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!.lt1rl trVt lrrIV n atC atH

{ ',11,, 75 78 0.9615 5.769 5.769 PROBLEMS
,' ll,, 15 92 0.163 f i41
. I,304
{ 1,,, l0 106 0.094 0,752 0-994 1. Crude petroleum oil is general)y conside'r"ed tCI be fonrieci
from anirnal and vegetable debris acclrmulatjrg iri sea
7.662 8.0 13 basins or estxaries and elecomposed lly anaerohic
resulUng in a biackviscous product" A lrroic-ai eietr.lerilal
l'lrrrr (-), = 7.662 + (8.0L3/4) = 9.67 10/o N,30/o O and 3% S'
lll 1, : X'SS Oz -.ufrsis"shows EOqZ C, r3orr1,
During a cerlain cornbustjot-1, air sr-rpplied is le'ss lhan
theore-tical so that all of the (), is used up' 7Ao/o o1'
the C
), Irorn air = -v +9:67 CO; the molal raUo of C0 lo Il,
burns to CO, the rest to
[J, frorr] air = (y + 9.67) x 79/27 in the exhaust gas is 'l;2. ealculale:
Ar (r [ral' 7.662 = 0.1177 x moles DSG
a) Orsat analysls of the exhar:st flas (i2'560/o COr' 5 38%
nroles DSG = 65.098 b) % of the theoretica-l airwhic'h is supplied for comhustror]
nroles CO, = 65.098 x.tO7 = e.gOS
CO = 65.098 x ,0107 = 0.697 | 2, An a]cogas rnixture made up bf 85Vo $asoline [octarte
'/ no. = 951 and 15Yo elhar:oi is used as fuel for atr engine
frceOr=yt(.697/2) in Lhe presence of i7.05 m3 a'irlkg ajcogas supplied
N- = gr+9,.67i x79i21 dry at 30tC ard 740 rnm Hg BO! of the C
bums to the resl to ClO; r:rolatr ralio of H, to CO is
/ r,'i(,1 bal'
1:2. Calcuiate:
(,1, (.)98 = 6.965 + .697 + y + t.6g7i2) + (y+6.97) x 79/21
a) Orsat analysis of llie e--thausL gas
Y = 4'349 (8.18% COr, 2.040/o CO, I '02o/o Hr)
b) o/o excess air (36.143010)
"rr r'-\ccSS Or= (4"349/9.621x 100 = 44.97otb ANS
I\4oles water from cornbustion = B.0l3/2 = 4.C1
efh.anol, 250lo meli.a:;ol) anrj l:enzole 1750/obelene,
)ornplete Analysis of stack gas ANS toluene arrd i0% xylene) is i:rirnerl completely in 350/o

GAS n o/o
excess 02.
QO, 6.9965 10t06 Anall'sis of 1}re bienci 5!16rvs 70% gasolirre'. 1[-r%o
co 0.697 1.01
benzole and 1Sclo a]cohol Calculate t'he compleLe ana]Ysis
o, 4.698 6.8 of ttre exharrst $as.
N" 52.738 /o.31 (9.77c/a CO2, 5. )Sa/o A,. 74:689'oN, io.a tgzo Hrcl)
' 4;0i 5.8
c9.lc8 uses a high eracie iist-iilirte frie'l ojl v'al-h a c:r-lonl'jc
r'alue of 13 ljE Vrkg" Ar:eJvsis r-'f Llie st.ack gases at 31 llc
0,19J:-2s!.-1tl ()'37ati'\1"" 7 Ab'+'')
anc.l 765 rorrs sho..'s-9% L'0-, ) 21a/o CO
cV rosi, cr;c r"1.. co = 100 x 419
,1i,v =.-r.71 AI,is


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