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Advanced Video Production Project 2

Recreating The Music Video

Mr. Cohen

Fall 2017

For this assignment you will be recreating a music video, shot for shot.

Choose a music video and replicate each shot, each edit, to the best of your ability.

You may choose any song you like, but your final product must be school appropriate. This means:
- If there is inappropriate video content, then you need to pick a different song/video

- Inappropriate lyrics (limited) must be edited as though this were being played on MTV or VH1 or
wherever your generation views music videos that are censored for a wide audience.

This Assignment will be turned in via the network drive from computers. Please use your last name and
the assignment to name the file (e.g. “Smith Music Video”).

Time: 2 minute minimum (no maximum)

Suggestions for filming and editing:

 Have some fun with the assignment, pick one of your favorite songs or bands/singers/groups.
 Choose something that is do-able, but understand that you may not be able to recreate exact
costumes and locations. Get creative in how you cheat these things.
 Make sure you include Band/Song information


Due: October 16

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