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Civic Engagement Activity

The civic engagement activity I chose to take part in and volunteer at is the Road Home

in Midvale. This is something I have wanted to do for a while now so as soon as I read the details

about the assignment, I scheduled a day and time to volunteer here. I had scheduled to help out

here on Saturday March 14, 2020. I was so excited and was looking so forward to being able to

sort through the different donations of all the clothes that would come in this day. They had

asked me over the phone when I scheduled to participate at the road home if I would make sure

the donations of clothes would get separated into their proper bins and once they were full we

would empty them where they needed to go.

I chose to support the Road Home in Midvale for a few reasons. Like I said above I have

wanted to do this for a while especially since the facility in Midvale opened up in 2015. This

facility is closer to my house and hits closer to home. I have known many family and friends

who have struggled to make ends meet and have been through many tough and challenging

times. In these tough times, these people I was and still and very close to had almost nothing and

had to take part of the many wonderful donations that come in from the people willing to donate

different items. So, being able to volunteer and be a part of this amazing organization, even if it

is for just a few hours on a Saturday, is what I have always wanted to do.

The theme I chose to connect with when choosing this civic engagement activity was

happiness. Happiness is a great thing and if there is any chance, I can spread happiness especially

in today’s world I love to take that opportunity. Volunteering at the Road Home went along with

the theme of happiness perfectly in a couple different ways.

First, I know that sorting through clothes may not sound like the most fun way to spend

your Saturday. However, there are many people within our community who are not able to get

these clothing items for one reason or another and are struggling to make ends meet. I know this

small and simple act of separating clothing donations will put a smile on one’s face and make

someone who needs these items so happy. They will be able to get some clothes if needed and

are able to get the proper clothes depending on what season we are in here in Utah as it is

constantly changing.

Also, not only will it make those in need of clothing happy, it made me so very happy.

Knowing I would be helping so many people who needed it, made me feel like I was doing the

right thing. It made me happy knowing I was able to be a small part in something that is so big

and affects my community in which I live. I love helping people out, and even though this act of

volunteering may have seemed small, I know the outcome was greater than I may ever know.

Especially because this is something that truly hits home with me.

This is an experience I will forever remember. I feel like it has made me feel like a more

responsible citizen as well as taught me many things. I learned that as we come together as a

community to help those around us, not only you will find happiness, the ones you are able to

help will also find that same happiness.

This experience was definitely affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. Like I stated above, I

had scheduled a date and time far in advance once I had read about the requirements for the

activity. I was scheduled to volunteer on the 14th of March. However, On March 10 the Road

home came out and said that no one can volunteer unless they had been medically screened prior

to their volunteer date. As soon as I heard this announcement, I gave them a call. I was able to

get medically screened before my volunteer date and still participate in this experience. I had to
follow CDC policy and wear a mask, gloves, and social distance by staying six feet apart at all

times. I am so grateful I was able to participate at the Road Home before the outbreak of

COVID-19 got worse and volunteers could not be accepted for the time being.

Being able to volunteer at the road home was an amazing experience for me. Being able

to have a positive impact on your own community and help those around is an amazing thing to

be a part of. I hope to be able to participate their again soon and continue to stay civically

engaged in my community as much as possibly even through these trying times of the corona


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