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Standards: Number and Quantity –Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Processes: Reasoning and Proof – Problem Solving

1) A small submarine started its dive at sea level and descended 30 feet per minute. Which integer
represents the submarine’s depth after seven minutes?
A. –210 feet
B. –23 feet
C. 37 feet
D. 210 feet

Standards: Number and Quantity –Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Processes: Reasoning and Proof – Problem Solving

2) The perimeter of the polygon ABCD at the right is represented by 21x – 12, the expression that
represent the length of AB and DC is:

Standards: Number and Quantity –Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Processes: Reasoning and Proof

3) Determine the values of the unknown variables

Standards: Number and Quantity –Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Processes: Reasoning and Proof
4) The polynomial that represents the total perimeter is:
Standards: Number and Quantity –Ratios and Proportional Relationships
Processes: Reasoning and Proof
5) Find the value in each algebraic expression.
 5 x  6 10  (8) 6m
A)   , when m = -3 and x = 2
3 m x

 5 x  6 10  (8) 6m
B)   , when m = -3 and x = 2
4 m x


6) log3 275  23  27  20  (2 64  2  5)  log2 64 * 32

7)  (7a  8b  12)   (9a  12b)   2(5a  4b  3)  (9a  12)  18a

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