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Antennas and Radiating Systems

Dr. Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum

1 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.1 Introduction
 Antenna is a device used for radiating and receiving EM waves
 Any wireless communication can’t happen without antennas.
 Antennas have many applications like in
 mobile communications (all mobile phones has in-built antennas)
 wireless local areas networks (your laptop connecting wireless
internet also has antennas)
 television (old TV antennas are Yagi-Uda antennas, now, generally disc
antennas are employed for direct to home (DTH) TVs)
 satellite communications (usually have large parabolic antennas or
microstrip antenna arrays)
 rockets and missiles (microstrip antenna arrays)

2 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.1 Introduction

Radiation Antenna pattern and Types of Antenna

fundamentals parameters antennas arrays

When does a
charge radiate?

Wave equation for Hertz dipole

potential functions
Solution of wave equation Dipole antenna
for potential functions
Loop antenna

Fig. 8.1 Antennas (cover antenna pattern and parameters after types of antennas)

3 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.2 Radiation fundamentals
8.2.1 When does a charge radiates?
 accelerating/decelerating charges radiate EM waves


Fig. 8.2 A giant sphere of radius r with a source of EM wave at

its origin

4 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.2 Radiation fundamentals
 Consider a giant sphere of radius r which encloses the source
of EM waves at the origin (Fig. 8.2)
 The total power passing out of the spherical surface is given
by Poynting theorem,
r r r r∗ r
Ptotal (r ) = ∫ S avg • ds = ∫ Re E × H • ds ( )
Ptotal = P (r )
r →∝

5 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.2 Radiation fundamentals
 This is the energy per unit time that is radiated into infinity
 it never comes back to the source
 The signature of radiation is irreversible flow of energy away
from the source
 Let us analyze the following three cases:
CASE 1: A stationary charge will not radiate.
 no flow of charge =>no current=>no magnetic field=>no

6 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.2 Radiation fundamentals
CASE 2: A charge moving with constant velocity will not radiate.
 The area of the giant sphere of Fig. 8.2 is 4̟ r2
 So for the radiation to occur Poynting vector must decrease no
faster than 1/r2
 from Coloumb’s law, electrostatic fields decrease as 1/r2,
 whereas Biot Savart’s law states that magnetic fields decrease as
 So the total decrease in the Poynting vector is proportional to
1/r4  no radiation
CASE 3: A time varying current or acceleration (or deceleration) of
charge will radiate.

7 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.2 Radiation fundamentals
 Basic radiation equation:
di dv
L =Q
dt dt
 where L=length of current element, m
 di =time changing current, As-1(units)

 Q=charge, C

 =acceleration of charge, ms-2

8 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.2 Radiation fundamentals

 To create radiation
 there must be a time varying current or
 acceleration (or deceleration) of charge
 Static charges=>no radiation
 If the charge motion is time varying with acceleration or
 then there will be radiation even if the wire is straight

9 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.2 Radiation fundamentals

 Charges moving with uniform velocity:

 no radiation if the wire is straight and infinite in extent and
 radiation if the wire is
 terminated or
 truncated (these will either accelerate or decelerate the charge)

10 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.2 Radiation fundamentals
 For radiation, electric field will have a transversal component
 instead of radial component
 whenever a charge accelerates or decelerates
 Example 8.1
 Prove that in order to have radiation the electric field must
have spatial variation as 1/r where r is the distance from the

11 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.2 Radiation fundamentals
 8.2.2 Wave equation for potential functions
 One of the Maxwell’s equation ∇ • B = 0
r r
 Hence B = ∇ × A
 Putting this in the following Maxwell’s equation
r r
∇× E = −
∂B r
∇× E = −
∂ ∇× A ( )
∂t ∂t
r r
 r ∂A  r ∂A
⇒ ∇× E + =0 ⇒ E+ = −∇V
 ∂t  ∂t

12 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.2 Radiation fundamentals
 Putting this in the following Maxwell’s equation
r ρ r
 ∂A  ρ
∇•E = ∇• 
+ ∇V  = −
rε  ∂t  ε
∂A ρ
⇒ ∇• 2
+∇ V = −
∂t ε r
r r ∂E
 Another Maxwell’s equation ∇ × B = µJ + µε
 Simplifies to r
 ∂A 
∂ + ∇V 
r r r r  ∂t 
∇ × ∇ × A = ∇ ∇ • A − ∇ A = µJ − µε ) ∂t
13 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016
8.2 Radiation fundamentals
 Lorentz Gauge condition
r ∂V
∇ • A + µε =0
 Applying above condition
 ∂V  r r ∂ A ∂

⇒ ∇  − µε 2
 − ∇ A = µ J − µε  2 + ∇V 
 ∂t   ∂t ∂t 
r ∂ A r2
⇒ ∇ A − µε 2 = − µ J

∂ ∇• A )
+ ∇ 2V = −
ρ ∂ 2
⇒ ∇ 2V − µε 2 = −
∂t ε ∂t ε
14 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016
8.2 Radiation fundamentals
8.2.2 Wave equation for potential functions
 From Maxwell’s equations for time varying fields, we have
derived the two wave equations for potential functions
(magnetic vector and electric potentials)
r 2
∂ A r 2 ∂ 2V ρ
∇ A − µε 2 = − µJ ; ∇ V − µε 2 = −
∂t ∂t ε
 Why find potential functions instead of fields?

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8.2 Radiation fundamentals
8.2.3 Solution of wave equation for potential
 For time harmonic functions of potentials,
r 2 2
r r
∇ A + β A = − µJ

 where β = ω µε
 To solve the above equation, we can apply Green’s function
 Green’s function G is the solution of the above equation with
the R.H.S equal to a delta function
∇ 2 G + β 2 G = δ (space)
16 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016
8.2 Radiation fundamentals
 Once we obtain the Green’s function,
 we can obtain the solution for any arbitrary current source by
applying the convolution theorem
 For radiation problems,
 the most appropriate coordinate system is spherical
 since the wave travels out radially in all directions
∂G ∂G
 It has also symmetry along θ and directions =
∂θ ∂φ

 Hence, the above equation reduces to

1 ∂  2 ∂G 
 r  + β 2 G = δ (r )
r 2 ∂r  ∂r 

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8.2 Radiation fundamentals
 Putting Ψ= G r,

Ψ + β 2 Ψ = rδ (r )
∂r 2
 For r not equal to 0,
Ψ + β 2Ψ = 0
∂r 2


Ψ = Ae − jβ r + Be + jβ r

18 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.2 Radiation fundamentals
 Since the radiation travels radially in positive r direction
 negative r direction is not physically feasible for a source of a
field, we get,
Ψ = Ae − jβ r
Ae − jβr

 From example 8.2, we can find the constant A and hence

1 e − jβr
A= ;G =
4π 4πr

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8.2 Radiation fundamentals
 Since the medium surrounding the source is linear,
 we can obtain the potential for any arbitrary current input
 by the convolution of the impulse function (Green’s function) with the
input current
r r
− jβ r − r '
r µ
A= 0
4π ∫ J ()
r' e
r r r' dv '
V r −r

20 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.2 Radiation fundamentals
 The prime coordinates denote the source variables
 unprimed coordinates denote the observation points
 The modulus sign in is to make sure that
is positive
r − r'
 since the distance in spherical coordinates is always positive

21 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

8.3.1 What is antenna radiation pattern?

 The radiation pattern of an antenna is a 3-D graphical
representation of the radiation properties of the antenna as a
function of position (usually in spherical coordinates)
 If we imagine an antenna is placed at the origin of a spherical
coordinate system,
 its radiation pattern is given by measurement of the magnitude
of the electric field over a surface of a sphere of radius r

22 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

Dipole Antenna
Omni-directional radiation pattern
8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

Horn Antenna Directional radiation pattern

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 For a fixed r, electric field is only a function of θ and φ

E (θ , φ )
 Two types of patterns are generally used:
r r
 (a) field pattern (normalized E or H versus spherical
coordinate position) and
 (b) power pattern (normalized power versus spherical
coordinate position).

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8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 3-D radiation patterns are difficult to draw and visualize in a

2-D plane like pages of this book
 Usually they are drawn in two principal 2-D planes which are
orthogonal to each other
 Generally, xz- and xy- plane are the two orthogonal principal
 E-plane (H-plane) is the plane in which there are maximum
electric (magnetic) fields for a linearly polarized antenna

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8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

θ max

 Fig. 8.3 (c) Typical radiation pattern of an antenna

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8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 A typical antenna radiation pattern looks like as in Fig. 8.3 (c)

 It could be a polar plot as well
 An antenna usually has either one of the following patterns:
 (a) isotropic (uniform radiation in all directions, it is not
possible to realize this practically)
 (b) directional (more efficient radiation in one direction than
 (c) omnidirectional (uniform radiation in one plane)

28 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

0 < rnf 1 ≤ 0.62

3 2
Dmax 2 Dmax
0.62 < rnf 2 ≤
λ λ

 Fig. 8.3 (a) Antenna field regions 2

2 Dmax
< rff

29 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 The antenna field regions could be divided broadly into three

regions (see Fig. 8.3 (a)):
Reactive near field region:
 This is the region immediately surrounding the antenna
where the reactive field (stored energy-standing waves)
 Reactive near field region is for a radius of
0 < rnf 1 ≤ 0.62

 where Dmax is the maximum antenna dimension

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8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

Radiating near field (Fresnel) region:

 The region in between the reactive near field and the far-field
(the radiation fields are dominant)
 the field distribution is dependent on the distance from the
 Radiating near field (Fresnel) region is usually for a radius of

3 2
Dmax 2 Dmax
0.62 < rnf 2 ≤
λ λ

31 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

Far field (Fraunhofer) region:

 This is the region farthest from the antenna where the field
distribution is essentially independent of the distance from
the antenna (propagating waves)
 2D

 Fraunhofer far field region is usually for a radius of  max
<r ff 
 λ 
 In the far field region, the spherical wavefront radiated from
a source antenna can be approximated as plane wavefront
 The phase error in approximating this is π/8

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8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 Fig. 8.3 (b) Illustration of

far field region
(antenna under test: AUT)

33 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 We can calculate the distance rff by equating the maximum

error (which is at the edges of the AUT of maximum
dimension Dmax) in the distance r by approximating spherical
wavefront to plane wavefront to λ/16 (Exercise 8.1)
8.3.2 Direction of the main beam (θmax)
 A radiation lobe is a clear peak in the radiation intensity
surrounded by regions of weaker radiation intensity

34 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 Main beam is the biggest lobe in the radiation pattern of the

 It is the radiation lobe in the direction of maximum radiation
 θmax is the direction in which maximum radiation occurs
 Any lobe other than the main lobe is called as minor lobe
 The radiation lobe opposite to the main lobe is also termed
as back lobe
 This will be more appropriate for polar plot of radiation pattern

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8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

8.3.3 Half power beam width (HPBW)

 It is the angular separation between the half of the maximum
power radiation in the main beam
 At these points, the radiation electric field reduces by 2
of the maximum electric field
 Half power is also equal to -3-dB
 We also call HPBW as -3-dB beamwidth
 They are measured in the E-plane and H-plane radiation
patterns of the antenna

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8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

8.3.4 Beam width between first nulls (BWFN)

 It is the angular separation between the first two nulls on
either side of the main beam
 For same values of BWFN, we can have different values of
HPBW for narrow beams and broad beams
 HPBW is a better parameter for specifying the effective
beam width

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8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

8.3.5 Side lobe level (SLL)

 The side lobes are the lobes other than the main beam and
 it shows the direction of the unwanted radiation in the antenna
radiation pattern
 The amplitude of the maximum side lobe in comparison to
the main beam maximum amplitude of the electric field is
called as side lobe level (SLL)
 It is normally expressed in dB and a SLL of -30 dB or less is
considered to be good for a communication system

38 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

8.3.6 Radiation intensity

 Power crossing the area dA is S (θ , φ )dA
 Radiation intensity is defined as power crossing per unit solid
S (θ , φ )dA
U (θ , φ ) = = S (θ , φ )r 2 (W / Sr )
π 2π
Prad = ∫ π U (θ , φ )d Ω = θ∫ φ∫ U (θ , φ ) sin θ dθ dφ
Ω= 4 =0 =0

π 2π
P 1
U avg = rad =
4π 4π ∫
θ φ

=0 =0
U (θ , φ ) sin θ dθ dφ

39 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

8.3.7 Directivity
 The directivity of an antenna is defined as
 the ratio of the radiation intensity in a given direction from the
 to the radiation intensity averaged over all directions
 which equivalent to the radiation intensity of an isotropic antenna

U (θ , φ ) 4π U (θ , φ )
D(θ , φ ) = = π 2π
U avg

θ φ

=0 =0
U (θ , φ ) sin θ dθ dφ

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8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 D (θ, φ ) is maximum at θmax and minimum along θnull

U max 4π U max (θ , φ ) 4π
Dmax (θ , φ ) = = π 2π
Uavg ΩA

θ φ
∫ U (θ , φ ) sin θ dθ dφ
=0 = 0

 Ω A is also known as beam solid angle

 It is also defined as the solid angle through which all the
antenna power would flow
 if the radiation intensity was U max (θ , φ ) for all angles in Ω A

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8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 Given an antenna with one narrow major beam, negligible

radiation in its minor lobes
rad rad
Ω A ≈ θ HPBW × φ HPBW

 where θ HPBW and φHPBW are the half-power beam widths in

radians which are perpendicular to each other
 For narrow beam width antennas (θ HPBW , φHPBW << 1)
 It can be shown that the maximum directivity is given by

Dmax ≅ rad rad

42 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 If the beam widths are in degrees, we have

 180 
4π 
 π  41, 253
Dmax ≅ deg deg
= deg deg

8.3.8 Gain
 In defining directivity, we have assumed that the antenna
is lossless
 But, antennas are made of conductors and dielectrics

43 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 It has same in-built losses accompanied with the conductors

and dielectrics
 Thereby, the power input to the antenna is partly radiated
 remaining part is lost in the imperfect conductors as well as in
 The gain of an antenna in a given direction is defined as
 the ratio of the intensity in a given direction
 to the radiation intensity that would be obtained if the power
accepted by the antenna were radiated isotropically

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8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

4π U (θ , φ ) 4π U (θ , φ )erad
G (θ , φ ) = = = erad D(θ , φ )
Pinput Prad

 Note that definitions of the antenna directivity and gain are

essentially the same
 except for the power terms used in the definitions
 Directivity is the ratio of the antenna radiated power density at a
distant point to the total antenna radiated power radiated
 Gain is the ratio of the antenna radiated power density at a distant
point to the total antenna input power radiated isotropically

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8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 The antenna gain is usually measured based on Friis

transmission formula and it requires two identical antennas
 One of the identical antennas is the radiating antenna, and
the other one is the receiving antenna
 Assuming that the antennas are well matched in terms of
impedance and polarization,
 the Friis transmission equation is

1  Pr 
Pr  λ   4π R 
=  Gt Gr Q Gt = Gr = G ∴ G =  20 log10   + 10 log10  
Pt  4π R  2   λ   Pt  

46 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 Friis transmission equation states that the ratio of the

received power at the receiving antenna and transmitted
power at the transmitting antenna is:
 directly proportional to both gains of the transmitting (Gt) and
receiving (Gr) antennas
 inversely proportional to square of the distance between the
transmitting and receiving antennas (1/R2) and
 directly proportional to the square of the wavelength of the
signal transmitted (λ2)

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8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 Assumptions made are:

 (a) antennas are placed in the far-field regions
 (b) there is free space direct line of sight propagation
between the two antennas
 (c) there are no interferences from other sources and
 no multipaths between the transmitting and receiving antennas
due to
 refraction and

48 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

8.3.9 Polarization
 Let us consider antenna is placed at the origin of a
spherical coordinate system and wave is propagating
radially outward in all directions
 In the far field region of an antenna,
E (θ , φ ) = Eθ (θ , φ ) θˆ + Eφ (θ , φ ) φˆ

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8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 Putting the time dependence, we have,

E (θ , φ , t ) = Eθ (θ , φ ) cos (ωt ) θˆ + Eφ (θ , φ ) cos (ωt + δ ) φˆ = Eθ (θ , φ , t ) θˆ + Eφ (θ , φ , t ) φˆ

 where δ is the phase difference between the elevation and

azimuthal components of the electric field
 The figure traced out by the tip of the radiated electric field
 as a function of time for a fixed position of space can be defined
as antenna polarization

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8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

a) LP
 When δ=0, the two transversal electric field components are
in time phase
 The total electric field vector
( E (θ , φ , t ) = Eθ (θ , φ ) cos (ωt ) θˆ + Eφ (θ , φ ) cos (ωt ) φˆ )
 makes an angle θ LP with the θ -axis
 Eφ (θ , φ , t ) 
−1 −1
 Eφ (θ , φ , t ) 
θ LP = tan   = tan  
 θ (
E θ , φ , t )   θ (
E θ , φ , t ) 

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8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 The tip of the total radiated electric field vector traces out a
 Therefore, the antenna’s polarization is LP
b) CP
 When δ = ± π , the two transversal electric field components
are out of phase in time
 and if the two transversal electric field components are of
equal amplitude
Eθ (θ , φ ) = Eφ (θ , φ ) = E0 (θ , φ )

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8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 The total electric field vector

( E (θ , φ , t ) = Eθ (θ , φ ) cos (ωt ) θˆ + Eφ (θ , φ ) sin (ωt ) φˆ )
 makes an angle θCP with the θ -axis

 sin (ωt ) 
 = tan  tan (ωt )  = ωt
−1 −1
φCP = tan 
 cos (ωt ) 
 This implies that the total radiated electric field vector of the
antenna traces out a circle as time progresses from 0 to 2π
and so on

53 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 If the vector rotates counterclockwise (clockwise),

 then the antenna polarization is RHCP (LHCP)
Eθ (θ , φ ) ≠ Eφ (θ , φ ) and δα ≠≠ 00,, ππ

 the total electric field vector traces out an ellipse and

 hence it is elliptically polarized (EP)
 The ratio of the major and minor axes of the ellipse is called
 axial ratio (AR)
 For instance, AR=0 dB for CP and AR= ∞ dB for LP

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8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 Let us try to understand two terms (co- and cross-

polarization) which are important for the antenna radiation
 Co-polarization means you measure the antenna with another
antenna oriented in the same polarization with the antenna
under test (AUT)
 Cross-polarization means that you measure the antenna with
antenna oriented perpendicular w.r.t. the main polarization

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8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 Cross-polarization is the polarization orthogonal to the

polarization under consideration
 For example, if the field of an antenna is horizontally
polarized, the cross-polarization for this case is vertical
 If the polarization is RHCP, the cross-polarization is LHCP
 Let us put this into mathematical expressions:
 We may write the total electric field propagating along z-axis
as r
E = ( Ecouˆco + Ecr uˆcr ) e
− jβ z

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8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 where the co- and cross-polarization unit vectors satisfy the

orthonormality condition
uˆco • uˆco = 1, uˆcr • uˆcr* = 1, uˆco • uˆcr* = 0, uˆcr • uˆco

 Therefore, the co- and cross-polarization components of the

electric fields can be obtained as
r * r *
Eco = E • uˆco , Ecr = E • uˆcr

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8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

a) LP
 For a general LP wave, we can write,
uˆco = cos φLP xˆ + sin φLP yˆ , uˆcr = sin φLP xˆ − cos φLP yˆ
 For a x-directed LP wave, φLP =0, hence,
r * r *
uˆco = xˆ , uˆcr = − yˆ ; Eco = E • uˆco = Ex , Ecr = E • uˆcr = − E y

 For a y-directed LP wave, φLP =900, hence,

r * r *
uˆco = yˆ , uˆcr = xˆ; Eco = E • uˆco = E y , Ecr = E • uˆcr = Ex

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8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

b) CP
 For a RHCP wave, we can write,

xˆ − jyˆ xˆ + jyˆ
uˆco = , ucr =
2 2

r * Ex + jE y r * Ex − jE y
Eco = E • uˆco = , Ecr = E • uˆcr =
2 2

 For a LHCP wave, co- and cross-polarization unit vectors and

components of the electric field will interchange

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8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

c) EP
 For a EP wave, we can write,

xˆ + Ae jφEP yˆ − Ae − jφEP xˆ + yˆ
uˆco = , uˆcr =
1+ A 1 + A2

 In order to determine the far-field radiation pattern of an

AUT, two antennas are required
 The one being tested (AUT) is normally free to rotate and it
is connected in receiving mode

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8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

61 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 Note that AUT as a receiving antenna measurement will

generate the same radiation pattern to that of AUT used as a
transmitting antenna (from reciprocity theorem)
 Another antenna is usually fixed and it is connected in
transmitting mode
 The AUT is rotated by a positioner and it can rotate 1-, 2-
and 3-degrees of freedom of rotation

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8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 The AUT is rotated in usually two principal planes (elevation

and azimuthal)
 The received field strength is measured by a spectrum
analyzer or power meter
 which will be used to generate the antenna radiation pattern in
two principal planes also known as E- and H- planes
 The antenna radiation patterns in these two principal planes
can be used to generate the 3-D radiation pattern of an

63 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

Equivalent circuit of an antenna

64 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

8.3.10 Quality factor and bandwidth

 The equivalent circuit of a resonant antenna can be
approximated by a series RLC resonant circuit
 where R=Rr+RL are the radiation and loss resistances,
 L is the inductance and
 C is the capacitance of the antenna

65 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 For a resonant antenna like dipoles, the FBW is related

to the radiation efficiency and quality factor Q
 The quality factor of an antenna is defined as 2πf0 (f0 is
the resonant frequency) times the energy stored over the
power radiated and Ohmic losses
1 2 1 2 1
I L+ I 2

Q = 2π f 0
4 4 ( 2π f 0 ) L
2π f 0 L
1 2
I ( Rr + RL ) Rr + RL 2π f 0 ( Rr + RL ) C
1 Rr
= = Qlossless • erad
2π f 0 Rr C ( Rr + RL )

66 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 where Qlossless is the quality factor when the antenna is

lossless (RL=0) and
 erad is the antenna radiation efficiency.
 Note that the radiation efficiency of an antenna is defined as
the ratio of the power delivered to the radiation resistance Rr
to the power delivered to Rr and RL
1 2
I Rr
2 Rr
erad = =
( Rr + RL ) ( Rr + RL )

67 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

Small Antennas

68 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 There is a very important concept on designing electrically

small antennas
 When kr<1 (electrically small antennas), the quality factor
Q of a small antenna can found from the J. L. Chu’s relation
1 + 2 ( kr )
Q= • erad
( kr )
{1 + ( kr ) }

 where k is the wave number and r is the radius of the smallest

sphere enclosing the antenna

69 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 The above relation gives the relationship between the antenna

size, efficiency and quality factor.
 This expression can be reduced further for smallest Q for a
LP very small antenna (kr<<1) as follows:
1 1
Qmin = 3
( kr ) kr
 Harrington gave also a practical upper limit to the gain of a
small antenna for a reasonable BW as

Gmax = ( kr ) + 2 ( kr )

70 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 For example, for a Hertz dipole of very small length 0.01λ,

Qmin =32283
 It has very high Q and hence a very narrow FBW (0.000031)
 Gmax=0.0638 or -12dB
 Note that in the above calculations r=0.005λ has been used
 But the gain of the antenna in dB is also negative
 Antenna size, quality factor, bandwidth and radiation
efficiency is interlinked
 There is no complete freedom to optimize each one of them

71 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters
 Antenna acts as an interface between a guided wave and a
free-space wave
 One of the most important characteristics of an antenna is its
directional property
 Ability to concentrate radiated power in a certain direction
 Or receive power from a preferred direction
 This directional property is characterized in Radiation pattern
 From reciprocity theorem, we can show that
 the pattern characteristics of an antenna are the same in the
 transmit and
 the receive modes
8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

Source Line
Antenna Radiated fields
8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters
 A plot of electric or magnetic field intensity as function of
the direction at a constant distance from the antenna is
known as the electric field pattern or magnetic field pattern
 The field intensity along a direction (θ,φ) is given by the
length of the position vector to a point on the surface of the
3D shape in the direction (θ,φ)

74 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters
 Directivity of an isotropic antenna
is taken for reference for defining
 Directivity of an antenna indicates
how well the antenna radiate in a
particular direction in comparison
with an isotropic antenna
radiating the same amount of
power (P0)
 Assume erad=1, U (θ , φ ) 4π U (θ , φ )
D(θ , φ ) = = π 2π
 gain = directivity U avg
∫ ∫
θ =0 φ =0
U (θ , φ ) sin θ dθ dφ
 DdB=10log10(D) dBi
75 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016
8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 Generally single value of gain or directivity is given in that

case the gain or directivity is along the main beam peak
 Antenna equivalent circuit can be thought of as
 Radiation resistance
 Loss resistance
 Reactive parts
 So the feed line also has a characteristic impedance Z0 usually
of 50 Ohm
 At the input of the antenna, the impedance seen by the feed
line can be assumed as ZL

76 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters
 Then the reflection coefficient and VSWR may be calculated as

Z L − Z0 1+ Γ
Γ= ;VSWR =
Z L + Z0 1− Γ
0 ≤ Γ ≤ 1,1 ≤ VSWR ≤ ∞
BW : VSWR ≤ 2

 Polarization of the antenna is the polarization of the wave

radiated by the antenna in the far field
 Polarization of the antenna is direction-dependent
 Conventionally polarization of the wave is along the main beam

77 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 Received signal power in a wireless communication link

 The received signal power is a function of four elements:
 The transmitter output electrical power (pT)
 The fraction of the transmitter electrical power directed at the
receiver defined by the transmit antenna gain (gT)
 The loss of energy in the communication medium
 The fraction of the received electrical power directed at the
receiver defined by the received antenna gain (gR)

78 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 Power flux density (pfd) for isotropic radiator at a distance r

 Power transmitted= pT gT
 pfd= pT gT /(4πr2)
 In dB,
 PFD= PT +GT-10log4πr2=EIRP-10log4πr2 (dBW/m2)
 where equivalent isotropic radiated power=EIRP
 No matter what, a large portion of the transmitted
energy 10log4πr2 is not seen by the receiver

79 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 The received power at the receiver antenna is

 Effective aperture is defined as the ratio of power delivered
to the load if antenna to the Poynting vector in any direction
 Ae (θ,φ) =Pr (θ,φ) /S (m2)
 Note that for any antenna it can be shown that
 Or, Ae=G λ2 /(4×π)

80 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.3 Antenna pattern and parameters

 Pr=pfd×Ae= pT gTgr λ2 /(4×πr)2

 PR=PT+GT+GR-20log((4×πr) ×c/f) (dBW)
 The last term is called range loss or power loss between
two isotropic antennas at particular range and frequency

81 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
8.4.1 Hertz dipole
 Let us find the fields of a small current carrying element of
length dl
 An infinitesimally small current element is called a
 Hertz dipole
 Electrically small antennas are small relative to wavelength
 Whereas electrically large antennas are large relative to
 Hertz dipole is not of much practical use
 but it is the basic building block of any kind of antennas

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8.4 Kinds of antennas
 The infinitesimal time-varying current in the Hertz dipole is

I (t ) = I 0 e jωt zˆ

 where ω is the angular frequency of the current

 Since the current is assumed along the z-direction, the
magnetic vector potential at the observation point P is along
z-direction (see section 3.10)

r µ 0 I 0 dle − jβr e jωt

A = Az zˆ = zˆ

83 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
 Fig. 8.5 Hertz dipole r̂
located at the origin and P ( r ,θ , φ )

oriented along z-axis θˆ

I 0 e jωt

84 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
r r'
 Note that for this case J ( r ) dv ' = I 0 dle jωt

 For infinitesimally small current element at the origin

r r r
r −r' = r
 using the coordinate transformation from the Rectangular to
Spherical coordinate systems (see section 1.3.3)
 Ar   sin θ cos φ sin θ sin φ cos θ   Ax   sin θ cos φ sin θ sin φ cos θ   0 
    
 Aθ  =  cos θ cos φ cos θ sin φ − sin θ   Ay  = cos θ cos φ cos θ sin φ − sin θ   0 
 Aφ   − sin φ cos φ 0   Az   − sin φ cos φ 0   Az 
 

⇒ Ar = Az cos θ ; Aθ = − Az sin θ ; Aφ = 0

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8.4 Kinds of antennas
 rˆ rθˆ r sin θφˆ 
r  
r ∇× A
QH = =
1 ∂ ∂ ∂ 
µ0 µ0 r 2 sin θ  ∂r ∂θ ∂φ 
 
 Ar rAθ r sin θ Aφ 

 Using the symmetry of the problem (no variation in φ ), we

 rˆ rθˆ r sin θφˆ 
r  
1  ∂ ∂ ∂
≡ 0
µ0 r 2 sin θ  ∂r ∂θ ∂φ 
 
 Az cos θ −rAz sin θ 0 

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8.4 Kinds of antennas
r sin θ ∂ ∂ 
⇒ H r = 0; Hθ = 0; Hφ =  ( − rA z sin θ ) − ( z
A cos θ )
µ0 r 2 sin θ  ∂r ∂θ 

φˆI 0 dle + jωt  ∂ ∂  e − j β r cos θ   φˆ I 0 dle + jωt  e − j β r sin θ 

⇒ Hφ =  ( −e sin θ ) −
− jβ r − jβ r
  =  jβ e sin θ + 
4π r  ∂r ∂θ  r   4 π r  r 

φˆI 0 dle + jωt e − jβ r sin θ  j β 1  

=  + 2 
4π  r r 
 The Hertz dipole has only φ component of the magnetic
field, i.e., the magnetic field circulates the dipole

87 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
 The electric field for ( J = 0 in free space, we don’t have
any conduction current flowing) can be obtained as
r ∇× H
 Using the symmetry of the problem (no variation in φ ) like
before, we have,

 rˆ rθˆ r sin θφˆ 

r  
1 ∂ ∂ ∂ 1  ∂ ∂ ˆ 
E= ≡0 =  ( r sin θ H ) ˆ
r − ( r sin θ H ) rθ
jωε r 2 sin θ  ∂r  jωε r 2 sin θ  ∂θ φ φ
∂θ ∂φ ∂r 
 
 0 0 r sin θ H φ 

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8.4 Kinds of antennas
I 0 dle jωt e − j β r  j β 1   ∂  I 0 dle jωt e− j β r  j β 1 
Er =  +   ( r sin θ )  =
 + 2  r 2sin θ cos θ
jωε r 2 sin θ 4π  r r 2   ∂θ  jωε r 2
sin θ 4 π  r r 

 Note that Er has only 1/r2 and 1/r3 variation with r

r ∂ I 0 dle jωt sin θ ∂   1 
Eθ = − (
r sin θH φ = − )   jβ + e − jβr 
∂r   r
jωε r 2 sin θ ∂r jωε r 4π 

I 0 dle jωt sin θ − jβ r  j β 2 β j 

= e  + 2
− 3
4πε  ω r ω r ω r 

 We see that electric field is in the (r, θ) plane whereas the

magnetic field has φ component only

89 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
 Therefore, the electric field and magnetic field are
perpendicular to each other (Which wave is this?)
 Points to be noted:
 1) Fields can be classified into three categories
 (a) Radiation fields (spatial variation 1/r)
 (b) Induction fields (spatial variation 1/r2) and
 (c) Electrostatic fields (spatial variation 1/r3)

90 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
 2) Field variation with f since β = ω µε
 a) Electrostatic fields (1/r3) are also inversely proportional to
the frequency ( 1 )
 b) Induction field (1/r2) is independent of frequency ( )
 c) Radiation field (1/r) is proportional to frequency ( )

91 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
 2) Field variation with r
 For small values of r,
 electrostatic field is the dominant term and
 For large values of r,
 radiation field is the dominant term
 We can also observe that the three types of fields are equal in
magnitude when
β2/r= β/r2=1/r3 => r=1/β= λ/2̟

92 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
 For r< λ/2̟, 1/r3 term dominates
 For r>> λ/2̟, the 1/r term dominates
 Near field region:
 For r<< λ/2̟
 (in fact the near field region distance r= λ/2̟ is for D<<λ
for an ideal infinitesimally small Hertz dipole
 and the near field region distance for r = 0.62 D is for
D>>λ), electrostatic fields dominate

93 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
 as r<< λ/2̟

Q e − jβ r → 1

I 0 dl cos θ e jωt I dl sin θ e jωt

Er ≈ −2 j 3
; Eθ ≈ − j 0
4πεω r 4πεω r 3

 The magnitude of the near field is

2 I 0 dl
E = Er + Eθ 2 = 3
4 cos 2
θ + sin 2
4πεω r

94 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
 A polar plot of the near field can be generated by writing a
MATLAB program for plotting

F (θ ) = 4 cos 2 θ + sin 2 θ

 Maximum field is along θ=00, θ=1800 and minimum is along

θ=900, θ=2700 (see Fig. 8.6(a))

95 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas

 Fig. 8.6 (a) Near field pattern plot of a Hertz dipole located at the
origin and oriented along z-axis (maximum radiation along z-axis)

96 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
 Far field region:
 For r>> λ/2̟ (in between reactive near field and
Fraunhofer far field region, there exists the Fresnel near field
region that’s why we have chosen an r>> λ/2̟), radiation
field is the dominant term
 In other words kr>>1, we have,

I 0 dl sin θ e jωt e − j β r β 2 I 0 dl sin θ e jωt e − jβ r β

Eθ = j ; Hφ = j
4πεω r 4π r

97 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
 The electric fields and magnetic fields are in phase with each
 They are 90˚ out of phase with the current due to the (j)
term in the expressions of Eθ and Hφ
 It is interesting to note that the ratio of electric field and
magnetic field is constant

Eθ β ω µε µ
= = = =η
Hφ ωε ωε ε

98 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
 Hence, the fields have sinusoidal variations with θ
 They are zero along θ=0
 No radiation along z-axis unlike near field case
 They are maximum along θ=π /2 (see Fig. 8.6 (b))

99 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas

 Fig. 8.6 (b) E-plane radiation pattern of a Hertz dipole in far field
(H-plane radiation will look like a circle)

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8.4 Kinds of antennas
 Power flow:

1 r r* 1
S avg
{ 2
} {( )
= Re E × H = Re Er rˆ + Eθ θˆ × H ϕ *φˆ }
1  θ  β 3
S avg {
* $
= Re Eθ Hφ r =

I 0 }
dl sin
 r$
2  4π r  ωε

 Antenna power flows radially outward

 Power density is not same in all directions
 The net real power is only due to the radiations fields (i.e.
jβ2/r and jβ/r) of electric and magnetic fields

101 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
 In the far field, electric field is along θˆ direction
 magnetic field is along φˆ direction
 Both of them are perpendicular to the power flow (Poynting
vector) which is along r$ direction
 Total radiated power:
 The total radiated power from a Hertz dipole

W = ∫∫ S avg r 2 sin θ dθ dφ

 dl 
∴W = 40π 2 I 0 2  

102 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
 Power radiated by the Hertz dipole is proportional to
 the square of the dipole length and
 inversely proportional to the dipole wavelength
 It implies more and more power is radiated as
 the frequency and
 the length
 of the Hertz dipole increases
 Radiation resistance of a Hertz Dipole:
 Hertz dipole can be equivalently modeled as a radiation

103 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
Since W=1/2 I02 Rrad
 dl 
∴W = 40π 2 I 0 2  
λ 2
2  dl 
 implies that Rrad = 80π  
 Radiation pattern of a Hertz Dipole:
 F(θ, )=sin θ for a Hertz dipole
 The 3D plot of sin θ looks like an apple (see Figure 8.6 (c))

104 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas

 Fig. 8.6 (c) A typical 3-D radiation pattern of a Hertz dipole in the far field

105 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
 To get the 3-D plot from the 2-D plot you need to rotate the
E-plane pattern along the H-plane pattern
 For this case it will give the shape of an apple
 Note that θ is also known as elevation angle and φ as
azimuth angle
 E-plane pattern for a dipole is also known as elevation
 H-plane pattern as azimuthal pattern

106 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
 As mentioned before, it is easier to visualize 2-D plots than
3-D on a 2-D plane like pages of this book
 Two principal planes radiation patterns are normally plotted
 E-plane (vertical: all planes containing z-axis like xz-plane, yz-
 H-plane (horizontal) radiations patterns
 are sufficient to describe the radiation pattern of a Hertz
 H-plane (xy-plane) radiation pattern is in the form of circle
of radius 1 since F(θ, φ ) is independent of φ

107 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
 Since the ratio of electric and magnetic field amplitudes in
the far field region of an antenna is 377 Ohm
 We may also plot the power pattern instead of field pattern
from the relation p(θ, )=sin2 θ
 Polarization of Hertz dipole:
 In the far-field region of a Hertz dipole, only θ component of
the electric field  the electric field is LP along θˆ direction
 That means electric field is perpendicular to the line from
the center of the dipole to the field observation point (see
Fig. 8.5) and it lies in the plane containing this line and the
dipole axis

108 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
8.4.2 Dipole antenna
 The next extension of a Hertz dipole is a linear antenna or a
dipole of finite length as depicted in Fig. 8.7 (a)
 It consists of a conductor of length 2L fed by a voltage or
current source at its center
 The current distribution can be obtained by assuming an o.c.
transmission line
 For o.c. transmission line
V0 + − j β z + jβ z V0 +
I ( z) =
e ( −e )= −2 j
sin β z

109 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas

 Fig. 8.7 (a) Dipole of length

2L (Dipole can be assumed
to composed of many Hertz dipoles)

110 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
 The current is zero at z= L (since at the ends, there is no
path for the current to flow), so, we can write,

V0 + V0 +
I ( z ) = −2 j sin( β ( L − z )) = I 0 sin  β ( L − z )  ; I 0 = −2 j
Z0 Z0
 The electric field due to the current element dz
 (it has the same expression of the Hertz dipole of the previous section
except that now we have a length of dz and current of I(z) )
 at far away observation point or in the far field can be
written as
j β 2 sin θ I ( z )dze − jβ R1 dEθ
dEθ = ; dHφ =
4πεω R1 η0

111 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
 Since the observation point P is at a very far distance, the
lines OP and QP are parallel and therefore
∴ R1 ≅ R − z cos θ
 Note that for the amplitude, we can approximate
1 1

R1 R
 since the dipole size is quite small in comparison to the distance
of the observation point P from the origin
 Hence j β 2 sin θ I ( z )dze − j β R e j β Z cosθ
dEθ ≅
4πεω R

112 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
 Since we have assumed that the dipole of length 2L is
composed of many Hertz dipoles as depicted in Fig. 8.7 (a)
 (this is one of the reasons why we say that Hertz dipole or
infinitesimal dipole is the building block for many antennas),
 we can write the total radiated electric field as

j β 2 sin θ I ( z )e − j β R e jβ Z cosθ
j β 2 sin θ I 0 sin( β ( L − z ))e − jβ R e j β Z cosθ
Eθ = ∫
z =− L
dEθ = ∫
z =− L
4πεω R
dz = ∫
z =− L
4πεω R

113 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
 It can be shown that (see textbook for derivations)

e− j β R  cos ( β L cos θ ) − cos β L  e− jβ R

⇒ Eθ ≅ j 60 I 0   = j 60 I 0 F (θ )
R  sin θ  R

 In the previous equation, the term under bracket is F(θ)

 and it is the variation of electric field as a function of θ and
 it is the E-plane radiation pattern

114 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
 In the H-plane,
 Eθ is a constant and it is not a function of φ
 hence it is a circle
 The E–plane radiation pattern of the dipole varies with the length of
the dipole as depicted in Fig. 8.8
 Note that according to Fig. 8.7 (a), we have considered the total
dipole length is 2L) and the H-plane radiation is always a circle
 Fig. 8.8 E-plane radiation pattern for dipole of length
 (a) 2L=2×λ/4= λ/2
 (b) 2L=2×λ=2λ
 (c) 2L=2×2λ=4λ

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8.4 Kinds of antennas

 (a) 2L=2×λ/4= λ/2

116 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas

 (b) 2L=2×λ=2λ

117 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas

 (c) 2L=2×2λ=4λ

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8.4 Kinds of antennas
Points to be noted:
1. Input impedance of the dipole (z=0)
Vin Vin
Z in = =
I in I 0 sin β L

 For dipole of length 2L, where L =odd multiples of

λ mπ V
,βL = ,sin β L =1, Z in = in
4 2 I0

 For dipole of length 2L, where L =even multiples of .

, β L = mπ ,sin β L = 0 ⇒ Z in = ∞

119 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
 That’s why it is preferable to have dipoles of length odd multiples
of λ/2,
 otherwise it is difficult to have a source with infinite impedance
2. Since increasing the dipole length more and more current is
available for radiation,
• the total power radiated increases monotonically
3. The electric field has only θ$ component and hence it is linearly
4. The radiation pattern have nulls and it can be calculated by
equating F(θ)=0

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8.4 Kinds of antennas
cos( β L cos θ null ) − cos β L
sin θ null

⇒ cos θ null = ±1 ±

o For m=0, cos θ null = ±1,θ null = 0, π

 But, in denominator sin θ null is also zero
 So let us take the limit of F(θ) as θ→0, and see

121 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
1   ( β L cos θ ) ( β L cos θ )   ( β L ) ( β L )  
2 4 2 4
 cos ( β L cos θ ) − cos ( β L ) 
  ≅ Lim  1 − +  − 1 − + 
Lim    
θ →0,π 
sin θ  θ →0,π sin θ 2! 4!
 
2! 4!

 ( β L )2 sin 2 θ ( β L )4 (1 − cos 4 θ )  1 
( )
β L
sin θ ( β L )
sin θ (1 + cos 2 θ ) 
Lim  − × =
Lim  − =0
θ →0,π 
2! 4!  sin θ θ →0,π 
2! 4! 
 

5. To find θ for maximum radiation, we have to find the solution of

dF (θ )

 We can also take the mean of the first two nulls to approximate θ max

122 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
Monopole antennas:
 A monopole is a dipole that has been divided in half at its
center feed point and
 fed against a ground plane
 Monopole is usually fed from a coaxial cable (see Fig. 8.7 (b))
 A monopole of length L placed above a perfectly conducting
and infinite ground plane
 will have the same field distribution to that of a dipole of length
2L without the ground plane

123 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas

Ground plane

Coaxial cable Image of monopole

Dipole in free space

 (b) Monopole of length L over a ground plane

124 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
 This is because an image of the monopole will be formed
inside the ground plane
 (similar to the method of images in chapter 2)
 The monopole looks like a dipole in free space (see Fig. 8.7
 Since this monopole is of length L only,
 it will radiate only half of the total radiated power of a dipole of
length 2L
 Hence, the radiation resistance of a monopole is half that of a

125 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
 Similarly, directivity of the monopole is twice that of a dipole
 Since the field distributions are the same for a monopole and
 the maximum radiation intensity will be also same for both
 But for monopole,
 the total radiated power is half that of a dipole
 Hence, the directivity of a monopole above a conducting
ground plane is
 twice that of dipole in free space

126 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
8.4.3 Loop antenna
 Loop antennas could be of various shapes:
 elliptical, etc.
 They are widely used in applications up to 3GHz
 Loop antennas can be classified into two:
 electrically small (circumference < 0.1 λ) and
 electrically large (circumference approximately equals to λ)

127 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
 Electrically small loop antennas have
 very small radiation resistance
 They have
 very low radiation and
 are practically useless
 Electrically small loop antennas could be analyzed assuming
 it is equivalently represented as a Hertz dipole
 Let us consider electrically large circular loop of constant

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8.4 Kinds of antennas
 Fig. 8.9 Loop antenna


φ r

φ' r

129 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas
 We can express magnetic vector potential (see textbook) as
µ I 0 ae − jβ r
Aφ (θ ) = π j { J1 ( β a sin θ ) − J1 (− β a sin θ )}
4π r

Q Jn ( z ) = zn ∑

( −1) z 2m
∴ J n (− z ) = (−1) n J n ( z ) ⇒ J1 ( − β a sin θ ) = − J1 ( β a sin θ )
m =0 2 2m+n
m !( n + m ) !
j µ I 0 ae− j β r J1 ( β a sin θ )
∴ Aφ (θ ) =
 We can express electric field as

∴E = − j
∇ ∇• A ) − jω Ar

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8.4 Kinds of antennas
 Note that magnetic vector potential has only φ component
which is a function of θ variable only
∴∇ • A = 0;
ωµ I 0 ae − j β r J1 ( β a sin θ )
Q Aθ = Ar = 0 ⇒ Eθ = − jω Aθ = 0; Er = − jω Ar = 0 ∴ Eφ = − jω Aφ =

−ωµ I 0 ae − j β r

Hθ = − = J1 ( β a sin θ ) ; H r = Hφ = 0
η 2η r

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8.4 Kinds of antennas
 Poynting vector for a wave radiating in radially outward
 should have direction along positive radial direction
 Therefore Hθ must be negative
 Fig. 8.10 shows the far-field radiation pattern of the loop
 It can be observed that the radiation field has higher
 with the larger radius of the loop antenna
 For larger radiation power we need a loop antenna of larger

132 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.4 Kinds of antennas

 Fig. 8.10 Plot of for various values of angle θ (far-field radiation

patterns) (dotted line  a=0.1λ, dashed line  a=0.2λ, solid
line  a=0.3λ)
133 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016
8.4 Kinds of antennas
 For small loops

1 1 1
βa < ; J1 ( βa sin θ ) = βa sin θ − (βa sin θ )3 + ... ≅ 1 βa sin θ
3 2 16 2
ωµ I 0 a e− j β r 1 ωµ I 0 a e− j β r 1
∴ Eφ = ( β a sin θ ) ; Hθ = − ( β a sin θ )
2 r 2 η 2r 2

 Note that for the dipole polarization was along θˆ direction

 But for small loop antennas it is along the φˆ direction

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8.5 Antenna Arrays

 One of the disadvantages of single antenna is that

 it has fixed radiation pattern
 That means once we have designed and constructed an
 the beam or radiation pattern is fixed
 If we want to tune the radiation pattern,
 we need to apply the technique of antenna arrays
 Antenna array is a
 configuration of multiple antennas (elements) arranged
 to achieve a given radiation pattern

135 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.5 Antenna Arrays

 There are several array design variables

 which can be changed to achieve the overall array pattern design
 Some of the array design variables are:
 (a) array shape
 planar, etc.
 (b) element spacing
 (c) element excitation amplitude φ
 (d) element excitation phase
 (e) patterns of array elements

136 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.5 Antenna Arrays

 Given an antenna array of identical elements,

 the radiation pattern of the antenna array may be found
according to the
 pattern multiplication principle

 It basically means that array pattern is equal to φ

 the product of the

 pattern of the individual array element into
 array factor , a function dependent only on
 the geometry of the array
 the excitation amplitude and phase of the elements

137 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.5 Antenna Arrays
8.5.1 Two element array
 Let us investigate an array of
 two infinitesimal dipoles positioned along the z axis as shown in Fig.
8.10 (a)
 The field radiated by the two elements,
 assuming no coupling between the elements
 is equal to the sum of the two fields
r r r − j β r1 2 jδ1 − j β r2 2 jδ 2
jI dl sin θ e β e jI dl sin θ e β e
Etotal = E1 + E2 = θˆ 1
+ θˆ 2

4πεω r1 4πεω r2

 where the two antennas are excited with current

I1 < δ1 and I2 < δ 2

138 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.5 Antenna Arrays


θ r

θ2 r

 Fig. 8.10 (a) Two Hertz dipoles

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8.5 Antenna Arrays

 For I1 = I 2 = I o

α α
δ1 = ,δ2 = −
2 2

r jI dl sin θβ 2 − jβ r
e  j  β2d cosθ + α2  − j  β2d cosθ + α2  
Etotal = θˆ 0 e  
+e  

4πεω r  
 
2 − jβ r
jI dl sin θβ e  βd α
= θˆ 0 2 cos  cos θ + 
4πεω r  2 2

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8.5 Antenna Arrays

 Hence the total field of the array is equal to

 the field of single element positioned at the origin
 multiplied by a factor which is called as the array factor
 Array factor is given

1 
AF = 2 cos  ( β d cos θ + α ) 
2 
 Normalized array factor is

1 
AF2 = cos  ( β d cos θ + α ) 
2 

141 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.5 Antenna Arrays

8.5.2 N element uniform linear array (ULA)

 This idea of two element array can be extended
 to N element array of uniform amplitude and spacing
 Let us assume that N Hertz dipoles are placed along a
straight line along z-axis at positions
 2d, …,
 (N-2) d and
 (N-1) d

142 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.5 Antenna Arrays
 Current of equal amplitudes
 but with phase difference of
 2α, … ,
 (N-2) α and
 (N-1) α
 are excited to the corresponding dipoles at
 2d, …,
 (N-2) d and
 (N-1) d

143 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.5 Antenna Arrays
( N − 1)
I〈 α
I 〈 ( N − 1)α (N-1)d 2

. I 〈α

I 〈0
I 〈 2α 2d

I 〈α I 〈−α

( N − 1)
I 〈0 0 I 〈− α

 Fig. 8.10 (b) ULA 1 (c) ULA 2 (assume N is an odd number)

144 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016
8.5 Antenna Arrays

 Then the array factor for the N element ULA of Fig. 8.10 (b)
will become

j ( β d cosθ +α ) 2 j ( β d cosθ +α ) j ( N −1)( β d cosθ +α )

∴ AF = 1 + e +e + ..... + e

1 − e jNψ
⇒ AF = ∑ e j (n −1)(β d cos θ + α ) ⇒AF N = ;ψ = β d cos θ + α
1− e j ψ
n =1
jNψ N −1  j ( N2 )ψ N
− j ( )ψ  N −1
sin( )ψ
e −1 = e j(
)ψ e −e 2  =e 2
j ( )ψ
=  j ( 1 )ψ 1  ψ
e jψ − 1  e 2 − e 2
− j ( )ψ
 sin(

145 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.5 Antenna Arrays
( N − 1)
I〈 α
 If the reference point is at the physical 2

 center of the array as depicted in

I 〈α
 Fig. 8.10 (c), the array factor is
sin( )ψ
2 I 〈0
( AF ) N =
sin( )
 For small values of I 〈−α

sin( )ψ
( AF ) N = 2
ψ I 〈−
( N − 1)

146 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.5 Antenna Arrays

 The maximum value of AF is for ψ = 0 and its value is N

 Apply L’ Hospital rule since it is of the form sin 0
 To normalize the array factor so that the maximum value is
equal to unity, we get,
 N  N
sin( )ψ sin( )ψ
1 2  2
( AF ) N =  ≅ N
N  sin 1 ψ  ψ
 2  2

147 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.5 Antenna Arrays

 This is the normalized array factor for ULA

 As N increases, the main lobe narrows
 The number of lobes is equal to N
 one main lobe and
 other N-1 side lobes
 in one period of the AF
 The side lobes widths are of 2̟/N and
 main lobes are two times wider than the side lobes
 The SLL decreases with increasing N
 This can be verified from Fig. 8.11 (see textbook)

148 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.5 Antenna Arrays
 N 
sin( )ψ
1 2 
( AF ) N =  
 Null of the array N  sin 1 ψ 
 2 
 To find the null of the array,

sin( )ψ = 0 Qψ = ( β cos θ ) d + α

N N 2nπ
⇒ ψ = ± nπ ⇒ {( β cos θ ) d + α } = ± nπ ⇒ β d cos θ = −α ±
2 2 N
 1  2nπ  
⇒ θ n = cos −1   −α ±  n = 1, 2,3,......
βd  N 

149 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.5 Antenna Arrays
 N 
sin( )ψ
1 2 
( AF ) N =  
N  sin 1 ψ 
 Maximum values  2 
 It attains the maximum values for ψ = 0

ψ 1
( β d cos θ + α ) =0
θ =θ m

 α 
⇒ θ m = cos −1  − 
 βd 

8.5.3 Broadside array

 We know that when

150 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.5 Antenna Arrays

ψ = β d cosθ + α = 0
 the maximum radiation occurs
 It is desired that maximum occurs at θ=90˚

ψ = β d cos θ + α θ =90 = 0 ⇒ α = 00

8.5.4 Endfire array

 We know that when ψ = β d cos θ + α = 0
 the maximum radiation occurs

151 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.5 Antenna Arrays

 It is desired that maximum occurs at θ=0˚,

ψ = β d cos θ + α θ =0 = 0 ⇒ α = − β d

8.5.5 Phase scanning array

 We know that when ψ = β d cos θ + α = 0
 the maximum radiation occurs
 It is desired that maximum occurs at θ=θ0

ψ = β d cos θ + α θ =θ = 0 ⇒ α = − β d cos θ 0

152 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.5 Antenna Arrays
( N − 1)
I〈 α
 Draw the polar plot of radiation pattern for the following 2

 uniform linear array (ULA)

I 〈α
 of N isotropic radiating antennas spaced λ/2
 apart for the following cases:
 (a) Broadside array (Maximum field is at θ=90˚)
θ I 〈0

 (b) End fire array (Maximum field is at θ=0˚)

 (c) Maximum field is at θ=60˚ and
I 〈−α
 (d) Null at θ=60˚  N 
sin( )ψ
1 2 
( AF ) N =  
N  sin 1 ψ  ( N − 1)
I 〈− α
 2  2

153 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.5 Antenna Arrays ψ = β d cos θ + α θ =90 = 0 ⇒ α = 00

 (a) Broadside array (Maximum field is at θ=90˚)

154 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 4/26/2016

8.5 Antenna Arrays ψ = β d cos θ + α θ =0 = 0 ⇒ α = − β d

 (b) End fire array (Maximum field is at θ=0˚)

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8.5 Antenna Arrays

 (c) Maximum field is at θ=60˚

ψ = β d cos θ + α θ =θ = 0 ⇒ α = − β d cos θ 0

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8.5 Antenna Arrays

 (d) Null at θ=60˚ 2nπ

α= − βd cos θ null , n = 1,2,3,L
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