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Loretto, PA 15940



Student Teacher Mary Kraus Grade 2

Subject Reading _
Time Needed for Lesson 20-30 minutes Lesson Concept Synonyms __

PA STANDARD(S) (Write out standards):

Standard - CC.1.2.2.F
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in grade-level text including multiple-meaning


Synonyms are words that have the same meaning.

How can I use synonyms to make a text more intriguing?



OBJECTIVE(S) (Be sure to include all four parts):

After a discussion on synonyms, the student will, along with the rest of the class, identify at least one synonym
to add to the passage.

 Solar System reading passage

ACTIVITIES (There are three sections here):

OPENING (Introduction, purpose, hook)

 Begin by asking “what is a synonym?”

 Review the definition as well as some common synonyms.

BODY (Bulleted step by step/differentiation must be included)

 Read the passage about the solar system. Certain words will be a different color to indicate that we will
be finding synonyms for those words.
 After reading the passage, go over the red words and ask for some synonyms for those words. Write the
words in.
 Reread the passage with the new words. Discuss how the words changed up the passage.

CLOSURE (Wrap up and brief summary): How will you plan to restate the lesson objective?

 Review the concept of synonyms as they will appear on the test.



ASSESSMENT: (How you will determine that student has mastered objectives?): Consider formative and
summative assessment measures for all levels of differentiation.

The student will be assessed on their ability to offer at least one synonym for a word during the whole group

SELF-ASSESSMENT/REFLECTION: (Complete this section if you have taught this lesson to peers or in
clinical placement):

I thought that this lesson went well, but I would definitely make some adjustment. For this activity, I
used a poster and put post-it notes over the words, writing synonyms on the post-its. When I first printed this
poster, it seemed big enough, but after hanging it up in front of the whole class, I quickly realized that it was a
bit too small. I think that it may have been more effective for me to use the SMART board somehow, or to
make a worksheet so that kids could do it at their seats with me. This way, it would be a little more hands-on. I
was definitely losing their interest in the end, so maybe finding a way to get everyone a little more involved
would be a good idea.
This activity was designed to help the students with the concept of synonyms before taking that part of
their reading test. I was able to correct that section of the reading tests right after, and almost everyone got
100% on this portion, which was very satisfying for me. I definitely think that this activity helped to solidify the
idea of synonyms before the students were assessed on their knowledge of this specific skill.

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