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Jorge Martinez

EDT 3371
The Teaching/Managing/Grading Plan
1. Prepared/Knowledgeable - As a teacher we must be well prepared on how we plan to
educate and grade our students. We must know the content perfectly for us to be able to
educate students in the best way possible. When there are better preparations, there is
more we can offer to our students. We must be able to answer any questions students
throw our way. As educators, we must be extremely knowledgeable in the subjects we
plan to teach.
2. Leader/Role Model- Students tend to look up to their instructors meaning we have to lead
them by example. We must show them what good work ethic looks like and push them to
their full potential. When students admire their teachers, they strive to be like them.
Therefore, setting a proper example is vital for a student’s motivation to want to perform
3. Trustworthy/Approachable- For a successful school year, there has to be a strong bond
between teachers and students. It creates a positive learning environment for students
when they feel comfortable around their teacher. Students feel encouraged to learn when
they fully trust their teacher. Therefore, it is extremely important for students to have the
confidence to trust and approach you.
4. Flexible- Throughout the school year, we must adapt for our students. Some of our
lessons may not always apply to all our students. Therefore, we have to change our lesson
plans to fulfill each student’s academic needs. We cannot force students to learn a certain
way as it will affect their will to learn. It is a must to fully adapt to their preferred and
most effective learning style.
5. Enthusiastic/Motivated- Having an enthusiastic attitude would really lighten up the
classroom. A positive learning environment is what motivates students to learn and
succeed. It strongly encourages students when the first thing they see when entering a
classroom is a smile. Therefore, having an optimistic attitude in the class will have a
positive effect on students.
6. Accommodations/Modifications- This correlates with being flexible with students. There
are all types of students and each one of them have a variety of needs. Not all students
can work or be taught the same. There are students with disabilities and certain
accommodations must be applied to their education. The same would go for students who
are gifted. We have to make changes for all students for them to receive the best
education possible based on their academic needs.
I strongly believe that these six standards can provide a progressive experience where all
students can learn and succeed. I feel these things can create a diverse classroom where the
needs of every student are met. This plan can help a teacher teach, manage, and grade all at
once. These six guidelines would apply to all types of students with every core subject. It can
be applied to both general and special education classroom if done properly. This would
include grades EC-12 and the majority of students with disabilities from a special education
classroom. As I mentioned before, accommodations and modifications will vary depending
on the needs of the students. I feel that every teacher can integrate this plan into their
classroom successfully. This plan isn’t necessarily perfect as many changes can be made
through time. Although, I feel these guidelines can create a great learning experience for both
students and teachers.

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