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Love is blind


Love is blind is a philosophy used to describe how people may be in Love with one another

regardless of the faults that one may be having. In this case, you may find people who love

another yet there is a faulty personality or the negative temperament among the people.

Similarly, lovers may go the extra mile of sacrificing their comfort, finances, their family status

as well as their security for the sake of the people they are in Love. However, in most cases,

people end up in depression, committing suicide, or even changing and adapting to different

personalities. Such personalities are characterized by hatred for the opposite gender, adopting to

homosexual behaviors as well as bestiality.

Different philosophers have come up with different views on Love, and the interpretation of their

views changes with time. Some opinions which were made in the distant past were interpreted

differently as they are being interpreted in the present. The change in peoples' views is highly

dependent on the current technology and natural change which has no explanation attached to it.

In the recent past introduction of the new technology brought about different aspects concerning

Love. Such elements include pornographic films, soap opera films. These aspects have altered

views and interpretations of Love among the people who watch the movie.

The biblical view on the other is a complete reverse of how human beings interpret and practice

Love. There are rules that the bible as well as the Quran have concerning love issues. However,

the people nowadays consider the rules as outdated and unworthy to be followed as the guiding

principle. However, there are still some people who are attached to their culture as well as the

religion. For that matter, such people have a different way of approaching the issue of Love. This

research, therefore, focuses on how Love is blind to physical appearance, how people in Love

sacrifice themselves for the sake of the people they love, the various forms of Love as well as

different philosophical views on Love. The context of Love captured in this research is both the

lover’s context, the family context, and the general friendship.

How Love is blind

A significant number of studies show that people often fall in Love due to physical

attraction. Love is blind philosophy incorporates the Love at first sight philosophy where one

develops feelings of Love for the person they got attracted to. In this case the driving force is the

first impression which Is often the looks of the person they have seen. Beyond the attraction, the

people end up building strong relationships which with time may become a complexity. In most

cases, such relationships end in chaos since the two partners might fail to tolerate the negative

personalities within their partners (Judith, 755). In the modern dating sites, the forums have

become popular with people choosing partners from different geographical locations with the

criteria of looks. This is justified by the fact that the only thing that can be portrayed by a man's

or a woman's picture is looks. However, characters and occupational status can be a mere lie.

This is a clear sign that the relationship is built on the ground s of looks and there is a possibility

of the relationship flourishing at the same time it can perish within time. In this case, we can say

that Love is blind to the faults behind the two partners.


Similarly, you can find a perfect couple who have for so long been in a marriage for so long

with, but one of them may be disabled or even lacks one of the things that you find it necessary

(Jennifer and Lin, 1425). According to a report from Squirmy and Rub's channel, a twenty-five-

year-old Hannah married a disabled twenty-six-year-old Shane suffering from a muscular

disease. The Pennyslivian couple faced a lot of vicious comments, especially Hannah, for

choosing to marry the man. She said in one of the interviews that she loved the man and not his


Love and sacrifice

According to Judith, all relationships require sacrifices for it to work and probably last.

However, too much sacrificing may cost one, and it may become irrelevant. In other cases,

sacrificing too much implies how one is desperate for Love. It may happen that one partner is

sacrificing everything while the other partner refuses to compromise anything that concerns

them. This will automatically yield to an unhealthy relationship, and it will last for a short time.

Therefore, it is so wise to for partners to understand that everyone's sacrifice is significant to a

meaningful and working relationship.

In real-life stories, the titanic story introduces the tragedy of the sinking of the ship in London

with many cases of death. Within the story is two partners who fall in Love during their journey.

As the ship was sinking, the two lovers were having fun together, and as they got to know what

was going to happen next, the man told the woman that he was willing to die and live her alive

rather than watching the woman dying (Kimberly, 439). The story is so sad it makes one

emotional as the two were to be separated by death. The man died, but the woman survived

though she ended up in torments from the death of her lover.


Psychology reports form a conducted case study done by psychologists tells about the couples'

authentically emotional expressions in consideration of sacrifices made. The statement implies

that emotional attachments develop from sacrifices made. The fundamental aspects of sacrifice

in a relationship according to the report are discussed as follows;


When you are in a relationship, you have to create a lot of free time for your partner. It is worth

giving up your free time to tour partner because it is a way of building strong and lasting bonds.

In this case, it is enough to say that creating time for spending with your partner is a primary

factor that will determine the threshold of the relationship.


When you choose to share your life with someone, both of you will eventually know the deep

secrets about one another. This feature is significant to the strength of the relationship in the

sense that it makes both of you trust one another. In other words, your private life is no longer

within you alone; rather, it is tied between the two of you. Privacy in a relationship means not

only psychological intimacy but also physical privacy; for instance, you can undress and also

undress in front of your partner without having to hide from the other.

Humility and gentleness.


Psychological studies tell that men love women who are humble while women, on the other

hand, love gentlemen. In this case, one has to sacrifice anything that may compromise humility

as well as gentleness. If, in any case, a man rejects a woman's request- in the context of couples,

the woman should not do it since her partner has prohibited her. However, it may happen that

whatever the woman was up to do was something that could benefit her. This means that the

woman has to forget it and adapt to do without it (Nicky, 360). Similarly, a man, also in the

context of couples, has to do husband duties to keep the relationship going. If he fails to do so, it

will become a direct reflection of his irresponsible behavior, hence compromising the

momentum of the relationship.

Independent goals

Research tells that every individual has independent goals and ways of achieving them.

However, once you have entered a relationship, you automatically have to converge your goals

with your partner towards having collective goals. This reflects how both of you are anticipating

to have a lifetime relationship. Contrary to this, if you become rigid to converge your goals, the

bond may not be reliable since both of you will be committed to different directions.


Being in Love with someone means that you have to spend your money on them. Some

feministic philosophers claim that men are supposed to spend on women, while others claim that

spending money on another one should be done by both of them but independently. However,

others believe the claim that women who depend on themselves for the financial issue are the

best in a relationship. For that matter, it can be concluded at all costs, and a healthy relationship

is dependent on financial sacrifice, not necessarily from a specific gender.


Six Forms of Love

As discussed earlier, one single word is not enough to capture the magnitude of Love, hence its

complexity. We can feel Love in different states, for instance, when you are; happy, sad, angry

as well as confused. We can also use Love as a force to keep relationships with partners or

friends. Since we cannot use a single word to describe the magnitude of Love, the ancient Greeks

came up with six types of love (Judith, 755). A famous Greek Philosopher by the name Aristotle

argued that almost every individual must experience at least one kind of Love once in their lives.

Therefore, it is wise to appreciate these types of Love for us to be better human beings. These

types of Love are discussed as follows;


This was the first kind of Love named after the Greek god of fertility. It represented the idea of

passion in sex and the extreme desire for sex. The Greeks considered this kind of Love as evil at

the time it was discovered, unlike in the present time. It was even viewed as a hazardous and

irrational kind of Love since the people were too attached to their cultural norms and behaviors.

Eros entailed loss of control and that was the main reason why the Greeks feared it at first. It is

now odd that in the present time, the people are madly looking for such kind of Love where one

loses control.


This was the Greek term to describe a playful kind of Love where the partners are young. The

Ludus kind of Love has a little probability of getting to marriage since it is based on the partners'

eagerness to become adults. However, this kind of Love may end up in marriage only if the

partners will develop a converged understanding of Love and its goals. In the modern world, this

kind of Love is popular among teens due to technological influence as well as the environmental

influence from their elders (Dag et al., 264). The contagiousness of the Ludus type of Love is

primarily driven by increasing peer pressure. For those who have never been into any form of

Love, they will automatically be influenced by their peers who are in a relationship with the

grounds of this type of Love.


Philia or deep friendship type of Love is a deep, comradely friendship that develops from

fighting for one another. It is reflecting the loyalty among the friends and sharing emotions

among one another.


Agape or Love for everyone is a type that entails a radical love that is directed towards all

dimensions, whether family members, distant relatives, or strangers. Agape was later translated

to a Latin word Caritas whose original name was charity.


Also known as long-standing Love. This was a deep and mature love with deep understanding

that developed between married couples. It was about making several compromises to build a

relationship work as well as showing tolerance and patience towards one another. The

Psychoanalyst Erich Fromm said that it is wrong to spend too much energy on falling in Love.

Instead, it is wise to spend too much time learning how to stand in Love to keep the relationship

going and last for long (Judith, 788). Pragma is, therefore, precisely focusing on standing in

Love and making the effort of giving Love and not just receiving Love.


This was the sixth type of Love that precisely described a family affection, such as the Love for

your siblings, the Love for your parents, and the Love for your brother or your sister. Studies

show that this is the most reliable kind of Love since it is built within a long period. According to

Philosopher William Shakespeare, family love is the unique type of Love where non is willing to

give up on another; however, wrong a person may be.


From the research above, it is evident that Love has a large magnitude that cannot be captured in

a single description. However, different philosopher together with researchers have tried to

compact the concept of Love, but there are some aspects which are left out. With the present

research and views from different philosophers, it is noted that there are six types of Love,

namely, Eros, philia, storge, agape, pragma, and Ludus. Eros explain Love driven by sexual

desires while philia is the friendship love, storge is the Love that exists between family members.

Agape is the Love for everyone regardless of who they are, pragma is a type of Love among

married couples, while Ludus is Love between young partners. From the six kinds of Love, the

best types in the context of general friendship are; agape and philia, while in the context of

lovers, the best kind is the pragma type, which encompasses more maturity. For the family

context, the storge type is a suitable one since it entails a strong bond and loyalty. Ludus is more

of a teenage influence, and therefore it might not be a healthy one.


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