Methodical Instruction For The 1st Year Students of The General Medicine and Pediatrics School

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Edition: 1
Department of Normal Anatomy Methodical instruction

Methodical instruction for the 1st year students of the General Medicine and
Pediatrics School

Theme of the lesson: Anatomy and topography of the sensory organs. Organ of
vision.Eyeball. Auxiliary structures of the eye, optic (II) nerve, oculomotor (III) nerve,
block (IV) nerve, abducent (VI) nerve: nuclei, branches. The organ of hearing and
balance.Vestibulo-cochlear (VIII) nerve.Organs of smell and taste. Olfactory (I) nerve.

Option 1

Task 1.Test questions (with one or with several correct answers).

Each question - 5 points. Maximum - 35 points

1.Cortical end of the olfactory analyzer 4. Layers of eye:

A) calcarinesulcus A) fibrous
B) frontallobe B) mucous
C) occipitallobe C) vascular
D) parietallobe D) retina
E) para-hippocampalgyrus, uncus E) muscular

2. Anatomical formations of outer ear: 5. Fibrous layer of eye includes:

A) auricula A) adventitia
B) cavitas tympani B) iris
C) meatusacusticusexternus C) cornea
D) membrana tympani D) tenon capsule
E) ossiculaauditus E) sclera

3. Muscles acting on pupil: 6. The eyeball choroid includes:

A) m. sphincter pupillae A) tenon capsule
B) m. stapedius B) choroid
C) m. dilatator pupillae C) retina
D) m. tensor tympani D) ciliary body
E) m. risorius E) iris

7. What pass through superior orbital

A) III pair
B) IV pair
C) VІ pair
D) I pair
E) II pair

Developer Teacher Ohanova M.I.

Edition: 1
Department of Normal Anatomy Methodical instruction

Task 2.There are 5 steps in the picture. 1 step - 7 points. Maximum 35 points

1 What is the anatomical formation? 1

2 What is the anatomical formation? 2
3 What is the anatomical formation? 3
4 What is the anatomical formation? 4
5 What is the anatomical formation? 5

Task 3.The situational tasks solution. For the correct solution of one task - 15 points.
Maximum 30 points

Task 1. The patient complains to the neurologist about an impaired coordination of

movements. When examination focal damage of the pons nuclei is revealed, including
olive nucleus, which is an intermediate balance nucleus.
Question: What cranial nerves nuclei are located in pons, determine its topography.

Task 2. A Patient complains of the upper eyelid prolapse (ptosis), dilated pupil
(mydriasis), divergent strabismus, double vision.
Question: What cranial nerve function is impaired in this patient?

Developer Teacher Ohanova M.I.

Edition: 1
Department of Normal Anatomy Methodical instruction

Methodical instruction for the 1st year students of the General Medicine and
Pediatrics School

Theme of the lesson: Anatomy and topography of the sensory organs. Organ of
vision.Eyeball. Auxiliary structures of the eye, optic (II) nerve, oculomotor (III) nerve,
block (IV) nerve, abducent (VI) nerve: nuclei, branches. The organ of hearing and
balance.Vestibulo-cochlear (VIII) nerve.Organs of smell and taste. Olfactory (I) nerve.

Option 2

Task 1.Test questions (with one or with several correct answers).

Each question - 5 points. Maximum - 35 points

1. Ciliary muscle function C) m. rectus medialis

A) changes the lenscurvature D) m. rectus inferior
B) rotateseyeball E) m. rectus superior
C) changes the pupildiameter
D) closes eyelids 5. Three retinal neurons
E) wrinkles brow A) basal cells
B) multipolar cells
2.The muscles that move eye up: C) rods and cones
A) inferior rectus D) bipolar cells
B) inferior oblique E) lipid cells
C) transverse muscle
D) superior rectus 6. Photosensitive retinal visual cells
E) superior oblique A) fibroblast
B) myocytes
3. The muscles acting on the auditory C) rods and cones
ossicles: D) ganglion cells
A) m .sphincter pupillae E) pigment cells
B) m. stapedius
C) m. dilatator pupillae 7. The anatomical formations of middle
D) m. tensor tympani ear:
E) m. risorius A) auricula
B) cavitas tympani
4.What eyeball muscle damage leads to C) meatusacusticusexternus
diplopia: D) membrana tympani
A) m. obliquus inferior E) ossiculaauditus
B) m. obliquus superior

Developer Teacher Ohanova M.I.

Edition: 1
Department of Normal Anatomy Methodical instruction

Task 2.There are 5 steps in the picture. 1 step - 7 points. Maximum 35 points

1 What is the eye layer №1

2 Name the nerve №2

3 What is the visual analyzer cortical

center №3

4 What is the subcortical center of

vision №4

5 What is this №5

Task 3. The situational tasks solution. For the correct solution of one task - 15 points.
Maximum 30 points

Task 1. The patient complains of double vision in the eyes when looking down and
limiting the mobility of the eyeball down.
Question: What nerve is affected in this patient?

Task 2. In the 5 years old patient with oculomotor nerve damage a triad of symptoms is
described: drooping of the upper eyelid (ptosis), dilated pupil (mydriasis), exotropia.
Question: Give anatomical justification for the listed symptoms appearance in this

Developer Teacher Ohanova M.I.

Edition: 1
Department of Normal Anatomy Methodical instruction

Methodical instruction for the 1st year students of the General Medicine and
Pediatrics School

Theme of the lesson: Anatomy and topography of the sensory organs. Organ of vision.
Eyeball. Auxiliary structures of the eye, optic (II) nerve, oculomotor (III) nerve, block
(IV) nerve, abducent (VI) nerve: nuclei, branches. The organ of hearing and
balance.Vestibulo-cochlear (VIII) nerve. Organs of smell and taste. Olfactory (I) nerve.

Option 3

Task 1.Test questions (with one or with several correct answers).

Each question - 5 points. Maximum - 35 points

1. Anatomical formations of the internal D) ciliary body

ear: E) retina
A) auricula
B) cavitas tympani 5. The olfactory analyzer receptor is:
C) labyrinthusosseus А) Corti's organ of the inner ear
D) labyrinthusmembranaceus В) ampoule crest, spots of saccule and
E) ossiculaauditus utricle of inner ear
С) specific cells in mucous membrane of
2. Cortical end of the visual analyzer superior nasal concha
A) inferior temporal gyrus D) rods
B) superior temporal gyrus E) cones
C) calcarine sulcus
D) postcentralgyrus 6. Olfactory and abducent nerves are
E) precentralgyrus pairs of cranial nerves:
A) I
3. The auditory analyzer receptor is: B) VI
А) Corti's organ of inner ear C) X
В) ampoule crest, spots of saccule and D) XIII
utricle of inner ear E) IX
С) specific cells in mucous membrane of
superior nasal concha 7. Optic, trochlea and oculomotor nerve
D) rods are pairs of cranial nerves
E) cones A) II
4.Eyeball membrane containing dilator C) III
and sphincterof a pupil D) XIII
A) sclera E) IX
B) cornea
C) iris

Developer Teacher Ohanova M.I.

Edition: 1
Department of Normal Anatomy Methodical instruction

Task 2.There are 5 steps in the picture. 1 step - 7 points. Maximum 35 points

1 What is the anatomical formation? №1

2 What is the anatomical formation? №2

3 What is the anatomical formation? №3

4 What is the anatomical formation? №4

5 What is the anatomical formation? №5

Task 3. The situational tasks solution. For the correct solution of one task - 15 points.
Maximum 30 points

Task 1. In cases of the auricle structure violation otoplasty is performed, which

involves surgery of the auricle cartilage and soft tissues. Otoplasty is aesthetic and
reconstructive. The first changes only the auricle shape, the second has more difficult
task - the creation of a completely or partially missing auricle.
Question: Describe the auricle structure.

Task 2. On examination the patient has a converging strabismus and complaints of

double vision.
Question: What nerve is affected in the patient?

Developer Teacher Ohanova M.I.

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