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Topic Completed
1. Explain the correct use, care and limitations of PPE.
Gloves (Cleaning activities and handling of cartridges etc.) __________
Signing of PPE Issue/Record Form __________
2. Location of:
Permitted areas; __________
Potentially hazardous areas; __________
Non permitted areas; __________
Fire fighting equipment; __________
Emergency evacuation procedure; __________
Fire alarm; _________
Fire Warden; __________
Assembly point (physically shown). __________
3. Hazard Communication.
Show and explain the Risk Assessment(s) relevant for the employee:
Hazards; __________
Risk of injury; __________
Control measures; __________
Location of information including Safety Notice Board; __________
Review Material Safety Data Sheets.(Cleaning & Cartridges etc.) __________
4. Procedures on:
Reporting and /or fighting fires; __________
Accident reporting:
Injuries; __________
Ill health; __________
Dangerous occurrences; __________
Near misses; __________
Hazardous conditions; __________
Chemical spills; __________
Smoking; __________
Eating and drinking. __________
5. Policies and procedures on:
Participation in the management of Health and Safety; __________
Company Health & Safety Management System __________
Company Environmental Management System __________
Correct lifting; __________
Correct use of equipment & tools __________
Housekeeping; __________
Alcohol, Drugs & Medicines; __________
Physical & Metal Health __________
Other (specify); _________________________________ __________
6. Information given to the new employee:
Company Health & Safety Policy; __________
Company Environmental policy; __________
Company Safety Rules; __________
Emergency Evacuation Procedure; __________
Who to contact regarding Health & Safety issues __________
Identity of top management appointee; __________
Other. _______________________________________ __________

I_________________________________________(new employee)certify that all the

topics above have been fully explained to me, I have received the relevant
information and know that I can request further information from my supervisor

Trainee Name __________________________________Date_____________________


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