Walz Pence Letter

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settings. They routinely place orders with the CDC International Reagent Resource.

Their weekly needs from Roche include:

o 1 small volume extraction kit
o 2 cases processing cartridges
o 4 cases system fluid
o 3 bottles external lysis buffer
o 1 case filter tips
o 1 case output plates
Second, as I mentioned on the call with you and the other governors on Friday, April 24,
our pork producers are facing a crisis because of decreased processing capacity across the
country. I want to echo a letter that Minnesota Congressman Collin Peterson sent to you
last week requesting a federal response to address this situation. We know the United
States Department of Agriculture has engaged in a response in conjunction with your
Coronavirus Task Force and other federal entities. I urge you to work as quickly as possible
to ensure full funding, fast action, and coordination to address these issues for our pork
producers. Minnesota will do everything it can to support our producers. The Minnesota
Department of Agriculture and the Minnesota Board of Animal Health are actively working
on addressing this crisis. We need a full federal response to address this urgent issue. As
this crisis quickly unfolds, I will be in touch with more details soon.

Finally, in the locally executed, state managed, and federally supported COVID-19
response, states are in great need of additional support from the federal government to
ensure that we are able to respond to this unfolding situation. As you know, local
governments and states led by governors on both sides of the aisle are strongly supportive
of additional flexible federal funds. We appreciate the openness that the Trump
Administration has expressed for the $500 billion funding request for states, and would
also urge your support for increasing the federal FEMA cost share to 100%, which FEMA is
currently allowed to do to ensure that states are able to rapidly respond as the COVID-19
crisis unfolds.

Thank you for your attention to these issues.


Governor Tim Walz

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