Coronavirus Worksheet

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1. Match the vocabulary to the pictures related to coronavirus

*coronavirus outbreak
*wear a mask  
*cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze
*coughing and sneezing
*sore throat *social distancing
*lockdown * breathing difficulty *find a cure

breathing difficulty social distancing Coronavirus 

sore throat wear a mask  

2. Write a short text about the coronavirus using the vocabulary above:

The coronavirus (Covid - 19) is a pandemic that originated in China in late 2019. Today this is a
worldwide pandemic due to the rapid spread it has had. We have seen thousands of people who have
died from this disease, and we know that there are already thousands of cases. The main symptoms of
the virus are coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath, and a sore throat. Health specialists and the
national government recommend that to mitigate the spread of the virus, wear a mask as many times as
possible, try to have a period of social distancing, cover your mouth and nose, stay calm and wait for
the moment. you find the cure. ( Joandris Paternina)


The coronavirus is a pandemic that originated in China at the end of the year 2019 that is affecting
everyone so much that many countries already have somewhat strong measures for us, such as
preventive isolation and distancing, but we know that less is to keep the virius under control so that
everything can return to normal soon and we can continue with our lives nominally
There is still enough to find a cure for this pandemic but for now we can only keep hope in doctors and
health specialists

Coronavirus is a disease that come from china, it developed at the end of the year 2019. with this
disease we can catch it when we are talking to a person who is infected, that is why we must keep our
distance wearing a mask and gloves, if you have this disease it will you will have difficulty breathing
you will get dizzy among other symptoms.(Michel Fontalvo)
Coronavirus effects our body, the principal symptoms are coughing, sneezing, breathing difficult and
sore throat. To protect ourselves of this coronavirus we have to respect lockdown, try to wear a mask
many times as possible, try to have a social distancing period, cover our mouth and nose, stay calm
and wait for the moment when find the cure for it.( Karen Orozco)

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