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.... !!'

.... ,"

1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

13. 14.


16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

2l 22.


Prasna r...1argJ8

P a Fa SGI ra r~ora Saastra Pind.a~llJ



J ivasam1a~oi'atha,m

Based on lagn8, San i ,Chandra

A)tlJ Based ( n Rasi &. Plan ets nature

Three types of Long evity

VafimJ S 00 _'nbi l1ati 0 ns for diffe rent Ayu rd ~y,as Balarishta

Sadyorils hts

lJeath .Time Place. Nat~re. Cal.! SB and Mooe Unneturn I D€,ath



M,urder or Suicide

Span of Li~s : Theory One Ttle-oryTlHO


J aim in i Astrvlogy D iffe rent Ay~ rgan ana Death: Place, Cau 88 and Natur,e.

Life Span Through J alrn i 11~

Kakshya Years Method

Subs idiary Methods

Vriddhakari~9 tvlethod


8 ased on Pu ru sha rmas Kalacr~akradasa

Ayurdaya Based an.Ashtakavarga(hve rv1etl'Jods) i\akshtrayusil (Based on g'irttl star}

Marska Period for different La'gfl as

La ngevity-Kri S~1 ns M urt}'1 i 'P add hati

N atu re o'f Death Pla c of Death

U nn atural De{3th

2 & 7 Hou ses M a tTi,ag® or D,eath?

Longevity-Kruslnna's Ashtakavarga System B i bnograp hy

1 6

18 23 24 2,6 31 37 39 42 45 46


75 8.1 gO

94- 96

106 108

-0-=~=-_"""~-=-I[ l.ongev~ty


Rahu in 81h causes. troubles after 40':h yea!",

Kuja & Sani in 8th accidents: K .. uja &. Sukra in gth gives venereal disease or death caused by lite partner,

Kuja & Rshu in RYI denotes death by poison, murder, suicide, accident or violence .

• i'"'-.

ong Life

Strong Lagnadhipathi, Lagna gdL lord, II lord, Sani, Benefic planets p. si ted in Kendras gj ve good ~ lngevi ~y.

Sani in Capricorn, Aquarius. or Libra causes good longex r ~ty_ 8d~ lord in Konas give ong life ..

8~~ lord in 5 it from Chandra sign gi ves 1 00 years life.

o~h ] d i k ' d 1 .] . c:

o· .or. nll .... on a gives goo. ong lie.

Empty eighth house f~-OiTI Chandra sign or Lagna causes good longevi ty. Powerful Lagna, Guru, Sukra give long ] fe,


Lagnalord and 8th lord conjoined give 50 yearsof'Iife ..

Sani and GlHU to Dhanus, Capricorn, A~lU ari us andPisces g~ 'le ~11 ed ilJ III lite

Benefies in 21ltl or .3~lor I J. III assure medi urn life.

Benefics in Ket dra kona, PO\V~rfLlJ Sani, and rnalefics i:n.61L or 8(h give medium ~]fe.

Lagna ord and 8~h lord in Kcndras g1 ve rnediu n life.

S~ - Ott L·ife

lf'Lagna lord and its deposi tors are devoid of benef G aspects short :~ i fe as· indicaed,

Atmakarakn in 3rcl from Lagna gives short ]. fe, '·l\.1alefie~ in 6 or g or l 2 will give shod. ]1 fe,

Ayashksraka Sani 111 8~~ causes early death but- i f One \V1 thstai ds, gets] ong life.

If8111 bouse) gil) 10m are afflicted, malefics occupy 12th causes early deatb,n

Afflicted Sth house. 8~'~ house and 8L1i lord give short ]j Ie. ~

3(\1 house occupied by bcncfics conduce short Lire. r

The Mesh a. or Thula born dies early ifSLl' lord .occupy 1 ~ 2 5 or 9,

1 }~IITtayLl

l . J\'f okshagundam Vi sweswariah

D.O.B. [5.09.186,[

died l4.4.1962

Rasi chakra. K em lVl ithuua, Ku] a Guru Sani in Sian ha, Ravi Bud ha Kanya, Sukra Tula, Rahu DhsUIUS .. Chandra Makara and Lagna Vrischika.

1\ a varus a chakra, Ketu Meen a, Budha Ch andra V ri sha, Rihu Kan ya, Sani Guru Tnla, {uja Su kra \/r~ sch ika, Ravi 1\·1 akara and Iagna Simha

Th e 1 agna 10 rl K uj a is wi th Guru and SaJ11 in 1. 01h ho use 'Kendra and gili. lord Budha is exalted, In Navamsa Sani is exalted with Guru. 100)'I!J.·. 1. Chandrasekhara Sarswarhi I 00 ),1'"8. Ap p, I).,O_B. 20.,5_1.894 died

3rL 1994

Rasichakra, Sukra Rahu Meena, .. Ravi Budha GULU Vrisha, Sani Ket.u Kanya, Chandra Vrischika, Kuja Kumbha.

N a vamsa Chakra. Ravi Budha Meena, Guru Ketu M] th una, sani Kanya, Chandra Vrischika, Rahu Dhanus, Kuia Sukra Kumbha.

Lagna Iord Ravi is with GUIU ill .~ O~h Kendra and 8~h lord Sani is in 2~ hou se aspected by ben efics Guru and S ukra. In N avamsa San ~ is very strong, He passed away in. Guru. dasa Sukra vidasa a s both are cormected to 81h house,


_. or"


20.4 . .l989 died 30.04.1945

Rasichakra. Ravi Kuja Budha Sukra Mesha, Rahu Mithuna, Sarli Karka, Chandra Gll11.1 Ketu Dhanus, Lagna Tula,

N a val nsachakra, Budha R ahu Vrisha, Ravi Mithuna, Kuja Simha, Guru Kanya, Kuj a Sukra K etu Vrischika, Sani Makara" Lagna Vrisehika.

Though Sani is powerful, Lagna and 8"'~ lord Sukra is weak as he is in



... .J

............. ~~---=--==-=t[ Longevity

J~---------;jl( 21 }

rnaraka house and aspected by rnaraka, (he 3i~ and R~h lord Guru.joined V~;] th Mars, nhc, 1~ and 7th ~ ord. He COJ:lln1 ittcd Sll icide in Ra bu Kuj a pc~ riod, Rahu is i.n T" from Chand ra,

John fI, Kennedy

29.5J9ri died 27,,11J963 (22J 't _1.963)

Rasichakra, Budha Kuj a Mcsha, Ita vi Guru Sukra Vri sha, Kern, ~.~ ithuna, Sani Karka, Kuja Simha, RahuDbanus and Lagna Kanya.

':'i._1" _t.,.,_I_~ ·17.=+.. M' ha.Ra 'V· I S ~~ S "S' · R~~' "1-'

l>~av,arnga~"r.t. ~ru : es a~ .£\.il:''U] " in S ~ . J.l!lt\J"a anl unna, "Mli1J". UJ a~

Chandra Vn£clm:.a} Kuja Budha Dhanus, ,GU_TI] Makara and Lagna Kanya, 111f gt&, lord is powerful than lagna ~ord~ Ayushkaraka S ani 'is 111'1 ·e~ as he is the lord offiirlJ and aspected by KUj2L The Jagna lord Budha ]5 gdJ with 8'1h lord, In _,,' a vams a also they 'Co n joined ,i n 4~h Kendra,


B. S~l~prn:k.ash,

2 . .1 L 1995" died 0.;09. R 969

Rasicekra, Kern Mithuna, Budha Sukra Kanya, Ravi Tula, Guru \1rischi ka, Chaadra lKujttRahu Dhamis, Sani Kumbha and Lagna Tula.]~. Ketn Vrisha, KujaKarka, 'GtID] Budha Kanya, Chandra 1u}q~~u Vi:Dchika, Sukra Sam Makara.Ravi Meena and Lagna.Dhanns. Lagna i ord Sukra in N eecha 11.lS,1 and.1J1:1 U 2ili bouse. In lagna Ravi ~.s K eecha. CJ1&lilia is ~11 3m and with rnalefics, In navamsa Sukra is in 2:-.1: with 2~' and :) ~ ~ otd S~l!ii aspected by Kuja in ~.'I!! ~ we 11 as it I,S being 11 ~E l' eecha rasi, He died, in, Kuja dasa an d Sukra bhukthi.

Thg P((} of native 's I ongevi t.y is no doubt a hard task OJ] the part of an astrologer; The 1 agna lord 'is cons 1 dered as house of longeviry, 'YJ.d!1'8re~ '~he IIO'Ttl:& of 6ili 8iti and l2 (.1 houses are detrirnenta I (0 the aati v c. Sani is the' significator of6l:il:l ~~h &: 12lli houses. It is known as lord of d~

The 1:5". ]Qm end Ravi are s ignificarors of]ong ] ifc. U' the position ofRav ~ ~ 1agl13, iand ~a lord! are ~oWJd in a. birth chart, (he nati vc enjoys longer '] ife, the subject to non-interference of malefic planets there on. The na tur a I

;;====~---_"L L()J1ge",ity Dr~ B,. v. Rfln; fLJ1

\ .. rs, Mon.



~ .._ ~-

Karka Sirnha Vrischika Kumbha

21 5 7 4

)--=~~(__g1 }

0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 Lagnalord in 4~~ Kendra,

Sft'ltyajUh Ray 2~5-192'1 5.30 A .. 1Vt

Y IS. Mon. Day

Aries 7 0 0

Sasayoga 16

Simha 3p.Janets 2 . .5 S~Jnha(lY1 ars) 5 Vrisehika 7

Aries Sio1ha, Vrisha T1M Kumbha Sirnba

10 5 16 16

4 12

.0 o


o o o o

o (Four planets ,contributing) o




o (Guru and Sani Retrograde. So AS8111U1.ed. 12)

Aurdaya Ganana based on Ashtakavarga

Rasi Gunakaraka

Each Sig11 has been aSsigned a. fixed or constant number for all charts,

Fir~Jt tlfethod

'182 } ( longevity J

Mesha 7 Tub. 7
Vrisha . 10 Vnschika 8
Mitbnna 8 Dhanus 9
Karka .. 4 Makara 5
Simha 10 Kumbha "~ 1
Kanya :5 :1eella ~l The bindus a Iter two reductions (Ekadhipatya and Ttikoaa sodhana), in an 12 !-j.~ gns, shou ld be multi plied by the above mentioned constant numbers, K ext, \.V· have to add a J the products. This is to be done for all seven planets.

Rasi Gunakaraka




Mesha 7 * 4 28
Vnsha 1.0 ;;.k 0 0
Mithuna 8. '* 0 ()
Karka 4 #= 2 8
Simha .to '* 3 30
Kanya 5 *' 0 0
Tub 7 '* 2 14
Vrischika 8 ~ 0 0
Dhanns 9 +: 0 0
Makara 5 ~ 0 0
Kumabha 11 * ]. II.
Meena l2 +: 3 36 127

...ike e.very Rasi, each planet also is assigned with a constant number which is called Grabagunkarakafmuhiplier). These should. be multiplied by the fa grues, after 1.\\"0 reductions) in the signs OCCup . ed by the various planets. A 11 '[he produ cts are to be added,


Fu.~Jvi 5 Chandra 5 Kuja 8
Budha ~, GUlU 10 Sukra 7
S . s:
am. .R avi A.shtakav~.

Ravi ,= 'i+;: 0 0
Chandra ..". ':ok: 0 0
J- ,
Kuja 8 * 2 :[6
Budha 5 ik: 0 -0
GUIU 10 *' 0 0
Sum. 7 :+; 2 14
Sani 5- '* 2 10
40 The total product of 12 Rasi S 1 s call ed R as ~ Pinda and total product of seven planets is caned Graha P1IUd(,L To get Sodhyapinda these 1:\111'0 are to be added,

Ray 'i 's Sodbyapinda is 127+40= 167" We have to multiply this by 7 and divide by 27" (167*7/27-43 ,J).,

The q uotient is the years gi ven by Ra v i as longev ity J.f the quotient :~ S greater than 27., it must be reduced bY'2.7. Here 43.3 is exceeds 27. So 43.3.-27 1 ~3 Years contributed by Ravi,

Planets Rasil'inda Grahapinda Sodhyapinda 'Years
Ravi 127 + 40 .- 167 43.3
Chadra 141 + 75 - 216 S6
KUj~l 62 + 20 - 82 21.3
Budl'~l 140 + 54 ~ j 94 50.3 Guru 89 107 196 50,g

Sukra 54 +. 15 6~9 17,9

Sani 80 or + 75 - [55 40.2

Except Kuja and Sukra, the years given by other planets are exceeding 27. So they have to be reduced,

Planets Years

RaVl 43.,3
Chadra 56
K l~ft 21.3
BL.cci~ 503
Gl~ SO.~1
BJ)k~ :I7E
Sar'D. 402 27 27


2J -3 .233 .23.81.





1..1 8 \lCfU;S

These years need some haranas (reductions)"

1. If there are more than planet in a. rasi, then fhe years to be reduced bv one half

"' .

2. fa. plane r 1 S K eec -13. or asthanga ta then a lso the: years to be re-

duced by one half

3. The years gi ven by a p lanet in. enemy's camp is reduced by one third

4. If a planet is in the v isible half reduce its portion

Malefic Planets .l2t!~ house



9 8 7

o y;


~/f 1/5 1/6

The benefic will lose hal f'ofwhat a malefic does.

5. If a p lanet whi ch ] s defeated in graha yuddb a one third mu st be deduced

6, The years given by eclipsed Ravi and Chandra reduced to one third.

''VV' hen s arne p ~ anet is 5U bject to a n urn ber ~)f-reduct~ ons, onlythe highest reduction sho uld be appl ied

Ravi 16.3 8.15
Chandra 2 2:
_. 'II~ -
Kuja. 21.3 :10.6"
Budha, 23,3 11.6
Gunl. 23.8 20.8
Sukra J 7.9 14.9
Satll 13.2 6.59
.... , ,
118 74.8 The longevity years given by various p~,anel~ is 74.80 Years, This a110ve calculation is based on Binnashtakavatga.

S econd M etho.ll

Another method is based on Sarvashtakaverga, It is also called Nakshtrayus, As before, here a lso, at first sodhyapinda is to be found based on Sarvashtekavarga bitidus (a'ftet t\VO reductions y.

,gtma bindn
Mesha 7 .$ 13 91
VrishsJ, U) '" 3 30
. 1.1
·~ti1hm1f:l. 8 ;4:: 9 72
Kafka 4- .... 9 36
' .
Simha ]0 '*' 13 130
Kanya 5 0+;: 8 40
lbJa, 7 * 7 49
Vriscflika 8 * '9 7)
Dham.1s 9 *' 1 9
Makara 5 '* 1 5
Knmabha II * 4- 44
~1,e~J13 12 "* 10 120
Rasi Pinda 69,Ft ~. ( Longevity )

Graha Gnnakaraka Ravi
Ravi 5 :+t 9 45
Chandra 5 * 9 4.5
Kuja g *' 9 72
Budha 5 * 9 45
Gum 10 '* 8 80
Sukra 1 * 1 49
Sani 5 + 9 45
Graha Pind 381 R ~'''''I n'i'liilda'"

~'I , .[,- ,II-t~,:..

grahal'inda Sodhya Pinda


698 38J 1079

1079*7/27 Remove hundreds 280-200 yearn



80* 324/3 6.5= 71 years

By the first method we ¥ot 74.80 years longevity whereas In this second method (based OIl sarvashtaka varga) we got 11 years.

The third m ethod

In the Hurd method ~ the sodbyapindas ofeacb palnet (including R abu) and Lagna shou ld be multiplied bythebindus in 8m, house in their respective astak varga [before two red uction s) and 'then di vi ded by 2,7_ F orsoura mana years. the product is to be multiplied by 324 and divided by 365.

Sodhya of pl an ets

Bindes Sthhouse



'167 216

5 6

835 30~ 92592593 ~296 48

Sun Moon


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