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Basic Op -Amps

The operational- amplifier (op-amp) is NON INVERTING

a staple item in electronic circuits INPUT
and is a building block that is often one OUTPUT
of the main components in linear, audio, ein
and video circuitry. This device is basi- Vout = A x ein
cally a high -gain amplifier that is used in
conjunction with feedback networks to INVERTING
make up a circuit whose properties are
determined by linear -passive compo-
nents, such as resistors, capacitors, ein = input A = Amplifier Vout = output voltage
inductors, as well as nonlinear compo- voltage gain
nents (diodes, varistors, thermistors,
etc). The term "operational-amplifier"
comes from the use of these devices in
analog computers that were used
decades ago to perform mathematical Rout
operations (addition, multiplication, dif-
ferentiation, integration, summation,
ein Vout = A x ein
etc) on input quantities. The term has
stuck and is still used, even though ana- Rin
log computers have largely departed the
scene, having been replaced by digital
computers long ago. Today's opera-
tional- amplifier is a sophisticated device, Equivalent Circuit
composed of many transistors, diodes,
and resistors, all in a chip and packaged
in various configurations. Fig. 1

There are thousands of types of op- BASIC OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER

amps available, from flea -powered
microwatt units to units capable of han-
dling a few hundred watts of power
from a few cents to many dollars in cost.
- used to represent an op -amp. An ideal
amplifier has the following properties:
an equivalent DC input offset voltage
present at the input. DC offset can also
As you may imagine, the specs and per- infinite forward gain, bandwidth and be produced from equal input bias cur-
formance requirements, as well as relia- input impedance with zero output rents flowing through unequal resis-
bility, temperature range, and packag- impedance, noise voltage, DC offset, tance in the inverting and non -inverting
ing, all affect cost. Op -amps that can do bias currents, and reverse gain. (See Fig. input circuits. This will produce a DC
many ordinary jobs very well are avail-
able for under 50 cents, owing to low -
cost plastic packages, large -scale inte-
1.) In practice, all op -amps have some
bias current that flows in the inputs
almost negligible for JFET and CMOS
- input voltage differential at the input.
Some op -amps have external pins to
which a potentiometer can be connected
gration, and high -volume production. types, but more significant in bipolar to balance out or otherwise cancel this
Technologies commonly used are bipo- types. This current must be considered voltage, bringing the DC output to zero
lar, FET, CMOS, and combinations. in high- impedance circuits, in DC and under zero -signal input conditions.
Some large or high-power op-amps are instrumentation amplifiers, and in cir- These are widely used in instrumenta-
made using monolithic fabrication cuits that must operate over a wide tem- tion amplifiers and related applications
methods. perature range. In addition, even if you where nulling or zero adjustments are
were to short the op -amp inputs togeth- required. All amplifiers generate some
An Ideal Amplifier er, you may not get zero output voltage, noise, which is due to thermal and semi-
From a circuit viewpoint, for the pur - but some random DC level. conductor junction effects, and can be
20 poses of explanation, an ideal amplifier is This DC voltage can be considered as considered as an equivalent input noise
R1 other than to power the amplifier. Many
general -purpose op -amp chips have two
or four separate operational- amplifiers
SUMMING JUNCTION in one package, with common power -
'VIRTUAL GROUND" supply connections. In practice the ideal
amplifier criteria requirements are met
only approximately, but as will be
shown, close enough for most purposes.
+ Practically, an op -amp will have a gain
of 10,000 or more, an input impedance
V out
of megohms, and a 3 dB bandwidth of
several tens of hertz or more. If an
amplifier has a 3 dB bandwidth of 40 Hz
and a gain of 100,000 times, this is a gain
V in
bandwidth product of 4 million hertz, or
4 MHz. (40 x 100,000). It is advanta-
V in = A ein
geous in many feedback applications to
have the gain falling at 6 dB per octave
Vout / Vin = A / (1 +BA)
or 20 dB per decade at frequencies
B = R2 / (R1 + R2) beyond the corner frequency (that fre-
quency at which the amplifier gain has
fallen 3 dB or 70.7 percent of its DC
Since the op -amp is used mainly in
feedback circuits having much lower
closed -loop gain, these performance fig-
NONINVERTING CONFIGURATION ures are good enough in many cases. In
fact, even a single high -gain (100X)
voltage. Amplifiers are available with may show up as equivalent input signals. common emitter transistor amplifier
low -noise characteristics for those appli- The degree to which the op -amp rejects stage can be treated as an op -amp if
cations where noise must be kept to a this is called the supply -voltage rejection feedback is employed, with surprisingly
minimum. ratio. It is usually better than 60 dB and little error. In many cases, a single tran-
A real -world op -amp has a lot of gain typically 70-80 dB or better. After all, sistor will work almost as well as a more
( >1000X voltage gain) and a fairly high nothing is perfect in life. expensive op -amp device. One example
input impedance (>100K). Generally is a simple audio amplifier stage from
there are two inputs shown, an inverting What's To Gain? which a moderate gain (5 -20X) is
and a non -inverting input, and one out- Op -amp power supply connections required. This will be shown in an
put referenced to ground (but not are sometimes shown in diagrams, espe- example later.
always, differential outputs are some- cially if decoupling capacitors and resis-
times used in certain applications). One tors are necessary, but more often shown Op-Amp Families
of the inputs may be grounded in many elsewhere in the schematic, as they play One of the most popular op -amps of
common applications where a single - no part in the primary circuit function all time is the venerable LM741, its dual
ended signal source is present. This is a
common situation. There are limitations R2
on the DC levels allowable on the inputs nv

and limitations on the available output Note: in is almost

I 12
zero and is
voltage swing. negligible
Op -amps are available that allow a

full output voltage swing between the R1 1

positive supply and negative (Vdd)

supply. These are sometimes referred to
as rail -to -rail capable. In addition, if the + +
exact same voltage is present on the V out
j Vin
inverting and non -inverting inputs, ide-
ally the output voltage should be zero.
This is not always so, and the degree of
imperfection is called the common -
mode rejection ratio. This is usually 60 Vout/Vin =-R21R1
dB or better, with 70 -80 dB as a mini-
mum. Note that this may vary with FIG 3
input voltage levels to some degree. BASIC OP AMP VOLTAGE AMPLIFIER
Also, variations of power supply voltage INVERTING CONFIGURATION 21
Rí that, while not difficult, can contain sev-
Note: Iin is almost 12 eral terms and fractional expressions,
zero and is
negligible leading to rather messy algebraic manip-
ulation of these terms. This can confuse,
R1 It
intimidate, and scare away many readers.
It is easy to get wrapped up in the math
ein + and then spend way too much time try-
V out ing to figure out what is being done or
what is meant. If you have ever studied
algebra or calculus, you will surely have
been through this. You also lose sight of
Vout / Vin =- Rf / Rn for any input
the intended goal and the subject being
R2 n = 1,2,3 ....N
discussed. What was to be a discussion
of circuits turns into a time -wasting
Vout=-{V1(Rf/R1) V2(Rf/R2) V3(Rf/R3) +VN(Rf/RN)F
+ + +
digression, usually a tedious and frus-
trating algebra exercise. This proves lit-
de except that you might be a complete
bonehead because you do not immedi-
ately see the "obvious" meaning of these
complex expressions. (Often the authors
needed several hours correctly deriving
them the first time or else just copied
them from elsewhere so as to impress
readers and look like geniuses). This will
be avoided. We are going to make some
N - INPUT INVERTING CONFIGURATION simplifying approximations to get rid of
the second and higher order stuff, which
can be studied later after some basics are
covered. Simplified approximations will
RN still yield results accurate to a percent or
so and avoid confusing trivial details
which, while interesting, have dubious
practical consequences for things the
experimenter will get involved with.
Even five or ten percent accuracy is
good enough in many cases, if you are
not doing instrumentation work.

Feedback And Formulas

version LM747 and their many descen- pose JFET types. The TLO8X series Figure 2 is a basic op-amp applica-
dants. The JFET input TLO8X series is allows the use of higher resistance values tion, a simple gain stage. Amplifier A is a
also very popular, coming in single and therefore smaller capacitor values, basic op -amp with a very high -input
(TLO81), double (TL082), and which is often more convenient from a resistance. Resistors R1 and R2 make up
quadruple (TL084) units. The TLO81 design standpoint. The TLO8X series a feedback network, a simple voltage
and TL082 come in 8 -pin DIP pack- has an open -loop (no feedback used, the divider. The voltage at the junction of
ages, while the TL084 comes in a 14- full gain the amp can deliver) voltage Rl and R2 is R2 /(R1 + R2). In feedback
pin DIP package. These op -amps oper- gain of over 10,000 and having JFET amplifier work, the gain of the feedback
ate well from 5-12 -volt experimenter inputs, an input impedance of a million network is commonly designated by the
supplies and require both a plus and megohms. The gain bandwidth product Greek letter ß (beta). This gain is the
minus supply. These are also cheap and (obtained by measuring frequency ratio of output voltage to input voltage
widely available. Other general -purpose where gain falls to unity) is rated at 4 and is usually less than one -in many
types are the LM324, LM1458 (bipolar), MHz for the TLO8X series. Op -amps cases, much smaller than one. It may
and LM3900, along with all their varia- are available with gain bandwidth prod- often be a complex number, having both
tions and flavors. There are many oth- ucts to several hundred MHz and even real and imaginary components. Since
ers, but those mentioned are easily higher, and these are used in video and practical feedback networks consist of
obtained by the hobbyist wishing to RF applications. resistors, capacitors, and sometimes
experiment with them, cheap, and in inductors, they therefore have defined
plentiful supply. Many manufacturers Keeping It Simple magnitude and phase characteristics. It
make them, so obsolescence should not A word first to the nitpickers. (You may also be nonlinear, using diodes,
be a problem for a long time. know who you are). The exact explana- varistors, and other nonlinear devices.
We will use the TLO8X series for cir- tion of op -amp and feedback principles For the following discussions we will
22 cuit examples, as they are general -pur- requires the use of network equations limit ß to being linear and a purely real
R2 Gain =(Vout /Vin) =A /(AX [3 +1)
Note: in is small

and can be
+ A X f3 means the product of these two
neglected for high quantities. Since the order of multiplica-
gain transistors J
V out
High Gain tion does not change the product, A x 3
R1 = f3 X A = f3A (realizing the X stands for
i1 _base multiplication we can get rid of it). Also,
the order of addition of two quantities
e in v
does not affect the sum. Then the equa-
tion appears as:
Gain = A /(1 +f3A)

This is a very important equation

Vout /Vin = -R2 /R1
when working with op -amps or most
(signal voltages) any feedback amplifier. It applies to a lot
of things. The ratio of A to (1 + (3A)
yields not only the gain, but affects other
Note: DC Biasing for transistor not shown
circuit -performance factors, as well. In a
real -world case, if A is 10,000 and if f3 is
0.01 or more (it generally is), note that
the product of f3 and A will be greater
INVERTING CONFIGURATION than 100. Then, a very nice simplifying
approximation can be made. It is true
number, as this simplifies the math. 1/(9 +1) or 1 /10, or 0.1. This means that that for any quantity X much larger than
Most experimenter circuits will not one tenth the output voltage is being fed 1 (10 times or more would qualify), 1

involve complex feedback networks, but back via the feedback network. By sub- plus X approximately equals X with an
the reader should be made aware that stituting the previously mentioned error of around 1/X times 100 percent.
this is not always the case. equalities in the first equation: As an example if X were 10 then 10 -11
In Fig. 2, the output voltage from the approximately with an error of 1 /10 X
op-amp is V out = A X e in. A is the gain A x ein {f3} = Vin -ein 100 percent, or ten percent, which is
of the amplifier (generally 10,000X or obviously true. If X were 100, then (1 +
more). In a practical op -amp circuit If you add like quantities to both sides 100) - 100 with an error of 1/100 X 100
powered by 5 -15 volt supplies, V out of the equation, it still is valid. percent, or 1 percent. Note that in our
will be at most_* 5 to ±15 volts. Therefore, if you add e in to both sides case where A is 10,000 and f3 is 0.01, the
Therefore, e in will be this voltage, V of the equation: product f3A is 100 and 1 + f3A f3A
out divided by the gain of the op-amp within one percent. Therefore, if in any
(10,000 or more). This says that e in is AXein {f3} +ein =Vin case ßA > 1, we can rewrite the equation as:
very, very small, in the millivolt or
microvolt range. However, V in from Noting that e in is common to both Gain =A /(1 + [3A) -A/ (ßA) = 1 /f3
the outside world is the input voltage we terms in the left side of the equation, it
are applying to the circuit and could be can be factored out: (Note that A is common to numerator
a volt or more, such as a line -level audio and denominator and can be cancelled
signal, etc., while e in is very much einx[Ax[3+1}=Vin out.)
smaller. The circuit adjusts itself so that In other words, if the product of the
the ratio of V out to e in equals the gain But e in must equal V out divided by op -amp gain (A) and the feedback factor
of the amplifier, which we will take as A, the gain of the op -amp, so that: ([3) is much larger than one, the value of
10,000. This requires V out to be such b determines the overall gain of the op-
that the portion of V out at the junction (Vout/A){A x (3+ 1}=Vin amp circuit. The product of (3A is called
of feedback network R1 and R2 exactly the open -loop gain. The overall circuit
equals V in minus e in, so the total volt- The effective circuit gain is what we gain with the feedback loop in place is
age difference across the inverting and want, i.e. the ratio of V out to V in. We called the closed -loop gain. The beauty
non -inverting outputs is e in. This are inputting a signal represented by V of this concept is that, given a large
occurs when: in and would like to know the magni- enough value of A, the gain and other
tude of V out that will result. If both parameters of a feedback amplifier or
V out {R2(RI+R2)} = V in -e in sides of the equation are first multiplied any other system employing feedback
by A, then divided by V in, and then can be closely controlled by a network of
But, V out = A X e in, where A is the finally by the entire quantity in brackets components that can be specified to any
gain of the amplifier. Define R2(R1 +R2) {A x f3 + 1), we get an equation that degree of accuracy needed. The value of
as [3, the feedback factor equal to the expresses the ratio of V out to V in as a A, component tolerances, drift, noise,
ratio of R2 to R1 and R2. For example, function of A, the op -amp gain, and b, temperature effects, and all things
if R1 = 9K and R2 = 1K then f3 equals the feedback factor: (Continued on page 41) 23
(continued,from page 23) A HAVEN FOR WIRELESS BUFFS

affecting A become less and less relevant Graf and Sheets are no strangers to the pages of Gernsback. Their educational projects,
to the circuit performance as the value of such as the RF-Field Strength Meter and the MPX2000 FM Transmitter, can be found at
North Country Radio. Established in 1986, this company offers projects related to ama-
ßA increases. teur TV transmitters /receivers, AM and FM transmitters/ receivers, video cameras, and
We do not mean to pull a snow job numerous other subjects. Visit the Web site at for more
here, but you should spend whatever information.
time is needed to understand these con-
cepts, as they are the heart of the theory. Ordering Information: PO Box 53, Wykagyl Station, New Rochelle, NY 10804 -0053:
Once understood, op-amp circuits will Voice: 914- 235 -6611; Fax: 914-576-6051; e -mail: Rgraf30832
be a breeze to work with.
Engineering and Technical Support
PO Box 200, Hartford, NY 12838
Virtual Ground Voice /Fax: 518- 854 -9280
In a practical op -amp circuit e in is e -mail:
very small, since the value of A is at
least several thousand. Since e in is that
voltage appearing across the input of
the op -amp (see Fig. 3), if one input zero (Kirchoff's current law, the law of between all the input sources. This circuit
terminal of the op -amp is connected to continuity-and plain common sense), makes an excellent audio mixer with virtual-
ground or has zero signal on it, the it follows that the positive current flow- ly no cross-talk effects. By varying the values
other input will also be very close to ing in R1 must be cancelled by a cur- of the input resistors, Rl RN, different
ground. Note again that e in is at most rent flowing in R2, except for a tiny gains can be obtained for the various inputs.
a few millivolts in practical circuits. current flowing into the op -amp, which As far as AC signals are concerned, a
Under all signal levels this will be true, is zero for all practical purposes. The high -gain single -tran-
provided the op -amp is not driven into only way this can happen is if V out sistor amplifier
saturation or another region where the equals Vin (R2 /R1). circuit can ap-
gain falls to a low value. This gives rise Note that there is an inversion in phase, proximate the
to the term virtual ground, since the since the currents must cancel. The voltage behavior of an
op -amp input is always very close in gain is simply the ratio of R2 to Rl. The op -amp in these
voltage to ground. The input terminal two resistors set the gain. If multiple inputs circuits if the
in many applications is the inverting are desired, extra input resistors and input collector is con-
input, with the non -inverting input sources can be added as in Fig. 4. The out- sidered the out-
grounded or connected to a source of put voltage is given as: put, the base
zero signal. Additionally, the amplifier the inverting in-
itself has a high -input impedance, often Vout= -[Vn x Rf/R1+Vin2 x Rf
1 put, and the
measured in megohms. The input cur- /R2+Vin3 x Rf/R3+VinN x Rf/ emitter the non -
rent to the op -amp itself is negligible RN] inverting input. Naturally DC biasing
and zero for all practical purposes. arrangements are needed and there are
Therefore, in Fig. 3, the input current I This is called a summing amplifier (see DC level considerations, but the princi-
in R1, equal to V in /R1, has to equal Fig. 4) and the junction of all the resistors at ples of feedback still apply. (see Fig. 5).
the feedback current in R2, equaling V the input is called the summing junction. Several op -amp circuits will be dis-
out/R2. Since these currents entering Since the input of the amplifier is a virtual cussed in the next part of this article. p
and leaving any junction must equal ground, there is almost complete isolation


Basic OpAmps, Part 2

this application. Dedicated "universal"
experimenter breadboard setups are avail-
able (approx. $20 to $40) that feature con-
nectors and sockets suitable for plugging in
most components and jumpers to configure
DPDT almost any circuit. These breadboard setups
will prove to be time- savers and will elimi-
5 10 12 VOLTS
nate much, if not all, soldering.
Some source of signal should be handy
a function generator, an audio oscillator, or
A = TLO81
or similar even audio from a CD or tape player. Access
+ to an oscilloscope is desirable, but not nec-
A few op -amp circuits will be discussed.
These circuits are for demonstration and
T teaching purposes to illustrate the principles
of op -amps, and they are not claimed to be
BASIC OP AMP BREADBOARD optimized for any specific application.
There are refinements that can be added in
The operational- amplifier (op -amp) is useful for a wide vari- some cases, but were omitted for simplicity. There are literal-
ety of applications. Last month, we discussed basic theory ly millions of op -amp circuits, and in a short column we can-
and a few elementary circuits. For further understanding of not cover very much.
how op -amps, (or most anything else), work, some hands -on
experience is essential. So let's get working. No I in is almost
are and is
We suggest that a simple breadboard circuit, as shown in negligible + BASIC VOLTAGE
Fig. 1, be constructed, as a basic functioning op-amp circuit R1

for experimentation. An 8 -pin DIP op-amp can be used, such

as a 741 or TLO81, as only one amplifier section will be need-
ed. The TLO81 is cheap and readily available, and it's a JFET
type that is an excellent general -purpose amplifier for experi-
mentation and hobby circuits. Of course, other types can be
used if you have them handy, but JFET types are probably
preferable since they allow the use of more reasonable compo-
nent values (capacitors, especially).
A = TLO81 or
Supply Voltages similar

The op-amp should be rated to work with the supply volt- SHORT ANTENNA
ages you will use. Anything from 5 to 12 volts will be okay. You
will need two supplies of equal voltage, one delivering a posi- DETECTOR

tive (plus) voltage and one delivering a negative (minus) volt-

age. Ideally a laboratory-type AC- powered adjustable DC sup- e in

ply delivering plus and minus voltages would be desirable. V out

However, several AA batteries with two suitable battery hold- VERY HIGH
ers, two 9-volt transistor radio batteries, or two 6 -volt lantern >1000 Meg
batteries will work just as well.
AA-battery holders that hold four to eight AA cells are
widely available, and two such holders can be used to make up FIG 2
a suitable supply. The batteries should last a very long time in VOLTAGE FOLLOWER 21
A = TLO81 or
similar the thousands of megohms -available with this circuit. By
using a voltage -divider network and appropriate switching,
1 uF 50V
I in you can make a high- impedance voltmeter that will have input
impedance of hundreds of megohms or more. By using CMOS
R3 type op-amps, you can construct a simple electrometer able to
VOLTAGE read currents as low as I trillionth of an ampere (or 1 picoam-
11=VIn1330 pere, if you prefer).
- rduk
If the input of the amplifier is connected to a short (3 -inch)

wire, a body charged with electricity (hard rubber comb

rubbed on flannel, or a glass rod rubbed with silk, etc.)
I fdbk
brought near this wire will produce a change in the op -amp
output voltage. Now we have a static-charge detector circuit.
However, practically, a high resistance should be connected
1N914, etc
between the noninverting input and ground to establish a sta-
ble operating point. This resistor could be several thousand
M = 1 mA Full Scale megohms in practice.
Another useful circuit (Fig. 3) is an AC- voltmeter. The
The reader is strongly advised to consult the literature and meter rectifier is in the feedback circuit, compensating for the
manufacturer's application notes. Several years ago National diode forward drop. A conventional meter rectifier using a
Semiconductor offered a publication titled "Linear diode -bridge rectifier is compressed at the low end of the
Applications Handbook" (our copy is dated 1994), which is an meter scale since small AC voltages may not overcome the
excellent reference text, full of ideas and applications, using diode forward voltage drop of 0.6 volt. This causes nonlinear -
op -amps. The devices referenced in older literature may be ity at the low end of the scale. When the bridge is placed in the
out of production and no longer available, but the circuit prin- feedback loop, the AC- signal current in the feedback loop
ciples and ideas are relatively timeless and can be applied to
currently available devices.

A = TL081
The Voltage Follower INPUT , or similar

The circuit in Fig. 2 is s voltage follower. This unity-gain _L--1111111

amplifier uses a TLO81 or similar JFET op -amp as a buffer OUTPUT

and driver. A very high-impedance source (microphone, sam-

ple-and -hold circuit, transducer, etc.) can be interfaced to a INPUT
Output = Negative if V input < REF. VOLTAGE

lower impedance load with no loss in voltage. The gain here is Output - Positive if V input O REF. VOLTAGE

all current gain. Since the feedback factor is unity, the output INPUT VOLTAGE =
V input
voltage will equal the input voltage minus ein Since ei is very FIG 5
small and the gain of the amplifier is high (10,000), the output BASIC OP AMP COMPARATOR
voltage will equal the input voltage within 0.01 percent.
This circuit can be used as a simple, high- impedance meter must equal the input current through R1. This equilibrium
amplifier. If a DVM is connected to the op -amp output and a forces the op -amp to produce sufficient voltage to overcome
single 1.5 -volt AA cell is connected to the input through a 22- the 0.6-volt diode drop, irrespective of the input level.
meg resistor (highest commonly available resistor value), the Therefore, the meter will read linearly. It is easy to make an
resistor will have practically no effect on the voltage reading of AC voltmeter with a full -scale deflection of 100 millivolts or
the battery. This demonstrates the high -input impedance -in less with this circuit with a perfectly linear scale. This AC-
voltmeter circuit works well and will be fairly accurate in the
A = TLO81 or audio -frequency range and into the low -frequency RF range
similar (100 kHz) or higher with fast diodes and a wideband op -amp.
1 uF 60V
A voltage follower can be used as a peak detector (Fig. 4) to
give the peak voltage of a waveform. The signal is applied to
the noninverting input as shown. Capacitor Cl will charge to
330 OHMS
the peak voltage of the input signal. Since the diode is in series
MEASURED with the amplifier output, it will compensate for the diode
drop. The output voltage will equal the peak value of the input
E out=

C = 1 to 100 uF Positive peak

value Vin
Op-Amps Make Waves
Op -amps can also be used as comparators to compare two
Reverse diode and
capacitor polarity
voltages. Figure 5 shows a typical circuit. The reference volt-
for negative peaks age is applied to the inverting input. Any voltage greater than
this reference voltage will drive the op -amp output in a posi-
22 PEAK DETECTOR CIRCUIT tive direction. Since the gain of the op-amp is several thou-
REFERENCE Now the capacitor discharges towards
INPUTS the negative supply rail. This sequence
will continue until the voltage at the
ourPUr H- inverting input reaches the new reference
voltage. At this point the comparator
Al to A4 Is TL084
or similari switches to high (positive) output. The
section op amp
cycle is repeated. A square -wave output
results. By using diodes and two separate
feedback resistors, you can make dissimi-
lar charge and discharge paths, allowing
0.15 Vr two different time constants. This setup
allows generation of a variable duty-cycle
OUTPUT U - waveform. A potentiometer can be used
along with, or in place of, R1 and R2 to
adjust this duty cycle, as shown in Fig. 8.
R - 100 ohms GATE OUTPUT
to 1011
Generating A Sine Wave
It is possible to generate a sine wave
0.5 V r using a circuit known as a Wein Bridge.
At a frequency f = 1 /(2rtRC), the network
OUTPUT T- shown in Fig. 9 will have a transfer func-
tion of 1/3 with zero phaseshift between
input and output-permitting its use as a
frequency- determining network. The
Wein bridge is connected between the
output and noninverting input as shown
in Fig. 9, allowing positive feedback and
0.25 Vr oscillation.
However, the amplifier would generate
a poor waveform, since limiting the out-
put can only be accomplished by driving
the amplifier to its positive and negative
Outputs= Negative it V input < NVr
V Input Outputs Positive It V input NVr
= limits, resulting in severe clipping of any
Fraction of reference voltage from reLdivider
N =
generated sine wave. Another feedback
network is used to introduce negative
BASIC FLASH A -D CONVERTER feedback. A resistive divider with a divi-
sion ratio of slightly more than 1/3 is
used. This ratio reduces the gain to a lit-
sand, this transition is very sharp. Voltages less than this tle over 3, which is enough to sustain oscillation. Limiting
amount will cause the output to go in a negative direction. would still be obtained by clipping in the output, although the
Output can be fed to an LED indicator or logic circuit as an waveform would be somewhat improved.
indicator or used to drive another circuit. Using a voltage- dependent resistor for R4 allows automatic
Several op -amps can be connected to a resistive divider and gain control. Resistor R4 is selected to have a resistance that
can have their inputs connected to a common input. (See Fig. increases with applied voltage. A thermistor can be used for
6). The outputs can be fed to a system of logic gates that will this purpose, but a more common approach is to use an ordi-
produce a binary pattern that is a function of how many com- nary tungsten- filament lamp. This kind of lamp has the exact
parators are ON or OFF. The output can be made to be a characteristic we need. As more voltage is applied across the
binary value representing the number of ON or OFF com- lamp, the filament heats up, its resistance increases, and the
parators. The idea is to make a "flash" analog to digital (A -D) negative feedback increases, and lowers the gain of the op-
converter, since the output is an instantaneous function of amp. This sequence tends to reduce the amplitude of oscilla-
input. The flash A -D converter is useful for digitizing fast tion to a level that will not drive the op -amp into limiting.
waveforms and is widely used in digitization of video signals. Very pure sine waves can be generated in this manner, and less
By summing the comparator outputs, a staircase wave can be than 1 percent distortion is easy to achieve. By making R1 and
generated from a ramp- waveform input. R2 a ganged potentiometer, you can obtain variable frequency
By using both positive and negative feedback, it is possible operation. This circuit was widely used in the vacuum -tube
to make oscillators with different output waveforms. Figure 7 days, and a 120 -volt, 3 -watt tungsten lamp was used for R4.
shows a square -wave oscillator. Capacitor Cl charges toward For an op -amp version, one of the 5 -volt, 10 mA subminiature
the positive supply rail through Rl. After it reaches the refer- lamps will work well. The lamp is typically operated at 10 to
ence voltage derived from R2 and R3, the comparator output 20 percent of rated voltage, and the filament should barely
goes low. This result also changes the reference voltage to a glow. Resistor R3 is a pot to adjust the amplitude of oscillation
lower (more negative) level, which forces the comparator to a at that level that yields satisfactory operation.
negative output. 23

bandwidth B and center frequency f and
1Nv gain A:
A= TLO81 or
w=27rf Q=f/B a=1/Q H=
FEEDBACK alAl andQ>V(A/2)
NAAf-- 3
T1 T2
Req = 1/Q (C1 + C2)w

R2 = R1 x Reg / (Rl - Req)

TYPICAL VALUES R3 = A x R1(1+ Cl/C2)

In practice, suitable values are chosen
for Cl and C2 (generally, they are f = 1 kHz
equal) and the resistors calculated. At
audio frequencies, a suitable range of
FOR THIS CIRCUIT: values may be around .001 to 0. 1 pF.
- T2 -1.1 RC APPROX
Note that the exact type of op -amp is
not specified; an ideal op -amp is
assumed. The TLO81 comes close
Creating A Tuned Amplifier As an example, design a filter for 1 kHz with a bandwidth of
Finally, the use of both positive and negative feedback 100 Hz. We will try to use capacitors of O. 01 pf at Cl and C2.
enables one to make a tuned amplifier having the desired given The filter should have a gain A of 10X (or 20 dB).
center frequency and bandwidth. A simple bandpass stage is First check:
shown in Fig. 10. We will not go into the design details except
to present the design equations for one simple type of stage. Q required = f/B = 1000/100 = 10
Combining several of these stages allows one to derive a filter
network of desired characteristics. These are called active fil- a = 1 / Q = 0.1 and H = 1
ter networks. There are a number of circuit configurations,
yielding low -pass, bandpass, and high -pass types of filters. w=2pf=6.28x 1000 = 6280
Refer to a book on active filters for more detailed information.
In addition, software programs are available from manufactur- Then check to see if Q > VA/2 10 > V10 /2 V10/2
ers that allow a PC to be used for the design of almost any =V5 =2.23
active filter. Since 10 > 2.23, this condition is satisfied. Then:
For the filter shown (suitable for bandpass audio use) with
R1 = 1 / ( 1 )( 6280)(10 exp -8) = 15.9
K (16K)
A = TLO81 or
Reg = 1/ 10 (2 x 10 exp -8)6280 = 796
SZ (8200)
10K R2 = 15.9 x 796/ 15.9 -7.96 = 8380
(820 0)
T1 T2

R3 = 10 x 15.9 (2) = 318 K (330 K)

1 4 CO

Values in parentheses are nearest stan-

dard 5% resistor values.
This circuit was built and tested, and
? RI = 25K results agreed with theory, as did a
I= kHz
1 SPICE simulation. This circuit in itself
CYCLE is useful, as a 1 -kHz tuned amplifier is
1N914 useful for testing and in ham radio
Rb + Rc = Rt
l Rc work as a CW filter. The design of this
T1 = 1.1 (Ra + Rb) C APPROX
filter is rather simple, and the reader
T2 = 1.1 ¡Ra Rcl C APPROX
should try other frequencies and band-
widths as an exercise.
T1 12 = 1 / [ 2.2 Ra 1.1 RI) C 1 APPROX
We have presented a number of cir-
24 cuits that should give a novice some
123 = 83A R3B


Serial LCDs work great with BASIC Stamps' and
A = TLO81 or
LAMP similar
other microcontrollers. One -wire interface simple
5V 10 rnA
serial protocol low cost h gh quality in stock

BPI -216N
2x16 text LCD
Low Iptr, ease
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$45 (non -backlit)
NETWORK R2 POSITIVE C=.001 uF Mini graphics LCD
FEEDBACK f = 1000 Hz

f=116.28 RC -- 2400/9600 bps

just $99
Many other models available-see!
SINE WAVE OUTPUT Scott Edwards Electronics, Inc. 520 -459 -4802
A = TLO81 or
Ihis book deals with many aspects of
home security intruder, fire and flood
Cl -
protection with the emphasis on how to
Cl = C2 make the best of electronic devices that
0.01 u F you can build yourself.

Electronic Projects For

A_ Projects to help secure your home

Principles of operation explained
Constructional details given
Suitable for beginners
Values Shown for: Freq = 1000 Hz
Gain = 10X There are 25 constructional projects, ranging in complexity from a single -door
BW A 100 Hz
Q 1 protection circuit, that can be built in an hour or two, to a sophisticated multi-
channel security system, that most intruders will find very difficult to beat.
FIG 10 1
BANDPASS ACTIVE FILTER PO Box 240, Massapequa Park, NY 11762 -0240
Yes. send my copy of PCP115 ELECTRONIC please charge my 1 I VUe I I MasterCard
Owen Bishop to the address at right I am Signature
enclosing $10.99 plus $4.00 shipping charges
starting experience with op-amps. It would be a good idea to rn USA and Canada All payments roust be Card A Exp. Date
made in US funds. Sony. no orders accepted
try some of these circuits and others that you can find, as well. Outside of USA and Canada. New York Slate
residents add local sales tax. Allow G6 weeks

There is no substitute for experience, and undoubtedly you for delivery. Address

will come up with some circuits of your own that can be tai- City State ZIP
lored for your applications. P L a

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