Linking With Informal Resources - Jorge Martinez 1

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Jorge Martinez

EDT 3371
Linking with Informal Resources
Resources Description/Purpose Subject and How to Use it in
(Online/Physical) of Resource Grade Level classroom
El Paso Zoo (Physical) In this particular Animal Science The subject of
place there is a K-12th grade science consists
variety of animals. of many hands-
All these animals on activities
come from all the when teaching it.
continents in the That is why
world. When visiting the
analyzing the museum will add
animals, you get a even more to that
glimpse of how they formula.
would interact in Students will
their natural habitat. actually get to
see animals in
person rather
than just pictures
in books. It will
enhance their
and interest in
the subject of
Animal Science.
Holocaust Museum Through this museum History When students
(Physical) we get to see and 9th-12th grade are introduced to
experience the the events of
hardships Jews had to WWII, they are
go through during the also shown the
Holocaust. The horrible events of
museum is filled with the holocaust.
objects and After visiting this
photographs for the museum, I
visitors to have a believe students
better idea of what will have a better
the horrible events understanding of
consisted of. WWII events and
the Holocaust. It
would lead to a
more engaged
Centennial Museum and This museum focuses History The history of El
Chihuahuan Desert Gardens on the history of El 3rd-12th grade Paso is never
(Physical) Paso. It showcases really expressed
how life was in the in classrooms.
region and what type Therefore, after
of animals lived here. visiting the
It shows large museum,
detailed statues of the students will be
animals. You’ll also more interested
see how people came and engaged in
and lived in El Paso. the beautiful city
It shows how El Paso they live in. They
began and how it will learn about
became the city it is their ancestors
today. and how they
used to live.
El Paso Museum of Art This museum Art History Students will get
(Physical) showcases art from K-12th grade a glimpse about
all over the world. It the world
shows how art has through the art
changed throughout that they will see
the different time in the museum.
periods. It shows how Many students
the culture of the never travel
artists affect their art outside North
style. The art that is America and this
presented in the museum will
museum comes in all give them a
shapes and sizes. small tour around
the world. While
at the museum,
there are
activities where
students can
participate and
create their own
art. In this website, Mathematics I believe this
(Online) students are able to (K-5th grade) website will give
attain knowledge in a a whole another
variety of ways. It experience. In
makes math for kids elementary
fun where they can school, many
play games. It students tend to
doesn’t consist of hate math by
only pen and paper as how it’s shown
students can pick to them.
from a variety of Therefore, this
games the site offers site does it in a
to them. new unique way
that attends the
learning needs of
all students.
Teachers can
also test and quiz
students through
this site. Students
will have a
perspective on
math after using
this site. This website gives Animal Science I believe this
m students knowledge K-5th grade would be an
(Online) on how animals live engaging
in their natural experience for
habitats. It shows it students as it
through videos, presents the
games, and even content in a
small quizzes. The whole different
website is filled with manner. Students
pictures for students are usually
to look at and shown books that
analyze. This site students find no
allows students to interest in. This
express their site is filled with
knowledge of animal life and so much
science in a variety of color. This site
ways. would engage
students more in
the lesson and
Khan Academy This is a huge online All Subjects This online tool
(Online) tool for students. It K-12th grade is like providing
gives a variety of a private tutor to
lessons on specific students. There
areas subjects that are times when
can be confusing for students are
students. The lessons confused and not
are done in a very processing what
careful manner and is being taught to
explained with them. Therefore,
distinct detail. They this site is great
teach all subjects online tool for
from all grades students who are
making it available in those
for all students with situations. It
different learning provides help for
needs. all grades and
subjects. This site was created Math and I strongly believe
(Online) for students who Reading this is a great
have difficulty in K-8th grade tool for students.
math or reading. It sets up math
They can learn and reading in a
through playing fun way for
games and watching students. It
various videos. This addresses the
provides a fun many learning
experience for styles of
students when they students. When
encounter math and students use this
reading. site, students will
be more engaged
in the classroom
when math or
reading is
presented to

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