мотивація про сталий розвиток

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We can see a lot of beautiful things in our world. Oceans, deserts, animals, birds.

It existed before us and

will exist after us. But human does not understand the bad influence of their work. Factories, cars, pollution
of water by industrial waste…

What is sustainable development? According to the UN Conference on Environment and Development

(UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro (1992), it is a development of a society that meets the needs of the present,
without danger for the future generations to meet their own needs.

As a student of law faculty, I was interested in Ecology law. I can say, there are a lot of ways to control the
level of pollution, waste in the state. State politics influence so deeply on people, ecology in general. It is
important to declare ecology rights and obligations and responsibilities in a Constitution. Also important to
have a national strategy of development and international treaties. Today we can see a lot of local,
national, international initiatives. For instance, I listened to a few lections from «Ecology-Law-Human»
organization and joined them.

Besides, I took part in Erasmus + project "Fostering Youth Entrepreneurship through Handicrafts". The aim
of the project was to give the youth essential knowledge about entrepreneurship. We heard stories from
experienced businessman and their way to success. In addition, we created own business projects, present
situation of unemployment in the country and make handicrafts, which potentially can be an object of
business. So now I know how to make a business plan, canvas, work in a team and sell own product.

Every day I think about my own future, Earth’s future. I convinced we should do something with it. Every
person can be involved. It needs patience, well-organizing and good ideas for solving global problems. I am
open to international collaboration and have ideas. Your project will help me in its realization.

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