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Yaqi Yang (Aurora)

186-7683-3865 |
WeChat: 12319708046
Objective: Executive Group Practice Director

advertising professional sophomore at Reading. Good communication and coordination / copy editor.
Watch cuisine beauty and fitness verticals / pillow's hot Internet video / high sensitivity insight hot / reading enthusiasts
Excellent communication and coordination skills, the ability to adapt to quickly adapt to new environments, and can accept
high-intensity work.

MSU (Mi ch i g a n Sta te U n i ve rsi ty) Sep 2019 - Sep 2022
Bachelor creative
related courses: creative Thinking, Concept Development, Advertising Marketing Strategy


D C h i n e se R a d i o (C h i n e se b ro a d ca st Mi ch i g a n te l e vi si o n ) Jan 2017 - May 2019
host and planning U.S. Traverse City (Traverse City)
with a team of four people to create original share class was studying radio show "the other side Gramophone", responsible
for each issue and presided over the planning of the program.
section contains the series "Nostalgia tongue", "little left to say" and so on. The programs are made in Michigan Chinese
radio and television public number, website, APP on-line good results, the average amount of each tweet read 1000+,
compared with the amount of program listening and reading public numbers over the same period rose by 200% compared
to the same period of the program. Its "nostalgia tongue" section to copy published magazine "prose poem" 2017 version of
the 14 headlines.
All the above-mentioned program contents are original team, mainly related to the US to study Chinese elements and
aspects of life, reflected in authentic conflict and fusion of Western culture and life. Real emotions show little worry of Acacia
international students, and progressive confusion of youth. Concentrating on vivid and interesting program, an enormous
repercussions on the line online. We achieved a good reputation in the Chinese community in Michigan and expand the
activities under the series dating line.
In the program production process, each of the specific programs are integrated into the humanistic documentary topics
such as Sino-US comparison about the different eating habits, graduation season random street interviews, caused by
Mother's Day and so on. As a remote file growth humanities documentary radio programs, pre-program planning, editing,
recording, post-production by four members to complete.

Org a n i za ti o n /Acti vi ty N a me
N MC C h i n e se stu d e n t So ci e ty (N MC Stu d e n t Mi ch i g a n ) Dec 2017 - May 2018
founder / Vice president , charge of event planning and team management Traverse City
involved in the planning office campus First League Gaming friendly, responsible for the planning and organization of this
activity, the preparation of a reasonable budget based on the activity content and form, and with the team meeting to
develop the flow of activities; external docking responsible for group construction activities, development activities projects
and venues; finally achieved satisfactory results activities, strict control of costs within budget, and foreign students for
campaign effectiveness highly.
Sino-US student exchange will carry out the weekend to help Chinese students to American students into the ring, and the
popularity of Chinese culture to foreign students.
MSU w e 5 4 Stu d e n t Feb 2020 -
Secretary portion East Lansing
is responsible for communication and coordination and finishing materials
involved in planning the school year's Eve party in 2020, responsible for communication with the sponsorship and
coordination of internal and external business organizations at all levels.
explain a rule making ppt and business activities, and successfully won four businessmen sponsored a total of 2,000
dollars. The Chinese undergraduate school a total of 346 participants, 25 were foreigners.
assist in the planning department, assist in the management and statistical activities and supplies raw materials
procurement, production staff swing sets scheduling table, ensure that the activities carried out smoothly.
follow up students daily life, has organized the "end unzip free hug", "before returning to shopping malls procurement
activities" and other college activities.


Ski l l s: PowerPoint (Exp, may be designed template), Excel (proficiency ), FinalCutPro (skilled, can produce video clips), the
public number (skilled, typography writing)
C e rti fi ca ti o n s: Carnegie speech camp (5 weeks Gifted, coursera certificate)

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