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“Young Goodman Brown”

Guided Reading Questions

1. How does the pink ribbon reflect Faith’s personality and character at the beginning of the
story? She is like super innocent and childlike
2. Who do you think the old man that Goodman Brown meets on the road really is? Look
closely at the words used to describe him. The guy on the road is satan
3. What sorts of people attend the Satanic coven in the woods? His minster and teacher and
governor people that are in the church and the criminals
4. How does this event affect Brown’s interactions with his community? He knows what
they have done and cannot treat them the same way
5. What is carved into Brown’s tombstone when he dies? (This is kind of a trick question,
so look closely…) nothing except for his name
6. Was everything Brown witnessed a figment of his own imagination, something actually
conjured by evil, or a dream? Support your answer with passages from the text. I believe
this is not a dream because he walked with the devil and people are horrible hypocrites

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