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Syed Haider Raza

Design a Marketing Experiment

Product: Acer Rog II

The purpose of this report is to establish a marketing experiment based on the
before and after experimental design for the Acer Rog II in Nawabshah and
Bahawalpur. Amongst them both cities have similar population stats as well as
buying patterns. Acer aims to bring new element to the home entertainment
market which is already growing to its peak with games like Apex legend reaching
million users in a record 28 days. The reason for choosing a before-after is that it
portrays a clearer picture to the impact created by new advertising campaigns.

Experiment Design
New Advertisement in terms of television ads are the independent variable in the experiment.
The Dependent variable on the other hand is Sales of Acer Rog II.

The Experiment is to be conducted in Nawabshah, Sindh and Bahawalpur, Punjab. Nawabshah, the control
group will be exposed to already playing television ads whereas Bahawalpur will be the test subject for
the experiment and will experience both the old television ads as well as the new campaign. Both the
cities have similar population stats with teenagers accounting for 40% and 38% respectively.

The sales will be recorded for the month of January which refers to the time period when Acer usually has
the least number of sales in these areas as compared to rest of the year. The experiment certainly adheres
to all the rules of causality except the other external factor part which is nearly impossible to contain in
the real-world scenario.

Anticipated Issues
It is highly difficult to reduce the impact of all external factors when concerned with marketing
experiments such as rog. Firstly, competitor actions highly influence the success of this experiment with
the possibility of existing competitors launching their own campaigns at the same time

Moreover, natural factors such as the impact of covid-19 disease has dampened sales of nearly every good
in the market and production has been greatly affected. Due to stay at home policies, the home
entertainment market has increased significantly, and it will be hard to determine whether the increase
in sales is because of the policy or marketing expenditure.

The above-mentioned policies have certain effects on sales, but the experiment will still be able to
demonstrate the impact of billboard advertising on sales. The seasonality and external factors
notwithstanding, the experiment will provide a fair guideline on whether to go ahead with the nationwide
marketing campaign.
Syed Haider Raza

Experiment 2
Another way this experiment could be carried out is through the internet and social media platforms. This
includes platforms like search engines, social media websites such as Facebook and Instagram, local
directories, blog channels and video sharing platforms such as YouTube. Because this provides a larger
and wider forum, a full-factorial design is possible.

This also enables us to generate more informative results as large chunk of consumer survey is possible.
On the other hand, the consumer buying behaviour can be better judged through opinion polls and form
circulation to a wider set of people.

Experiment 2 would be a better way of carrying the experiment, but certain elements of external factor
would still have existed. Apart from that, the only limitation of this it would be really hard to target specific
geographical location and that it does not include a number of users who do not have access to web.

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