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Submitted by zab on Mon, 16/04/2012 - 15:09

This tool has grown over the time and has the following features:

For the POD HD 500 / POD HD 500X / POD HD Desktop / POD HD Pro / POD HD ProX:

Convert presets, bundles and setlists to each other model. It literally "converts" them , i.e. does not modify
any Amp/Cab/FX Setting.
Edit bundles, presets and setlists:
Independently change inputs, impedance, amps, cabs and mics without changing their parameters.
For example, change your live setlist to a studio setlist by changing all pre amp models to full amp
models with cab without losing your settings.
Translate POD HD 300 / POD HD 400 presets to POD HD 500 / POD HD 500X / POD HD Desktop / POD HD
Pro / POD HD ProX presets. Click here for more information.

For the POD HD 300 / 400:

Translate POD HD 500 / POD HD 500X / POD HD Desktop / POD HD Pro / POD HD ProX presets to POD HD
300 / POD HD 400 presets. Click here for more information.

Download the POD HD Tool here (does not require java!):

Statically linked Qt application for Windows (~2,8mb) [GPG sig]

Statically linked Qt application for Windows - the latest previous release (~3,9mb) [GPG sig]
Native Cocoa application for Mac OS X (~79kb) (Discontinued - Last Update: 2012-09-01) [GPG sig]
Native Cocoa application for Mac OS X (< 10.7) - (~68kb) (Discontinued - Last Update: 2012-09-01) [GPG
Java application, runable .jar file (~40kb). (Discontinued - Last Update: 2012-09-01) [GPG sig]
Source code and documentation about the file structure of preset, setlist and bundle files at github.

$ md5sum podhd_convert.exe
aea93250b3d187dbebe7e3899bde9d34 podhd_convert.exe

$ md5sum podhd_convert_old.exe
aec2c3a323de599a600a4c5336baaf0e podhd_convert.exe

$ md5sum podhd_convert.dmg
6c500e9e64d2b82531705a53b5dc7091 podhd_convert.dmg

$ md5sum podhd_convert.dmg

$ md5sum podhd_convert.jar
dbe2954876781fb67b36c1cf2ff6ffe6 podhd_convert.jar

If you find any presets that do not work, please give me a note so that i can improve the application.

Next Features to come:

Update 2014-05-20: Add/Modify a MidFocus EQ (maybe later also a Studio EQ) to setlists, bundles and

1 of 16 04/03/2015 20:02
Convert & Modify POD HD Presets |

If you use different external setups (speakers, etc), you can add a MidFocus EQ at any position and/or
change its values for all your presets (setlits, etc.) at once. Works for presets so far, i've opened a new
github branch with newest, unfinished changes for people who want to try things out. (Thanks to Raf Gys
for suggesting this!)

Translate HD 300/400 Presets to POD HD 500/500X/Desktop/Pro. work in progress

Browse the whole Line6 Custometone database and automatically adjust Preset to desired device.
Support for HD ProX.
Support for HD 500X.
Support for HD 500.
Support for HD Pro.
Extended 'Advanced'-Tab for the Translator where you can choose the mapping of the missing effects on
your own.
A switch to convert pre amp presets to full amp presets. If you change the amp model on your device, all
the amp parameters are gone and restored to the ones last used with that specific amp.


On the Top, click on the Tab named after your desired deivce. So, if you own a POD HD Desktop, click on
HD Desktop
Below, click on Browse and specify the directory that contains your (downloaded) Presets, Setlists or
Bundles that you want to convert to your device or modify.
Now choose what you want to do with the files in the chosen directory. The settings are grouped in convert,
translate or modify for a better overwiev. Apply everything you desire. For example, if you downloaded a
POD HD 500 Preset and want to run in on your POD HD Desktop, checkmark the box Patch HD 500 Presets
to Desktop (.h5e -> .hbe).
On the Bottom, Click Run.

Update 2014-05-15:
Windows (Qt) Version:

Bugfix Release:
Fixed enormous Bugs in the 'Modify Files'-Section:
Broken assignment of the 2. Cab, 2. Amp, 2. Mic Comboboxes for all devices and files.
(Special Thanks to Raf Gys for pointing this out and sending patches!)
Fixed the 'No Cab'-Option (Thanks to Raf Gys)
Fixed proper recognition of setting Amp/Cab on/off during altering them in the 'Modify'-
Reduced filesize by changing the compiler from gcc to msvc.

Update 2014-02-22:
Windows (Qt) Version:

Support for POD HD ProX

Fixed Issue that overwrote Amps with PhD Motorway in 'Amps to PreAmps' and 'PreAmps to Amps'-

Update 2013-10-17:
Windows (Qt) Version:

Bugfixes for POD HD 500X.

Update 2013-07-26:
Windows (Qt) Version:

2 of 16 04/03/2015 20:02
Convert & Modify POD HD Presets |

Translate POD HD 300 / POD HD 400 presets to POD HD 500 / POD HD 500X / POD HD Desktop / POD HD
Pro presets. Still beta. First Preview:

Left Side: Original Preset. Right Side: Translated Preset

Update 2013-07-23:
Windows (Qt) Version:

Support for POD HD 500X.

Update 2013-04-05:
Source code and documentation about the file structure of the preset, setlist and bundle files at github.

Update 2012-12-21:
Windows (Qt) Version:

Bugfix Release:

Fixed input selection of POD HD Desktop and POD HD Pro (Thanks to Raf for pointing this out)
Fixed calculation of converted files
For the POD HD 500 / POD HD Desktop / POD HD Pro:
Correct input mapping if possible (i.e. device capability dependent). Default values for non-existent
inputs (for example Variax on the HD Desktop) can be set for conversion in the 'Modify Files' View. If
you checkmark "Change Inputs" without "Modify .xxx files" in the "Modify Files" View, entered values
are used for non-existent inputs. For example Variax is mapped to guitar (choosable) on HD
Desktop, guitar stays guitar. If you checkmark "Modifiy .xxx Files" all inputs will be overwritten with
the selected value. (Thanks to Raf for suggesting this feature)

Update 2012-11-22:
Windows (Qt) Version:

POD HD 300 & 400 Translator:

User-Customizable Mapping of Missing Effects.

Update 2012-11-20:
Windows (Qt) Version:

POD HD 300 & 400 Translator:

3 of 16 04/03/2015 20:02
Convert & Modify POD HD Presets |

Support for POD HD 500, POD HD Desktop & POD HD Pro Presets.
Full Support for POD HD 400 (Added Effects, that are exclusive for HD 400).

Mac OS X (Cocoa) Version:

POD HD 300 & 400 Translator:

Support for POD HD 500, POD HD Desktop & POD HD Pro Presets.
Support for new Amp Models (Solo 100, Line 6 Doom, Line 6 Epic).

Update 2012-11-15:
Windows (Qt) Version:

Full Support for POD HD Pro.

Support for POD HD 500.
You can know change all amp models to pre amp models and vice versa in Presets, Bundles and Setlists
(HD 500/Pro/Desktop). As an example, if you use the pre models on a setlists for live acts with external
cabs, you can change the amps for studio/home sessions without losing the amp settings.
Now it is possible to mass change all presets, bundles and setlists to specific amp/cab/mic combination
without losing amp settings (HD 500/Pro/Desktop).
POD HD Translator (HD HD 300 / POD HD 400): Support for new Amp Models (Solo 100, Line 6 Doom, Line
6 Epic).
Changed GUI Design.

Update 2012-10-08:
Windows (Qt) Version:

Beta: Support for POD HD Pro.

Beta: Added a HD 500 Tab. You can currently mass-change Amps, Cabs and Mics on Preset files. See
Comments for 'why' and a use case.

Update 2012-09-01:
Reviewed all the code and fixed multiple inconsistencies in all versions concerning the HD 500 to HD 300/400

Wrong mapping of the 'Line 6 Elektrik' Amp to a different one. Tripple checked all mappings now.
Fixed the translation of percentage values to decibel values, like the NoiseGate Tresh potentiometer. On the
HD 300 you set up the '-xx db' values while on the HD 500 you mess around with 0 - 100%, which was
translated incorrectly.
False setup of parameters in the Reverb and Wah Slot on the HD 300 if the original preset had more than

Update 2012-08-31:
Translator now included in the Mac OS X Version.

Update 2012-08-17:
Translator now included in the Windows Version.

Update 2012-08-14:
Now with basic HD 400 support. Same features as HD 300, so no FX loop, same effects as HD 300.

Update 2012-08-11:
Okay, this took me several days, but now you can get a first version of my HD 500 to HD 300 (same applies for HD
400) Preset 'Translator'.

Initially, I thought that couldn't be that hard and decided to take up that challenge, but soon i noticed that almost
every byte needed to be modified and adjusted with proper pattern. Even things like the potis are differently
stored, the amps and cabs have different orders, thus are different saved and so on, ..

4 of 16 04/03/2015 20:02
Convert & Modify POD HD Presets |

Since the HD 300 has less effects and lacks of the dual amp capacity, if you translate a preset you might get more
output. For instance you load a dual amp preset, you get one preset with the first amp row and all effects, one
preset with the second amp and all effects.
The same applies to the effects. If the initially preset had 3 distortions that must all be mapped into the first Fx
Row of the HD 300, you get 3 presets with each.

I mean, it's quite obvious that the output might not sound as the original (if it's loaded with many effects), but this
way should deliver the closed sound and from that on, you can fine tune.

To use, simply download the .jar file, switch to the tab "HD 300 & 400", select a directory with .h5e files (hd 500
presets), and hit 'Run'. You'll find loadable Preset files (.h3e) or (.h4e) in that directory.

For a better understanding, i've made a sample mosaic of screenshots (.jpg, ~690kb).

The first and second images show the preset in the HD 500 Edit Software, the Effects and Amps. Then follows an
Explorer Window, where you see the original preset and translated presets listed.
After that you see all the translated files opened in the HD 300 Edit Software (.h3e).
As you can recognize, there's a dual amp configuration with two distortion effects and one reverb and delay. Since
you can only load one dist at one time, you get 2 presets for the first amp, and the same for the second amp, thus
4 possible configurations and translated presets.

This is a list of missing effects on the hd300 and how they are currently replaced. I'm not sure if i've always taken
the best fitting choice, hence i'm open for any suggestions. In a later release, you'll find an option for set it on your

While messing around with the various versions of the HD Edit Software, i've noticed that some settings don't get
stored/loaded during the Offline Mode. So, if you wonder why all the amp parameter are screwed in the translated
Presets, that probably won't effect you and is not a bug of my software itself. If anyone cares and wants to know
more, there is a thread ongoing in the line6 forum, here you go..

Update 2012-08-07:
I'm so sorry for always messing up the convert Windows (Qt) Version! Fixed again, and I promise to test it more
within the next releases.

Update 2012-08-01:
Now with edit function. Currently you can choose the Inputs and Input Impedance to be set. That means, you can
also mass change these values in any preset you are already using.

I've started working on a POD HD 500 preset to POD HD 300 preset and vice versa Converter. That means i've a
rough knowledge of the structure of the preset files now.
The first, much easier task was enabling this for the desktop converter.

More to come, ..

Update 2012-07-30:
Now with Bundle (.h5b) and Setlist (.h5s) support. Thanks goes out to Warfare for giving this suggestion!

Update 2012-07-20:
Fixed the patch algorithm in the Qt version (Windows). Thanks to Dan for pointing this out. If you use this version,
i'd recommend to reload the file.

5 of 16 04/03/2015 20:02
Convert & Modify POD HD Presets |

Update 2012-06-07:
Now as native Windows application. But it has one major drawback. I never thought a statically linked Qt
application would add such a huge amount to its filesize (~11mb)!

Update 2012-05-24:
Now as native Mac OS X application.

Update 2012-04-24:
Added some description.

Update 2012-04-23:
Now with rename option.

Update 2012-04-21:
Fixed the patch algorithm, should work now with most files. I've tested 50 patches, all worked, where previously
i've had 3-4 files out of 30 that did not load after conversion.
If you've previously downloaded the application, i'd recommend to reload before you send in any information about

Update 2012-04-20:
Now with GUI:


Make sure you have a java runtime (JRE) installed. Not needed for native versions!
Open the .jar file by double clicking on it.
Select the folder of your preset files by clicking on the Browse-Button.
If you have selected patch .hbe files, the application will change the bytes in files in the selected folder with
the extension .hbe to make them load with the POD HD and POD HD Edit software (i.e. change the inputs).
Same goes for the .h5e checkbox.
Check the rename .h5e to .hbe if needed.

To load files with the POD HD Edit software, they have to have the .hbe extension. Make sure you select rename
.h5e to .hbe if you downloaded your preset directly from the line6 customtone website.

Done: I'm going to add a checkbox for mass renaming .h5e files into .hbe. I see, that the convert .h5e files-
checkbox is quite useless without it.

Since the new firmware update v2.02 for the pod hd series, which added new amp models, you cannot interchange
presets between the hd desktop (aka bean)/500/Pro models anymore (Actually you cannot since the v1.43
firmware and corresponding edit software, but i skipped that version because of minor improvements). Thats a big
downsite. There are 2838 tones for the 500 model on the line6 customtone website, but just 130 tones for the
desktop version as of today.

Now, when you start up your pod hd edit software v2.00 and open a preset you get a notification:

POD HD Edit: Invalid data found in one or more patches. These patches have been reset and named "New Tone (Reset)".

6 of 16 04/03/2015 20:02
Convert & Modify POD HD Presets |

Now, i've written a small program that changes some bytes in the presets (bundles or setlists) to make them load
with the POD HD Desktop model.

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Add new comment


pod coversion
john (not verified)
Sat, 21/04/2012 - 23:43

I have windows 7 how do I run your program...step by step please...thanks


Sorry for that, i'll add a

Mon, 23/04/2012 - 10:59

Sorry for that, i'll add a description in the article and some mouse hover bubbles in the application itself for


Where do I download this ?

Joel (not verified)
Wed, 27/06/2012 - 00:16

First I'd like to say thank you for taking the time to develop a converter. Could you let me know where I
could download it ? I'd like to try out the new GUI version that runs on Win7 please.


Thanks! Actually, the links

Wed, 27/06/2012 - 01:00

Thanks! Actually, the links are embedded in the text. Maybe the color is but different to distinguish the
text code from link code (dark blue instead of black).
I would try this one for Windows 7: . You don't have to
download anything else for it.
Otherwise you can try the Java Version if the first one
shouldn't work, it's probably the most "stable" one, but any of the files should work in the same


7 of 16 04/03/2015 20:02
Convert & Modify POD HD Presets |

Thanks a lot! it works fine.

FredCL (not verified)
Tue, 01/05/2012 - 18:24

Thanks a lot! it works fine.

I don't understand why Line6 not provide this kind of tools directly,


thank you, it works PERFECT

manuel (not verified)
Tue, 15/05/2012 - 03:10

You should sell this to Line 6


Thanks! for your Awsome patch program

Kgwhite529 (not verified)
Tue, 22/05/2012 - 01:41

Thank you for writing this!


Woaw, this soft has saved my life ! ;)

lazy (not verified)
Sun, 03/06/2012 - 19:04

Oh nice, thanks a lot for your software !

This soft is very useful, i was really disappointed by the Line6 update that wouldn't allow to put the HD500
Thanks for your job, now i can get every patch and convert the .h5e extension in .hbe.

Cheers !


Complete non-sence doesnt

Baffled (not verified)
Wed, 13/06/2012 - 16:11

Complete non-sence doesnt even pretend to work.... well ok looked good at first but bullshit


I'm glad it didnt work for

Wed, 13/06/2012 - 18:42

I'm glad it didnt work for you if your character correlates anywhere near your language here!
I can't say how happy i'm about the first 4 comments. They compensate the shit you have to face day
for day and the bunch of idiots running around in the internet.

One more: Thanks for your precise description of the error. That will help me alot.


idiot? Sorry if my my
Baffled (not verified)
Wed, 13/06/2012 - 21:50

idiot? Sorry if my my language skills may lack due to speaking sevral of them, I asure you i am no
idiot. I am sorry if I offended. Specific problem is your patch doesnt reconize the file to be
translated. Found that by loading file into HD500 software and turning of some hardware options
that the desktop does not have, acts as a patch that works....... swatting a fly with a Tank? building

8 of 16 04/03/2015 20:02
Convert & Modify POD HD Presets |

a fusion reactor to power a light bulb? or did u program a patch to translate a line 6 file? who is the


So, you had a HD 500

Thu, 14/06/2012 - 08:15

So, you had a HD 500 patchfile, tried my application, and it did not work afterwards? Have you
checked, if it has been modified (for example via your file explorer and the given time there).
If so, please send me in the _unmodified_ file (neither changed via my application, nor with
your HD 500 Software) to "website [at] jzab [de]" or give me the proper link to the line6
customtone website if you downloaded it there.
Please tell me which converter file exactly you downloaded and your operation system, that
would help as well.

I still don't get your last sentences, but anyways i'm not going to reply anymore if you don't
want my help, you don't want to help me and just troll. I've offered you my help, and i'm glad if
someone tries to help me make this software better, but not under this given circumstances.


I still haven't received

Sun, 17/06/2012 - 06:59

I still haven't received anything yet. So, you were just trolling, right?


Does not work!

Baffled (not verified)
Wed, 13/06/2012 - 16:12

Does not work!


thanks for this !

Barry (not verified)
Wed, 20/06/2012 - 19:18

works just fine :)

now , if you could write a GUI that reads a tone list directly from Customtone ( requires login ) and allows us to
download directly with search ... i would love you forever :P


The tone

Dan (not verified)
Thu, 19/07/2012 - 22:28

The tone didnt work.


Thanks a lot for your comment

Fri, 20/07/2012 - 09:03

Thanks a lot for your comment!

I could reproduce the bug. While it's only happening with the Qt (.exe) version, and i currently don't see
why, i think i'll have fixed it at the end of the day.
I'll upload a new version when it's done and add a note.

9 of 16 04/03/2015 20:02
Convert & Modify POD HD Presets |

Thanks again!


Does it work with H5B or H5S files (Bundles or setlists)

Warfare (not verified)
Sun, 29/07/2012 - 13:08

Hey, thank you for this very nice and usefull work ^^
Could it be possible to use this soft to convert H5B or H5S files ? (Bundles and Setlist)
For example this one :

Many thanks


Hey there!
Sun, 29/07/2012 - 23:42

Hey there!

Thanks for you comment. I'm quite interested in your suggestion. I just did a short look into those
files and i'm quite sure that it can be done. I'll try to dig deeper tomorrow in it and think i'll come up
with something this week.

I'll update the post if it's necessary or if i have something interesting new to say.



Great news !
Warfare (not verified)
Mon, 30/07/2012 - 12:59

Great news !
Hope you'll succeed ^^


I love you
anonymous (not verified)
Sun, 29/07/2012 - 17:18

I love you
This program is perfect
Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Thanks for you comment!

Sun, 29/07/2012 - 23:43

Thanks for you comment!

I'm happy i could help you!


Convert files pod x3

Motta (not verified)
Mon, 06/08/2012 - 14:53

can you make a data converter the x3 live for pod hd?


10 of 16 04/03/2015 20:02
Convert & Modify POD HD Presets |

sorry for english, I'm Brazilian


Coding project for Pod HD patches

meambobbo (not verified)
Fri, 05/10/2012 - 18:17

Hey man, it seems you are the most knowledgeable person I know about Pod HD patches. I was curious if
either you'd share with me the source code to your desktop convertor or share some knowledge about how Pod
HD patches are formatted. I intend to write a program allowing myself to simply change out the amp model on
some of my patches without changing the amp's EQ settings or cab/mic settings, including the Cab DEP's. I
have a lot of patches I want to convert, so doing it manually would be a huge pain since it defaults different EQ
and cab/mic settings when you change the amp in the Pod or in HD Edit. Please email me if you can help.


Mon, 08/10/2012 - 14:44

First of all, thanks for you comment. I've also thought about something like your suggestion, because i
somehow tend to download "Pre" models from the customtone website. When i then switch to the the
normal amp with cab, all the amp settings a gone :(

I just added an option for the HD 500. It's still beta, i didn't test it much, but it should work. I'll look into
this some more this weekend when i've some more free time.


If possible, could you add

NeoCZ (not verified)
Sat, 13/10/2012 - 18:57

If possible, could you add option to toggle between Full and Pre versions of same models (and keep all
other settings intact)? I have separate setlist for HD500 into PA and another setlist for HD500 to DT25.
This could save me some time ;-)


Yeap, that's a good idea! I'm

Fri, 19/10/2012 - 18:58

Yeap, that's a good idea! I'm going to add it!

Thanks for your suggestion!


Dr.Fix (not verified)
Mon, 08/10/2012 - 08:40

what about converting from HD500 to HD Pro?
On customtome there are a lot of 500 patches and only few hd pro... hd pro has all the inputs of the 500...



Yipp, you can simply rename

Mon, 08/10/2012 - 14:00

11 of 16 04/03/2015 20:02
Convert & Modify POD HD Presets |

Yipp, you can simply rename the presets, bundles, setlists for the HD Pro as the HD Pro has even more
inputs and the bytes, which hold the inputs, cover the same range.
Unfortunately they aren't correctly mapped, who knows why :(, but most people use the "Input Setup" ->
"Global"-Settings. This stores your setting once on your device and always loads it off it, so you probably
won't even notice the wrong mapping.

I just added a quick support for the HD Pro (just a rename option for presets, bundles and setlists). I'm
going to add a correct input mapping and "Input Selection Toggle" for mass-change this weekend.


Thanks a lot!! :) :)
Dr.Fix (not verified)
Mon, 08/10/2012 - 14:12

Thanks a lot!! :) :)


OSX 10.6.8 compatibility?

Waz (not verified)
Thu, 18/10/2012 - 14:39

Hi, firstly thanks for taking the time to make what looks like a great little tool

I tried to install the .dmg but get an error advising it can only be installed on OSX 10.7 or higher. Is there a
version that works with 10.6.8, or is there any work around (apart from the obvious which would be to install
10.7, which i don't want to do due to compatibility / stability issues with other 3rd party apps I use).

Thanks in advance.




Fri, 19/10/2012 - 18:55


Thanks for your comment! I've just recompiled the .app file. There's actually no reason to exclude any OS X
version before 10.7. Maybe you give it a try now. Since i've just a 10.7 here, i can't say for sure if it works


Could you do a reverse version of this?

Rhett (not verified)
Wed, 14/11/2012 - 05:00

Hey, your program is almost exactly what I'm looking for but the complete opposite. :)

I've got a 500 and would love to be able to open patches made for other models. Would it be very hard to add
that functionality? I know I'm not the only 500 owner who wants to play around with patches made for other


Thanks for your comment and

Wed, 14/11/2012 - 09:13

Thanks for your comment and your suggestion to make the program a bit better :)

No, that's an easy task now. I had to fully "disassemble" the hd 500 presets for the "hd 500 to hd
300-translator". I'm looking forward in implementing this, .. most likely within the end of this week i'll come

12 of 16 04/03/2015 20:02
Convert & Modify POD HD Presets |

up with a new version.

Quite some stuff to add now. I was thinking about a GUI redesign too, since most features (switch presets
from pre amp to amps with cab and vice versa, change inputs on presets, ..) are applicable for all models.


Convert HD Pro to HD Bean and back

Raf (not verified)
Wed, 12/12/2012 - 15:45

Hi, great you made this fantastic tool. I've had a look at the HD editor output files myself (in binary format,
beats me why they justs didn't use simple XML files), so I don't know how the hell you managed to map this to
all settings - did you try every effect one by one to see which byte changed in the output files??? Great work
anyway, and thanks for the time you must have put into this!
I've just got a small problem: since I've got a pro, bean and hd500, I always set my second input to "mic"
(since a hd bean does not know a variax). But if I translate my hd pro setlist to a hd bean setlist, the "mic"
mapping (second input) gives errors, so I have to use the "hard" translation to force the second input to "mic"
so my setlist can be loaded into the bean (but doing is, I loose my guitar/guitar mappings for the patches that
have dual amps).
Also the other way around (hd bean to hd pro) gives problems: these file do convert and can be loaded without
"forcing" the second input, but for the patches with the second input from the bean set to mic, the converted
patch has an "empty" second input field in the pod pro editor. So maybe you have to look at the mapping for
the second input again.


Ah, okay. Thanks for your

Thu, 13/12/2012 - 11:05

Ah, okay. Thanks for your reply!

I'll look into it this evening. You're right, maybe the mapping is wrong.. I'll write again if i found the bug or
need some more information ;)

Jupp, thats exactly what i did. I've tried every switch/effect/amp on it's own, compared it with a "blank"
preset and tried to figure out what exactly changed. It was quite straight forward tho (but stupid work ;) ),
except for the HD 300/400. Sometimes some bytes are multiple used, so that you have to check for more
than one settings to be true.

I wanted to release my findings in something like documentation anyways. I think over christmas i'll have
some time for it and release the source code, so maybe someone else has some ideas and is willing to add
something, .. maybe a custometone browser where you can directly download presets from all models and
convert them to your desired device, ...


Okay, sorry! It took some

Thu, 20/12/2012 - 22:34

Okay, sorry! It took some time now. I've had noticed that there was no mapping at all. Just some fixed
values (so it took longer to fix), since this code was the first i've had implemented. Now you should
have a properly mapping in presets/setlist/bundles for each preset and individual inputs.


Thanks for your Xmas present!

Raf (not verified)
Sun, 20/01/2013 - 21:10

Hi Johannes,

I hadn't read your web page anymore because of the Xmas & New Year holidays - and in the end I
managed to get my setlists on all my pods after converting them with the old version of your
program (followed by some manual changes in the HD editors).
I've just tried your new version, and that works perfectly for me - seems to do everything I need to
quickly convert my setlists between all my pods, so thanks for this nice "Xmas present"!


13 of 16 04/03/2015 20:02
Convert & Modify POD HD Presets |


Hi Johannes,
Raf (not verified)
Mon, 12/05/2014 - 09:28

Hi Johannes,

using your latest version of your convertor on my setlists, if I just try to set all my cabinets to
"nocab", it changes all the cabinets to the "Phd Ported" model (just tested on a HD Bean and
HD500 setlist, but I suppose this will be the case for all setlists). Maybe you could look into

By the way: I see you published your sources on grithub. What compiler/tools do you use to
compile for Windows (would mingw with qt libraries work to compile)?


I'll look into this tomorrow.

Tue, 13/05/2014 - 20:59

I'll look into this tomorrow. Thanks for noticing me. I was already thinking about rewriting
everything because the code is a complete mess and actually was my frist coding project at
all and initally i was just converting things to my bean.. Then i could finally add a
download/upload function to the custometone site and change files on the fly for the proper

Yapp, i used mingw and and complied the qt library on my own for the static build because
otherwise you get a .dll dependency for the qt libs. I also compressed the binary with upx.


HD300/400 to HD500/PRO/Bean conversion

NeoCZ (not verified)
Mon, 21/01/2013 - 12:51

Hi zab,

once again I want to thank you, your work is fantastic. Just one more idea/feature request. Would it be possible
to add conversion from HD300/400 to HD500/Pro/Bean - this would make all HD series models compatible
(with known restrictions of 300 or 400 of course)!


Sure, that is possible. There

Tue, 22/01/2013 - 07:22

Sure, that is possible. There is everything in the code already, just the other way around, ..

We could also add a browser that searches the whole line6 customtone website and independently
downloads any preset of any model and converts it to your desired model.


Bass Presets POD HD 300

Megadeth01 (not verified)
Wed, 23/01/2013 - 06:16

Hello, excuse my bad English I speak my Spanish actually. I have a problem I hope you can help me solve. I
copied and pasted on the desktop of my laptop a preset POD HD 500 to make a POD HD 300 in the browse
option to select your program to try, but do not see and therefore I can not convert it. Using 64-bit Windows 7.
Also I have a question, I have a number of *. L6T all Line 6 pedals, is there any way to convert these files to *.
H3E for use in the POD HD 300.

Best regards from Honduras, Central America


14 of 16 04/03/2015 20:02
Convert & Modify POD HD Presets |

HD500 modification
Gerrit (not verified)
Wed, 30/01/2013 - 20:14

This is a great tool, it saved me a lot of time! Thank you very much!


Bundles and set lists grayed out

Steviecoaster (not verified)
Fri, 01/03/2013 - 03:34

I'm using your Mac app to convert some HD500 tones to an HD300. The presets section works perfectly, but
the bundles and set lists are grayed out? Why is this? Has the functionality just not been added yet? Any help
would be greatly appreciated!


It is not yet implemented,

Wed, 03/04/2013 - 11:12

Sorry for my late answer, completely forget to reply.

It is not yet implemented, you're right.

I'm not sure, if you want that feature, i can easily add that. But i though, that if there are already 1-4
possible preset combinations from one translated HD 500 preset to HD 300/400, and in a bundle there are
512 presets stored. If you want every combination that would lead to (1-4)^512 files?! I was not sure if
people really want that ;), ..

Maybe we need a preview/option to pre decide/filter somehow, ..


.Jar app is 404 and the Mac

anonymous (not verified)
Tue, 02/04/2013 - 20:18

.Jar app is 404 and the Mac app keeps crashing for me. :( Any idea why this could be happening? Here's a part
of the crash log:
Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue:

Application Specific Information:

abort() called
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException', reason: '***
-[NSKeyedUnarchiver decodeObjectForKey:]: cannot decode object of class (NSLayoutConstraint)'
*** Call stack at first throw:


Wed, 03/04/2013 - 11:06


Thanks for your comment. Yap, i've removed the .jar file. I'm not sure if i want people to use java (security
concerns) because of this little app, and since i had version in machine code for both POD HD supported OS
version, i though i could remove it.

It looks like an easy fix, your error. Google tells me you are using OS X < 10.7 and it seems like there is no
autolayout-support for .nib files (layout files) in those versions. I'm not sure, if i had turned that on. I
currently don't have access to an OS X, so i'll ask a friend of mine today if he can compile it again with that
option turned off.
I'll write again then when there is a new version.


15 of 16 04/03/2015 20:02
Convert & Modify POD HD Presets |

Yes I'm on a 10.6.8

Vic (not verified)
Wed, 03/04/2013 - 22:40

Yes I'm on a 10.6.8 Hackintosh - haven't found a reason to upgrade yet! : ) Thanks a lot for the app
and for taking the time to fix this for me!


Okay, here it is: click

Thu, 04/04/2013 - 18:40

Okay, here it is: click

I cannot say if it works. My friend said he turned off the auto layout option and as i said earlier, i
don't have any OS X around here :/.

So try it, and tell me if it worked for you, okay? Maybe someone else is interessted in it.


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