sound 4 0.1073 0.0068 -0.5
Sound 5 0.1323 0.1010 Double defect -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Sound 6 0.2158 0.1105
DIM1 calculated by Mathematecal model
Sound 7 0.1887 0.0956
Sound 8 0.2949 0.0259 Triple defect
Fig. 8. Diagram of dispersion between the first dimension and the scalar indicators.
64 R. Younes et al. / Applied Acoustics 99 (2015) 60–67

to the listeners, a random selection of the stimuli presentation With dij,k being the Euclidean distances and dij,k the dissimilarity
order is performed within each pair to cancel the effect of the stim- measures between conditions i and j for subject k. The multidimen-
uli presentation order according to the Ross series [28]. Moreover, sional scaling methods presented in this section are used when the
only a few pairs of identical stimuli are included to ensure the con- experimenter has no idea of the number of dimensions to be
sistency of listeners’ responses. The total number of pairs of stimuli considered in order to represent the perceptual space. In this case
is n (n  1)/2 pairs of sounds, where n is the number of conditions the number of dimensions is chosen by analyzing the error caused
to be tested. In practice, each auditor listens to two sounds of each by the given stress value. In practice, the optimum number of
pair as many times as desired. Then, he (she) is asked to move a dimensions is determined when the adding a dimension gives little
cursor between ‘‘identical’’ to the left and ‘‘very different’’ to the additional information for the reconstruction of the distance
right, depending on the degree of dissimilarity between the sounds matrix. The stress curve in Fig. 5 obtained during our tests
perceived. The cursor position for a pair of sounds is translated into shows the emergence of a two-dimensional elbow. Thus the
a dissimilarity value from 0 to 1. This step takes about 10–15 min. two-dimensional solution was chosen.
Fig. 4 shows the comparison test interface as it appears to the
5.3. Calculation of dissimilarities between subjects: correlation
5. Results and discussion coefficient

5.1. Multidimensional analysis The differences between subjects are calculated from their
responses for different pairs of stimuli. The dissimilarity measure-
Multidimensional scaling analysis is a technique used to repre- ment adopted depends on the type of response.
sent an ensemble of similarities between items as points in a The dissimilarity between the two subjects’ k and l is defined as
Euclidean space. In our case the items are sounds, and the proxim- follows [30]:
ity between the sounds is evaluated using dissimilarity judgments.
The principle of this analysis is to match the measured dissimilar- d1 ðk; lÞ ¼ 1  rðk; lÞ ð3Þ
ities between the distances of stimuli with points representing
these stimuli in a Euclidean space. The dimensions of this space where r(k, l) is the Bravais–Pearson linear correlation coefficient
are continuous, i.e. all stimuli may be classified according to these [31] between the dissimilarity scores given by subject k and those
dimensions. pronounced by subject l.
The similarity score given by the Bravais–Pearson coefficient is
5.2. Determination of the number of dimensions R = 0.91 (Fig. 6) confirms good dissimilarity restitution.
In Table 1 we present the coordinates of the simulated sounds
The optimal number of dimensions for representing the percep- in two dimensional space (DIM1 and DIM2), where DIM1 repre-
tual space is determined from the error value in the reconstruction sents the evolution of the degradation, and DIM2 represents the
of the dissimilarities in Euclidean distances. This error is deter- difference in severity of each sound compared to other sounds
mined by the stress value which is generally represented by the according to the perceptive approach test (see Fig. 7). It is notewor-
number of dimensions, as shown in Eq. (2) [29]. thy that the coordinate results are in good agreement with the
P degrees of gear deterioration, namely without defect S1, single
ði;jÞ2X ðdij;k  dij;k Þ (S2, S3), double (S5, S6, S7) and triple defects (S8). Nevertheless,
Stress ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
P ð2Þ it should be noted that the critical defect (S4) was perceived as
ði;jÞ2X dij;k being closer the double defects than the simple defects.

0.4 0.3
Measures Measures
Dim1 = 1.5981 x OL +0.013647 x K -0.7405 with R2 = 0.97767 Dim2 = 1.4118 x OL + 0.0026603 x SCG -1.8297 with R 2 = 0.82752
DIM2 obtained by listening test

DIM1 obtained by listening test

0.1 0.1





-0.5 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
-0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 DIM2 calculated by Mathematecal model
DIM1 calculated by Mathematecal model
Fig. 10. Diagram of dispersion between the second dimension and the scalar
Fig. 9. Diagram of dispersion between the first dimension and the scalar indicators. indicators.
R. Younes et al. / Applied Acoustics 99 (2015) 60–67 65

Table 2
The coefficients R2 and their mathematical model.

R 0.98 Dim1 = 1.5981 ⁄ OL + 0.0136 ⁄ K-0.7405 R2 0.83 Dim2 = 1.4118 ⁄ OL + 0.0026 ⁄ SCG-1.82
0.96 Dim1 = 0.05988 ⁄ PP + 0.70222 ⁄ OL-0.64 0.73 Dim2 = 0.18536 ⁄ KF + 0.0023 ⁄ SCG-1.49
0.95 Dim1 = 2.0511 ⁄ OL-6.7359 ⁄ 105 ⁄ RMS-0.10 0.59 Dim2 = 0.0501 ⁄ PP + 0.0022 ⁄ SCG-1.57
0.95 Dim1 = 2.0038 ⁄ OL + 0.0326 ⁄ CF-1.0297 0.42 Dim2 = 0.0010 ⁄ SCG + 5.61  105 ⁄ RMS-0.97

0.4 which presents the best similarity score, thus a better alignment of
cloud points on the regression line.
The scalar indicators are calculated from the vibratory acceler-
0.3 M1 ation signals, thus their unit is m/s2, except the kurtosis and the
crest factor which are dimensionless, and the CGS in Hz. The
K-factor is defined as the product between the peak value and
the RMS. The overall level of vibration of a machine is a measure
of the total vibration amplitude over a wide range of frequencies.
Dimension 2

0.1 S7
S6 M8 In Fig. 8 this correlation is shown for Dimension1 (DIM1), with
M7 one physical parameter. In this case Dimension1 is best character-
S8 ized by the Peak-to-Peak, with a coefficient of determination
0 S4 R2 = 0.93 (P < 0.001). The linear combination obtained is given by:
DIM1 ¼ 0:088565  PP  0:64616 ð4Þ
-0.1 M4 S5 Fig. 9 shows the correlation obtained for DIM1 with two phys-
ical parameters. The presence of OL and K in the mathematical
model (5) confirms the previous DIM1 analysis, since these two
indicators are directly related to the defect degradation level. The
coefficient of determination is R2 = 0.97 (P < 0.001).
-0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 DIM1 ¼ 1:5981  OL þ 0:013647  K  0:7405 ð5Þ
Dimension 1 Finally, Fig. 10 presents the correlation obtained for DIM2 with
two physical parameters. The model of this dimension given by
Fig. 11. Sounds classed by listeners (Si), and those calculated by mathematical
models (Mi).
expression (6) is characterized by the OL and the SCG which is
related to the spectral balance. The coefficient of determination
is R2 = 0.82 (P < 0.002).
5.4. Correlations between scalar indicators and dimensions
DIM2 ¼ 1:4118  OL þ 0:0026603  SCG  1:8297 ð6Þ
Since these dimensions perfectly describe the sound dispersion We present in Table 2 the value of the coefficients R and their
in the proximity space, and in order to link the vibration indicators mathematical model; we chose the model that has the largest coef-
to acoustic perception, it is necessary to find a correlation between ficient value.
this dispersion and the scalar indicators calculated: Kurtosis (K),
Crest Factor (CF), Spectral Center of Gravity (SCG), Root mean 5.5. Application of the mathematical correlation models
square (RMS), Peak-to-Peak (PP), overall level (OL), the peak value
and the K-factor. Thus the dimensions of this space will be a linear Fig. 11 presents, in the sound proximity space, the classification
function of different indicators. coordinate values of the 8 sounds obtained by the perception tests
To this end, an ascending linear regression was performed using (Si) and the two models (Mi) obtained previously from Eqs. (5) and
vibratory indicators as inputs. The dimension selected will be that (6). This figure shows good agreement, therefore the models

Fig. 12. Kurtosis of the 22 sounds.

66 R. Younes et al. / Applied Acoustics 99 (2015) 60–67

Zone1 Zone2 Zone3 Zone4

S1 Mo9
Dimension 2 0.3 Mo3

0.2 S8
S7Mo15 Mo22
Mo13 Mo17
0 Mo8 Mo19 S6
Mo14 Mo16
-0.1 Mo12Mo11
S2 S4
Mo6 S3
-0.2 Mo7

-0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Dimension 1

Fig. 13. Perceptual space for the 22 sounds.

Zone I: The sounds Mo1 and Mo2 represent the state without
defect, measured in two different time intervals.
Zone II: The sounds Mo3–Mo10 represent the simple defects,
with increasing degrees of severity: Mo3–Mo5 small defect,
Mo6–Mo9 average defect, and Mo10 critical defect.
Zone III: Includes the very critical simple defects Mo11–Mo13
(tooth removal) and the double defects Mo14–Mo21 with vari-
able severity levels. It is noteworthy that the sounds Mo11–
Mo13 were classed by the mathematical model in the double
defect zone, such as sound S4 which was classed by the listen-
ers in the same zone (see Fig. 6).
Zone IV: Sound Mo22 represents the triple defect.

Finally, we can conclude from this study that the mathematical

Fig. 14. DIM1 of the 22 sounds. correlation models obtained for dimensions 1 and 2 can be used as
a tool for monitoring the evolution of gear degradation without
repeating perceptions tests.
obtained are reliable with a coefficient R2 = 0.97 for DIM1 and Fig. 14 shows the evolution of DIM1 for the 22 sounds calcu-
R2 = 0.82 for DIM2. lated by expression (5) of the mathematical model. If there is no
Based on previous studies of bearing and gear defects [32,33], it fault (sounds 1 and 2), the DIM1 values are very low. They increase
has been shown that kurtosis is the indicator most sensitive to with the progression of the fault on the wheel 1 (sounds 3–10). For
shocks. Fig. 12 shows the kurtosis of the 22 sounds. It was found sounds 11 and 12 corresponding to a very critical defect, listeners
that the kurtosis values increased as the defect worsened, reaching perceive them as a double fault (see Fig. 11), DIM1 turns positive.
its maximum value for sounds 11 and 12 corresponding to a large For sound 13 corresponding to the total tearing away of the tooth,
defect (removal of approximately 3=4 of the width of the tooth). The thus no shock, DIM 1 significantly decreases and reaches almost
combination with other defects on the intermediate and the output zero. The combination of two to three defects on different wheels
wheel led to decrease of kurtosis. It became less sensitive due to gives DIM1positive values.
the increase in the number of shocks in the signal which tended
to merge into each other. 6. Conclusion

5.6. Application of correlation models for all sounds The aim of this work was to study the evolution of gear defects
using the sound perception approach. To do this, several defects
To check the reliability of these models for the measured were simulated on gears assembled on a laboratory test rig. A per-
sounds not subjected to the perception tests, we present in ceptual study based on the paired comparison and the MDS meth-
Fig. 13 the coordinate values of all the 22 sounds calculated by ods was carried out to study gear sounds for different degradation
the expressions of DIM1 and DIM2 based on the most revealing levels. This study allowed identifying the vibration parameters for
scalar indicators of the gear degradation state. In the calculation, establishing a vibro-acoustic relationship in rotating machinery,
the scalar indicators values which best explain the dissimilarity namely gear transmission systems.
judgments (OL, K, and SCG) are used. This work studied the capacity of the listeners to identify differ-
It should be noted that according to the proximity space, the 22 ent types of defect, ranging from a small simple defect to the com-
sounds are well classified into four zones in ascending order of bination of several defects. To do this, several defects with various
defect severity. levels of degradation were simulated.
R. Younes et al. / Applied Acoustics 99 (2015) 60–67 67

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