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Field Tests on Pile-Supported Embankments

over Soft Ground

R. P. Chen1; Z. Z. Xu2; Y. M. Chen3; D. S. Ling4; and B. Zhu5

Abstract: When designing embankments over soft soils, geotechnical engineers face many challenges. These include potential bearing
failure, intolerable settlement, and global or local instability. Pile-supported embankments have been emerged as an effective alternative
successfully adopted worldwide to solve these problems. This paper focuses on three cases in which pile-supported embankments were
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used for constructing highways in the eastern coastal region of China. Each case provides a description of the soil profile, construction
procedure, and field monitoring of the settlements, earth pressures, and pore-water pressures. Field monitored data from contact pressures
acting on the piles and the soils, to the settlements of the piles and the soils are reported and discussed. The development of the earth
pressures both on the piles and the soils shows that there was a significant soil arching in the embankment, and the measured earth
pressures acting on the piles are much higher than that acting on the soils between the piles. The measured differential settlements between
the piles and the soils are small. The pore-water pressures are not significant compared to the embankment loads. Most pore-water
pressure dissipated after the complete of filling. The measurements have proven the effectiveness of this technique in reducing total and
differential settlements. Finally, the available design standards and approaches are verified by three cases.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲GT.1943-5606.0000295
CE Database subject headings: Piles; Embankments; Field tests; Earth pressure; Settlement; Case studies; Soft soils.
Author keywords: Pile-supported embankment; Field test; Earth pressure; Settlement; Case studies.

Introduction project in the north of St. Paul in Brazil 共Alzamora et al. 2000兲,
and the highway construction in Netherlands 共American Associa-
Compared to the traditional soft soil improvement measures, pile- tion of State Highway Officials/Federal Highway Administration
supported embankments provide an economic and effective solu- 2002兲. The first documented application in China was the Hang-
tion for embankment constructed over soft ground. This technique zhou to Ningbo highway widening project 共Jia et al. 2003兲. Then
has many advantages, which are rapid construction, small lateral it was used in many other highways with the recent economic
deformation, and easily controlled settlements. It spreads quickly boom in China 共Liu et al. 2007兲.
around the world, for example, the railway widening project at However, the interactions among piles, pile caps, foundation
Stansted airport in London 共Jones et al. 1990兲, the retaining wall soils, and embankment fills are complex 共Chen et al. 2008b兲.
Under the influence of fill weight, the embankment fills between
Professor, Key Laboratory of Soft Soils and Geoenvironmental En- piles have a tendency to move downward due to the larger settle-
gineering of Ministry of Education, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Zhejiang ment of soft foundation soil between piles. The movement of the
Univ., 388 Yuhangtang Rd., Hangzhou, 310058, China. E-mail: chenrp@
embankment fills is restrained by shear resistance generated in the
Doctor Candidate, Key Laboratory of Soft Soils and Geoenviron-
fills. These shear resistance reduce the pressure on the foundation
mental Engineering of Ministry of Education, Dept. of Civil Engineering, soil but increase the pressure on the pile caps. This load transfer
Zhejiang Univ., 388 Yuhangtang Rd., Hangzhou, 310058, China. E-mail: mechanism was termed the soil arching effect by Terzaghi 共1943兲. Many researchers established different kinds of model tests to
Professor, Key Laboratory of Soft Soils and Geoenvironmental En- study the piled embankments 共Hewlett and Randolph 1988; Low
gineering of Ministry of Education, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Zhejiang et al. 1994; Chew et al. 2004; Chen et al. 2008a兲. These model
Univ., 388 Yuhangtang Rd., Hangzhou, 310058, China 共corresponding tests mainly focused on the soil arching in the embankment. In
author兲. E-mail:
4 reality, the mechanisms of load transfer are much more compli-
Professor, Key Laboratory of Soft Soils and Geoenvironmental
Engineering of Ministry of Education, Dept. of Civil Engineering, cated than just the soil arching. The expanded applications of the
Zhejiang Univ., 388 Yuhangtang Rd., Hangzhou, 310058, China. E-mail: piled embankments demand a thorough understanding of the in- teraction between the piles, the soils, and the embankment. A
Associate Professor, Key Laboratory of Soft Soils and Geoenviron- closed-form solution has been developed for the interaction be-
mental Engineering of Ministry of Education, Dept. of Civil Engineering, tween the piles, the soil, and the embankment 共Chen et al. 2008b兲,
Zhejiang Univ., 388 Yuhangtang Rd., Hangzhou, 310058, China. E-mail: but no geosynthetic reinforcement was considered and the em- bankment fill, the foundation soil, and the piles were assumed to
Note. This manuscript was submitted on October 2, 2008; approved
deform one-dimensionally. Numerical methods were frequently
on November 20, 2009; published online on November 25, 2009. Discus-
sion period open until November 1, 2010; separate discussions must be used to investigate the load transfer mechanisms 共Han and Gabr
submitted for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of 2002; Pham et al. 2004; Huang et al. 2006兲. Even though numeri-
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 136, No. 6, June cal analyzes are effective for investigating the interactions in the
1, 2010. ©ASCE, ISSN 1090-0241/2010/6-777–785/$25.00. pile-supported embankments, they are generally time-consuming


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2010, 136(6): 777-785

Table 1. Detail Information of Test Sections in TJ Highway
Test H d L Sa Cap a Arrangement
section 共m兲 共m兲 共m兲 共m兲 shape 共m兲 of piles
G1 6.0 0.4 20 2.5 Square 1.3 Square
G2 6.0 0.4 20 3.0 Square 1.6 Square
G3 6.0 0.4 20 2.0 Square 1.0 Square
Note: H = embankment height; d0 = pile diameter; L = pile length; Sa = pile spacing; and a = pile cap width.

and difficult to be adopted for routine use in practice. There are in three sections of the embankment, which were section of
very few standards and approaches for the design of piled em- K18+ 223 共defined as G1 section兲, section of K18+ 253 共defined
bankments. British Standard BS8006 共British Standard 1995兲 uses as G2 section兲, and section of K18+ 283 共defined as G3 section兲,
Marston’s formula to estimate the vertical stress on the top of the respectively. The detail information of these test sections are
piles. Moreover, the effects of the embankment fill material prop- listed in Table 1.
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erties on the vertical stress are not considered. Nordic handbook

共NGG 2002兲 calculates the soil arching by a soil wedge model
with a top angle of 30°. German criterion 共Deutsche Gesellschaft Site Conditions
fur Geotechnike E V. 2004兲 is based on the method of Hewlett
There is a crust 共ML兲 of approximately 3 m thickness under the
and Randolph 共1988兲 considering soil arching as a series of
domes of hemispherical shape supported by piles. Due to the ground. Below the crust is a soft CL layer with a thickness of
complexity of the systems, field test is considered as an effective about 16 to 17 m. The CL layer has high water content, poor
way for investigating the systems of pile-supported embankments permeability, and low shear strength. The third layer is pebble
共Liu et al. 2007兲. 共GM兲 about 15 to 17 m thick which lies on the tuff. The ground-
This paper provides the field measurements of earth pressures, water level was at a depth of ⫺0.5 m. The main soil properties are
settlements, and pore-water pressures of pile-supported embank- shown in Table 2.
ments during construction by three case histories. These three
cases involve two highways, including the highway from Taizhou
Test Setup and Instrument
to Jinyun 共TJ highway兲 and the highway connecting four prov-
inces of Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui in east China The embankment was 6.0 m high with a crown width of 26 m.
共SJZA highway兲. The study is based on the field measurements of The side slope was 1 V to 1.5 H. The fill material consisted
pressures on the piles and soil surfaces between piles and the mainly of gravel mixed with clayey soil with a friction angle of
settlements of the piles and soils, and the pore-water pressures.
32°, and an average unit weight of 21 kN/ m3. The 20-m-long
The measured data are compared with computed results obtained
prestressed tube piles were driven down to a firm pebble layer.
by four theoretical methods.
The outer diameter of the pile was 0.4 m and the thickness of the
concrete annulus was 5 cm. All the piles were arranged in square
Field Test on Piled Embankment with Firm pattern. Fig. 1 illustrates the cross section and plan views of the
Substratum in TJ Highway test sections, arrangement of piles, and instruments.
Nine earth pressure cells were placed in the embankment cen-
General Information of Project ter in each test section. Earth pressure cells E1–E3 were installed
on the surface of the surrounding soils. Earth pressure cells
TJ highway is located in the southeast of Zhejiang province in E4–E9 were on the top of the pile caps. Two settlement plates
China. The total length of the highway is 60.6 km. The height of were put on the top of pile cap 共S1兲 and on the surrounding soil
the embankment is from 4 to 9.7 m accordingly. The test site
consists of soft soils with thickness varying from 5 to 20 m. Most
The driving of tube piles began on March 3 in 2005, and
of the soft soils are CL with very low shear strength and high
compressibility. completed after eleven days. Then the square pile caps were cast
Prestressed tube piles with square pile caps were explored to in the field. The instruments were installed after the construction
improve the soft ground. In order to better understand the settle- of pile caps. The embankment was filled to a height of 6.0 m over
ments and load share ratios of the pile-supported embankments on a period about 65 days. The observation started with the begin-
soft soils, a test embankment totally 126 m in length 共from K18 ning of the embankment construction in late April and lasted 9
+ 183 to K18+ 309兲 were chosen. The monitoring was carried out months after the construction.

Table 2. Main Soil Properties at Test Sections in TJ Highway

Thickness ␥ W Ip kh / kv mv c⬘ ␸⬘
Layer 共m兲 共kN/ m3兲 共%兲 e0 共%兲 共10−6 cm/ s兲 共MPa−1兲 共kPa兲 共degrees兲
ML 3.0 19.3 29.2 0.818 11.2 7.20/7.80 0.153 0 21
CL 16.0–17.0 16.7 46.3 1.286 16.1 0.10/0.15 0.415 0 24
GM 15.0–17.0 19.9
Note: ␥ = unit weight; W = water content; e0 = void ratio; I p = plasticity index; kh / kv = coefficient of permeability in horizontal and vertical directions;
mv = coefficient of volume compressibility; c⬘ = effective cohesion; and ␸⬘ = effective friction angle.


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2010, 136(6): 777-785

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Fig. 3. Settlements measured in test sections in TJ highway

smaller than those measured on the piles. It can be seen that the
piles carried the majority of the embankment loads and so rela-
tively the soft soil beneath the embankment was subjected a much
smaller compressive load. This implies that there was a load
transfer from the soil onto the pile as a result of soil arching in the
Fig. 1. Cross section and plan views of the embankment, the field embankment fill. The rapid steadility of the earth pressures both
instrumentation, and the arrangement of piles in TJ highway on the piles and soils is attributed to the fact that the piles were
founded on firm pebble layer. Though there is no pore-water pres-
sure measurement, the steady earth pressures, and the settlements
Field Measurements which will be discussed later, indicate the complete of the soil
consolidation after filling. The degree of the soil arching may be
Earth Pressures on Pile Cap and Soil Surface quantified using the load share ratio, n, which is defined as the
Fig. 2 shows the average earth pressures acting on the pile caps load on the pile cap divided by the total weight of the embank-
and the soil surfaces measured by the earth pressure cells which ment fill over the total area
were defined as P p and Ps, respectively. During the first 20 days,
the embankment reached 1.5 m, while the earth pressure on the P p · Ac
pile caps and the soil surfaces increased with the height of the n= 共1兲
␥1 · H · Sa · Sa
embankment fill. The earth pressures on the pile caps increased
sharply with the embankment height. However, the earth pres- where P p = earth pressure on the pile cap; Ac = area of pile cap;
sures reached peaks around 25–60 days, then decreased to rela- ␥1 = unit weight of embankment fill; H = embankment height; and
tive steadily values about 80 days. The decrease of the earth Sa = pile spacing. The load share ratio lies between 0% and 100%.
pressures on the soils is due to the consolidation of the soils and The measured load share ratio were 82.6% in G1 section, 71.2%
the soil arching developed in the fill. When the fill height reached in G2 section, and 87.6% in G3 section at the end of monitoring.
6.0 m at the end of the embankment construction, the pressures on The height of the fill should be high enough so that the soil
the top of caps in G1 and G3 sections were about 380 kPa, while arching can be fully developed. This height is named as the criti-
that measured in G2 section was 288 kPa. The lower steady value cal height. Hewlett and Randolph 共1988兲 pointed that when the
of P p in G2 section attributes to the larger net spacing of caps. fill height is less than the net spacing between the two near edges
However, the pressures on the soil between the piles were far of the piles, there is no soil arching. In Nordic handbook 共NGG
2002兲, it is suggested that the height of the embankment should
be at least 1.2 times as large as the distance between the pile caps.
In Fig. 2, the fill height at which the earth pressures on soil
surface reaches the maximum value can be regarded as the critical
height. The loads of the subsequent filling after the critical height
were transferred to the piles. The critical heights were about 1.3–
1.5 m in G1 section, 1.5–1.8 m in G2 section, and 1.0–1.3 m in
G3 section, respectively. Therefore, the arching height is about
1.1–1.3 times larger than the net cap spacing in these test sections
共see Table 1兲.

Fig. 3 shows the measured settlements both on the pile cap 共mea-
sured by surface settlement marker S1兲 and on the soil surface
between the piles 共measured by S2兲. The settlements increased as
the fill height increased. Most part of the total settlements oc-
curred during the embankment construction, and the subsequent
Fig. 2. Earth pressures measured in test sections in TJ highway settlements due to soil consolidation were small. This is mainly


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2010, 136(6): 777-785

Table 3. Detail Information of Test Sections in SJZA Highway
Test H d0 L Sa Cap a Arrangement
section 共m兲 共m兲 共m兲 共m兲 shape 共m兲 of piles
G4 4.0 0.4 14 2.0 Square 0.9 Triangle
G5 4.0 0.3 14 2.5 Square 1.0 Triangle
Y1 5.0 0.48 13.5 2.2 Round 1.4 Triangle
Y2 5.0 0.48 13.5 2.7 Round 1.4 Triangle
Y3 5.0 0.48 13.5 2.2 Round 1.4 Triangle
Note: H = embankment height; d0 = pile diameter or equivalent pile diameter; L = pile length; Sa = pile spacing; and a0 = cap width or cap diameter.

because the piles were founded on firm pebble layer. The mea- is 0.181 m2. Hence, the compression stiffness of the Y-shaped pile
sured total settlements in G2 section were larger than those mea- is 2.5 times that of the tube pile. Under the embankment loads,
sured in other sections, while the data obtained in G3 section the compression of the pile is in millimeter order. So those two
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were smallest. It indicates that the pile spacing has significant types of piles can be considered as rigid piles when they are used
impact on the settlements. At the end of the monitoring, the mea- in the embankment.
sured maximum settlements were 72 and 82 mm at the pile cap A test embankment totally 50 m in length 共K25+ 090– K25
and on the soil surface, respectively. + 140兲 were chosen to study the field performance of the piled
In this paper, differential settlement is defined as the difference embankment. There are five test sections, which were section of
in settlement at the top of pile cap and on the soil surface. Similar
K25+ 100 共G4兲, section of K25+ 135 共G5兲, section of K24+ 970
to the total settlements, the differential settlements also increased
共Y1兲, section of K24+ 995 共Y2兲, and section of K25+ 025 共Y3兲.
with the increase of the height of the embankment. But there was
The G4 and G5 sections were improved by prestressed tube piles,
no obvious increase in differential settlement after the construc-
tion of the embankment. The measured maximum differential and Y1, Y2, and Y3 sections were improved by Y-shaped piles.
settlement was about 10 mm. Thus, it is clearly proved that the Table 3 shows the details of the test sections.
needed differential settlement between the pile and soils for the
full development of the soil arching is small when the piles are Site Conditions
embedded in the firm substratum.
There is a thin crust 共ML兲 about 2.5–3.0 m thick under the
ground. The second layer is CL with a thickness of 2.0–4.0 m.
Field Test on Piled Embankment with Soft Below it is a very soft CL layer about 15.0–16.5 m thick. These
Substratum in SJZA Highway two layers have high water content and compressibility, which are
the main soft soils layer. The underlying soil is composed of ML
General Information of Project with a thickness of 18.5–23.2 m. The groundwater level was at a
depth of ⫺0.3 m. The main index and strength properties of the
The total length of the highway is about 89 km. Most of the soils under the test embankment are shown in Table 4.
embankments from K0 to K53 were constructed over deep soft
soils. The thickness of the soft soils is about 30 m. The pre-
stressed tube piles, manufactured in the factory, are widely used Test Setup and Instrument
for their good quality and high strength. However, the producing
The embankment had a crown width of 35 m. The side slope was
cost of prestressed tube pile is expensive. Moreover, it is difficult
1 V to 1.5 H. The fill material consisted mainly of crushed rock
to construct the embankment dealing with tube piles for its varia-
mixed with clayey soil with friction angle of 35°, and an average
tion of pile length in transitional embankment section. As a result,
a new type of pile whose cross section likes the letter Y was also unit weight of 22 kN/ m3. Fig. 4 illustrates the cross section and
used in this project. The construction technique of Y-shaped pile plan views of the test sections, the arrangement of the piles, and
is similar to that of casing pile. It is more economical than the the instruments.
prestressed tube pile and has many advantages, such as larger All piles were arranged in a triangular pattern and were not
surface area, higher bearing capacity, and lower producing cost. founded on the firm layer. The tube piles had square caps on the
Typically the elastic modulus of the concrete of the Y-shaped pile pile heads, whereas the Y-shaped piles had round cap. Detail in-
is 25 GPa, while that of prestressed tube pile is 35 GPa. The cross formation of piles and pile caps were provided in Table 3. The
area of the tube pile is 0.0628 m2, while that of the Y-shaped pile reinforcement consisted of a biaxial polypropylene grid, which

Table 4. Main Soil Properties at Test Sections in SJZA Highway

Thickness ␥ W Ip kh / kv mv c⬘ ␸⬘
Layer 共m兲 共kN/ m3兲 共%兲 e0 共%兲 共10−6 cm/ s兲 共MPa−1兲 共kPa兲 共degrees兲
ML 2.5–3.0 19.1 27.2 0.801 11.5 7.50/7.90 0.189 0 24
CL 2.0–3.9 17.3 59.9 1.312 19.9 0.91/0.25 0.681 0 20
CL 15.0–16.5 17.1 47.0 1.290 15.9 0.10/0.11 0.483 0 22
ML 18.5–23.2 18.9 27.8 0.788 15.0 7.22/7.61 0.145 0 25
Note: ␥ = unit weight; W = water content; e0 = void ratio; I p = plasticity index; kh / kv = coefficient of permeability in horizontal and vertical directions;
mv = coefficient of volume compressibility; c⬘ = effective cohesion; ␸⬘ = effective friction angle.


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2010, 136(6): 777-785

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Fig. 5. Earth pressures and pore-water pressure measured in tube pile

sections in SJZA highway

about 2.5 years after it was completed. The embankments im-

proved by tube piles and Y-shaped piles in the test sections were
constructed to 4.0 and 5.0 m, respectively.

Field Measurements

Earth Pressures on Pile Cap and Soil Surface

The earth pressures acting on the pile caps and the soil surface,
and the pore-water pressures in test sections improved by tube
piles and Y-shaped piles were shown in Figs. 5 and 6, respec-
tively. During the first 150 days, the embankment reached 1.0 m,
while the earth pressure on the pile caps and the soil surface
increased with the height of the embankment fill. After 150 days,
the rate of construction increased until the complete of embank-
ment filling. The earth pressures on the pile caps increased
sharply with the embankment heights. However, the earth pres-
sures on the soils reached peaks around 150 days, then decreased
to relative steady values after about another 100 days. This is
mainly because that the piles were founded on soft substratum.
When the embankment construction was completed 共i.e., the fill
height reached 4.0 m in sections with tube piles and 5.0 m in
sections with Y-shaped piles兲, the measured pressures on the pile
caps were 280 kPa in G4 section, 289 kPa in G5 section, 259 kPa
in Y1 section, 350 kPa in Y2 section, and 269 kPa in Y3 section,
as shown in Figs. 5 and 6. It is obvious that the foundation soils
only carried a small part of the embankment load, which is simi-
Fig. 4. Cross section and plan views of the embankment, the field
lar to TJ highway. Therefore, it can be concluded that there was a
instrumentation, and the arrangement of piles in SJZA highway

was laid in one layer on the top of the pile cap. The tensile
stiffness in longitudinal and transverse directions of the geogrid
was 1,500 kN/m.
Earth pressure cells 共E10–E23兲 were placed in the center of
embankment to measure the vertical loads shared by the piles and
the surrounding soils. Two settlement plates were installed in each
test section. The settlement plates were installed both on the top
of the pile caps 共S3 and S5兲 and on the surrounding soils 共S4 and
S6兲. Besides, two settlement gauges 共SS1 and SS2兲 were installed
to a depth of 21 m near the center line of the embankment to
measure the settlements of the substratum.
The instruments were set up from July 15 to August 30 in
2003. In late October, the pile caps were cast in the field after the
installation of the piles, and the observation started from the be- Fig. 6. Earth pressures and pore-water pressure measured in
ginning of the embankment construction in November and lasted Y-shaped pile sections in SJZA highway


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2010, 136(6): 777-785

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Fig. 7. Settlements measured in sections with tube piles in SJZA

Fig. 8. Settlements measured in sections with Y-shaped piles in
SJZA highway

soil arching developed during the embankment filling. The loads

of the fills were transferred by the soil arching from the soils to
the piles. The measured load share ratios were 75.5% in G4 sec- increased with the fill heights. The maximum differential settle-
tion, 61.4% in G5 section, 86.3% in Y1 section, 76.6% in Y2 ments ranged from 30 to 45 mm, and about 70% of them occurred
section, and 89.6% in Y3 section at the end of monitoring. It is during the construction. The measured settlements of the substra-
clear that the load share ratios from sections improved by tube tum were 68 mm in G4 section, 85 mm in G5 section, 88 mm in
piles are much smaller than those from sections improved by Y1 section, 84 mm in Y2 section, and 86 mm in Y3 section, and
Y-shaped piles. From the load share ratios measured in the 5 there was a large settlement in substratum due to the relative soft
sections, the increase of Sa / a tends to decrease load share ratio. substratum under the pile toe. The compression of the soft sub-
The lowest load share ratio of pile 61.4% is in G5 section with stratum counts for about 50–60% of the total settlement of the
maximum Sa / a = 2.5; while the highest load share ratio of pile embankment. And the magnitudes of the substratum settlements
89.6% is in Y3 section with minimum Sa / a = 1.57. in these three sections dealt with Y-shaped piles were close. The
Similar to the measurement of earth pressures in TJ highway, settlement of the foundation soil was larger than that of the pile in
the critical heights were about 1.2–1.5 m in G4 section, 1.5–1.9 m each test section.
in G5 section, 1.0–1.3 m in Y1 section, 1.4–1.8 m in Y2 section,
and 1.1–1.3 m in Y3 section, respectively. Therefore, the arching Verification of Design Standards and Approaches
heights are about 1.0–1.5 times the net pile spacings in these test As discussed earlier, soil arching was developed in the embank-
sections. ment during the embankment filling. Load share ratio is an indi-
cator of the soil arching. Nowadays, British Standard BS8006
Pore-Water Pressures 共British Standard 1995兲, Nordic handbook 共NGG 2002兲, and Ger-
The pore-water pressures in G5 section and Y2 section are also man criterion 共Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Geotechnike E V. 2004兲
shown in Figs. 5 and 6, respectively. It is clear that the measured are the main available design standards and approaches for the
results illustrate an increase in excess pore pressures during the design of piled embankments. British Standard BS8006 uses Mar-
period of construction and dissipation after the construction com- ston’s formula to estimate the vertical stress on the top of the
plete. When the measurement was completed, the excess pore piles. Moreover, the effects of the embankment fill material prop-
pressures were all very small. Due to the longer drainage path, the erties on the vertical stress are not considered. Nordic handbook
excess pore pressures in deep soils dissipated slower. However, calculates the soil arching by a soil wedge model with a top angle
the increase of excess pore pressures in each depth was small, and of 30°. German criterion is based on the method of Hewlett and
the maximum value was less than 25 kPa. This might be the result Randolph 共1988兲 considering soil arching as a series of domes of
of load transfer from the foundation soft clay to adjacent piles due hemispherical shape supported by piles.
to soil arching and some dissipation of pore-water pressures dur- Chen et al. 共2008b兲 presented a close-form solution consider-
ing construction. The piles carried the majority of the embank- ing the interaction between embankment fill, pile, and soil under
ment load and so relatively the soft clay beneath the embankment drained conditions. With the solution, the settlements of embank-
was subjected to a much smaller compressive load. ment, piles, and soils, and the earth pressures on piles and soils
can be provided. But no geosynthetics is taken into consideration,
Settlements and this solution is only suitable for the piled embankment when
Figs. 7 and 8 show the measured settlements both on the soil the soil consolidation is completed. From the measurement of
surface between the piles and on the pile cap in SJZA highway. pore-water pressures in SJZA highway, the generation of pore-
Similar to the findings in TJ highway, all the measured settle- water pressure was not significant and the dissipation of the pore-
ments increased with an increase in the fill height. After the water pressure was fast. At the end of monitoring, most pore-
construction of the embankment, a few subsequent settlements water pressures have been dissipated. Hence, Chen’s method can
occurred due to the consolidation of the foundation soils. The give an appropriate estimation of settlements and earth pressures
measured settlements in G2 and Y2 sections were larger than of the piled embankment.
those in other sections. It implies that the settlements are strongly The calculations according to BS8006 are as follows:
affected by the pile spacings. The differential settlements also For H ⬎ 0.7共Sa − a兲 the distribution over pile load/soil load is


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2010, 136(6): 777-785

Table 5. Parameters Used in the Calculations in TJ Highway Table 6. Parameters Used in the Calculation in SJZA Highway
Embankment H : 6 m; ␸ : 32°; ␥1 : 21 kN/ m ; Es : 0.067 MPa ;
3 −1
Embankment H : 4 m 共G4 and G5兲, 5.0 m共Y1, Y2, and Y3兲; ␸ : 35°;
Pile and cap E : 35 Gpa; d : 0.4 m; ␦ : 0.006 m; L : 20 m; Sa : 2.5 m ␥1 : 22 kN/ m3; Es : 15 Mpa;
共G1兲, 3.0 m共G2兲, 2.0 m 共G3兲; a : 1.3 m 共G1兲, 1.6 m Pile and cap E : 35 Gpa共G4 and G5兲,25GPa共Y1, Y2, and Y3兲;
共G2兲, 1.0 m共G3兲; d0 : 0.4 m 共G4兲, 0.5m共G5兲, 0.48 m共Y1, Y2, and Y3兲;
ML and CL mv : 0.2 MPa−1; ␥ : 18 kN/ m3; ␰ : 0.25; ␦u : 0.005 m; L : 14 m 共G4 and G5兲, 13.5 m共Y1, Y2, and Y3兲;
GM qu : 5000 kPa; ␦ p : 0.010 m Sa : 2.0 m 共G4兲, 2.5 m共G5兲, 2.2 m共Y1兲, 2.7 m共Y2兲, 2.2
m共Y3兲; a0 : 0.9 m 共G4兲, 1.0 m共G5兲, 1.4 m共Y1, Y2,
Note: H = embankment height; ␸ = friction angle of embankment fill; ␥1
and Y3兲; ␦ : 0.006 m;
= unit weight of embankment fill; Es = compression modulus of embank-
ment fill; E = elastic modulus; d = pile diameter; L = pile length; Sa = pile CL mv : 0.18 MPa−1; ␥⬘ : 8 kN/ m3; ␰ : 0.23; ␦u : 0.005 m
spacing; a = pile cap width; ␦ = wall thickness of tube pile; mv ML qu : 500 kPa; ␦ p : 0.010 m
= coefficient of volume compressibility of soft soil; ␥ = unit weight of soft Note: H = embankment height; ␸ = friction angle of embankment fill; ␥1
soil; ␰关␰ = 共1 − sin ␸⬘兲tan ␸⬘兴 = coefficient of skin friction; ␦u = ultimate = unit weight of embankment fill; Es = compression modulus of embank-
relative displacement of soils around pile; qu = ultimate resistance at pile ment fill; E = elastic modulus; d0 = pile diameter or equivalent pile diam-
toe; and ␦ p = ultimate relative displacement of soils at pile toe.
Downloaded from by Tufts University on 03/25/18. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

eter; L = pile length; Sa = pile spacing; a0 = pile cap width or pile cap
diameter; ␦ = wall thickness of tube pile; mv = coefficient of volume com-
pressibility of soft soil; ␥ = unit weight of soft soil; ␰关␰ = 共1
p⬘c /␴⬘v = 共Cc · a/H兲2 共2兲 − sin ␸⬘兲tan ␸⬘兴 = coefficient of skin friction; ␦u = ultimate relative dis-
For H ⬎ 1.4共Sa − a兲 the distributed load on and the force in the soil placement of soils around pile; qu = ultimate resistance at pile toe; and
␦ p = ultimate relative displacement of soils at pile toe.
reinforcement is
1.4Sa · f fs · ␥1共Sa − a兲
WT = 关S2a − a2共p⬘c /␴⬘v兲兴 共3兲 and German criterion兲 are included for comparisons. These four
S2a − a2
methods give a wide range of prediction of the load share ratio.
where H = embankment height; Sa = pile spacing; a = pile cap BS8006 has a great difference in prediction of the load share ratio
width; Cc = pile type factor; ␥1 = unit weight of embankment fill; compared to the measured values. When the load share ratios are
f fs = partial coefficient for soil load; ␧ = strain; and WT=distributed low, BS8006 underestimates the load share ratio. And the German
vertical load acting on the reinforcement. DBGEO design method predicts much higher values of the load
Nordic handbook suggested that the soil arching is calculated share ratio. On the other hand, predictions using the design
by a soil wedge model with a top angle of 30°. The weight of the method in Nordic handbook and the method proposed by Chen
soil wedge, W2D, according to Nordic handbook is et al. 共2008b兲 are consistent with field measurements.
The settlements on the top of the pile caps 共S p兲, the settlements
共Sa − a兲2
W2D = · ␥d = 0.93共Sa − a兲2 · ␥d 共4兲 on the foundation soils between the piles 共Ss兲, and the settlements
4 tan 15° of the substratum 共Sd兲 were pictured in Fig. 10. The prediction of
The weight of the soil in three dimensions, W3D, is calculated as the settlements using the analytical method proposed by Chen et
follows: al. 共2008b兲 is in good agreement with the measured values in TJ
highway in which no geosynthetics was used, and overestimates
1 + Sa/a the settlements in SJZA highway in which one layer geogrid with
W3D = · W2D 共5兲
2 the stiffness of 1,500 kN/m was used.
The influences of geosynthetics on the performance of piled
where ␥d = unit weight of embankment fill per meter in depth.
embankment are concerned by researchers 共Han and Gabr 2002;
However, German DBGEO criterion is based on the method
Pham et al. 2004; Chen et al. 2008a,b兲. By using FLAC program
of Hewlett and Randolph 共1988兲 considering soil arching as a
series of domes of hemispherical shape supported by piles. The
average pressure applied on the reinforcement, ␴ZO,k, is calculated
as follows:

␴ZO,k = ␭␹1 ␥1 +

共␭1 + H2c ␭2兲−␹ + Hc

␭1 + H2c ␭2
冊 −␹

− 共␭1 + H2c ␭2兲−␹

D共K p − 1兲 共Smax − D兲2 S2max + 2D · Smax − D2

␹= , ␭1 = , ␭2 =
␭2Smax 8 2S2a
where q0 = surcharge on the embankment; K p = the coefficient of
passive earth pressure; Smax = the maximum pile spacing; and
D = pile diameter 共d兲 or pile cap width 共a兲.
The parameters used in the calculation are shown in Tables 5
and 6. The soil profiles are shown in Tables 2 and 4. In the
calculations, the soils along pile shaft are assumed the same as
the soil below the crust. In Fig. 9, predictions of load share ratio
from a theoretical solution developed by Chen et al. 共2008b兲 and Fig. 9. Comparison of the load share ratio between measured and
other three common methods 共i.e., BS8006, Nordic handbook, computed values


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2010, 136(6): 777-785

when the pile toes locate in soft soils, and range from 30 to
45 mm when the pile toes locate in firm soils; and
5. These four methods give a wide range of prediction of the
load share ratio. BS8006 has a great difference in prediction
of the load share ratio compared to the measured values. And
the German DBGEO design method predicts much higher
values of the load share ratio. Predictions using the design
method in Nordic handbook and the Chen’s method are con-
sistent with field measurements. Besides, the computed
settlements obtained by Chen’s method are in reasonable
agreement with the measured settlement in TJ highway, and
overestimates the settlements in SJZA highway in which one
layer geogrid with stiffness of 1,500 kN/m was used.
Downloaded from by Tufts University on 03/25/18. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Fig. 10. Comparison between the measured settlements and the com- Acknowledgments
puted values by Chen’s method
The work was supported by the National Natural Science Foun-
dation of China 共Project No. 50878193兲, and Program for New
共finite difference method兲, Han and Gabr 共2002兲 conducted nu- Century Excellent Talents in University 共NCET兲 for financial
merical study to investigate the effect of geosynthetics stiffness support.
on the settlements of embankment. It was found that the geosyn-
thetics with the stiffness of 1,500 kN/m will decrease the maxi-
mum settlement about 22% and maximum settlement about 21%. Notation
By using PLAXIS program 共finite element method兲, Pham et al.
共2004兲 conducted 2D plane-strain numerical analyzes on geopier The following symbols are used in this paper:
embankment. The differences of different settlements and stress Ac ⫽ area of pile cap;
concentration ratio are only about 1–5% when the stiffness of a ⫽ pile cap width;
geosynthetics ranges from 0 to 100,000 lb/ft. Hence, from nu- a0 ⫽ pile cap width or pile cap diameter;
merical studies, the maximum influence of the geosynthetics with Cc ⫽ pile type factor;
tensile stiffness of 1,500 kN/m on settlement and load share ratio c⬘ ⫽ effective cohesion;
is less than 22%. Hence, this accounts for the overestimation of D ⫽ pile diameter 共d兲 or pile cap width 共a兲;
settlements in SJZA highway by Chen’s method. The influence of d ⫽ pile diameter;
geosynthetics stiffness on the settlement is more significant than d0 ⫽ pile diameter or equivalent pile diameter;
that of load share ratio. e0 ⫽ void ratio;
f fs ⫽ partial coefficient for soil load;
H ⫽ embankment height;
Conclusion Hc ⫽ critical height;
I p ⫽ plasticity index;
This paper presents three cases of pile-supported embankments K p ⫽ coefficient of passive earth pressure;
over soft soils in two highways. Based on the results of field kh ⫽ coefficient of permeability in horizontal direction;
monitoring of embankment settlements, earth pressures on piles kv ⫽ coefficient of permeability in vertical direction;
and on soils, and pore-water pressures, the following conclusions L ⫽ pile length;
can be drawn: mv ⫽ coefficient of volume compressibility;
1. The soil arching in the embankment has been observed from n ⫽ load share ratio of pile;
the measurement of earth pressures on pile caps and on soil P p ⫽ pressure applied on the pile cap;
surface. It reduces the loads on soft soils between piles and Ps ⫽ pressure applied on the soil surface;
distributes the embankment loads in a more efficient way to q0 ⫽ surcharge on the embankment;
the top of the pile caps. According to the field measurement Sa ⫽ pile spacing;
of earth pressures, the arching height is 1.0–1.5 times the net Sd ⫽ substratum settlement;
pile cap spacing; Smax ⫽ maximum pile spacing;
2. The load share ratios are in the range of 61.4–89.6%. The S p ⫽ settlement on the foundation soil;
load share ratios from sections improved by tube piles are Ss ⫽ settlement on the top of the pile cap;
much smaller than those from sections improved by W ⫽ water content;
Y-shaped piles. The increase of net cap spacing tends to de- WT ⫽ distributed vertical load acting on the reinforcement;
crease the load share ratio; W2D ⫽ weight of the soil wedge in two dimensions;
3. The measured excess pore-water pressures were small and W3D ⫽ weight of the soil wedge in three dimensions;
dissipated fast during embankment filling. At the end of ␥ ⫽ unit weight of foundation soils;
monitoring 共200 days after the complete of filling兲, the pore- ␥1 ⫽ unit weight of embankment fill;
water pressures dissipated almost completely; ␥d ⫽ unit weight of embankment fill per meter in depth;
4. The substratum settlements count for 50–60% of the total ␸⬘ ⫽ effective friction angle;
settlements when the piles do not found on firm substratum. ␧ ⫽ strain; and
The maximum differential settlements are about 10 mm ␴ZO,k ⫽ average pressure applied on the reinforcement.


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2010, 136(6): 777-785

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