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Protein Analysis revisited*

Deficiencies of traditional nitrogen-based methods for detection of adulteration of food and feed
have led to a search for alternative methods and an attempted redefinition of the term ‘Protein’. Can
traditional methods like Kjeldahl still be used? What about calibrations for indirect NIR and FTIR
methods – and what are the alternatives?

The fraudulent addition of non-authentic to conclusions let’s have a look at these nitrogen fractions such as nitrate and ni-
material to food and feed has been a prob- techniques, their present status and their trite are not determined by Kjeldahl. This
lem for over a century. Recent cases such possibilities. makes Kjeldahl the recognised method
as Melamine in Wheat Gluten, Melamine for determining crude protein content.
in Dairy, Leather Waste in Dairy and Urea Developments in methods and The European Commission confirmed
in Wheat are new examples of a problem standards the Kjeldahl method as the community
that dates back to before the Kjeldahl In the 1990’s, Mercury was banned. Since method for official controls (Commission
method was introduced in 1883. The most of the AOAC official methods were Regulation (EC) No 152/2009).
modifications made, including fractiona- (and are still) based on Mercury as cata-
tion schemes, have contributed to the last- lyst, this was considered the end of the Amino acid analysis
ing success of this method. Kjeldahl method. But then CuSO4, TiO2 The AAFCO (Association of American
and Selenium came in and in recent times Feed Control Officials) PTS is one of the
Even older (some say 1833, some 1848) newer standards have become available most comprehensive proficiency testing
is the Dumas combustion method, where using copper sulfate and/or a mixture of schemes with over 200 laboratories and
the organic sample is burned at high tem- CuSO4/TiO2 as catalyst. more than 100 reported methods. On the
perature and the resulting gases are ana- basis of eighteen reported amino acid
lysed. This method had its commercial Other milestones in protein analysis in- concentrations and their nitrogen content,
breakthrough in the 1980’s and 1990’s. clude pioneering work in crude protein protein values have been calculated us-
analysis, starting in the 1970’s with the ing the factor 6.25 and compared with the
So how good or bad are the traditional introduction of block digestion and steam reported crude protein contents using the
methods like Kjeldahl and Dumas? Do distillation and the UDY dye binding as- Kjeldahl (AOAC 2001.11) and Dumas
they have any chance of surviving, and say, continuing in the 1980’s with infra- methods.
what are the alternatives? red techniques (NIR/FTIR) and elemental
analysis (Dumas combustion method). The protocols for the amino acid analysis
Existing analytical infrastructure (AAA) are in most cases AOAC 994.12
The Kjeldahl method is well known in Standard methods have gradually been using post column Ninhydrin or pre col-
the food and agri industry and is still the updated to reflect instrumental and meth- umn AQC derivatization. For tryptophan
reference method for crude protein deter- odological improvements in crude protein alkaline hydrolysis in combination with
minations, both by Dumas and NIR/NIT. analysis and due to the need for well de- ion exchange chromatography (AOAC
Most NIRS calibrations should also be re- fined reference methods for indirect spec- 988.15) is used and cysteine and methio-
garded as nitrogen-based methods as they troscopic methods. nine have been determined after oxidation
are based on either Kjeldahl or Dumas. and subsequent hydrolysis and ion-ex-
However, as a response to modern day In the first decade of this century a num- change chromatography (AOAC 999.13).
fraud, such old nitrogen-based methods ber of new Kjeldahl standards have been There are therefore up to three different
are naturally open to question. issued (references 1 & 2). These include protocols for AAA. The differences com-
standards for Non-Protein-Nitrogen using pared to Kjeldahl and Dumas are not ex-
Any answer to this must take into account TCA precipitation (example: Reference plained by non-protein nitrogen, but by
that, perfect or not, these are the tech- 3). This is of interest as it shows how to incomplete recoveries in AAA.
niques out there working in the field. At differentiate between protein and non-
an educated guess, there are more than protein by using a fractionation scheme. Amino acid analysis maybe a tool for pro-
50,000 instruments for this type of protein tein identification, but it is questionable
analysis, at receiving stations for grain, Other standards are based on the Dumas whether AAA can replace Kjeldahl and
dairy laboratories and such like, probably combustion method. As this method uses other nitrogen-based methods in routine
performing more than 50 million analyses the same factors as the Kjeldahl method analyses. In addition to accuracy, sample
per year. for the calculation of the crude protein throughput, precision and cost per analy-
content, it principally results in higher sis play a role.
The question then, is not how to replace protein values than Kjeldahl. The Kjel-
them (because that will not be easy), dahl method does not recover all organic Furthermore, nitrogen- based methods
but how to use them more effectively in nitrogen. Heterocyclic compounds are are still so widely used for crude protein
our fight against fraud. Before jumping only partially recovered and inorganic analysis that they would be difficult to

22 In Focus, Vol. 34, No 2, 2010

Sample Type Kjeldahl Dumas Amino Acid
AAFCO 200921 Chicken 17,29 (0,15) 17,64 (0,33) 14,22 (0,17)
AAFCO 200922 Pig starter 23,94 (0,33) 24,51 (0,39) 19,73 (1,18)
AAFCO 200923 Chow 12,3 (0,52) 12,51 (0,65) 7,16 (0,19)

Table 1: Protein content (%) of feed samples using different methods (in parenthesis standard deviations)

gated for the determination of crude pro-

tein in the presence of illegal adulterants.

The analysis of spectral integrity offers

a good chance of detecting higher levels
of a broad range of adulterants, includ-
ing those of unknown nature. In addition,
specific calibrations can be developed and
used for known adulterants.

A combined strategy
Kjeldahl - including non-protein frac-
tionation techniques – will still be the
most important reference method. This is
mainly due to the lack of alternatives. To
respond to the ongoing threat of adultera-
tion of food and feed, this reference meth-
od must be combined with rapid methods.

Kjeldahl based schemes and fast NIR and

FTIR techniques are already in place in
thousands of sites. These could be used
for screening, preferably as close as pos-
replace. And, when discussing alterna- terants have different spectral signatures sible to raw material sources or intake al-
tive solutions, it should be considered which makes it easy to distinguish even though they will have to be complement-
that most NIR calibrations for protein are related compounds. ed with more advanced techniques for the
based on Dumas or Kjeldahl results. The confirmation of different adulterants.
FOSS grain ANN calibration, for exam- PCA calibrations can successfully detect
ple, is based on data from 50,000 samples ‘abnormal’ samples. However, it is criti- *Contribution on basis of a lecture given
gathered over some 25 harvest years. cal that no adulteration is present in such at the 11th Annual Joint Fera/JIFSAN
data sets as this will ‘poison’ the cali- Symposium on Detection Technologies
Dye binding bration, i.e. make it impossible to detect for Intentionally Added Adulterants/
In recent years, dye binding capacity adulterations (intoxinated calibrations). Contaminants, Sand Hutton, York, June
(DBC) assays have been re-launched as 16-18, 2010,
a solution for tracing intentional adultera- FTIR and NIR are usually optimised for uk/events/jifsanSymposiumPresentations.
tions. DBC detects proteins and not added quality parameters such as protein and fat, cfm
nitrogen sources. The dye binds not to the but have potential as a fast and cost ef-
alpha amino nitrogen, but to the basic ni- fective screening for adulterants. The ap- References:
trogen (epsilon N) which is found in cer- plication of FTIR and NIR will be most (1) Möller J., Kjeldahl - still going
tain amino acids. The decolourisation of successful at the point of collection of the strong, In Focus, Vol 33, No 1, 2009, p
the dye due to its binding to these sites is raw material or at at the intake, partly be- 14-16.
measured. cause of higher concentrations, and partly (2) Möller J., Traceability in modern
because of more effective traceabilty. Kjeldahl analysis, In Focus, Vol 29, No 1,
As the sequence of amino acids is geneti- 2005, p 4-5.
cally determined, calibration graphs vs Fraudulent additions of adulterants are (3) ISO 8968-4/ IDF 20-4/ AOAC 991.21
Kjeldahl for a certain species/variety can most probably done at levels above the (4) USP workshop, including the presen-
be generated. But this may be problematic measurement uncertainties of the nitro- tations given, can be found under www.
for products of varying composition. gen based methods, i.e. > 0,2-0,4% CP or
>0,05-0,1% melamine. The addition of
Infrared 0,1% melamine will correspond to 0,4% 
FTIR and NIR have shown quite a poten- higher crude protein values. Different by Jürgen Möller, FOSS (
tial for the detection of adulterants. Adul- fractionation schemes are being investi-

In Focus, Vol. 34, No 2, 2010 23

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