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My journey to prepare for IELTS and PLAB1&2

A short eBook with tips for overseas doctors who want to Introduction……..2
work in the UK IELTS……………3
General Tips….…10
Contact Info…….11

Dr Milena Dare


INTRODUCTION • https://www.gmc-uk.org/registration-and-licensing/join-the-
My name is Milena, I'm a doctor graduated in Brazil in • https://www.gmc-uk.org/registration-and-licensing/join-the-
December 2017. After my graduation, I moved permanently to the register/plab
UK, to join my spouse that is settled here, and since then I've been • https://www.gmc-uk.org/registration-and-licensing/join-the-
on my journey to practice medicine in the UK. I've recently finished register/registration-applications/application-guides/full-
with the exams to be able to work in the UK, all three parts, IELTS, registration-for-international-medical-graduates
PLAB 1 and 2, cleared in my first attempts. • https://www.gmc-uk.org/registration-and-
This eBook aims to give you tips on how to study, if you’re licensing/employers-medical-schools-and-colleges/the-plab-
an overseas doctor who is planning on taking the exams to work in test
the UK. I’ll be writing about my journey, my preparation, and • https://www.gmc-uk.org/registration-and-licensing/join-the-
sharing tips that helped me clearing my exams, for example, which register/registration-applications/application-registration
books and websites are useful, how much time to study should I take
for each exam, and also some tips on how to know when you're In this ebook I'll be talking about the books, websites and the
prepared to take the exam, based on my personal experience. English teacher that helped me, but I would like to let you know that
The GMC (General Medical Council), the official body that I'm not getting sponsored by anyone. It's only suggestions, since it
is responsible for the registration of doctors in the UK, asks for 3 was materials and a great teacher that were of a huge help for me to
exams to be cleared for a doctor that graduated abroad to be able to be able to clear all the exams in my very first attempt.
obtain the registration. These exams are IELTS and PLAB 1 and 2.
I'll be talking about each one in detail.
Before talking about the exams and starting your preparation,
I would advise you to read the following links:

IELTS you can use the same IELTS exam for your VISA application to
come to the UK and also your PLAB and registration application.
The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) The average of 7.5 is a very high score to get on the IELTS
is one of the exams required by the GMC to prove your English Academic exam, specially the minimum score of 7 on the writing
language skills. Recently the OET (English Language Test for part. So it requires a very focused and dedicated preparation. The
Healthcare Professionals) test was added on the GMC list. Since secret for the IELTS exam is to know the structure of the exam and
IELTS was the exam I took, I'll be talking about it only. (You can manage your time well.
read about the OET requirements on this link: https://www.gmc- I started my IELTS studying by buying the book ''The
uk.org/registration-and-licensing/join-the-register/before-you- Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS for Academic and General
apply/evidence-of-your-knowledge-of-english/using-your-oet- Training''. This guide explains in detail the general structure of the
certificate). IELTS exam, and it comes with a CD with examples of speaking
The IELTS exam consists of four parts: listening, reading, tests and listening audios. It also comes with essays examples that
speaking and writing. The GMC asks for a minimum score of 7 in show what is expected from you in the writing exam. I found this
each area and a total average of 7.5. The total average is calculated book guide essential for me to be able to get the pass mark,
by adding the scores from each part and dividing it by four. The especially in the writing exam. My score was 7 in listening, 8 in
result of this calculation needs to be 7.5 or above for the doctor to be speaking, 7 in writing and 8.5 in reading. I read and did all the
eligible to apply for PLAB 1. exercises provided in the book. Although a few exercises in the book
There are a few different types of IELTS exam. For us, seem very simple, it was very important for me to study all of it.
doctors from abroad, the type needed is the IELTS Academic. If There are mocks at the end of the book also, but I found the mocks
you're not settled in the UK and are applying for a VISA, you'll be concerning the reading and listening parts easier than in the exam
needing the IELTS Academic for UKVI (UK Visa Immigration), so itself.

I believe the most important section of the ''The Official My preparation for the IELTS test took 2 months, studying 2
Cambridge Guide to IELTS for Academic and General Training'' hours every day during the week, usually in the night, after coming
book is the writing section, because it shows examples of essays back from medical school. Saturdays I used to study for 3 hours
with their respective scores and the reason why that mark was given, during the day, and complement it by having English teaching with
which was very useful for comparing with my mock essays. In a professional teacher. Sundays were off from IELTS studying, as I
addition, the speaking section is also very important, by showing needed to keep up with the medical school work as well, and also
candidate's performances with marks, and the reason why that spend time with family and friends.
specific mark was given. My main concern during my IELTS preparation was the
The best mock exams for the reading and listening parts are writing part. I would sincerely advise you, especially in my case that
on the ''Cambridge IELTS 9 Academic with Answers'' book, due to English is my second language and medicine in Brazil is thought in
the fact that the level of the mocks in this book is very similar to the Portuguese, to hire an English teacher, a professional, to at least
level of the actual IELTS exam. So, after finishing the first book, I correct your mock essays, and if possible, also help you with the
moved on to doing mocks from the book ''Cambridge IELTS 9 other parts of the IELTS test. Of course it's understandable that
Academic with Answers''. I believe this book is at their 13 volume English lectures can be a bit expensive, when added up with the
nowadays. exam prices and the stay in the UK for the exams, so it's
By the last month of my preparation, I would try and do as understandable that money can be a bit tight. But if you can afford
many mocks as I could, doing the listening, reading and writing it, I would sincerely advise you to do it. IELTS is an expensive
parts together, like it is on the exam day, always paying attention at exam, so I think it's worth investing a bit more money and having
the time management. The speaking test is usually held on a higher chances of clearing it in your first attempt.
different date, so be aware of it when booking your exam. Mine I had my essays corrected and also practiced the other parts
was on the day before of the rest of the test. of the IELTS test with an English teacher specialized on the TOEFL
and IELTS exam, Dejan Tomic. My lectures were once a week for

around 2 months. If you’re interested, you can like Dejan’s page on You should be able to talk and conclude your task within the time
Facebook and get in touch with him through the following link: given, not before and not after. Silence gaps on the speaking test can
https://www.facebook.com/DejanProfIngles really compromise your grade, so focus on your time management
My main strategy to study for the writing exam was to do as and task completion here. If you can practice with a study partner,
many mock essays as I could, with special attention given at the that will also help.
time management. I used to do the essay mocks from the IELTS How to be sure that you're ready for the exam?
Cambridge Guide book and always compare it with the example Unfortunately, you can't be 100% sure you'll clear the exam when
essay offered, and try to improve and get as closer to the example you sit for it. But I would advise you to sit for the exam when you're
essay with the higher marks as possible (not as a copy of the essay, getting at least a 7 on your mocks (the guide book also explains how
but with a similar structure). to count your marking) for the writing (which means that you're
Still concerning the writing test, here are two tips that helped close to the example essay given on the guide book that scored 7 or
me to improve the quality of my essays: 1) learn some connective above) and at least an 8 on the listening and reading mocks (these
terms like ''in addition'', ''on the other hand'', ''although'', ''also'', are parts of the exam considered "easier", so it's important to get a
because those terms give fluency to your essay, and 2) when writing very high score here to improve your average and you'll end up
your essay, try your best to complete your statements with needing a 7 on your writing test, and no more than that).
examples. I only booked my IELTS test when I was getting the grades
Concerning the speaking test, one way of studying for it it’s mentioned above on my mocks, and, very important, when I felt
recording yourself doing the task with a camera and comparing it very confident for the exam. I knew the IELTS test structure and
with the example speaking tests given in the CD of the IELTS what to expect, so I felt that I had very good chances of getting the
Cambridge Guide book, and go for the exam when you're close to GMC pass mark.
the structure given. A very important tip for the speaking test is to
try your best not to finish talking too long before the time given.

PLAB1 make sure you will be finishing the exam on time and without
rushing through the end.
The PLAB abbreviation stands for Professional and I took 4 months to prepare for the exam, with an average of 4
Linguistic Assessment Board. I took my Plab1 test in June 2018, hours of studying per day. Again, Sundays were usually off. I was a
which was the first test that included 180 multiple choice questions newly graduate doctor when I took the PLAB1 test, so if you have
(MCQs) instead of 200, as it used to be before. So, today, the Plab1 worked for a few years, you’ll be more experienced, so you'll
test consists of 180 MCQs to be completed in 3 hours. Those 2 probably need less time to prepare.
hours are already including the time for you to fill in the marking The Plab1 test is all based on clinical scenarios. Sample
sheet, which means no extra time for the marking sheet. To questions and the PLAB blueprint can be found on the following
summarise, you have one minute per question to read it, answer it links:
and fill in the sheet with your answer. • https://www.gmc-uk.org/registration-and-licensing/join-the-
The strategy I used during the PLAB1 test was to answer one register/plab/plab-1-guide/sample-questions
question and fill the answer in straight away on the marking sheet, • https://www.gmc-uk.org/registration-and-licensing/join-the-
before moving on to the next question. In this type of exam, that you register/plab/plab-test-blueprint
have one minute only per question, you cannot be unsure. You have
to pick one answer and move on to the next question. If you don't The main resources I used for PLAB1 preparation was the
know or are not sure, pick the one you think is the most likely to be Passmedicine website textbook and MCQs, together with the MCQs
the correct answer and move on, do not waste your time. from the PLABABLE website. The Passmedicine is a website that
In the exam room, there is a clock. So one way you could you sign up for an account and obtain online access to MCQs and a
manage your time is: by one hour of the exam, you should have textbook. It costs 12 pounds for 4 months of access. I found the
finished at least 60 questions. By the second hour, 120 questions, to textbook extremely useful and up to date. The PLABABLE website
also has MCQS, and it costs 20 pounds for 3 months to gain online

access to the question bank. The following are the links for the mocks, one the month before the test. I believe if you're getting
websites: scores like this on your PLABABLE mocks, it's very likely that
• https://www.passmedicine.com/plab/index.php you'll pass the PLAB1 test. My score on the test was 132/180. I'm
• https://plabable.com/Account/register not sure how the pass mark is set for the PLAB1 test; in June/2018,
the pass mark was 114/180.
I conducted my revision by answering the MCQs in less than Again, when I sat for the PLAB1 test I felt very confident. I
one minute, then proceeding to check the correct answer, on both knew the structure of the exam and I had a strategy for completing
Passmedicine and PLABABLE websites. If my answer was all the questions in time. When I started my preparation, I had a
incorrect or correct, but I was still unsure about the topic that the study plan, which was completing the MCQs from both websites,
question was related to, I used to read the following topic on the with the following revision, like I described in this section, and I felt
Passmedicine textbook, and also check NICE guidelines. Once good that I completed my plan in time for the exam. Consequently, I
again, the secret for this exam is time management. felt that I had very good chances of clearing the exam when I sat for
On the last month before my exam, I was mainly focused on it. I think it makes a huge difference when you sit for the exam
doing the PLABABLE mock tests, on answering the 180 questions feeling confident, so I would advise you to book your exam and do
before 3 hours. My aim was to answer all 180 questions in 2h30min your best to finish your study plan, and also prepare a good strategy
or less, considering that on the exam day I would have to mark the for the exam day.
answers on the official marking sheet. And again, I would always
check the correct answers at the end and conduct a revision for the
answers I got wrong or got right, but was not sure about the topic
related to the question.
To have an idea if you’re ready for your PLAB1 test, I was
getting an average score of 80% and above, on the PLABABLE

PLAB2 management to patients. If you’re not sure regarding your

communication skills and you feel that you could improve it, it’s
The PLAB2 test is an OSCES type of exam (Objective okay. We are all coming from different countries, with a different
Structured Clinical Examination), which is a type of exam consisted culture, background, different languages, and we all know that
of practical stations, that simulates a clinical scenario. The PLAB2 communication is different on each culture, especially in my case
test has a total of 20 stations, in which 2 are rest stations, of clinical that my communication with patients in Brazil was in Portuguese.
cases. There is a task sheet outside the cubicle where the exam is Communicating in a speaking part of an English test is entirely
held that gives details of the station. You have 1.5 minutes to read different from communicating with patients in a clinical setting, so
the task and 8 minutes to complete it. The following video explains it’s okay to feel unsure. So, if this is your case, I would sincerely
how the exam is held and what to expect on the exam advise taking a course or buying an online material to improve your
day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vELRa9TwSQ communication skills. There are a range of courses available,
To succeed in an OSCES type of exam, it's important to including online courses and also audiotapes, in different parts of the
practice as many clinical cases as possible, including cases regarding UK.
Ethics and Good Medical Practice (more information on this link: It’s very important to mention that the PLAB test aims to see
https://www.gmc-uk.org/ethical-guidance/ethical-guidance-for- if you meet the expectations regarding a doctor in the Foundation
doctors/good-medical-practice). The PLAB test blueprint (link on Year 2, which means a junior doctor. So, during your exam, if you
the PLAB1 section) explains in detail what is expected from you on come across something that you're not sure in the consultation, don't
your PLAB journey regarding knowledge. be shy about mentioning your seniors. This is the correct attitude to
It’s very important, when you’re practicing different clinical have; it’s the safe thing to do. If you put the patient’s life at risk, it’s
cases, to focus on your communication skills. In an OSCES type of definitely a fail on the exam.
exam, communication skills are extremely important. Try and During my preparation, I downloaded the BNF (British
practice how to explain medical conditions and their respective National Formulary) app, which has information on medication and

doses. I also watched the Geeky Medics videos on Youtube, which Here are a few tips that helped me clearing the PLAB2 test
have a good revision for examination, procedures and also give you on my first attempt:
an idea of how doctors communicate with patients in the UK. I also 1) On the exam day, try your best to see it as another day at
learnt a lot from the book ‘’Essential Examination: step by step work, and not an exam. Have it in your mind that you’ll try
system based guide to clinical examination with practical tips and your best to help the patients. This thought helped me to stay
key facts for OSCES’’ by Alasdair K. B. Ruthven. calm and confident for the exam.
The following websites were also very useful: 2) Have a structured consultation: exactly how we learnt in
• https://geekymedics.com/category/medicine/ medical school. History/Examination/Provisional
• https://cks.nice.org.uk/#?char=A (this one is diagnosis/Investigations/Diagnosis/Management.
extremely useful!) 3) Be succinct. You only have 8 minutes to complete the task.
On the Geeky Medics website, there are many cases that 4) When it’s time to move on to the next station, completely
could be practiced (and also many tips on communication skills and forget about the previous one, even if you think you made
history taking). It’s very important to practice as many different mistakes, didn’t do well or even failed. To be honest, you
cases as you can, having in mind the Good Medical Practice (link can’t really know until your results are out. Forget about the
included on the previous page). It’s also very important to have a previous station and focus on doing your best on the next
study partner that you can practice the cases with. When practicing, one.
both partners should be honest on their feedback, so mistakes can be 5) Do not be judgemental or condescending. This is bad
avoided on the actual exam. In addition to practicing the cases, I medical practice and definitely a fail on the exam.
used to conduct a short revision on the practical part of each topic,
for example, important questions to ask regarding that complaint,
examination, differential diagnosis from that specific complaint,
investigations and management.

GENERAL TIPS • After passing PLAB2 and while you're waiting for
registration and applying for jobs, I would advise you on
• After passing your PLAB1 test, I would advise you to book taking a clinical attachment in a hospital in UK. It's
PLAB2 as soon as you can, literally just after you check your important to get to know the NHS before you officially start
results, so the gap between both tests won't be too long, as working. You can try emailing the education centre of the
the closest dates get booked really soon. I had my PLAB1 in hospital you’re interested in. Be aware that for some
June/2018 and PLAB2 on January/2019. In one way it attachments you will have to pay a fee. But there are also
worked, as I had 5-6 months to prepare and managed to clear attachments that are free of any charge.
it in my first attempt. But if you can avoid a gap that long, • As soon as you start your PLAB journey, start preparing the
it'll be the best. paperwork and the translations, if your documents are not
• After you pass PLAB1 start working on your EPIC issued in English, for the GMC. If you’re applying for a full
verification, which is an independent verification of your registration with license to practice, you need a proof of
final medical diploma done by EPIC (Electronic Portfolio internship. Make sure that this document has the exact dates
of International Credentials). I would sincerely advise you on (dd/mm/yy) you started and finished each rotation.
calling your Medical School and finding out who is This link has further details: https://www.gmc-
responsible for the verifications, and let them aware that uk.org/registration-and-licensing/join-the-
EPIC will be requesting one for you. This can reduce the register/registration-applications/application-guides/full-
waiting time. Also, if you notice any issues with your registration-for-international-medical-graduates
verification, do not hesitate on calling the EPIC team to • Work on your fitness. Since exams can be a very stressful
answer your questions. You can get further instructions time, working on my fitness and being active really helped
regarding the verification of your final medical diploma on me to stay calm and focused during the year I was taking
this link: https://www.ecfmgepic.org/instructions-gmc.html IELTS and PLAB. I found Yoga and jogging very helpful.

• And, finally, as soon as you land in the UK, get a nice and
warm rain jacket! It rains a lot around here!

I hope you could find this eBook helpful. If you have any
questions, you can follow me on Instagram (@milenadareexams)
and contact me through direct, send me an email
(milenadareexams@gmail.com) or send me a message through my
Facebook page (Milena Dare Exams).
Good luck on your journey to settle in the UK!

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